It Is S.A.D.- The Leftist Brain Exposed

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It Is S.A.D.- The Leftist Brain Exposed Page 5

by Rooster Bradford

  There is another aspect of understanding jokes and humor which will help us understand. To make a joke one works with parody, irony, exaggeration, and surprise, but always working from reality. Very often you are working off of some disability, or oddity. For example, “He is so old,,,,,,,, he was Methuselah’s babysitter.” Or “If President Obama’s ears were any bigger, we wouldn’t need Air Force one!” Now you know a Leftist would come undone on the last one, but probably not like the babysitter one either because it pokes fun at age.

  Let’s look at another form of humor which makes Leftist not laugh but frown and pout. In the days of jass (way it was originally spelled) every one made jokes of the other guy’s oddity. For example, if you were fat, you ended up with the name, Fats Waller or Fats Domino or Big Daddy. If you had lost a hand or part of an arm, you might be called Wingy Monone, as he was. If your hair looked strange you could have been called “Pudd’n head Jones” -- a real live trumpet player. If you were young look’in, you would be called “Kid” like Kid Ory. If your face was less that pretty, you might be called “Muggsy Spanier. If you were short it was Pee Wee Russell and so on. These are real nick names of real people. Back in the 20s and 30s this was the way we described each other. Fats Domino loved his name. It gave him status and was humorous. It was the same for most. The Leftist destroyed it. They cannot see humor in such parody. It is as if they want everyone to look the same and appear the same. They prefer grey as their favorite color. They have a problem with the sense of humor. They do not get it. Can you tell me what is wrong with humor? Why must it be sanitary by some Leftist’s definition? Why should anyone care if the people who are the butt of the matter don’t care? Why do they want people to do it their way? What order of the universe makes them correct and Conservative’s not? Being Politically correct is part of this left leaning syndrome.

  POLITICALLY CORRECT: The entire concept of being politically correct is a corollary of the analysis just made on Humor. In short this is an unwritten rule. One simply cannot say something, which might offend someone else’s idea of religion, race, sexual orientation etc. It is an idea of the Leftists and not a Conservative. It is a type of denial of free speech. A Conservative loves a good joke. Making some aside remark on one’s sexual preference or the color of their skin is not made to hurt, but to make lite of, that is, to take the stress off of, the difference. For example, we all see it and it ain’t no big deal. The true Leftist takes offense on these matters and demands that everyone else conform to their idea. They detest differences. The Conservative does not see the importance and does not really care. The Leftist is so short sighted on this issue they fail to see they do not cure it. It goes underground and is used anyway. Now why is it a Leftist demands everyone do as they do? What is wrong with making lite (light) of some difference? Why do they not see the merits of discussing differences rather than forcing such discussion into closets? Shouldn’t it be true, the more we observe and discuss our differences the less important they become? Leftist do not demand that Blacks quit calling Caucasians Honky, now do they. Isn’t that strange? Is there an explanation?

  DISCRIMINATION: Our world is absolutely filled with discrimination and it always will be. Islam will not tolerate Jews. Jews will always prefer their own religion. One body style will always attract more of the same body style than not. Some like it hot and some not. Some like Chili and others do not. Some like big breasts and others not. The Leftist’s political discrimination is the most odd. Leftists attract each other and Conservatives attract each other and therein lays a great example of discrimination. Leftists do not see they are discriminating when they get together and exclude those nasty Conservatives. Conservatives do not care that much.

  Leftist have a common belief that black people are discriminated against because of their color. They still are and blacks discriminate against other blacks and colors as well. Today, however, color preference is not a big deal. Conservatives, by and large, do not care what your color is or is not. What they care about is your self-discipline and your wiliness to work and your effort to care for your family and property. Leftist do not recognize this. They think that if United States closes its borders to people from South America, that it is discrimination. They do not see the issue as it in truth is, security and waste. Somehow, in their minds illegal people are or should be legal. Huh? It does not make sense. Does this mean that all illegal stuff should be legal? Some say they are really lying when they peg it as discrimination. What they are really doing is covering their true reason and that is to obtain more people who will vote for them. This one is a real poser. Don’t you find it queer that someone would want more people when more people necessarily pull down the standard of living and compete for Union jobs?

  Another peculiarity in this example of Discrimination is the indiscriminate use of the term Black to describe a whole lot of people who are not Black. Now Black should be more or less synonymous with African by origin. Today Leftists use it to describe anyone who has any part of African Heritage. Now isn’t that the worst type of discrimination you can imagine? Now take President Obama……………Pleeeeeese. . All of the left say he is Black and the first Black President etc. In fact Obama believes he is black, and he has demonstrated a dislike of his White heritage. (Remember how he derided his Grandmother who was afraid to have blacks walk behind her.) Most Conservatives are puzzled by this absolute. Isn’t he ½ white? What happened to that part? Does it get no recognition? Why not? Leftists refuse to use the word Mulatto and feel it discriminates. Yet Mulatto is just a word that gives some credit to the other races that make up a hybrid. After all, some of the best corn is hybrid. In fact, Mulatto does not discriminate. It recognizes and describes facts. It recognizes various sources of genes. When a Leftist says Sidney Bechet was probably the greatest Black Soprano Sax Player in the jazz world, aren’t they discriminating in several ways? First of all, he was a Mulatto so no credit is given to his other genes. Second of all, he is being separated from all other jazz players by race. All discrimination of the first order. A Conservative does not care about race. It’s the performance first and foremost. Most Conservatives, when talking about Sidney Bechet or any other person of many different genes, leave off the part about being some particular color. So should Leftists. They do not. Leftists insist on dividing us on one basis or another. Why? Their conduct fosters conflict. Is that what they want? Why?

  I have always held the belief the first major discrimination in the world was against people of white skin with light colored eyes. Tell this to a Leftist and they laugh at you and mutter some incoherent rant about your sanity. Hear me out. White people developed in one place in the World only. Not in Africa. Not in Asia. Certainly not in the Americas or Australia. White people developed only in one place….. Northern Europe. This development had to occur after the last Ice Age when Europe was warming up and it became a very green and wonderful garden. Before that time ice covered over ½ of what we call France. No one lived on the ice. Humans swarmed in from the East, Middle East, and Northern Africa as the ice retreated. Generally, they were called Celtic people but they came from many places. There had to be a very large mixing of genes. Sex generally is more active when it is warmer and the food more plentiful. All of the people who came there had dark hair and dark eyes. They began to displace the existing human-types who had lived against the Ice for hundreds of years. These were a red haired group of hominid called the Neanderthal. These were folks specially adapted to living close to snow and cold. Ever think a red head was just a little different? This may explain it. As the glaciers moved away (Global warming of a great degree) the mix of genes must have been terrific. Out of this mix, a gene or two got sideways and low and behold, in one or more tribes, a woman gave birth to a mutant, a blond child. Now if you were in a tribe of black haired people and had never seen a blond child, what would you more than likely do? You would discriminate. The Gods had been angry. That damned mutant would be rejected. Mothers being mothers would have pro
tected these odd children, and she too would be the victim of discrimination. These discriminated people would tend to come together where they would not suffer discrimination. As they did so they would move in the only direction they could, North. The Atlantic hindered them to the West, the Mediterranean to the South, and the press of people from the east was never ending. As the snow retreated, they advanced to the North. There they found more of each other and made families and had sex and guess what. More Mutants. Now I have never found this theory anywhere. No scientific DNA motivated studies etc. have been found on the subject. I have simply used common sense and logic and knowledge of my fellow to figure this out. Nothing else seems to make any common sense.

  Of course the once discriminated against blond blue eyed people had revenge. They came West and South, in Viking long boats, sending young horny males in search of riches, plunder, wealth, and the comforts of the opposite sex. They ruled Dublin for almost 300 years. Their revenge was far and wide and lasted a long time. See any blonds lately? That is where they came from. There is no other logical explanation unless you crank in God or Aliens.

  Now a good Leftist bears a strong sense of guilt about slavery and discrimination (Whites vs. Blacks) and never think about the first major discrimination. Let’s talk about this aspect of the larger question of discrimination differences between Leftists and Conservatives. If you have paid any attention to history, either from school or your own studies you might have learned that slavery is not unique to white people. Every race on earth has possessed slaves. In fact the western world slave trade, bringing African people to North America, was not simplistic. It was a slowly developed bit of commerce. There were labor needs in Europe and the Americas (The Demand). Ship owners figured they could make some money bringing people to fill the demand. They found the supply. The boat captains found that it was easy to obtain people from the Western part of Africa. First, it was a whole lot easier to just sail down the coast from Spain than go any other place. As they went a-looking they met up with Africans who lived along the Atlantic. They then worked out a deal with these people. You give us folks who can work and we will give you salt, gold, guns, and other things of value. The coastal folks then would raid other African people, further inland, obtain captives and sell them to the boat captains. This is the way it happened. The boat captains avoided going on raiding parties. First the boat crews were few in number and not acclimated to the land. Second, they would have had to hire a bunch of men to do such a thing. It was much easier and cheaper to deal with the coastal tribes. History simply tells us Africans enslaved Africans and Honky bought them, keeping up the enslavement, and selling them to people at the ports of call. These people then turned around and sold them again. If you have read the bible, Koran, or any other bits of ancient history Slavery was everywhere. The Greeks had them. The Romans had them. The Chinese’s dynasties all had them. The Mayans and Aztecs had them. The People of Africa enslaved each other all the time. It was a way of life. I am currently reading AZTEC, by Gary Jennings, a good book on the Aztec empire before the Spanish destroyed it. It was a big deal in the early civilizations of America, to raid other cultures and obtain slaves. These were particularly enjoyed as sacrifices at the alters of their various temples where they developed the art of using obsidian knives to rapidly cut out a slaves heart, fast enough, so that the dying person could see it beat. In one such temple in” One World”, the number of slaves killed in this manner was in the thousands, all at one event.

  Now the treatment of the slaves in Southern United States by, dare I say Democrats, was humane by most world standards. Slaves were property and most folks do not like to destroy, weaken, or otherwise devalue their property. It is tough to get a good days work in a Cotton field in the hot humid South with a human who is hungry, sick, disabled, or not otherwise fit for hard work. The point is that maltreatment of slaves in U.S. was rare. Of course all Conservatives join Liberals in denouncing slavery today in any form. They likewise did at the founding of our Constitution, and slavery was not approved in that document. Why? Because the issue was left to the States to decide. Leftists however continue to act and react with a guilty conscience of something that was banished from our world over 145 years ago. Why do they do that? Is it simply a means to obtain votes for power? Is it to pit one people against others? Is it more than that? If so, what is it? Certainly it is not a present discrimination. It seems to be guilt trip because of a very old discrimination and that does not make sense.

  ABORTION: This is an interesting difference. It has significant religious aspects to it as well. By and large Leftists, unless possessed of a guilt trip because of religion, are in favor of abortion at any time. They believe the decision is only for the pregnant women or government. Dads are out. Grandparents are out. The Fetus is in but out. Leftist have, for a very long time, argued this is a personal right of the women and ignore any rights of the fetus. Of course abortion or privacy are not mentioned in the Constitution or any of its Amendments. Well, no one thought so until Roe vs. Wade was decided in January 22, 1973 (410 U.S. 113). This is one of the best examples of the “Living Constitution” concept of the Leftists. Leftist know they can never get the votes to amend the Constitution to implement their pet projects. Since they cannot they came up with the concept that the Constitution lives and breathes. It’s Alive Master!!! It’s Alive! The Roe case started in Texas, which had a law making it illegal to assist a woman to get an abortion. The Leftist argued this violated the due process rights of the women. They found a US District Court in Texas to go along with their idea. The court invented a Right of Privacy. They further invented that it appeared in the Due Process clause. Read it over carefully. You will find no mention of Privacy. The case Jane Roe vs. Henry Wade, District Attorney in Dallas County went to the US Supreme Court. That court on high, with White and Rehnquist dissenting, held that this judicially invented right existed and they further found, by looking behind the curtain, that it was Jane’s sole power until the fetus becomes viable. They were not done. They then invented what is viable. If the fetus could live outside the mother’s womb, albeit with artificial aid. Yes sir, there it was in the Constitution all the time. We just never knew it. Ah yes, folks, pay no attention to the man behind that curtain. He cannot give the Tin Man a heart if he is exposed. The living constitution concept side steps the difficult task of amending the Constitution by its own provisions it violates the Constitution and the Leftist could care less.

  TELLING OTHERS WHAT TO DO: The mental difference between a Leftist and a Conservative is dramatic when it comes to telling people what to do or not to do. The Leftist wants to micro manage you. The Conservative wants to macro manage you. Now what is meant by Micro and Macro? Macro management is absolutely necessary in any social network of Humans. It is more important where we are massed, such as in cities. The 10 commandments are but one example of macro-management. The Christian commandments have sisters and brothers in each religion of the world. It does not make any difference if it is Borneo or the mountains of Afghanistan. Even a society which tries to function without Religion, like the now dead Soviet Union, had similar rules of conduct. In order to live with some security and peace, we have to tell each other some things to do and some things not to do.

  Leftists go way beyond Macro and that is what I call Micro management. Leftists have to perch themselves on our shoulders and tell us when to move, laugh, drink, smoke, copulate and how. Leftists, using safety, as their cover, have entered the world of cars for example. When I was a young man a car was a mechanical devise that got us from one place to another. I could get grease and oil all over me, wipe my face with an oil smudge and feel good about my most recent car repair. Leftist have turned a car into an object of control and social change. To make it more environmentally pure, they have forced us to pay for and to endure a laboratory for a motor. It is so complicated now, that the average owner cannot repair it. Only computers and specialist can. The dirty little secret is that most of the time the
computer does not know what is wrong with the car. I can give you a zillion examples. Leftist have demanded that we have to get so many miles to the gallon to save the planet at our expense. They know the car will be small and not safe in a collision. Oh yes the modern car is safer today, what with air bags in front and to the side, but somehow I continue to read about dead people in auto accidents. Point is the modern car does not stop deaths and injury. Just think of the other micromanagement aspects of the car today. You have keys that talk to the car and make it do a bunch of things, unlock the doors, start the motor, open doors, and wind windows up or down. If you do not have the key, then you have a code which can do the same stuff. When you get in you have to adjust the seat, up, down, sideways, and adjust the back of it to fit whatever. It will not start unless the gear is a particular place and or the clutch is pushed in. If you fail to put on a seat belt, the car either tells you to or rings a bell until you do. I really dislike little electronic bells. If the emergency brake does not automatically release, another bell rings until you release it. Should you leave your lights on, another voice or bell tells you to shut them off. Many cars will not even start unless the seat belt is engaged. Some will hoot and holler if you back up to something too close. Today, cars will even park themselves, if you leave the steering wheel alone. Oh yes, do not drink and drive, do not use a cell phone, or text while driving, do not tint the windows too much, do not put to many stickers on your windows, do not drive the car unless you had its exhaust tested, do not smoke in it if children are present. It is never ending. Finally, when you stop the car and get out and lock it with your code or key, thieves can steal it easy. Somehow the micro managers have not been able to make it safe in that regard. Oh, I almost forgot. Three times I forgot and left my keys in my car and when I went to get in it again, it was locked. The key did it on its own. What else can it do, I do not know. I am afraid to be in a dark room with that key. God only knows what else it can turn on or lock up. Hey!!! and I did not even talk about GP control and all the talking that goes on about where you are and where it thinks you are going.


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