Elemental Fear

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Elemental Fear Page 7

by Ada Frost

  The morning at work flew by. Emily had called in sick, so I was manning Dominic’s desk for her as well as my own work. There were so many phone calls and appointments to check and make for Dominic that my head was spinning. I sat at her desk simply because my phone rang a lot less. As lunch approached, I wondered what delights I could look forward to from the deli. I hoped that tonight would be another night of freedom. My thoughts were interrupted by a text on my mobile.

  Downstairs, come to take you to lunch. Hurry

  My heart sank. I tapped my phone against my forehead. “Shit, Shit, Shit!”


  I’m sure I must have jumped a foot in the air at the sound of Dominic’s voice.

  “Elliott’s downstairs. I’m going for my lunch.” I brushed passed him, leaving him gawping at me from the office doorway.

  I walked down the stairs into the foyer slowly. I felt like I was heading to the gallows. I caught sight of him sitting proudly in a chair.

  He stood and walked towards me, his sly grin spreading across his face. As he leant to kiss me, he looked across at Lucinda and winked. He planted a cold kiss on my lips and stood to my side, wrapping his arm around my waist. I heard Lucinda’s heels clipping quickly away from her desk.

  “What do you want for lunch, Angel? Thai sound good?” His smile was sickening, and strangely, I felt angry at how he dared to humiliate me at my place of work.

  “Why are you here?” I questioned. He squared himself up to me, his face was millimeters from mine. I closed my eyes, waiting for the onslaught.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Nothing, I was just –“

  “Watch your attitude. Are we going for lunch?”

  I nodded. His resolution to try harder lasted less than forty eight hours, and I hadn’t even seen him during that time. I walked out of the foyer a little bemused at his attitude. Usually, I got a bit of a work up to his moods, but today he had arrived ready to battle.

  “Good. Now, make me happy for a change and stop being selfish.” He smiled again.


  I returned to my desk after a disastrous lunch. I hardly ate anything and I felt ravenous now, but it had come to the end of my lunch break, and I would look pretty strange walking into the office with a sub-roll after going to a Thai restaurant with Elliott. He had spent the entire hour criticising my weight, my clothes and admonishing me for my choice of food. The truth was I never had an appetite when he was around.

  I smiled at Dominic as I settled behind my desk. It was a sight I had seen every weekday for the past year or so, but he still managed to take my breath away. This was my sanctuary, being near him, knowing a few feet away was the love of my life. I powered my desktop up and looked through the paperwork I needed to sort through. Dominic threw the pen he had been chewing across the desk and put his hands behind his head and leant back into his chair. He looked away from his laptop screen and straight at me. I flushed with colour at being caught staring at him. A playful grin spread across his face, and I couldn’t help but smile back at him. He jumped to his feet and walked towards his door, his hands in his pockets as he sauntered across the hall, into my office, and perched himself on the edge of my desk.

  “Did you enjoy your lunch?” he asked, his voice laced with mischief.

  “Erm...yeah, it was okay.” I couldn’t tell him the truth. Never would he know the truth.

  “I’m starving.” He glanced at his watch. “Should be here any minute. Liam has done the chippy run.” He patted his firm stomach. “I can always work it off in the gym.”

  My stomach groaned loudly, and I swear he must have heard it. He tapped his hands on the side of my desk, smiled and left the office before I could say anything in reply. I sifted through my rucksack to see if I had a chocolate bar or anything in there. Nothing. I threw it to the floor in frustration. This was going to be torture.

  Dominic sauntered back into the office, with a plate, cutlery and two steaming mugs balanced on it. “Made you a tea,” he said and nodded to the cups.

  I lifted my hand to take it, but he smiled, turned and walked over to his office. “Hey, Evelyn,” Liam said as he walked past and into Dominic’s office.

  “Hi.” I smiled, staring at the white paper parcels under his arm. He passed them onto Dominic and walked back out with a nod in my direction.

  I felt like a stray dog, waiting to see if there would be any scraps. Get a grip.

  “Eve, get in here,” Dominic shouted rather harshly. I looked over at his office, frowning.

  “Now!” his said impatiently.

  I swallowed hard and meekly wandered towards his door. When I looked through the door, I smiled, a broad grin spread uncontrollably across my face.

  “Sit. You’re wasting away before my eyes.” He smiled, gesturing to the chair beside him before popping a chip into his mouth.

  “But – “

  “I could tell when you got back you hadn’t had enough to eat. So when I made our drinks I phoned Liam to bring you some.” He sat down and put another chip into his mouth.

  He had put mine onto a plate with a knife and folk while he ate his from the paper with his fingers. No wonder he had made me tea. It was my preferred drink with fish and chips. My stomach growled in recognition of the gorgeous smell.

  “They’re getting cold,” he teased.

  I sat beside him, grinning. I couldn’t help it. How did he know me so well? He nudged me with his elbow. I gave him a sideways glance and couldn’t help a little giggle.

  “Was I right?” He asked, smirking.

  “About what?”

  “This little thing was empty.” He tickled my stomach, and I jerked away, laughing.

  “Quit it.” I tapped his hand. “There wasn’t much on the lunch menu I fancied,” I said, laughing.

  “Where did the lovely Elliott take you anyway?” He asked sarcastically.

  “Lana Thai.”

  “It was never your favourite...Thai food, I mean,” his voice quipped.

  “Still not,” I said, nodding.

  “He’s a dick,” Dominic said before filling his mouth.

  I laughed. “Yeah, he is.” I laughed again, leaning over to grab one of his chips.

  “You deserve better, you know,” he said sincerely

  “Well, give me your fish then,” I said, knowing full well he wasn’t referring to our lunch, but I didn’t want that conversation again. And I never wanted Elliott spoiling my heavenly time with Dominic.

  He simply smiled and shook his head “You know that isn’t going to happen”. He smiled and looked at me from the corner of his eye. “But I will let you go downstairs and put them in the bin outside so the office doesn’t smell.”

  “Pff, I don’t think so.”

  Once again, Dominic became my saviour, and truthfully, I loved him even more for it. The rest of the day I remained on a Dominic high.

  When I got home, the happy buzz I felt from the latter part of the day was still zipping through my body. I entered an empty house, I’d got home before mum and dad again, but this time, I had no idea where they were. I sent mum a quick message,

  Hi where r u all x

  A couple of minutes later she replied, saying they were at Granddad’s. That made me smile, thinking of Granddad. I’d have to remember to go see him this weekend. I put my music on and started humming along to the tune of Mumford & Sons “Hopeless Wanderer.” I stripped out of my work clothes and grabbed my purple chequered pyjama bottoms and my purple hoody. I started jumping around my room like when I was a teenager; I loved the freedom of letting the music control me for a few moments.

  I felt rather than heard the slam of the front door. I quickly jumped off my bed, quite breathless and turned my music off. I had a huge smile on my face, slightly exhilarated by my foolish dancing. I walked into the kitchen, feeling light-hearted. But when I saw who was standing there and took in the look in his eyes, I froze. It was another dark mood day for Elliot. His heavy briefcase hit the floo
r in the kitchen as I entered. His tie was pulled lose, his shirt creased and his suit jacket slung over his arm. Disheveled would describe him perfectly.

  "Hey, how was your day?" I asked, trying to hide the shakiness in my voice.

  "In a word: shit!” he growled. He aggressively pulled out a chair and flopped down.

  "Do you want a coffee - "

  "Why the fuck didn't you tell me about boy wonder?” He interrupted, angrily.

  I shook my head, not understanding what he meant. I knew who he was referring to, but had no idea what had annoyed him. There was no way he would know Dominic bought me lunch, and we’d eaten in his office.

  "I know you’re a fucking idiot, but don't treat me like one. I called into Mum’s before coming here, and the fuck-turd was there, gloating about being offered a presidency in the business. Now, I was wondering why MY girlfriend decided not to tell me,” he snapped, and the vein on his forehead bulged angrily.

  I stood, completely stunned. I had no idea Dominic had been offered such a promotion. "I had no idea."

  "Don't lie to me," Elliot spat through clenched teeth.

  "I swear to you, I had no idea. I don't work directly with Dominic's lab at the moment. I've been put on - "

  "You really think I'm an idiot, don't you?” he snapped. "Why does everyone always choose that little piece of shit? He has everything handed to him on a fucking plate. He's never had to fight for anything in his life."

  "That's not true," I insisted. “He’s worked hard to get where he is.” I regretted my words immediately when I saw the black look from across the table.

  "That's right. You stick up for him. You always side with him. Everyone always does. It's fucking pathetic. I'm sick of living in his shadow. Have you any idea what it's like to always be second choice, hmm?” He paused, rubbing his palm across his forehead. "I guess I do have one thing he’s always wanted but was too much of a wimp to take.” He gestured his hand toward me, and the sickening grin on his face made me want to throw up.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Dominic was never interested in me that way. We were, and still are, just friends." The lie stung my throat. Dominic was everything to me.

  "He wanted you, trust me. Okay, Vanessa is a sexy woman, but she is nothing compared to you." His voice began to soften, and I could sense the anger beginning to leave him behind.

  I smiled trying to deter his anger. Being told something and believing it were two different things, but it didn’t diminish how nice hearing it was. I stamped down on the elated feeling, it was heady and dangerous. I wanted to jump and do a happy dance, and cry in frustration at the same time.

  "I always feel second best, you know?" His shoulders slumped, and I panicked not knowing how to react. I should feel pity, and want to comfort him, but I secretly liked him feeling crappy. It felt a little victorious that for once he wasn’t in complete control. "I'm sorry. I - "

  "Never be sorry for telling me how you feel, Elliot." I smiled again, this time feeling a little smugger for finally making him feel weak.

  "Come here.” He commanded, and my new victory dissolved with two simple words. My smile fell from my lips, and my body tensed. He gestured with his hands for me to walk towards him.

  I walked around the table slowly, and he opened his arms for me to sit on his lap. I turned to sit sideways but he grasped my hips and pulled me down to straddle him. He held my hips gently and looked up at me. "You’re incredibly beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, smart, perfect - "

  I searched his face, trying to place the alien that had obviously over taken his body. His eyes danced with amusement. I studied him some more, inwardly questioning whether he was drunk. But he didn’t smell of alcohol.

  He continued to mutter words of adoration whilst pressing his lips against mine. I frowned because it had been a very long time since he had behaved this way. It felt foreign and alarming. This was the man I used to see when we first starting dating. This reminded me of the gentle, sensitive man who could have been a great lifelong friend . But he wanted more, and I didn’t so, he decided to capture and confine me instead of free me.

  He pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear and studied my face. "I love you, so much. You won’t ever leave me." It was a statement not a question, because we both knew why I stayed.

  "Say it? I just want to hear it.” He pleaded. “Say you love me.”

  "I love you, Elliott.” I’ve never felt more pain and self-loathing than I did at that point. I had no one to blame but myself for the situation, and quite frankly, I deserved everything life had served me. But those three special words took a piece of my heart and snapped it into tiny shards every time he made me say them.

  Chapter 6

  In the lab, I stood at my work station and giggled as Johan walked passed me and poked me in the ribs. "Good morning, gorgeous. I'm taking your sexy little ass out for lunch today.” He leaned over my shoulder and whispered, "do we have a date?" His hand held my waist.

  I smiled at him. "The first part of that sentence was a demand, but now you’re giving me a choice?" I wrinkled my nose in mock confusion.

  “Smart mouth.” He pointed his finger at me, trying to look annoyed, but I could see the sparkle of amusement in his eyes. I stood at the mass spectrometer, waiting for the results from the latest batch of tests.

  “Some of us have to show intelligence for the utter lack of it from others.” I laughed.

  Liam chuckled to my left. And Johan stepped back, holding his hand above his heart. "You wound me, young maiden."

  I laughed loudly, as did several others in the lab. "I see, I will have to sweep thee of thy feet, wench." His ye old English accent was appalling, and made me laugh harder. He grabbed my hand, spun me in a circle and dipped me back over his arm in a dramatic dance finale. My safety glasses slid off my face and clattered to the floor.

  "When you two have finished, we are members of the Royal Society of Chemistry, not The Royal Shakespeare Company –“

  “But Eve would make such a lovely Juliet,” Johan said dreamily and smiled. Dominic’s growl could be heard from across the lab.

  “We have work to do. It’s what you get paid for, Johan. As Senior Management in this company, I’d expect you to set a better example."

  Johan didn’t make any attempt to lift me back up. He simply smiled his usual cheeky grin. I pushed his chest to urge him to correct our posture. I swiftly straightened, righting my lab coat and picking up my glasses. "Sorry," I muttered, my cheeks burning. I daren't look up at Dominic. I could tell from his voice, he wasn't amused.

  "Sorry, boss. But my girl here..." Johan started to say but was swiftly and angrily interrupted.

  "May I remind you that this is a pharmaceutical lab not a dating service? Also she is not your girl...she...is my brother’s girlfriend,” he growled. The latter part of his statement strained his voice.

  "It’s not me who needs to remember that,” Johan muttered under his breath.

  I shushed him. None of it went unnoticed by Dominic. The scowl on his face was enough to set off a nuclear reaction. His eyes dropped to Johan’s hands at my waist.

  "Eve, I want those samples analysed by 11am,” He demanded and stalked away.

  My day went from bad to worse. My results from the liquid chromatographer LC-MS mass spectrometer messed up, and the column kept binding. It was 11.15am, and I was still nowhere ready to take them to Dominic. Johan sat at his desk when I entered his office.

  "Johan, I can't get good separation of the analyst. There is too much interference to get good readings, and now the standings have to be made up again, because the stability time has passed, and I've had to send samples back three times for further purification. I’ve run out of time, and Dominic wanted the results –“ I check my watch “20 minutes ago." I rubbed my forehead and grabbed my safety glasses off my face.

  Johan rose from his chair and lifted my chin to look at him. He had his usually warm smile on his face. "You need my special touch, don't you? Just
admit it, you need these special hands to work their magic.” He lifted his hands and wiggled his fingers.

  I smiled weakly, knowing he was attempting to calm me down. Over the past year, I had come to realise that Johan’s flirty behaviour was nothing to be afraid of. It was his way of being friendly and he meant no malice with it. We were extremely good friends, and I adored our banter. He certainly made some days brighter.

  "Just help me, please. Dominic's going to go ballistic. I'm already late with the results."

  "Okay. I'm done here, anyway. Let me just log off. You go prepare standards, and I’ll programme the next run in on the LCMS."

  "Thank you." I ran back into the lab to prepare another sample.


  Johan had lived in the UK for nearly two years, but he had only lived in Yorkshire for just over 12 months. Quite frankly, he was still getting used to our ‘quirks.’ I’m sure we had our own take on the English language, or quite possibly we defecated the English language. As my granddad would say, Johan was a ‘reight good lad’ and took our banter quite well.

  We sat in a nearby pub, having a roast dinner. I had convinced Johan to try Yorkshire puddings.

  “Well, I’m not entirely sure of...what is it anyway?” Johan asked, lifting another forkful of his pudding to his mouth. “I was expecting something sweet, not...”

  “It’s a batter that you cook in tins in the oven. It’s a traditional thing to have with a Sunday lunch or roast meat, and it’s an art form to make. I’ve tried countless times to make them, but they never rise. They just come out of the oven like baked pancakes.”

  “Hmm.” he huffed out. I laughed at his facial expression.

  We continued to eat a while in companionable silence. I hadn’t known Johan that long, but I felt a close connection to him, a little similar to my friendship with Dominic, but without the added adoration I felt for Dominic. I felt safe with Johan, although he was flirty, and at first I did struggle with that. But one thing I had observed with my little buddy was that when a woman was truly interested in him, he seriously shied away from her, making excuses. Before I could contain myself, I blurted out, “Have you got a girlfriend?”


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