Jinx's Fantasy (Goddess Isles, #7)

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Jinx's Fantasy (Goddess Isles, #7) Page 3

by Winters, Pepper

  Sully cast a glance at all of us. A family unit all bound in friendship, business, and love. “I have a better idea. Seeing as Calypso has suddenly become the potential hub of a new business, let’s all go and welcome her.”

  Holding out his hand for mine, he waited until our fingers linked. “Ready?”

  I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him, smiling when Pika grumbled with possessiveness. “Ready.”

  “In that case, let’s go.”

  With Radcliffe leading the way, Pika and Skittles darting like dragonflies, and Jess and Cal behind us, we padded through soft sand, past tropical palm fronds, and across an island that was our perfect home.

  We stepped onto the beach, ready to welcome our new toys.

  Chapter Three


  I really should have paid more attention to scale when I’d made the flippant order with Elder Prest.

  Calypso had looked huge while standing on my shores, but now, as we pulled up beside the glossy black vessel and waited as a rear platform was lowered to welcome us, it was fucking monstrous.

  I cut the engine to Singa Laut, well acquainted with the fast speedboat that I’d bought when I’d first built Goddess Isles, and eyed up the new addition to our asset sheet.

  How did you even sail something this big? What sort of instruments and education were needed to embark on nautical navigation with such a giant?

  Mirrored windows reflected the turquoise sea as polished chrome blinded us with sun flashes. An oiled wooden decking, expensive looking technology towers and radar, and a sweeping swimming pool and helipad hinted at the absolute luxury inside.

  Radcliffe leaped onto the platform first, his bare feet splashing into a couple of inches of sea as the mechanically lowered deck hovered just underwater. His second in command, Rory, also climbed out, tethering the speedboat and scanning the yacht for any threats.

  Looking up, I caught sight of movement as a man and woman appeared above.

  The man wore calico shorts and a white polo while the woman wore a loose-fitting cream dress, similar to the one Eleanor had selected today. Unlike Eleanor, who wore a polka-dot silver bikini beneath, the woman watching us had a black one-piece, visible as the sun illuminated her svelte frame.

  I recognised the man from Jethro’s masquerade—not that I’d seen his face—but his mouth and stance were familiar. I hadn’t met the woman next to him before, but judging by the way Prest inched closer to her and she placed her fingers next to his on the balustrade hinted they were together.

  “Welcome aboard, Mr. Sinclair,” Prest said as I leaped from my speedboat and turned to lift Eleanor to my side. Pika and Skittles had flown part of the way with us but had turned back, preferring to wait instead of joining us.

  Leaving Cal to be responsible for Jess’s safety, I held Jinx’s hand and climbed up the sweeping carved staircase, noting the garage that’d been revealed by lowering the platform. Two jet skis waited in matching grey and blue, a wall of wetsuits and oxygen tanks, and tucked in the back was a two-person submarine that’d been listed on the attributes that I’d failed to read.

  Hidden past the submarine, two motorbikes waited to be used on land along with a small Audi coupe.

  Shit, this thing literally had more transport in its belly than my whole atoll.

  Eleanor’s eyes widened as I caught her stare, her impressed nod hinting that she approved of our new possession.

  Reaching the top deck, I let Eleanor go and closed the small distance to Elder Prest. I bowed at the woman beside him and held out my hand for him to shake. “Impressive boat.”

  His lips twitched. “Thank you. I hope you’re pleased with your purchase.”

  “You’re a day early.”

  “The currents were swifter than we thought.” He shook my hand, letting me go almost as quickly as he took it. His black stare matched his blue-black hair, and I’d been right about his authenticity when we’d first met at Hawksridge Hall.

  He had exotic blood in his veins, judging by his almond eyes and flawless honey skin. “I assume our earlier arrival doesn’t cause too much inconvenience.”

  I shook my head. “Not at all.”

  Radcliffe, Rory, Jess, and Cal arrived behind me.

  “Please, allow me to introduce you.” I pulled Eleanor forward. “This is my wife, Eleanor, and behind me is my security team, Radcliffe and Rory, my head of affairs, Cal Moor and his wife, Jessica.”

  “Pleasure.” Prest bowed regally toward Eleanor and Jess and nodded politely at the men. “Allow me the same courtesy. This is Tasmin, my...fiancée.”

  “Hello, Tasmin.” I nodded, narrowing my eyes as she flinched an infinitesimal amount. If I wasn’t used to dealing with girls I’d trapped and tortured, I would’ve missed the flair of guardedness about her.

  Prest noticed that I’d noticed, his brow coming down and his shoes placing him slightly in front of his wife-to-be. “If you have a couple of hours free, I’ll escort you around and introduce you to the staff. Then we’ll be on our way.”

  I scowled at the horizon. “How will you depart? I see no other yachts.”

  “Phantom is behind us. They’ll be here soon.”


  He cocked his head. “My own yacht. Tasmin and I have been sailing for some time—a vacation, if you will. We decided to personally deliver your purchase before we have other engagements to attend.”

  I smiled. “Very kind of you to complete the hand over personally.”

  “Yes, well, I don’t normally get involved with clients, but as I said, we’ve been sailing and going where the wind directs.”

  “It’s been wonderful,” Tasmin said, her voice slightly husky with a thread of fierceness I wasn’t expecting. “You’ll be glad you purchased such a thing. Sailing truly is one of the best things you can do.”

  “I prefer land beneath my feet,” I said.

  “But you need the ocean close by, judging by how small your islands are and how private you are about your location,” Prest murmured.

  I narrowed my eyes, not appreciating his astute understanding of me. “We guard our anonymity.”

  “As do we.” He took Tasmin’s hand. Their height difference made it seem as if he sheltered her from everything. Her brown hair and green eyes crowned stubborn-set shoulders and a strength that didn’t come from everyday life but tragedy somewhere along the line.

  What was her story?

  How had they met and how fucked up had their romance been? As bad as mine with Eleanor? Was Elder responsible for the silver scars visible on her forearms as the sun caught her skin? Or had he saved her from the man who’d hurt her?

  Eleanor stepped forward and touched Tasmin’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Tasmin. I’m very excited to see more.”

  Tasmin jolted but swallowed and smiled politely. “Follow us. We’ll show you how to use your new floating home.” She smiled and stood taller. “There is much to go over. But rest assured, you won’t need to remember it. The staff come with the yacht and are fully trained. Elder sells a complete package so you can enjoy sailing straight away instead of interviewing for suitable crew.”

  “And how much is that going to cost me?” I asked, throwing Cal a look over my shoulder as Elder Prest struck off and led us beneath the sail-shaded outdoor area complete with pizza oven, barbeque, spa, huge sitting area, and dining table big enough for a board meeting.

  “Their salaries are included in the cost of running, along with fuel required for travel and onboard generators. You have your own internet network, banking system, and security programs. Every computer is encrypted with top-of-the-line software, so no one will be able to hijack your vessel remotely, and there are two bolt rooms that are bullet-proof with enough provisions for two weeks as well as access to motorised escape pods. Along with the obvious staff of chefs, cleaners, captains, and stewards, there are also five guards who are fully trained in the use of weaponry. Calypso is fitted with two cannons, three machine guns, and a
few other pieces of armament that I will discuss when we arrive at that particular part of the yacht.”

  My eyebrows flew up. “You make it seem like a warship.”

  Prest shrugged, escorting us into a massive room with wraparound windows, sunken white lounge suites, retractable skylights showing a cloudless vista, and a blue lacquered piano next to a sparkling bar with untold number of bottles and goblets. “When you are out at sea with no law enforcement or backup, it’s better you are prepared than short-sighted.”

  “Have you run into complications like that? Pirates and such?” I’d lived in Indonesia for a while now and heard a few rumours of piracy on trade boats and a few container ships that’d been ransacked. However, no one had dared come near my islands. If they tried to steal from me, they’d be fucking shark food.

  Prest’s gaze darkened. He went to shake his head, but Tasmin answered on his behalf. “We have dealt with hostiles boarding our boat.” She threw Prest a shadowy look. “Elder is right. It’s best to be prepared.”

  Eleanor frowned but stayed silent. Maybe renting out this yacht to sexual deviances might not be safe, after all.

  “This way.” Prest stalked through the lounge and into a wide corridor where natural light streamed in, leading toward another lounge, billiard room, movie theatre, library, dining room, gym, spa room with sauna and steam, yet another impressively sized lounge with artwork and chandeliers, and finally out to the front of the boat where a sunken swimming pool glittered in the sunshine, rattan loungers waited with freshly rolled towels, and two staff members manned a cabana where snacks and drinks could be made.

  “The helipad has a dance floor that slides automatically over the landing base. If you entertain, it’s handy to have a space for drunken antics.” Elder flipped a switch by the cabana, activating the silent takeover of the helipad to a perfect wooden stage.

  “Parties aren’t really our style,” I muttered as he led us all through another thick waterproof door to a glass elevator that held ten people.

  He waited until we all crammed in before pressing a button for the lower decks and descending us through the metal structure of the ship. Uplights and LED strips revealed the mechanical beauty of such a marvel as we sank into its belly.

  “Twelve state rooms are all equipped with their own personal bathroom and call button for the butler. They have balconies and individual climate systems. The master is this way.” He waved his hand and bypassed countless doors, leading us toward the front of the vessel beneath the helipad and swimming pool.

  Opening the door, he stood to the side and waited until we all trickled in. Cal nudged me on the way past, rolling his eyes at the decadence.

  For all the zeros in my bank balance, I had simple tastes. I liked my lighting unobtrusive, my ceilings exposed rafters, and my aircon to be open windows while listening to Nirvana splashing outside.

  This yacht screamed money. It dripped with it from every sconce, fluffed pillow, and opulent white rug.

  “This is lovely,” Jess said, glancing around the huge master bedroom with its California king bed raised on a platform, the sitting area, private hot tub outside, and the huge windows revealing my islands just out of reach.

  “You gave no direction on upholstery or decoration, so we just went with modern trends and unobtrusive palettes. I hope that’s all right.” Tasmin turned to face us. “If you want to change anything, we can provide a trusted decorator.”

  “It’s fine.” I smiled. “It’s the epitome of luxury.”

  “It’s also safe.” Prest headed to the couch and peeled back a few of the puffy cushions. Reaching down, he pulled out seatbelts. “If the seas are rough, it’s best to strap in. There are seatbelts in all the rooms, in all the beds, and on deck.”

  “Looks as if we won’t have to install harnesses, Sinclair.” Cal laughed. “The restraints are already there to stop people from jumping overboard while in the middle of a VR session.”

  I threw him a stern look. “Quiet.”

  He nodded and shut up about our potential use for this craft.

  Prest eyed me but wisely didn’t ask for elaboration. Clearing his throat as if his patience was running out, he said, “Follow me. We’ll go to the helm. I’ll introduce you to your captain, Grant, and he can show you the abundant technology available.”

  “Lead the way.” I placed my hand on Eleanor’s lower back.

  She shivered, and her eyes lingered on the huge bed.

  We’d planned on setting sail in Calypso tomorrow for Rapture. To journey from Indonesia to Tahiti and sample the boat before handing it over to the business over there.

  However, now that Prest had delivered early, perhaps we’d leave tonight.

  After all, there were a lot of rooms to christen.

  And a droplet or two of cinta would help with that.

  Kissing Eleanor pointedly on her cheek, I waited until Cal and Jess had followed Elder and Tasmin, leaving us alone for a moment. Radcliffe and Rory had stayed up by the swimming pool, scanning the horizon as they always did for threats.

  “I’m sure we could come up with a wicked fantasy to indulge in while we sail around the world.” I spun her into me and kissed her, quick and sharp.

  She threw her arms around my neck. “I can think of one.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  Standing on tiptoes, she bit my ear, her breath tickling my neck. “An underwater hallucination. Something where we can breathe beneath the waves and look up at a ship like this sailing over our heads all while we fuck on the seafloor.”

  “I love your dirty mind.”

  “Could you code something like that?”

  “I can code anything.”

  “In that case...” She pulled away and entwined our fingers, guiding me out the door. “Best get typing, husband.”

  “Have you had that fantasy for a while?” I glanced at her ass as she stopped, then turned back to face me.


  “Maybe?” I raised an eyebrow. “Since when?”

  “Since every time I watch you swim laps around Batari. You’re so sleek and powerful. You’re as comfortable in the water as living beside it. And...we have a lot of sex in the water, what with Nirvana and all our midnight beach strolls...I’ve become rather intrigued with the idea of being beneath the surface instead of floating.”

  My mind raced to create. To formulate the best fucking fantasy of her life.

  “Any other requests?”

  She licked her lips. “I’d like to be powerful. Like the daughter of Triton or something. And you have to bow to me while I sit on my shell throne.” Placing her hand over my rapidly interested heart, she breathed, “You’ll beg me to fuck you all while we both know you could take me against my will. You’ll try to convince me that only you can grant me the best pleasure in all the oceans and...”

  I growled as she grabbed my cock, fisting my hard length. “And?”

  “And I deny you.”

  “Deny me?” I squeezed her fingers around me, thrusting into her hold, grateful we were alone but cursing the fact that she’d made hiding my erection a painful problem.

  “Deny you until you stop begging and fuck me anyway.”

  Grabbing her hair, I tipped her head back. “I could fuck you now.”

  She panted, her nipples pebbling beneath her bikini and dress. “You could.”

  “Want me to?”

  “I always want you to.”

  Smashing my mouth on hers, I kissed her indecently, decadently, and as dark and dangerous as we always kissed. Ruthless and savage, complete with teeth and tongue and torment.

  The temptation to shove up her dress and shove down my shorts almost made me kick the door closed.


  Something she’d said.

  A part of her fantasy that made me play along with her kinky game.

  Fisting her wrist, I yanked her tight fingers from my cock and held her at arm’s length. Her chest rose and fell; her grey eyes flashed.

  “Come along, Jinx. We haven’t finished the tour yet.”

  She scowled. “Not going to follow through on your threat?”



  I chuckled and nipped at the tip of her nose. “Guess we’ll see who begs who, huh?”

  Whirling away, she blew me a kiss over her shoulder while swaying her hips in ways that made me want to spank, worship, and mount. “Oh, you’ll be the one begging, Sullivan Sinclair. Not me.”

  “We’ll see. I have all night to make you wet and miserable.”

  “And I have the rest of our lives to punish you back.”

  I chuckled as we caught up with the others. “Vicious creature.”

  “Your creature.” She smiled a secret smile as we rounded a corner and found the others waiting for the elevator.

  Cal rolled his eyes, sensing the obvious sexual tension between Eleanor and me. Jess winked at Jinx, and Tasmin and Prest stayed silent as we stepped into the elevator and headed to the helm.

  Eleanor had effectively ruined the rest of the tour for me as we stepped into a treasure trove of technology.

  The cockpit on this thing would normally capture my attention for hours. All the computer screens, navigational systems, and charts tugged at my analytical brain. However, thanks to Eleanor, all I could think about was fucking her beneath the sea.

  I’d once cyphered a mermaid fantasy for a guest named Fisher.

  At the time, I’d wondered how the hell mermaids even had sex with the inconvenience of tails. Now, I dabbled with myth and reality, designing a trip to Euphoria that would begin the moment we set course for Tahiti.

  Eleanor had told me what her fantasy was.

  It was time I repaid the favour.

  And I would ensure it was the best fucking night of her life.

  Chapter Four

  “SIGN HERE.” Elder Prest pointed at the leather-bound folder in front of Sully.

  The final stage of our tour: signing the completed ownership papers now that Sully had approved the delivery of the most impressive vessel I’d ever seen.


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