It Is S.A.D.- The Leftist Brain Exposed

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It Is S.A.D.- The Leftist Brain Exposed Page 12

by Rooster Bradford

  d- Often they have ritualistic behavior or sameness of conduct. This is not a big separate characteristic and is generally part of b and c above.

  e- Eating abnormalities are common. This was mentioned in f of number 1 above. 80% will have some trouble deciding to eat breakfast food for breakfast or wanting dessert as a meal. Common sense of what is considered normal would be very helpful here.

  f- Restricted behavior. I call it a focus problem. This can include preoccupation with a particular conduct, which just as suddenly, can be dropped.

  g- Prone to accidental self-injury. This is not often a part. Only about 20% fall into this category. Common sense is the facility which reduces injury along with fear. The latter is a combination of common sense experiences and natural intuitive impulses. Remember a flame burns.


  The following symptoms of autism are sporadic in appearance. They are not listed as part of the three above. Remember, a good dose of common sense cures them all.

  a- 5 to 10% will show extraordinary abilities or talents. Savants etc. Of course, this can show up in people without autism.

  b- May show superior skills in perception and attention in limited areas. Part of a- above.

  c- Sensory abnormalities are prevalent as in most developmental disorders. You can expect to find more on the downside with autism.

  d- Most autistic people display some degree of coordination problems. For example, they may have problems using a hammer or balancing on a ladder. Again, this is common in most PDD.

  Let me add my two bits worth to the above observations of others. What does explain each and every one of the characteristics is an impaired common sense. Whether it is social difficulties or keeping a clean room, the autistic person lacks some amount of common sense to direct them. This can be learned and that is what is known as accommodation. They learn what they must do in a given situation to not seem unusual.

  My research did not find any discussion of the more current problems autism may bring. Let me add my own studies and observations.

  One interesting side issue is the maybe-cult belief which has developed because a young child, 2 to 5, may speak about his or her real parents (other than the biological parents) or of a different life. An example is the book of Carol Bowman titled “Children’s Past Lives”. She attempts to review the many such experiences and filter out the make believe from the heart felt stories. One of the things she mentions, to support the latter, is the child speaking in a matter-of-fact tone. May I be so bold as to suggest the child or children are probably autistic….. the Asperger type. Of my own personal knowledge, I know of several autistic children who have said these things and a characteristic is Bowman’s observation of a flatter tonal delivery in speech. I have noted it, especially when they are trying to be serious. Bowman does not address the observance as a mental problem. She sees it as spiritual. I see it as autism.

  The young autistic child and adult will find tasking difficult. Here you find they do not do their homework, taking lessons is difficult, and taking orders is even more difficult. Some might say it is laziness, but in the autistic person, they do not grasp the need to prepare. They do not process the data correctly. This also becomes a problem with employment. Common sense disability.

  In this day of electronic blizzardry, the autistic person can get buried. They can spend hours and hours playing the same electronic game over and over again. Cars present another observable characteristic. They tend to drive too fast and put the car to tests it does not appreciate. Common sense problems. They do not like to care for their car any more than they like to care for their room or other property. Even though they are taught the art of car repair, they will be reluctant to do it. They know how to clean their room but cannot get to it. The autistic person generally appears more passive and low key. Their speaking manner may tend to be flat with limited inflections. Their sense of humor may also be impaired. Without good common sense, humor is often missed.

  Finally and most importantly is the aspect of manipulation. Any impaired person will try to accommodate to limit the impairment. For the autistic this often means coming up with a cover story, excuse, or false explanation. Some call this lying. The autistic person knows they cannot compete on a level playing field so they learn how to gain an advantage by telling an untruth. This is most evident in the typical Con Man (confidence man) who is so willing to lie and so blind to know his end and discovery is inevitable. I suggest that most confidence people are probably autistic. Within this realm of untruths, stealing from their caregiver is easy. Especially if the caregiver tries to force them to obtain a job by cutting down the money supply.

  In the political arena, manipulation is very observable and unfortunately prevalent. I must say it is heavily weighted on the left side of the aisle. President Obama’s failure to keep promises between his campaign and his presidency are remarkable. His manipulation by the use of the word “Change” is scary. He did not mean clean up Washington D.C. He meant Socialism in its worst format. He knows the truth. Hiding his smoking is just a part.

  Obviously, autism is a neural disorder, so where in the brain is it? Autism disorder seems to be a part of the frontal lobe which we learned is the center of conscious thought. It is here that common sense is developed. One of the most used demonstrations of autism is of a small child who stacks drink cans. The cans fall over. He/she repeats the same mistake and the cans fall over and he/she repeats it until they are distracted or someone takes the cans away. The autistic child never picks up the problem. Their common sense is impaired. So too does the Leftist conduct themselves.

  You say to a Leftist that the greatest murders on Earth in the 20th century were all Socialist or socialism generated. It does not register or is denied. They just keep on pursuing a dream of Utopia. You tell them Utopia has never been successful and each time it is tried nationally, it causes great death and loss of property. They do not hear you. You explain that right next door there is a Communist country (Cuba) which has, since its inception, kicked out dissenters, killed thousands, seized property without compensation, caused worldwide problems (Cuba and the Soviet Missile crises) and is failing terribly. Cuba even ran out of toilet paper last year. When you tell a leftist these truths, they begin to ask you why you are racist or why won’t you let more tourists go there, or it is the U.S. embargo which is the cause of Cuba’s miseries. They are deaf to reality. You have heard it many times. How come those Democrats do that? It does not make common sense. Well it is true. They have defective common sense. Unfortunately, they are in charge in the year of this book 2010.

  I am again reminded of the most recent statement by Senator Chris Dodds when he voted against a GOP bill to require Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to require of all loans they buy that the owner put up at least 5% of the purchase price. Let me remind you his words were to the effect that if we did that those who cannot afford to buy a house could not. Now the normal person when asked the following question will have a common sense way to complete it. The question is for you to finish the following statement. , “If you cannot afford to buy a house……… then you should or must not buy the house.” The underlined part is the finish of the statement. It is normal. What Dodds said is abnormal. When President Obama told Joe the Plummer that the government had to redistribute his wealth, common sense people were shocked. When someone points out that taxing one citizen more than you tax another is not equal protection under the law, the Leftists does not get it. When Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that it did not matter what was in the health bill because once it was passed they would change it any way. Common sense thinkers were shocked. Leftist were not.

  Autism is an impairment in the processing of information. I believe for the milder cases there is no discernable difference between it and an impairment of common sense. They should be synonymous. The information is made available to the eyes and ears and goes into the frontal lobe and is misdirected. If the data is not misdirected, common sense prevai
ls. If it is misdirected and does not find normality, it will not make common sense. Now when you think about it, as our population has skyrocketed all over the Earth there are multiple more times for this bad wiring to occur. It may be genetic. The evidence is not convincing. Assuming that it is, then when two like folks with mild autism get together, there is more of a chance it will pop out in their offspring. We cannot be blind to the fact that President Obama’s parents were strange. His parents and his grandparents all loved Communism, apparently never giving a thought to its abject failure worldwide. Maybe they were common sense deficient as well. Some commentators say autism may be caused by mutations. I do not agree unless we want to believe that is the way we are all going. Let us hope it is a dead end which occurs simply because our brains are so very complicated that perfection is not possible. As stated before, it has always been with us, but without a name.

  Autism is not mental retardation because the IQ level does not seem to be affected. Most autistic people share with all others a varied I.Q. which means their memory and recall is not an autistic problem. It is common sense which is in question and we have not even begun to test for it or grade it, but I will in this book. Every characteristic of autism can be explained because the person has a defective common sense. My test will be criticized but so then were the Wright brothers. Humans fly? Nonsense, if God wanted us to fly he would have given us wings.

  In mild cases of autism, no one will know unless we have comprehensive testing. This book is just a beginning and I challenge the scientific field and other interested persons to, as they say in Texas, “Getter Done!!!”.

  Let’s look at some of the characteristics of Autism from a slightly different angle.

  1- It is highly variable. So is deficient common sense.

  2- It is not presently curable. This is because we cannot redo the wiring.

  3- It is an impairment of social interaction. Autistic persons lack intuition which others take for granted. When young, they seem to be standoffish and weakly responsive to stimuli, such as their name. Because of these problems, they learn to get around them by being manipulative. In family, they are more likely to bite the hand that feeds them. Most do not even know it. If their autism is mild, growing older allows them to become less obvious. Nothing is cured, it simply hides. Common sense deficiency can be masked but it cannot be changed.

  4- It is impairment in communication. Speech is slow to develop and once developed becomes manipulative. This generally resolves itself after the first 10 years of age. In some, it never occurs. In a few others communication is enhanced.

  I have placed the problem of lying (manipulation) as a part of autism. As the neural development disorder happens, the afflicted person, generally unknowing, begins to fabricate stories to make them appear more normal. Even though they do not know, they have the disorder of a defective common sense, they do sense discomfort with those who are normal. To cover this, they accommodate or lie, to make it better for them. The fib is a tool and not the little white lie to make tears go away. It becomes easy to lie because they do not have the common sense to know they can be easily found out. Why are you late? Oh, I had a problem with this and that, when they did not. Why did you not do your homework? Oh, I had a headache or I forgot my books. The autistic politician can lie all day long and not comprehend that others are keeping track and are able to point out the lies. It is not important to them. The immediate satisfaction the lie gives them is what is important. President Obama fits this perfectly.

  5- Autism certainly has a restriction of interests. Normal stimuli may tend not to be normal to them and they will ignore or avoid. Their skills in sports suffer and good grades are elusive.

  Here you find the child who becomes addicted to visual stimulus such as Game Boy and TV or Computer games. With age they can mask these things when they finally accept others concern and disapproval. In this day and age, electronic stimulus provides a great example of this restriction of interests. You have seen them or heard of them….the kid who is mesmerized by Electronic games. Even today, he or she can spend all day playing computer games, especially car driving ones. Their common sense is in most ways disabled. My wife told me of the time she first rented an apartment. It was in a large complex and down below her was a young lad who left the door open and watched TV cartoons all day. She never saw him do anything else. Two ladies would come, now and again, to see to his basic needs. His only comfort was a blanket. Clearly the ladies were related and more than happy to have him there rather than with them. In this electronic world with its speed, with its make-believe, with it’s out of world attractions, an autistic person can find all manner of restricted interests which make him or her comfortable. I would love to be able to study the childhood of Pelosi, Obama etc. Remember Obama told us, in one of his books that in College he chose his friends carefully. So carefully that other students in his class never heard of him. Sounds like restriction in interests to me.

  6- Autism often results in repetitive errors. Here is the child who stacks those darn ole cans only to have them fall and does not have the common sense not to repeat the act. Here is the youth who lines up objects for no apparent reason and then destroys the line, only to do it again. Here is the Leftist with political choices. He or she makes poor choices, which is also a clear example of repetitive mistakes. Repeatedly seeking a failed system, Socialism, is stark. Use your head (excuse me common sense). If you understand human nature you know socialism and communism are doomed. You cannot get a nation’s diverse personalities to work hard and do right for the common good. It simply will not happen, now or in the future. Just using common sense to understand why Socialism fails is easy. Easy for a person with good common sense, that is.

  Again, let me explain. Any given population has about 1/3 who will not work and want to be taken care of, and about 1/3 who are changing with the wind, and about 1/3 who are industrious and hard working. You can argue with the percentages but not the general categories. Now in Utopia, to conquer greed, lust, laziness, etc. and get everyone to do for the common good is not going to happen unless you destroy or otherwise get rid of a whole lot of folks. Aldous Huxley handled it by having all people created in the lab. How do Obama, Pelosi, and Reid propose to get over this common sense obstacle? They don’t because they cannot see it. They are autistic. It is disheartening to think our destiny is being directed by common sense deficient people. It is worse to realize they were elected.

  In about 1/3 of autistic people you find frequency of self-injury. I do not think this is anything but a result of a lack of common sense not to injure yourself. They do not appear to do it on purpose. It is not because they want to, but because of an error. A good example is that the current bunch of Socialist running the United States under President Obama. They have no apparent clue they will be destroyed or their families will be destroyed by Socialism. Only the top few have a chance of staying pat and that chance is not good. Ask any non-conforming Cuban who probably has a Miami address now. Everyone else can be and generally is sacrificed, as the plan unravels. They do not and cannot see their unhappy future. Earlier I mentioned there was a great deal of work to do with understanding autism. Just some categorizing has occurred. Much is to be done. As I noted the most famous is Asperger’s Disorder (sometimes called a syndrome). Some call it a milder variant of Autistic Disorder, the broader name. Some say they are all part of a larger group called Autistic Spectrum Disorders. In the U.S., you see the term “Pervasive Developmental Disorders –PDD”. I suggest Social Autistic Dysfunction (S.A.D.); a focus on the ability to fit well in a social setting is a new cataloged form of autism which must sit side by side with Asperger’s.

  Again, Asperger’s effects are considered mild in the big picture, but disabling all the same. Most are not going to keep a regular job, unless they really can bite the bullet and compensate. If they select a job, it will be one that does not cause sweating and grunting. It will be, to them, clean and neat, like teaching, or politics. Asperge
r’s, like S.A.D., have a pattern of similar symptoms. The list has been gone over. It is the same.

  Now S.A.D., as a part of the big picture, shares the Asperger symptoms with some variances because of the focus on politics. In reality “politics” is to all of us a way of discussing our environment. It is how we act and react together without killing each other.

  1- Social interaction problems. The lack of robust humor is part. Can you just imagine Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank having a really big belly laugh? The need to change words such as Divorce to Dissolution is a problem. The unneeded focus on race and group identity; the Bourgeois vs. the Proletariat.; Class conflict; Union vs. the Fat Cats; Gov. vs. the private person, is a problem. The autistic person finds boundaries and laws difficult to live with. Their inability to obey laws is a part of this. May I mention gun control once more? I will say more in 3 below.

  2- Delay in cognitive abilities. We are dealing with mostly adults here. Seldom is the 10 year old speaking on the merits of a Gulf shutdown because an oil well blows out. Adults have made adjustments to mask the problem but it is still there. Although the country is desperate for oil, the autistic would focus on greener pastures and deny drilling and exploration and when one well goes bust, shut all wells down. They would speak with forked tongue and figure most will not get it. Not true… those with common sense get it.


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