Road to Passion

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Road to Passion Page 4

by Piper Davenport

  “Logan,” I whispered.

  “I guess what I’m trying to say, Darien, is that I like you too. But it’s you who’s irresistible, and it’s me who’s scared to death of falling in love with you, especially when you bring me gifts for no reason, lookin’ sexier than should be legal. But it’s when you whisper my name... the one no one but you will ever call me, and I’m gone.”

  With that, he leaned down and kissed me. Slowly and sweetly like I was the most precious thing on earth. His hand came to my neck and his fingers stroked my cheek as I opened my mouth to deepen the kiss. I was done. In that second, I needed him like I’d never needed anyone before and I finally understood what Pauley had been saying. That someone like him could break someone like me.

  I broke the kiss and shook my head. “I can’t do this.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because if we do, I’d want something exclusive, and I know that’s not your thing.”

  “How do you know that’s not my thing?” he challenged.

  “Because Pauley and Kim both said it’s not.”

  He sighed. “How about we take some time to get to know each other and while we’re doin’ that, we’ll be exclusive?”

  This time it was my turn to study him. “Are you being serious right now? Because remember what I said about believing people when they tell me things.”

  “Babe, I can’t make any guarantees about anything, but I haven’t been with anyone since the night you came to the club.”

  “What? Why?”

  He laughed. “Because I can’t get you off my fuckin’ mind. You want a confession?”

  “I don’t know,” I said.

  “The reason Train was draggin’ those guys off the dance floor was because I told him to.”

  I gasped. “You did? Why?”

  “Because I couldn’t stand the thought of another man touching you.”

  “Oh,” I whispered and bit my lip.

  “Yeah, oh.” He leaned down to kiss me again. “Come and meet some of my brothers, then we’ll talk some more.”

  “Don’t you have to work?”

  “I’ll work better if you’re here.”

  “How so?”

  He got nose-to-nose with me. “Because instead of finding my fantasies getting away from me, distracting me from my job, I’ll have the real thing close by.”

  I laughed, patting his chest. “Oh, you’re good.”

  “We’ve got close to five hours before we open, so we’ll sort out the deliveries, have dinner, and then you’ll go, yeah?”

  “What if I want to stay the whole night?”

  Mack took a deep breath, sliding his hand to my neck again. “It’s not a good idea for you to stay tonight, Darien. If you want to come back another time, I can arrange it, but I have a shit ton of work to do tonight and we wouldn’t get to spend any time together.”

  “Maybe I should go now, then.”

  He shook his head. “Right now, I’ve got time, so I’d love it if you stayed.”


  Taking my hand, he guided me out of his office and to the front of the club.

  “Yo, Mack!” A tall, incredibly good-looking dark-haired man was attached to the booming voice.

  “Hey, man, what’s the problem?”

  The man handed Mack a clipboard. “Supplier shipped the wrong fuckin’ amount again.”

  Mack released my hand and scanned the pages. “Okay, I’ll deal with it. Knight, meet Darien.”

  I reached my hand out. “Hi.”

  Knight took my hand with a smile. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Give me a second, babe,” Mack said, and left me standing with Knight as he pulled out his phone and walked away.

  “You’re Pauley’s sister,” Knight remarked.

  “I am. Do you know her?”

  “Met her a few times when I go in to the restaurant to see Kim.” Knight smiled. “You and Pauley look alike.”

  I chuckled. “You’re sweet. My sister’s gorgeous.”

  “So are you.”

  I blushed and dropped my head slightly. “Sorry, I don’t mean to act weird; I just don’t hear that often.” I raised my head. “And I’m not saying that to try and get a compliment, just so you know.”

  Knight laughed.

  “I have a little filter problem.”

  He grinned. “Don’t change a thing, Darien.”

  Mack walked back to us, a curious expression on his face. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine,” I said, and smiled.

  He handed Knight the clipboard. “They’re gonna fix it and give us a thirty percent discount.”

  “Are they guaranteeing it won’t happen again?”

  “Later,” Mack said.

  Knight nodded. “Nice to meet you, Darien.”

  “You too,” I said, and watched Knight take the bottles of alcohol behind the bar. I smiled up at Mack. “You’re busy. I should go.”

  “I hate to admit you’re right, but this is something I need to deal with.”

  “Totally get it.”

  “I’ll walk you to your car.”

  I nodded. “Thanks.”

  Mack took my hand again and we walked out to my awaiting car. I pressed the key fob and pulled open the driver’s door, but before I could climb in, Mack slid his hand around my waist. “I’ll call you later.”

  “If you’re busy, call me tomorrow.”

  He smiled. “I’ll call you tonight.”

  “Suit yourself. Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “Were you and Kim—”

  “No,” he interrupted.



  “Why not? She’s gorgeous.”

  He smiled. “One, she’s Dani’s best friend. Conflict of interest, since Booker and I are tight. Two, we’d kill each other and we recognized that pretty early on, so it never happened.”

  “Did you want it to?”

  “Not really. Honestly, babe, we knew we’d be nothing more than friends and she’s more like a sister to me now, so it’s just never been on the table.”


  “Ask, yeah?” He patted my hip. “Always ask. I’ve never been a saint, but I don’t cheat, and I won’t ever lie to you. If I can’t answer the question, I’ll tell you that. Club business is usually off the table, but you can still ask.”

  “I’ve been known to be nosy,” I warned.

  “What woman isn’t?”

  I gasped in an effort not to laugh. “Jerk.”

  “Am I wrong?”

  “No, probably not, but you’re not supposed to say that.”

  “Says the woman without a filter,” he teased.

  I smacked his arm. “I’m leaving.”

  “Yeah?” He squeezed my hip and I didn’t move as he grinned and leaned down.

  I nodded. “Yeah.”

  His mouth covered mine and I forced myself not to melt into him. Good God, the man could kiss. He broke the connection far too soon and I wrinkled my nose in disappointment. “So... you’re going to call me later?”

  Mack laughed. “Yeah, babe, I’m gonna call you later.”

  “God, I sound like a love-struck teenager.”

  He stroked my cheek. “I like that, Darien.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes. I like everything about you.”

  I bit my lip. “Same... well, all but the chauvinism.”

  He chuckled before he kissed me again quickly. “Text me when you get home.”


  “Lots of practice, Darien, remember that.”

  I laughed. “You don’t scare me, Logan ‘Mack’ Reed.”

  “Well, that’s a good start, then.”

  “Are people often afraid of you?”

  A loud whistle startled Darien, and then Pug yelled, “Mack! Need ya inside, brother.”

  Mack gave Pug a chin lift and then focused back on me again. “Text.”

  I gave him a
salute. “Yes, sir.”

  He chuckled and kissed me again. After waiting for me to get into the car, I noticed he waited until I drove out of sight. I grinned the entire way home and texted him when I arrived safely.

  MACK WALKED BACK inside, admittedly distracted by his not so newfound adoration of Darien. He’d never felt like this before and it was strange for him. He headed back out to the front of the club and found Knight talking with Katya Kozlov. He scowled.

  Fuckin’ Nika sent his sister to do his dirty work.

  “Mack!” Katya crooned, her Russian accent thick as she smiled at him.

  He once thought it was sexy, especially in bed, but today, he found it grating. He forced a smile and made his way to her. “Afternoon, Katya.” Kissing both of her cheeks, he raised an eyebrow. “Nika was supposed to be here.”

  “I know. Family emergency, so I’m here.”

  “Why aren’t you with the family?” Mack challenged.

  She chuckled. “His kids.”

  “Ah. Well, I don’t know that you and I can solve anything today, but I appreciate you stopping by.”

  Katya stepped closer to him and ran a finger down his chest. “Oh, darling, I think you and I can solve everything today.”

  He removed her hand and put distance between them again. “Your brother has twenty-four hours to make this right, Katya, or he deals with me directly. Remind him it’s his last chance.”

  “I will. But what about you and I have a little fun while we wait?”


  “Why not?”

  He shook his head. She seemed genuinely surprised. “Katya, I don’t want to insult you, but our fun is over. I told you that six months ago and then again three weeks ago.”

  She licked her lips. “But I thought we could try again.”

  “I’m flattered.” He wasn’t, but she needed to be “managed.” “But, no.”

  Katya’s lip popped out in a very practiced pout. “Well, when you’re done with whoever you’re fucking, let me know.”

  Mack shook his head. “Tell Nika, yeah?”

  “I will.” She stomped out of the club like a petulant child whose toy was taken away from her.

  “Need me to handle that?” Knight asked.

  Aidan ‘Knight’ Quinn got his nickname partly due to his gallantry toward women and partly due to the fact he was a genius with horses. His brother Ace (Carter) had been with the club for years, and Knight had just got his patch.

  “Not sure yet, brother,” Mack admitted. “Booker and I need to make a few decisions.”

  “They’re gettin’ in deep.”

  Mack sighed. “Yeah they are, and now that shit’s bleeding into club business.”

  That shit was mob shit and although the club dealt with folks of all legal standing, mob shit wasn’t something they were willing to get into bed with. Nika Kozlov had a pride problem and he’d made connections with people in an effort to win a pissing contest. Now those people were messin’ with the Dogs and they would have to be dealt with.

  Mack squeezed the bridge of his nose. “I’ll bring this up at Church. Gather the receiving documents, by Tuesday, yeah?”

  Knight nodded. “No problem.”

  Knight headed to Eliza’s office and Mack headed to his. He wanted to find Darien again, he missed her, but he had too much to do and she’d be a distraction, albeit a welcome one at the moment.

  * * *

  “Are you insane?” Pauley bellowed.

  I rolled my eyes. “Pauley.”

  “No, just stop.” She waved her hand as she paced the living room.

  It was just past midnight and Pauley had walked in less than half an hour before. I was sitting cross-legged on our sofa, Barney in my lap, watching Pauley put on an impressively dramatic show.

  “You cannot date Mack,” Pauley continued. “He’s a player, Darien. Next to the word ‘man-whore’ in the dictionary, there is a photo of him. I don’t think there’s a woman in Portland he hasn’t screwed.”


  That brought her up short. “What? No. Ew!”

  I smiled. “Well, there’s one and I know for a fact Kim’s another one, so that’s two. Pretty sure he didn’t “screw” Dani, so that’s three.”

  “Ohmigod, Darien, shut up!”

  My phone rang in between her yelling episode, so I answered it without looking at the caller ID. “Hello?”

  “Hey, you okay?” Mack asked.

  “I’m kind of in the middle of an argument with Pauley, can I call you back?”

  “Is that him?” Pauley snapped.

  “Yeah, you can call me back,” Mack said.

  “Give me the phone,” Pauley demanded.

  “No,” I snapped.

  “Darien,” she said in her mother voice.

  “I’ll talk to you soon,” I said to Mack, and hung up before Pauley could get my phone.

  “You cannot date him,” she said.

  “I know you forget this a lot, sissy,” I said firmly, trying not to let my irritation and fatigue overwhelm me, “but I am not a child and you are not my mother!”

  Pauley stared at me for a few seconds. “You know he’s a lawyer.”

  I shook my head, wondering where the hell my sister was going with this. “So?”

  “You hate lawyers.”

  “No, you hate lawyers.”

  “Oh, right.”

  I smiled. This was Pauley coming down off the ledge. I just had to let her rage for a little bit. We were both verbal processors, I just processed a little quieter than she did. I patted the seat next to me and Pauley flopped onto it.

  “Pauley, I like him. A lot. A lot, a lot. We’re getting to know each other. He hasn’t made any grand promises... just that he won’t see anyone else while we’re getting to know each other. I feel I can trust him at his word.”

  She crossed her arms and dropped her head back to the ceiling. “I’m gonna grill Kim.”

  “Grill away, sissy,” I said. “But if she’s his real friend, then she won’t tell you anything he’s not willing to tell me himself.”

  Pauley rolled her head to me. “I can’t handle the thought of you being hurt.”

  I shrugged. “I know, but I have to grow up in your mind sometime, and is there a better looking guy to hurt me than him?”

  Pauley chuckled. “In my mind?”

  “Yeah, you’re the one who still sees me as a little girl.”

  She sighed. “You’re crazy.”

  “I’m crazy with a super hot man... sort of.”

  “You got me there.”

  “I’m going to call him back.” I smiled and slid off the couch. “You good?”

  “I’m going to get a beer and take a bath.”

  I giggled. “You’re good.”

  Heading to my bedroom with Barney following, I redialed Mack.

  He answered on the first ring. “You okay?” he asked, sounding concerned.

  “Yes, fine. I just had to talk my sister down off the ledge.” I smiled. “You weren’t really worried, were you?”

  “A little, yeah. I want to make this work, Darien, but I’m not getting between family.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “If what we do causes strife with Pauley, I’ll shut it down.”

  “You’ll shut it down.”


  Irritation started to bubble. “Wow.”

  “You sound irked.”

  “You think?” I snapped.

  He sighed. “What’s the issue, babe?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe this sudden need for everyone to tell me what I can and cannot do. Last time I checked, I was an adult, so if I want to date you, and it gets ‘between family,’ then that’s my issue to deal with.” I blinked back angry tears. “I’m going to have to call you back.”

  Mack sighed. “Babe.”

  “Because it’s rude to hang up on someone, I’m letting you know, I’m hanging up now.” And I did. I flopped onto my bed and dragged my ha
nds down my face. Barney stuck his nose in the crook of my elbow and I pulled him close. “Boys are lame, Barney.”

  With a groan, I pulled on pajamas and headed to the bathroom. After brushing out my hair, I wrapped it into a messy bun on top of my head, then washed and moisturized my face. With part of my nightly ritual complete, I walked into the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine.

  Before I could pour a glass, however, a quiet knock came at my front door. I frowned as I tiptoed to it and peeked out the peep hole. Crap! I was a mess... a mess that couldn’t be described as a hot one. I sighed, dropping my forehead to the cool wood before releasing the locks and pulling it open.

  Mack smiled. “Hi.”

  He wore the same suit he’d worn earlier, but he’d discarded the fitted jacket and his white shirt was open at the throat. Delicious was the only word to describe him.

  “Hi. What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “I figured you needed a bit to cool down, and I needed to see you, so...”

  I stepped back. “Come in.”

  “You still mad?” he asked as he walked into my living room.

  “Mad, no. Irritated, yes.”

  He slipped his hands into his pants pockets and studied me.

  I stared back at him. “If you’re going to stay a bit, I’ll let my sister know you’re here.”

  Mack cocked his head. “So she can bust my balls?”

  “So she doesn’t walk out here naked.” He gave me a chin lift and I took a minute to let my sister know of our visitor. “Do you want some wine? I just opened a bottle,” I said as I walked past him.

  He took my arm and turned me to face him. “Hey.”


  His thumb stroked my arm. “I see I’ve made a mistake.”

  “Oh, really?”

  Mack nodded and slid his hand to my neck. “Yeah.”

  I swallowed. “And that would be what, exactly?”

  His mouth covered mine as his free hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer. I took a breath, effectively opening my mouth to him, and melted as he deepened the kiss. It took several minutes for me to gather my wits and I broke the connection, dropping my head to his chin.


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