RaspBuried Torte (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 5)

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RaspBuried Torte (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 5) Page 12

by Lyndsey Cole

  Annie turned the radio down slightly and Leona flashed her a grin. “Too loud for you?”

  “I could hear it from the parking lot.”

  Danny arrived, looking solemn, twisting his Red Sox baseball cap in his hands. “I don’t have much time but you said to stop in before I head to the Harper House. Your message sounded important. What’s going on?” he asked Leona.

  Leona placed a warm blueberry muffin with extra streusel topping on a plate. “Sit down, Danny. I’ll get you your coffee.” Leona brought him a mug and continued. “Here’s the plan. We need you to build a secret compartment at the Harper House. Can you do it?”

  Danny’s eyes lit up. “Sure.”

  Leona slid the gold watch cover toward Danny. “This needs to be hidden in the compartment. Are you sure you can do it without anyone else around?”

  “I know the perfect spot. I’m working in old man Harper’s bedroom today. He had a beautiful fireplace that needs some repairs. It will be easy to pull out a couple of bricks, some need to be replaced anyway, and hollow out a space behind them.”

  Leona high fived Danny. ”Perfect. Hide the gold cover inside and we go to step two.”

  “Which is?” Danny asked.

  “Nothing to worry about yet. Let us know when the space is ready. Shoo now.” She flicked her hands toward the door. “You don’t want to be late for your job.”

  “Jeez Leona. You get me in here thinking the roof caved in or something and now you can’t wait to get rid of me.” Danny laughed as he walked out of the café, holding the door open for Mia to enter.

  “Something is cooking in here,” Mia remarked. “And I don’t just mean the delicious aromas. You two both look like you have something up your sleeves.”

  “Oh yeah,” Leona gushed. “We have a plan.” Leona filled Mia in on the details while Annie called Martha.

  “Martha’s on board. She thinks it’s a great idea. Now I’ll go have a chat with Camilla,” Annie said. “I think she’ll be chewing my ear off after being stuck with Henry Harper the third last night. Wrap up a big piece of the raspberry torte. I need a peace offering.”

  Annie walked across the hall to the Fisher Fine Art Gallery just as Camilla was opening up.

  “I have a Kahlua coffee and a piece of raspberry torte for you.” Annie followed Camilla inside. “So, how was Henry on the ride home?”

  Camilla spun around. “He kept putting his hand on my thigh even when I moved as close to the door as possible. I didn’t even wait for his car to stop before I jumped out, ran inside, and locked my door. I hope you don’t have any more great ideas involving me and that creep.”

  Annie guided Camilla into the small office, got her settled in a chair, set the torte on the desk, and handed her the coffee. “No, I think Leona will handle Henry from now on.”

  “But?” Camilla said. “I can see there’s more coming.”

  “We have to lure Larry into the Harper House.” Annie filled Camilla in on the latest plan. “I suspect he’ll be in the café at some point since his wife loves her sweets. I’ll be sure to drop some hints about new rumors that you told me.”

  Camilla rolled her eyes. “I’m not sure which is worse, Henry Harper, la di da, the third, or Larry, can’t ever smile, world’s biggest grump.”

  Annie laughed. “You have such a way with words. Martha has agreed to have a moving in party for Cody and Abby at their apartment in the Harper House. Sort of a make up for the shower that fell apart. We figure that will motivate anyone interested in the rumors to search before the house is occupied.”

  Camilla fluttered her eyelashes and thrust her chest out. “I’m ready for the show.”

  Annie burst out laughing so hard she had to cross her legs and hobble to the rest room.

  “Serves you right,” Camilla shouted to her retreating back.

  Annie almost bumped into Margery coming out of the ladies’ room. “Excuse me. I’m heading into the café for something delicious. Larry’s in one of his moods and the only thing that helps is if I eat.”

  “Be sure to try the raspberry torte if you haven’t had any yet, “Annie said as she rushed past Margery to the stall.

  Annie heard Margery’s voice even before she entered the café. “We’ve never stayed in Catfish Cove for this long.” Larry sat in a booth nursing a coffee and gazing out the window.

  As Annie reached the pastry counter, Margery’s voice softened. “I don’t know what he’s been up to, but he leaves every evening for several hours. What’s there to do in this little town at night? I’ll have one of those cream cheese fruit bars and a slice of the raspberry torte.”

  “Go ahead and sit down. I’ll bring it over in a minute,” Annie heard Mia answer.

  “This is perfect timing.” Mia handed the plate to Annie.

  “Enjoying your stay?” Annie asked Margery as she delivered the pastries.

  “Oh yes. It’s nice to be able to stay for a few extra days, right Larry?”

  Larry kept his eyes glued to the window, ignoring his wife.

  Annie slid in next to Margery. “Have you heard the latest rumor about the Harper House?”

  Margery took a big bite of the raspberry torte. “Hmmm. This is fabulous. Larry, take a bite.” She held it across the table but Larry’s focus turned to Annie, not the sweet treat.

  “What are you talking about?”

  Annie looked around the café as if she wanted to be sure no one else was listening. With her elbow on the table and her hand cupped around her mouth, she said, “Henry Harper the third has been bragging about valuables he recently found. He even showed some items to the woman that works for me.” She sat back. “I’m surprised you didn’t know this already.”

  “Larry, try this cream cheese thingamajig. It’s to die for.”

  He forced a smile at his wife. “It’s all for you honey. I’ll be right back.”

  Margery giggled. “He thinks I eat too much junk, but all this homemade food in your café is high quality. That’s why I insist we come in every morning.” She shrugged. “His loss.” She patted her mouth with a napkin. “Now, what’s this about valuables? I never gave that rumor a chance to be true.”

  Annie slid from the booth, her part of this step done. “That’s all I know, but Camilla, in the gallery across the hall, has seen the treasures. She told me it’s quite impressive.”

  Margery scooched out too. “I’ll have a chat with her. After I get some more treats for the road.”

  Leona got Annie’s attention. “Danny sent me a text.” She handed her phone to Annie.

  Annie quickly scanned the message. “He found something? No details?”

  Leona handed a bag to Annie. “It’s still early but bring his lunch over and find out what this is all about.”

  Chapter 24

  Annie could see Camilla in a conversation with Larry and Margery as she left the Black Cat Café. Camilla’s hands were fluttering around and she leaned close to Larry. Camilla had certainly perfected the art of getting and holding someone’s attention.

  Tyler opened the door from the outside just as Annie reached for the handle.

  “What’s the hurry? Fire somewhere?” Tyler asked.

  Annie held up the bag for Danny, glad to have an excuse not to have time for a chat. “Making a delivery.”

  Tyler’s face fell. “I was hoping I could buy you a coffee and apologize for last night. Is everything all right with you and Jason?”

  She stood in the doorway with the door resting against her back. “Yeah. Don’t worry, and no need for an apology.”

  “Where are you heading? Can I tag along?”

  “Sorry Tyler. Aren’t you on duty now anyway?” She let the door close and started walking.

  “Listen Annie. I know you. Something’s going on.” He cocked his head, waiting for a reply.

  Annie looked away. “It’s slow enough in the café so I have time to bring some lunch to Danny.” She forced her face to relax as she met his gaze.

“The Harper House? Isn’t that a coincidence? I’m heading over there too.”

  Annie gritted her teeth. “Well, great. See you there.” She watched in her rearview mirror as Tyler’s cruiser headed in the same direction as she did. She slammed her hands on the steering wheel. She had to figure out a way to ditch Tyler without him getting suspicious. She wasn’t ready to reveal their plan yet. There wasn’t enough to go on and he would just get in the way.

  The blue lights and siren on Tyler’s cruiser turned on and Annie pulled to the side. Was he pulling her over? He sped by. Annie smiled, her problem taken care of all by itself.

  Annie pulled in next to Danny’s pickup truck, grabbed his lunch and hurried up the front steps. At least with the sunshine, the house didn’t feel as creepy as normal until she tripped on a loose board and bashed her shin on a step.

  Danny was waiting at the door and he hurried down to help Annie up. “Are you hurt?”

  “Nothing serious. More my ego at my clumsiness than anything else. I have lunch for you.”

  He set the bag at the top of the porch stairs and led Annie inside. “I’ll save it for later. Be careful on these steps too,” he said as she followed him upstairs. “You won’t believe what I found.” His voice was higher pitched with excitement. Danny turned left at the top of the stairs. “This was old man Harper’s bedroom.”

  Annie surveyed the room. Beautiful oak floors, tall windows letting in plenty of sunshine, and a brick fireplace made the room extra cozy. “I wouldn’t mind a room like this one,” she said.

  “I know. It’s got everything. Even a secret compartment.”

  “You finished it already?”

  “No, I haven’t started.” Danny took Annie’s hand and pulled her to the fireplace. He pulled out a loose brick on the edge. “It was already here.”

  Annie stuck her hand into the opening. “He did have a secret spot after all. And no one ever found it?”

  “I’m not so sure about that. It’s empty except for this.” He reached in and held up a gold coin and a woman’s brooch with the same H engraved on it that she saw on the gold watch cover and Henry Harper the third’s ring, surrounded by what looked like chips of diamonds.

  The hairs on Annie’s arms stood up at the sound of a voice behind her and Danny. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?”

  Annie made a quick decision and took the brooch and coin from Danny. “This is what we found inside a secret compartment.” She held it out to Detective Crank, deciding this was not the time to be secretive.

  “A coin and an old pin? Looks like it must have belonged to old man Harper. So what?”

  “There’s more. Let’s go downstairs and I’ll explain everything while Danny eats his lunch.” Annie stopped and looked at Christy. “By the way, why are you here?”

  Christy laughed. “Tyler called me and said he had a feeling you were up to something.” She put air quotes around feeling and grinned at Annie.

  “A feeling, huh? I didn’t think you two put any stock in feelings.”

  “Yeah, well, he asked me to check it out.”

  “So he turned on his blue lights and siren to trick me into thinking I was in the clear?”

  Christy shrugged but her lip twitched a bit on the edge. “Maybe.”

  They sat in the apartment kitchen while Danny enjoyed his chicken salad sandwich with cranberries and walnuts and Annie explained the plan to Christy. She slid the gold watch cover across the table to Christy.

  Flipping it over slowly and tracing the H with her finger, she compared it to the H on the brooch. “It certainly looks like this watch cover once belonged to old Henry Harper. Even if I catch Larry Sheldrake with the gold pocket watch in his possession, it doesn’t prove he killed Claire.”

  “If the gold watch Larry has matches with this cover, it proves he was in the house. He’ll have some explaining to do. I’m positive he’ll show up for Abby and Cody’s moving in party since his mother is part owner of this house now. Camilla was enticing him with stories about Henry Harper the third’s treasures. It’s about the only thing that grabs Larry’s attention. He’s either after more valuables or he’s desperate to find this cover.”

  Christy nodded. “You may be right, but what about Claire’s son, Cody? I got an anonymous phone call that he was here in the house and not at home around when Claire was murdered.”

  “So it’s Cody and Abby’s word against anonymous?”

  Christy continued, “Or Henry Harper the third. He doesn’t have an alibi, and now you tell me he’s flaunting all these jewels and gold coins? Claire might have found those treasures and he killed her for what he felt was rightfully his.”

  “Yes. They will all be here for the moving in party. You’ll have to figure it out,” Annie said.

  “I’m invited too?” Christy asked and smiled.

  “Yes, come in plain clothes, your hair down, a smile on your face, and bring the gold cover.”

  “I hope you know what you’re doing,” Christy said on her way out the door.

  “Okay, Danny. You better put those bricks back over the compartment in the fireplace. No sense in anyone else finding it now that it’s empty.”

  “One question, Annie. If everyone is still looking for that compartment, who found it and emptied it out but left those two things behind?”

  “Good question. I imagine we’ll get the answer later today.”

  Chapter 25

  Leona was working at breakneck speed to get a meal together for Cody and Abby’s moving in party when Annie returned to the café. She finished wrapping a tray of chicken salad sandwiches and slid them into the refrigerator. “What did Danny show you?”

  “It’s kind of funny, actually. Everyone has been looking for the elusive secret compartment and Danny stumbled on it. Turns out he and old man Harper had the same idea.”

  Leona stopped with her hand on the refrigerator door. “Danny found a secret compartment?”

  “Yup. With a gold coin and a woman’s brooch still inside.”

  “What about the gold watch cover?” Leona returned to the counter.

  Annie sat on a stool at the counter and leaned forward. “Detective Crank showed up when Danny and I were searching the compartment. I told her our plan and she’ll be at the party too. Out of uniform.”

  “Martha wants to get Abby and Cody to the apartment around two-ish. It gives me just enough time to finish everything. Does that work?”

  “Perfect. I’m heading back to make sure the apartment is spick and span. Do you want me to bring anything over?”

  Leona and Mia packed up crackers, cheese, drinks, silverware, a coffee pot and cups. Annie made several trips back and forth to her car.

  “That’s a good load. I’ll be back,” Annie said on her way out the door.

  She pulled as close to the apartment door as possible, wondering why Larry’s car was parked where Danny’s truck had been.

  Something wasn’t right.

  With a box full of food, she pushed the door open into the apartment kitchen. “Anyone here?” she hollered.

  She heard clumping footsteps coming down the stairs and into the kitchen. “What are you doing here?”

  Annie looked at Larry’s angry face. “Bringing things for the party. Where’s Danny?”

  “Danny’s done. What party are you talking about?”

  “For Cody and Abby. They’ve decided to move in so a bunch of us want to welcome them.” Annie set her box on the kitchen table and carefully watched Larry.

  “They can’t just decide to move in. My mother is part owner of this place now.” He moved closer to Annie.

  The hairs on her arm stood up. She took a step backwards. “What were you doing upstairs, Larry?”

  He stepped closer. “Checking on the work that’s been done. It’s not moving along as fast as I would like.”

  “You would like? Isn’t that decision up to Cody and your mother?”

  The kitchen door creaked open. “Oh, there you are.
I saw your car outside and was hoping to find you.”

  Annie let herself breathe again. “Henry. Did you come to help me?”

  “Yeah. Cam told me you’d be here.”

  Larry glared at Annie and Henry as he stomped out the door. As soon as Annie heard his car drive away, she sank onto one of the kitchen chairs.

  “Are you all right?” Henry put his hand on Annie’s arm.

  “I think so. Did Camilla really tell you I was here?”

  “No. I’ve been keeping an eye on Larry and I was worried when I saw you walk into the house. I knew he was in here too. Something’s off with that guy.”

  Henry’s hand tightened on Annie’s arm. “What did you tell Larry about my coins and jewelry?”

  Annie’s body tensed. Again. “Just some silly rumors.”

  He increased the pressure on her arm. “Oh yeah? Why are you so interested in the coins and jewelry I showed Cam?”

  “Henry, you’re hurting my arm.”

  “I’m waiting for an answer.”

  Annie twisted and jerked her arm free. “I’m trying to help Danny Davis. Someone found Danny’s lunch bag with the knife inside. Someone came into this house and murdered Claire McClaven. Someone seems to be awfully interested in the rumors about your grandfather. I want to find that someone.” She stared at Henry until he looked away.

  The sound of a car driving in made them both jump. Annie was relieved to have an excuse to walk away from Henry to look out the window.

  “Here comes Cody and he doesn’t look happy.” Annie turned around to see Henry’s reaction but he was gone.

  Cody stormed into the kitchen. “What have you cooked up now?”

  “I’m not sure what you’re referring to, Cody. Leona’s making food for yours and Abby’s moving in party.”

  “Not that kind of cooking. Trouble is what I mean. Getting Abby to agree to move in to this place.” He swept his arm around the room and practically spat out the words. “I don’t want to live here.”


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