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Indestructible Page 3

by Kimber Chin

  Unlikely. Miss could sleep through an earthquake. “Yes, Boss."

  The Boss peered closely at a hinge on a gate. “Cracked.” A hairline fracture, only visible under to the bright lights. “Fuck. Replace this."

  "Tonight?” The maintenance men were accustomed to the Boss’ midnight requests.

  The Boss paused, considering. “Tomorrow, but early.” He moved on. “Yeah, I handpicked Renata but the final fuckin’ decision is yours, Jack. You have three more days. If you say ‘no go', we look for another."

  Another Renata? “Yes, Boss."

  "Short or long, what do you think, Renata?” Grace Santos sat in the chair, the hairdresser positioned behind her.

  Renata paused in her perusal of the shop. Scissors, chemicals, people coming and going. There were dangers everywhere.

  "Renata?” Violet eyes stared at her in the mirror.

  "The baby will be a handful.” On the ride over, Grace had placed Renata's hand on her stomach. When she felt the baby move, Renata vowed to herself right then and there that no one would harm that child or her mother. “You won't have much time to fuss with your hair."

  "Short, it is.” Mrs. Santos beamed. The hairdresser combed out her wet hair. “I wish I could color it.” A sigh.

  Carlos caught Renata's eye, shaking his head. No one wanted that gorgeous blonde hair dyed. “The chemicals could harm the baby, Miss."

  "You're to call me Grace, remember?"

  Another shake of Carlos’ head. Everyone called her Miss, a reminder of their duty. “Miss."

  "I insist.” Mrs. Santos’ chin stuck out.

  Renata looked to Carlos for help. “But...,” the bodyguard broke in.

  "No.” Mrs. Santos was firm. “You work for Tavos, Carlos, and you have to follow his rules but Renata works for me, Tavos told me that this morning, so she follows my rules and I want her to call me Grace. I really do.” She looked ready to cry.

  Carlos shifted uncomfortably.

  "Of course, I'll call you Grace,” Renata soothed. It didn't matter what she called her. She'd never forget her vow.

  A big watery smile as the hairdresser clipped. “We'll be friends, Renata."

  Friends. “I haven't had a friend in a long, long time.” Since her family... pain and loss and hurt sliced through her.

  "Me neither. Though...,” A tilt of her head. The hairdresser hissed as a longer lock fell to the tiled floor. She straightened it again. “I consider Marie a friend and Carlos.” The big man nodded, smiling again. “And Jack.” She studied Renata in the mirror. “Jack likes you, you know."

  "I like Jack, Mm..., Grace.” She caught herself in time.

  "You do? Ohhh....,” Mrs. Santos wiggled, causing the hairdresser to cluck unhappily. “This is so wonderful. Jack spends too much time alone. He needs someone to take care of him."

  "Every man does.” Renata arched a mocking eyebrow at Carlos and he chuckled.

  "They do, don't they?” Her new friend's face was animated. “But especially Jack. He's special.” He was. “He's also stubborn but given enough encouragement, I know you can get him to act on his feelings."

  Carlos coughed as he was well aware that Jack had acted on his feelings last night. Renata threw him a hushing look. “I'll keep that in mind, Mm..., Grace."

  "If you need any help.” Mrs. Santos leaned closer. The hairdresser threw up her hands and walked away. “I helped with Carlos and Marie, you know.” A stage whisper.

  Carlos made choking noises, Mrs. Santos notorious for her bordering-on-disastrous, schemes. “I'll keep that in mind, Grace."

  "You do that, friend. Where did Barb go?” Mrs. Santos looked around her. “Oh, well.” She shrugged. “She'll be back. Are you sure I can't dye my hair?” She twirled a blonde lock around her gloved finger. “I dyed it purple once, you know.” Renata heard about that. Purple like her eyes. The Boss’ roar of horror, when he found out, shaking the windows. “I thought pink would be nice. To match the baby clothes.” She rubbed her belly. “You should see the cute little dress Tavos bought for the baby.” A stranger approached, scissors in hand, determination on her face. “He is so sure it's a girl but I told him the ultrasound could be wrong and-” Renata placed herself protectively in front of Mrs. Santos. That didn't slow the woman. She reached out and-

  Renata flipped her over, pressing the attacker's face into the hair covered tiles. The woman screeched, her arms and legs flopping.

  "Oh, hi Lucy.” Mrs. Santos cheerfully peered down from the chair. “Have you met Renata, my new friend?"

  Lucy? Damn it. Renata immediately released her. “I'm so sorry. I...."

  Brown eyes in a pale face glared back at her. Carlos doubled over in the corner, laughing his head off. Mrs. Santos hummed happily.

  "And then she flipped her over. Whoosh.” Miss attempted the action but her advanced pregnancy prevented any bending movements. “Quick, like a blur.” Awe on her face. “She's going to teach me how to do that, Tavos.” Bouncing on the balls of her feet.

  Jack echoed Carlos’ groan. Miss practicing throws

  meant knees in groins and elbows in eye sockets.

  "No teaching until after the fuckin’ baby.” The Boss glowered at Renata. Jack took a step closer.

  "No, she said the pregnancy will throw my balance off.” Miss rubbed her belly. “She calls me Grace, Tavos. We're going to be friends."

  She called Miss Grace? Jack looked to Renata for confirmation. Her eyes flicked upwards.

  "I don't pay her to be your fuckin’ friend,” the Boss thundered.

  "Ohhh...,” His arm was stroked. “You don't have to pay people to be your friend, Tavos. It simply happens. And it did with us, didn't it, Renata?” Big eyes turned Renata's way. She nodded, keeping her mouth shut. Jack's lips twisted. She knew she was in trouble. “You said yourself that money can't buy loyalty but friendship can.” Miss winked back at Renata.

  A grunt from the Boss. “Your hair is all fucked up.” He tenderly rustled her lopsided locks. “Get Marie to straighten it out."


  "You've had enough fuckin’ excitement for today, Duquesa.” He placed a kiss on his wife's wrinkled nose, and then another deeper one on her lips. Jack looked away.

  At Renata. A mistake as she was looking back at him with a soft expression on her beautiful face. Guilt sliced through him. She wasn't ready. Today's over-reaction proved it. And she might never be ready. He couldn't risk her life by putting her in situations she couldn't handle. He couldn't.

  "Why the fuck did you try to kill the hairdresser?” the Boss demanded, Miss finally wandering off to find Marie.

  "It was a different hairdresser than the one assigned to her, Boss.” Carlos stepped forward.

  "Am I talking to you, jackass?” The Boss’ eyes gleamed.

  "She was a stranger, she came from the back room, she looked upset, and she carried a weapon,” Renata rattled off.

  "A weapon?” A snort. “Fuckin’ scissors."

  "I've killed with scissors before,” her quiet response.

  Three heads snapped her way. “Fuck.” That word summed up what Jack felt. She killed with scissors. Scissors.

  "You're not Mrs. Santos’ fuckin’ friend.” The Boss moved onto his next grievance.

  "Pity,” Renata replied. Carlos sucked air through his teeth. Jack tensed.

  "What!” The expected roar.

  "Because Miss is right.” She stood on one foot, the other held out, pointed toe. “I kill for loved ones. Those people are now few.” Sadness. “Jack.” A nod in his direction, “Miss and your baby, but if you don't want me to care for them...,” A shrug.

  She loved him? After less than a week?

  "Fuck.” Dead eyes studied Renata. “I should have listened to Jack. Hiring you was a fuckin’ mistake."

  The Boss had to quote him. Piss. Jack glared at a tree, unable to see the betrayal on her beautiful face.

  "I'll pack my bags immediately.” No emotion in Renata's voice.

  A gru
nt of appreciation. “No packing your fuckin’ bags. Firing your ass is Jack's call. Go practice your blocks more with Carlos, that jackass.” Gruffly said to the big man. “Jack, walk with me."

  Jack read Renata's face before hustling to catch up to the Boss. Resigned to her fate. Sympathy for what he had to do. His back straightened.

  "I'll do it tonight, Boss.” And decide then whether he went with her.

  "You're thinking with your dick again, Jack.” They entered the house. “Did you see her eyes when she talked about Mrs. Santos? Fan-fuckin'-tastic. She really would kill for my fuckin’ wife."

  And get herself killed in the process. “She's too nervous, Boss."

  "Is she the nervous one?” Another snort. “Not a fuckin’ chance. This is business, take your emotions out of it and ask yourself ‘Can she do the fuckin’ job?’”

  She could but Jack didn't know if he could do his job, knowing she put herself in danger. He swung the door to the control room open. It bounced off the wall.

  "Leave us,” the Boss barked at the others. They jumped up and silently scurried away. The Boss took the center chair, Jack sitting to his right.

  They scanned the screens. “She attacked the hairdresser,” Jack laid out his case. “She's too slow with her blocks.” And the death blow. “She puts Miss’ wants ahead of yours.” The Boss demanded absolute loyalty.

  "Fuck.” The Boss zoomed in on the pool area where Marie was fixing Miss’ hair. “She works for Mrs. Santos, Jack. She does take her fuckin’ orders from her."

  "But...,” That put Miss at risk. That put Renata at risk. Miss didn't know security like the Boss did.

  "One of my men,” Carlos, his best man, “will always be assigned to my wife but Renata will only be loyal to her. That's the way it should be, in case something fuckin’ happens...,” The Boss was killed or taken or...

  It wouldn't happen. Not while Jack was alive. He couldn't allow himself to be distracted. “I can't put Renata in danger,” he confessed to the weakness, bracing for the Boss’ reaction.

  "Fuck.” Hard eyes studied him. “You poor jackass.” A shake of his head. “You can't put Renata in danger. Then good. The safer you make my fuckin’ wife, the safer your Renata is. Happy fuckin’ faces all around.” Miss laughed on screen, her hands caressing her jiggling belly, and the corners of the Boss’ mouth twitched upwards. “My wife is a fuckin’ crazy woman."

  Jack could bump up security. Add more sensors, more cameras. He watched Renata dance around Carlos on screen, the man's big fists shooting out randomly. But would it be enough? To make that sick feeling in his stomach go away? Would it ever be enough?

  "It doesn't have to be a Doberman. Alvar claims he can train any breed to be a good guard dog.” To protect Miss and the baby. “And there's time to think about it. He says five is the best age for kids to get one.” Five years. Would she be here in five years? Renata examined Jack's unusually serious face. She hoped so. “Kids like puppies, don't they?"

  "Do you like puppies?” He didn't turn his head, his eyes on the road, his hands on the wheel.

  She did like puppies. Very much. But that wasn't what he asked. Renata sighed. Jack's conversation with his friend narrow in focus. “I can do the job, Jack.” She wouldn't work

  for the former bodyguard.

  "But do we want to do the job?” We. She perked up. He said we. “Alvar is happy raising dogs with Edenia. He needs help. We could...,"

  She blinked. This was about him? “I thought you liked working for the Boss."

  "I do.” The agreement fast. Honest. “Or I did."

  Until she came along. Renata put her hand over his and squeezed. She wouldn't make him choose between her and his life. “If you have to let me go, if you can't...,” She'd leave. It'd hurt. A lump formed in her throat. But she'd go.

  "It's not that. If anything happened to you, I couldn't...,” His jaw ground.

  "You worry about me?” Heat swirled in her stomach. He cared?

  "You could die."

  "Not me.” She teased, trying to put laughter back in his eyes. “I'm indestructible, remember?"

  "This isn't a joke."

  She sighed. Where was the sense of humor she adored? “Over one third of all deaths are caused by smoking, obesity, and alcohol. I don't smoke, overeat, or drink.” She battled his fears with reason. “I'm not going anywhere."

  "There's a reason for the security, Renata,” he snapped. “It isn't for fun. The Boss has many enemies. They could-"

  "Battle my own enemies for a chance to kill me.” She had to address this sometime. “I have many, you know, enemies. I've killed people, people with loving sons, fathers, brothers, friends. I sought revenge when my family was killed. Why wouldn't they?"

  "Piss.” He slapped the steering wheel. “Then you're putting everyone in danger, aren't you?"

  Renata squirmed in her seat. That was why she hadn't mentioned it before. “The Boss knew my situation when he approached me."

  "The decision is mine, Renata. Not the Boss'."

  "All the bodyguards have a history.” Though hers was more extensive.

  He pulled over to the side of the dirt road, and turned to her. “None of the other bodyguards are you.” He cradled

  her face in his hands.

  And that was the problem, Renata knew. She brushed his nose with hers. “I can do the job. I swear. I'll keep Miss safe."

  "And you?” He kissed her gently. “Will you keep yourself safe?"

  That warm feeling spread up her neck. “I'll do my best."

  "You do that.” His lips captured hers.

  "Yeah?” The Boss paused, hammer in hand, pieces of the specially designed lawn furniture strewn around them.

  "If we stay-"

  "We!” thundered.

  "If we stay.” Jack held the hard-eyed glare. They were a package deal, him and Renata. “We hire another bodyguard."

  "Fuck. I told you. Carlos will always be assigned to Mrs. Santos.” One strike and the nail fully imbedded into the carved wood.

  "For Renata.” It was a brazen request but the only way he knew to deal with it.

  The Boss struck the ground with the hammer, once, twice, three times, before exploding. “Fuck. Am I hearing you right? You want a bodyguard for a bodyguard?"

  "It's for everyone's protection.” Jack flicked the grass and dirt off his pants, making a mental note to replace the turf. “Due to her past.” She'd be safer under the Boss’ protection than on her own but not safe enough.

  A grunt and a hand wave at a curved piece with bulbed feet. Jack held it in place. The wood splintered slightly under the force of the Boss’ blow.

  "I won't put you or Miss at risk.” Or Renata.

  "Unnecessary.” The Boss moved the legs up and down, testing them. “We have the same fuckin’ enemies."

  Jack figured as much. “They'll have more incentive.” He handed him the piece he reached for. “And I want more motion detectors, more cameras."

  "Fuck.” More hammering.

  "A dog—"

  "Not another fuckin’ dog!” The Boss tossed away a

  much needed piece of wood. “That jackass Alvar sold us his entire kennel.” Hands clenched on his hips. “Could it have killed this guy to send a fuckin’ photo?"

  Or instructions. “We'll send it back.” This was a waste of the Boss’ time. “Have him ship it fully assembled."

  "And admit we don't know what the fuck we're doing?” A snort. “Mrs. Santos'll have my balls."

  "Tavos!” she called, as though on cue. Miss waved to them from across the pool.

  "Oh, fuck.” But the Boss smiled, warmth in his eyes.

  She headed their way, two bottles of Belikin in her hands, smiling, not looking where she was going. Judging from his horrified ‘fuck', the Boss spotted the sheen off the wet tile the same time Jack did.

  Grace was falling, there was no time to prevent it, so Renata dove, headfirst, twisting onto her back as she slid along the pool tiles. Their bodies col
lided, Renata wrapping her arms around Grace, taking the impact directly. A crack. A sharp pain shot from the back of her skull to her eyeballs. A flash of light. And then darkness.

  Her next conscious thought was she hurt. All over her body, her elbows, knees, back, but especially her head. Mini explosions, her thoughts battle drunk soldiers wandering a minefield in her brain.

  "Ohhh... I killed her.” A loud moan. “Tavos, I killed my best friend in the whole wide world.” The words increasing and decreasing in volume.

  "You almost killed your own fuckin’ self, Duquesa,” The Boss roared at only one volume—unbearably loud. Renata twitched in pain.

  "Boss.,” A furious whisper. Her darling Jack. He'd make the yelling stop.

  Then quieter. “Fuck."

  "Renata, love.” Familiar fingers touched her face. “How are you feeling?"

  Love. Grace must be right. She was dead. Squashed by a pregnant lady. “You were right, Jack.” Her eyelids were too heavy to move.

  "How's that?” He combed fingers through her hair, tickling her left ear.

  "I'm not indestructible.” She opened her eyes. Too bright. She closed them again.

  "Ohhh..., noooo...,” Another moan.

  "Is she okay?” Grace sounded in more pain than she was.

  "She's fine, only worried.” She gasped as he probed the back of her head with gentle fingertips. “You're going to have a pisser of a goose egg."

  "Ohhh..., I hurt her, Tavos."

  "Fuck Grace, stay put or you'll fall again.” Another roar. Sounds of a struggle. “Stop fuckin’ moving. Let Jack take care of her."

  "Jack, take care of me,” Renata pleaded, the yelling splitting her skull in two.

  "My poor love.” He clucked. “The Boss worries also. Loudly.” His hands ran over her body. “Not that there's anything to worry about. You'll live. Miss is fine. The baby's fine."

  Renata managed a smile. “I kept them safe."

  "You were supposed to keep yourself safe too.” Warm lips pressed to her forehead.

  When he withdrew again, she peeked out through lowered eyelashes. Jack's skin was ashen, his eyes concerned. She traced his tensed jaw with one finger. “I tried."


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