It Is S.A.D.- The Leftist Brain Exposed

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It Is S.A.D.- The Leftist Brain Exposed Page 3

by Rooster Bradford

  Certainly all credible evidence proves an armed citizenry depresses serious crime. Criminals do not want to get blown away either. Leftists do not want guns to interfere with their control. In fact there is little difference between a robber taking your property at Gun point, and a Leftist passing a law to take your property against your will. Actually passing a law to do so is worse. It has all the attributes of a sneak attack.

  LIFE STYLE: Let’s look at being a Vegetarian or the flip side--do not eat cows because of the methane gas they produce. First, the Constitution did not get into life styles. The founders did not feel the Federal government should have a say whether you had to eat only carrots and chicken. If a Conservative is a vegetarian he or she simply does not eat meat. If a Leftist is a vegetarian, he or she wants all meat banned and certainly will not allow it on their table, no matter who you are. The Leftist will demand Governments regulate it, limit it and when they have the votes outlaw it. Why do Leftists want to control the life style of others?

  Certainly life style goes beyond your choice of food. Let’s look at the life style forced on us by Leftist in the 60s and 70s. I do not know one clear headed person who thinks Woodstock was a socially great thing, or that the gazillion of failed communes provided anything but examples of failure. What about “Free Love”. Most scientists and doctors today recognize that free love and its fall-outs are responsible for the spread of HIV and a multitude of other viruses. Many bizarre sexual problems of today, not to mention porno addiction, are a result of the letting go of social restraints. Why do liberals want to go there? Why do they ignore the hundreds of years of social experience that created the restraints? What is this crash and burn mentality they seem to possess?

  What about smoking and drinking? I smoked cigarettes for about 10 years and still enjoy a cigar now and again. Yes the smoke can kill and is not good for you. Too much food does the same. Too much sex can kill you. In fact too much of a good thing is bad for you. No doubt, most of us agree some effort should be put forward to reduce the risks, but Conservatives do not agree the Government should dictate what, when, and where. Leftist demand the Government dictate and forbid, just like they did with the 18th amendment (Prohibition). They do not seem to get the picture. If people want to commit slow suicide, they will. So why do they prefer dictation over education? Why can’t beer advertise? Why can’t a restaurant have a smoking section and a nonsmoking section?

  Let us add to this life style list the use of Drugs. In the 60s Leftists took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and the same people take Prozac to make it seem normal. Legal and illegal drug abuse has always been with us. Before the late 20s all drugs were legal and the abuse was up to you. Based on the statistics I can find the abuse was less then, than it is today. The ladies against bars, brothels, and booze (the three Bs) and drugs rose up and got us to pass the only stupid amendment ever, to our Constitution…..the 18th—(prohibition). These prohibitionists were simply another collection of the brain dead. People who take a cause without any thought as to the consequences, the fall out, and their loss of liberty. Why is that? What causes them to go brain dead? I mean people who do not use history to gauge the present and future. Why these terrible mistakes?

  GENDER PREFERENCE: Again the Constitution is silent on the subject. Religions generally are not. Some, like Islam, absolutely forbid being Gay. The gender preference is where a man wants a man or a woman wants a women. Not heterosexual. Now a Conservative, who is a homosexual, is alright with it and wants the public to leave he or she alone.

  A homosexual Leftist demands Governmental sanction. They avoid religions that are against it and want secular approval. They are active and direct in wanting a homosexual relationship to be called “Marriage”, not because it can be in the traditional sense, but because they want their relationship to be considered normal. Heterosexual and Gay can never be the same. They are different in so many ways. These Leftists are unrealistic. It is their game of smoke and mirrors. No doubt the faint of heart will allow the Gay couple to be married. The real test of whether it does anything or not would be for all heterosexuals to abandon the word Marriage and use the term, Matrimony. Wanna bet the Leftist gays would fight against it and if it passed, would fight to have their relationship called Matrimony? As I write this book a Gay judge overruled the will of the people of the State of California to keep “marriage” for heterosexuals only. His ruling makes no sense. His choice of principles were invented in his mind. My mind conjures up a picture of a dog chasing its tail, round and round. Doesn’t make any sense.

  For years now the Leftist have pushed to get rid of the “Don’t ask and don’t tell” rule in the Military. This rule means that a Gay can serve in the military so long as no one in the Military knows it. Under all recent Democrat leadership there have been pushes to allow military types to be openly gay. Conservatives say it is not a good idea to mix the troupes. The Leftist do not use sense as their reason. In this same vein the Leftist have pushed to allow women to serve in fighting units. An equally dangerous idea. Why? I spent 13 years in the military so I know something about it. Most soldiers in fighting units are young, and have strong sexual desires. It is part of the package. Further you must admit that in any fighting unit the goal is to make the enemy die, and not to die for your country. Now imagine yourself a hot blooded heterosexual male on patrol in Afghanistan. The enemy really wants to kill you. If the point soldier is a hot blooded 20 year old girl, you will be distracted by her presence. It will happen. This is not a game. Your life is at stake. Now as she takes the point of the patrol you become interested in her butt. It is as natural as rain. If we allow open gay guys in the military you could have one behind you as the patrol makes its way. Gay guys are as hot blooded as anyone else. It’s just that they direct their lust for other guys. Ok, so you have the 20 year old healthy, horny girl on the point and you bend down to get a better look. At the same moment the gay guy behind you becomes transfixed on your butt. How well are any of you concentrating on where the enemy is or is not? Remember in Afghanistan civilians and soldiers all look the same. This means each synapse must be concentrated on the enemy. You may very well be in the cross hairs of a sniper and soon to die. This is serious stuff, folks. We are being pushed into a situation where our military is being purposefully weakened and the Leftists are doing it. Conservatives say that if Gays want to serve openly then let them have their own units. The Spartans in Ancient Greece did it with some success. If the ladies want to serve in combat units, let them do it on their own and together. Why do Leftists demand this mixing of sexual desires in the Military? Is it to foster love, or is it to foster destruction? Will it help or hurt military effectiveness? Bradley Manning answers the questions I ask. He is the gay soldier who in a fit of pique released all manner of secret documents on Afghanistan to WikiLeaks. A forward turret of the Battleship Utah blew up in a fire drill and the investigation pointed at two gay sailors, one of whom was in a jealous rage.

  GOVERNMENTAL AID: A Leftist wants all significant aid to come from Government. Seldom do you meet a Leftist who is gung ho for charity. All of history tells us Government programs do not work well. It is human nature to look out for number 1 first. That is what the Governmental employees will do. If there is anything leftover then it goes toward the purpose of the program. Moreover if you want to lose a friend, loan them money or make a “charitable gift” to them. It is the nature of the beast.

  I need to again say that a Leftist is a socialist/communist type. We already know they do not learn from history. Adolph Hitler rose to power as the leader of the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany. It was to be a socialist experiment. As in all such experiments, they are easy to hijack because of the centralization of power. Guess what? That is what ole Adolph did. You can blame a failed socialist experiment on bringing about the Holocaust. Lenin set up such an experiment in Russia. Stalin hijacked it and became the most blood thirsty killer in history. Just these two failed socialist
experiments killed over 65 million soles in World War II and after. Do the Leftist get it? Of course not and they are doomed to repeat the same mistakes if we allow it to happen.

  A Conservative, if he is down and out, figures out what he has to do, on his own, to get out of the mud. The Conservative knows that lending money, or giving money to someone who is down and out prevents, or tends to prevent, that person from helping themselves and this destroys resolve and character. A Leftist must know all Federal programs are bloated and inefficient, so why do they persist? Why do they want to continue to make gifts of the treasury? Why can’t they see that Federal and State Food Stamp Programs are wasteful and are taken advantage of on a daily basis? Maybe they do and then the question is, if so, why do they continue the waste? I personally went and applied for food stamps to learn about it. From my own observations, of the approximately 500 people who went through this one small office, in one small town, only about 10 percent were citizens. Almost to a man, woman, and child I saw, not one looked hungry. In fact all should have lost weight. Most were Latino and anyone who knows people from Latin America, knows they have strong family bonds which means, no member of the family goes hungry. Nobody there needed food stamps. They want them because it frees up money for Plasma TVs, I Phones’ and other unnecessary of life. Those of us not on food stamps pay for their toys. Yet, faced with all this, the liberal will become very emotional about its need. Why? It does not make sense.

  ENEMY LISTS: Leftists have them and Conservatives generally do not. There was much wailing that President Nixon had one, but it was not a list to do harm. His was a watch list. Leftist do not like to debate, because emotional responses seldom stand up to logic and good sense. It is easier to try to get rid of the one who wants debate. For example the Leftist have in many ways tried to get control of the airways to destroy Conservative talk radio. Why? I just said that they do not like debate. That is one. Second, they put Conservative talk show hosts on an enemies list. Demanding “equal time” “balanced discourse” “public Radio—NPR etc.” are some of their methods to destroy the enemy. They claim Conservative talk shows spew hate speech, distorted concepts and Ideas opposed to the common good. Leftists have been able to get such regulations promulgated by the FCC. They know that Conservative talk radio only survives on advertisers. If they can demand equal time, they will destroy the commercial part of the shows. They know they cannot compete on the airways. Every leftist commercial attempt has ended up in the can. Now where they control the radio, as they do in most Universities, and in most public funded radio, the Leftists will not allow Conservative Talk shows. Oh--- they will pretend they do, but they do not. I know because I am one they kicked off the air. For 16 years I had a successful Jass/jazz music show on the FM station at the University of California at Santa Barbara. I tried to get permission to do a Conservative show and was laughed off the stage. I then used subterfuge and told them I would do a Country Western show and comment. They thought I meant comment on the music and the artists. I did not. I meant to comment on political issues, which I did. Once they were tricked it took them some time to recover. Finally, I devoted the last ½ hour of my jass show to Political comment. They went crazy. Finally, one day as I set up the show in studio A the wicked witch of the Left and her student stooge came in and ordered me out of the studio. Do you think I am exaggerating? Go ask Shaun Hannity. The Leftists in charge of that same FM station did the same to him when he was a student there. Leftist in charge will not tolerate debate. They will not allow the chance that an opposing view might be true and the one they hold false. Is this clear thinking? No it is not… so then pray tell what motivates them to remove free speech and avoid debate? Is it the noise? Is it the Stress? Is it they do not want to be questioned?

  On the other hand a Conservative simply shuts off the radio station, or changes it to something they like better. They do not want control or to silence the opposition. A Conservative invites debate. This leftist intolerance is a major indication of the different mindset. Why does it exist?

  RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE: Here the Conservative and Leftist are on opposite sides of the world. A non-religious Conservative rejoices at the opportunity for you to pray, worship, etc. as you please. Tolerance is the byword. A secular Conservative does not want to control worship or any evidence of it. Just leave him alone and do not ask him to come to church.

  The Leftist is all things opposite. The evidence is everywhere. First any person, who qualifies for the name Leftist, is not a dolt. They think, and most of the time they consider a religion as a competitor for control. Most are atheist and at best religious in name only (Hey! that spells RINO as well). That is why they relish banishing all things religious from all public places. Leftists cannot have the 10 commandments in a court house. Now I might agree if the basis was that you cannot have signs that say “Thou Shall Not Steal, Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery and Thou Shall Not Lie” in a building of lawyers and judges and (God, forbid the thought), politicians. But that is not the logic of Leftists. Leftist demand we cannot have “In God We Trust” on coins, and must remove all crosses, Stars of David etc. If they had their way, religious people would have to do their thing in caves out of the noon day sun. It is a relentless battle they wage to bury religion so that people can only worship their God, Big Government. But once again history means nothing to them. Not once has Communism, the worst offender against religion, been successful. Still the Leftist demands there be no visible evidence of religion? Isn’t the logical next step to banish the evidence in the private sector as well as the governmental? Communists do every time. What real good is there to prevent a human being from believing in a life hereafter?

  Oh! By the way, please do remember that atheism is a religion. If a religion is defined as a set of beliefs about the hereafter then atheism is playing the same game in the same ballpark. They have such a set of beliefs. Many atheists will tell you it is their Religion. Remember Mr. Newdow? He was the fellow who sued, in California, to not have his daughter say the pledge of allegiance, because it speaks of God. I heard him, not once, but twice say his religion was atheism.

  Why? What motivates the Leftist to not be tolerant with religions other than their own?

  FREE ENTERPRISE: The founders did not bother to make free enterprise a stated liberty or right. Only 9 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were public servants. For several hundreds of years Americans assumed that enterprise was supposed to be free. Yearly leftists do what they can to eliminate this freedom. Income redistribution is just one of the ways. Certainly corporation income tax, (A corporation profits will be taxed in the hands of its shareholder owners), is another example of double taxation against enterprise. Capital gains tax is yet another. Now I am talking only about tax. The regulation upon regulation which stifles free enterprise is even a bigger example. The examples are endless. Have you ever given much thought as to why the Leftist dislike free enterprise? Is it because free enterprise is difficult and therefore not fair to the less capable? Is it because free enterprise stands in the way of governmental control? Is it because they just cannot visualize a world of challenges, success, and reward? Maybe it is just that there is something wrong with their computers; the ones on their shoulders.

  SPENDTHRIFTS: Many families have been faced with planning their estate to take care of one or more members who just cannot get a grasp on income and expenses. That is what a spend-thrift is--one who spends more than they have. Each of us has struggled with this problem, either personally or with others we know. A credit card is so easy to abuse. The point is that being frugal, saving (which means not spending all you have) requires self-discipline and determination.

  Conservatives seem to have a good grasp of the problem. They know a family, much more a government, cannot spend more money than is available. The Conservative knows it can be done but also knows the end result may not be pretty.

  The Leftist has a major problem here. Spending more than the Government has is simply simple. This year 20
10 is one where many governments, which have been Leftist led, are broke and the result is painful. This is not the first year nor will it be the last. For some reason the Leftist fails to see that once government (actually any entity or person) makes a lot of gifts to people, the beneficiaries expect the giving to continue. When it does not they get upset and the damage can be extensive. Examples abound. Recent riots in Atlanta over Federal Housing 8 benefits.--Watts riots-- New Orleans in the Katrina blow—on and on into the night. The United States has the largest economy and potential of any other country, but it too, must not spend more than it has. This is not theory. It is economic fact. When government borrows too much, generations down the line have to pay. Speaking of not fair, this is it. Raise taxes and you hit the middle class the hardest. When the middle class suffers the entire economy feels the loss. Why is a Leftist a spendthrift? Do they think it is a Monopoly game and the money is make believe? Do they see Government as Big Daddy War Bucks and the game never ends? Do they fail to see the danger of borrowing on the future of others? What if the others rebel? Do they simply think the future will cure their sins? Do they even think of their mistakes as sins? What set of blinders do they wear? Why is it they cannot see the danger? One thing is for certain, Leftists do not make good ship captains. Ships on rocks seldom survive and, if they do the damage is extensive. Ask the Captain of the Valdez. The ship of state is no different.


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