The Flyers

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The Flyers Page 6


  *Note: during pages like this where there is a blank space, its up to you to decide to what Jacob Brown does. Its your choice to make him decide. However, there is no right or wrong. But as you progress, you’ll know the end results.*

  A.Be honest about himself or



  I responded.

  “ let Aunt May go.” I said.

  “oh I will, but not this way.” Wednesday eyes began to glow and shards of concrete shards floated. They are gonna hurt her! I have to stop them. If I don’t, who will? Move! MOVE! I screamed in my head.

  Before I could even react to save aunt May, Concrete shards jumped up on my legs. The concrete shards had yellow pattern lines. It glowed madly. It started to expand and grow.

  They were giving weight.

  They were pulling me down.

  I struggled to keep myself up but failed terribly.

  For once in my life, I felt useless. I thought it was over.

  Aunt May screamed in pain as the lady taunts.

  The lady showed no mercy. “oh I know, send my regards to the devil.”she said.

  The shards grew in size. The pain was unbearable.

  I cried in pain as my life depends on it.

  Anger and pain grew in me when I saw the woman.

  “who are you?” I asked with my remaining strength.

  “the name is Wednesday and he is my brother, Sean.” she said while

  giving me an intimating smile. “we’re your worst nightmares!” she snared.

  Sean’s eyes bean to blink twice. As Wednesday turned and walked off.

  The shards grew more. I lay there aching over the pain of the shards on my legs. Aunt May was fainted right beside me. Life flashed before me.

  My mind keeps screaming to get it out but I can’t.

  I thought I was close to death.


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