Therian Priestess

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Therian Priestess Page 2

by Cyndi Friberg

  Fear resurged with a vengeance. Jatara shoved it back through sheer force of will. “What do you require of me?”

  “It is best if you do not fully understand. As soon as he touches you, he will have access to your thoughts.”

  “Who is he and why will he need to touch me?” Trepidation pushed back against her composure, threatening to shatter her hard-won calm.

  “Therian power is transmitted through blood, and it is blood he will demand. But know this. I will not let him harm you and the sacrifice will seem insignificant compared to the reward.”

  “Will he demand my life or just…my virginity?” Had she only postponed the inevitable, traded one ravishment for another?

  “You must trust me. I will explain everything once this obstacle is removed, but there is no way to avoid what comes next.” Before Jatara could bombard her with questions, Bellin held out her hands. Jatara placed her hands on Bellin’s and the goddess pulled her close. “Close your eyes, child. And try not to panic.”

  It was the only warning Jatara received before the world around her blurred. The trees melted and swirled as the damp forest floor dissolved beneath her bare feet. She quickly shut her eyes and held tightly to the goddess’s hands.

  Wind whipped Jatara’s hair, stinging her face and shoulders. She felt heavy and helpless, as if a giant fist had closed around her body. She was moving, or being moved, and yet she stood perfectly still.

  Before her terrified mind could make sense of the contradiction, something cold and hard pressed against her feet. She gasped and opened her eyes only to cry out and squeeze them shut again.

  “You are safe, Jatara. No one will harm you here.”

  “You better have a damn good explanation for this, little sister.” The man’s voice was deep and he sounded more amused than angry. Still, Jatara lacked the courage to turn around. Just the glimpse she’d absorbed of her surroundings left her trembling. She had no idea where she was, but one thing was certain. She was far from her rainforest home.

  They stood at one end of a long, narrow room the likes of which Jatara had never seen. Light surrounded her, yet she could not identify the source. She was warm but saw no fire pit generating the heat. The smooth floor gleamed and ribbons of gold rippled through the pale surface. The same material had been used for the walls and the odd round posts supporting the sharply arched roof high above her head. She slid her foot forward and back, fascinated by the beauty of the unfamiliar…was it some sort of polished stone?

  “I know how badly you miss the days when virgins were offered in exchange for your blessing.”

  Jatara tensed at Bellin’s casual words, her surroundings forgotten. The legends said Khonish, Bellin’s brother, had once demanded virgin sacrifices before he would empower Therian males with the ability to manifest their animal natures. Khonish was reported to be ruthless, lustful and cruel. Why would Bellin bring her to such a creature?

  “And it was your continual protests that led Father to forbid the rituals. So why have you brought a Therian female into my presence?”

  Jatara wanted to turn around, to confront her fear and see the man to which she had agreed to submit. Bellin was the most beautiful being imaginable. Was it possible her brother was equally pleasing? Jatara did not care what he looked like as long as he was gentle, at least with her.

  “She is one of my priestesses and her potential is extraordinary. I would like to try something new, but the transformation I have in mind requires more power than she would absorb from a Therian male.”

  Khonish’s sensual chuckle made Jatara feel restless and vulnerable. She’d spent her entire life either naked or barely clothed and yet she’d never felt exposed until this moment.

  “Is she a virgin?” He sounded closer, though she hadn’t heard him move.

  “All my priestesses are virgins. Once their soul is bound to their mate’s, it takes too much energy to control them.”

  “Control them”? The phrase sent a chill down Jatara’s spine. Why would Bellin need to control her priestesses? The only purpose in a priestess’s life was to serve the Mother Creator.

  Khonish lifted a lock of Jatara’s hair, his fingers brushing her back in the process. “Turn around, little one. Let me see what my sister is offering.”

  Be brave, Jatara. This was never meant to be unpleasant. Khonish will bring you great pleasure if you allow yourself to revel in the sacrifice.

  Jatara’s legs trembled as she slowly turned around. Unlike Bellin’s golden glory, Khonish’s appearance was dark and menacing. Wavy black hair swept back from his face and flowed past his broad shoulders. He was tall, his bare arms heavily muscled, his features sharply angled and fierce. A simple garment draped from his shoulders to his knees, hinting at a body as sculpted as his brawny arms. The garment was decorated with golden fibers at the hem and along one side, making it shimmer when he moved.

  “My father has forbidden me to demand virgin sacrifices in exchange for my power.” One corner of his mouth curved with the hint of a smile and unmistakable hunger erupted in his amber eyes. He touched her shoulder, caressing for a moment before his fingers slid down her arm. “If a lovely priestess craves my touch, however, he has no objection to us indulging our carnal appetites.”

  The situation became clear. The choice was hers. Khonish would force nothing upon her. They would only continue if she willingly agreed. Was she brave enough to “revel in the sacrifice”? And what would become of her afterward? Bellin obviously had more in mind than a simple definition, yet she’d given Jatara no idea what the transformation would entail. All she knew was she would be empowered to fight for other Therian females. Surely her virginity was a meager sacrifice for something so beneficial.

  She thought of Montega’s hurtful hands and how easily he’d forced her to her knees. If not for Bellin’s appearance, he would have violated Jatara’s body and sealed her fate. She never wanted to feel that helpless again, never wanted any woman to feel that helpless.

  Tossing back her hair, she squared her shoulders and looked into Khonish’s smoldering eyes. “I crave your touch, Great Lord. I am eager for the pleasure you shall give me.”

  Khonish cupped Jatara’s breast with one hand and wrapped the other around the nape of her neck. Without shifting his gaze from Jatara’s face, he told Bellin, “I will summon you when we are finished.”

  The goddess hesitated. “She is special to me, Khonish. I would be grateful if you—”

  “It’s too late for regrets, sister dear. Your little virgin has already agreed.”

  Though his words were provocative, Jatara saw only desire in his eyes. She was about to surrender her body to a god. She should be terrified. Instead, she felt an inexplicable calm, as if she were on the right path for the first time in her life.

  A shimmer in her peripheral vision told her Bellin had departed. She kept her arms at her sides and waited for Khonish to make the next move. Would he turn her around and mount her as Montega had attempted to do or would he…

  “My sister is right. There is no reason for you to fear me.”

  “I am not afraid, just unsure what is expected of me.”

  His intense gaze moved over her face then locked with her eyes. “You really aren’t afraid, are you? How refreshing.”

  If his usual partner was provided by a virgin sacrifice, he must be well used to cringing, weeping women. The thought was so bold and so unlike her, Jatara had to look away.

  “They might have cringed and wept in the beginning, but I have never taken an unwilling woman.”

  She snapped her gaze back to his, far less concerned with the boast than the fact that he’d responded to her unspoken thought. Bellin warned her that he would have access to her mind as soon as he touched her. She needed to be more careful.

  “You have much to learn, little virgin.” He stepped back, lowering his hands. “Come.” Without pausing to see if she followed, he strode across the massive room.

  Jatara fell in step behind him
, allowing her gaze to absorb the grandeur of her surroundings. Though everything seemed to gleam and shine like the stones on her father’s ceremonial robes, the vast openness made her feel insecure. She was so distracted by the room that she collided with Khonish. He chuckled and steadied her, his hands lingering on her arms.

  Then without warning, he grasped her waist and lifted her to the long raised platform dominating the far end of the room. Small, ornate thrones had been arranged around the platform. Did his people sit around the platform rather than stand upon it? Everything in this place was so strange.

  He casually spread her legs and stepped between them.

  “What is this called?” She motioned to the platform on which she sat, too nervous to consider what he was doing. “Is it some sort of altar?”

  “It is called a table, and it serves many purposes.” He moved closer, guiding her legs farther apart. “Part your lips and let me taste you.”

  He bent toward her and she quickly opened her mouth. She’d seen couples kiss, knew the exchange could be brief and affectionate or long and evocative. He pressed his lips against hers then traced her lower lip with his tongue.

  “Is this your first kiss?”

  His breath drifted across her damp lips and she shivered. This was her first kiss, but she wasn’t sure she wanted him to know her complete inexperience. “You tell me.” She raised her hands to his face and moved her lips against his, mimicking the sensual slide of his tongue.

  He caressed her breasts as he deepened the kiss. Their lips pressed and held as their tongues slid against and curled around each other. Jatara had never imagined that kissing involved the entire mouth. Lips, teeth and tongue, Khonish managed to utilize every part. His taste was rich and exotic, different from anything she’d tasted before. And all the while his hands explored her body, his touch gentle yet bold.

  His long fingers encircled her wrists and guided her hands to the table behind her. His mouth hovered over hers, their lips barely touching. She breathed in his breath and stared into his eyes. Was this it? Would he thrust inside her now and…

  “Relax.” He ran his hand from the side of her face, down her neck and onto her upper chest. “When I’m ready to take you there will be no doubt, and you will be more than ready to receive me.”

  His words made no sense. She was ready now. Her breasts felt swollen, her nipples tightly gathered. And the core of her body ached. She’d heard there would be pain this first time, but even that seemed unimportant in the face of all she would gain.

  Without explanation, he eased his hand between their bodies and slipped beneath her thin seroje. His fingers brushed against her delicate folds and she gasped. No other man had touched her so intimately. But Khonish wasn’t a man. He was the Father Creator, the source from which all Therian power flowed.

  She tried to scoot back, but he grasped her hip and anchored her in place. His fingers teased their way ever closer to her opening. A thin barrier would soon hinder his way. She knew from her own explorations. Wasn’t he supposed to rend the barrier with his cock?

  “You’re already wet,” he whispered as his fingers delved deeper. “And your shield has begun to pull away, right here.”

  She felt a sharp pressure and then an alien fullness. “What are you doing?” She grabbed his wrist and tried to tug his hand away. He simply ignored her efforts. “This is not how it is meant to be—” A sudden sting stole the rest of her words and then his finger slid deep inside her.

  “Lean back and close your eyes. The worst is over.”

  Shocked and embarrassed by his odd ideas, she didn’t think to argue. She closed her eyes and tried to picture her life after the promised transformation. But Bellin hadn’t explained the rest of her plan, so Jatara’s mind remained blank.

  Khonish pulled his hand back then drove his finger deeper. The careful slide sent tingling heat spiraling through her abdomen. It felt strange and yet it was easy to imagine a more substantial penetration. She wanted him over her, holding her tightly as he filled her again and again.

  “That’s right,” he coaxed. “Let it build.”

  She drew her legs up and found the table’s edge with her heels as the movement of his hand sped. Her breasts jiggled and her inner muscles clung, needing more than this teasing preview. Suddenly something tickled the inside of her thighs and she instinctively opened her eyes.

  He’d bent closer to her body and his face was directly above her mound. Did he mean to kiss her there?

  Before she could react to the disturbing possibility, he pushed his tongue between her folds and effortlessly found the little knot of nerves that sent her senses soaring. He flicked his tongue against it then circled it while his finger slid in and out.

  Her thoughts scattered and tension gathered beneath his stroking tongue. Her hips rocked, matching each of his thrusts, trying to take his finger deeper.

  He suddenly withdrew his finger and draped her legs over his shoulders. She collapsed against the table with a startled gasp. He grasped her ass with both hands as his mouth settled over her slit. His lips moved against her folds as his tongue pushed between, driving right into her rippling core.

  She’d seen men cover women, watched them pump their hips until they spilled their seed. This was so much more…carnal. He squeezed her bottom and tongued her center until her head spun and her heartbeat thundered in her ears.

  Sensations gathered low in her belly. Her womb quickened and her inner muscles clenched. Then his lips closed around her sensitive nub, drawing the sensations tighter and tighter with each careful pull. She arched off the table and moaned, desperately needing something she didn’t understand. With one careful nip, he triggered her release and pleasure exploded deep inside her.

  She cried out, shaking violently as wave after wave rolled through her. He stayed with her, prolonging the spasms with slow licks and tender kisses. Her head gradually cleared and lethargy stole what little remained of her strength.

  He lowered her legs and helped her sit. His movements were controlled, his gaze suddenly hostile. “I cannot allow what my sister intends, so I will require nothing more from you.” Without another word, he turned and headed for the door.

  Chapter Two

  Still reeling from the burst of pleasure, Jatara scooted off the table and hurried after Khonish. “Have I displeased you, Great Lord?”

  He waved away her question and burst through the massive doors at the far end of the cavernous room. Not sure what else to do, she hesitantly followed him. Sunlight blinded Jatara for a moment then shock drove the breath from her lungs. It had been night when she left her village. Had she already been away so long?

  “Bellin! Show yourself. I will not be manipulated like this!”

  The goddess flashed into view, resplendent and unafraid. “How have I tried to manipulate you? I offered a gift and you accepted.”

  “You want your priestess to be able to absorb any nature she likes.” His muscular arm swept toward Jatara, but his angry gaze remained fixed on his sister. “If I allowed that to happen, she would command abilities similar to ours. Have you lost your mind?”

  How had he known what his sister intended? Bellin hadn’t even explained it to her.

  Bellin put her hands on her hips and moved closer to her brother, eyes narrowed and gleaming like firelight. “Therian females are supposed to be able to choose their animal nature, but your men are taking advantage of a weakness I did not anticipate. My females are being raped and abused by the very males who are supposed to cherish and protect them.” Khonish laughed and Bellin slapped his handsome face. “Nothing about this is funny.”

  Jatara took a quick step back, terrified of the god’s reaction. His hands clenched then released as his sister’s handprint materialized on his cheek. “If you failed to anticipate this weakness, the fault is yours, not mine.”

  “I expected Therian men to be honorable!”

  Thunder cracked in the distance drawing Jatara’s gaze toward the cloudless
sky. Nature itself was attuned to the emotions of these beings. The air around her crackled and Khonish’s massive dwelling loomed over them, strange and foreboding.

  “Human males were aggressive and territorial to begin with, then I add an animal nature that makes them even more predatory. Is it any wonder Therian males occasionally misbehave?”

  Bellin advanced again, clearly infuriated by her brother’s nonchalance. “I speak of more than misbehavior. My females are being horribly abused.”

  “Most Therian males protect what belongs to them. I have seen—”

  “Belongs to them?” Bellin scoffed. “A female is not a possession!”

  Rather than growing angry Khonish just shook his head. “You’ve gazed too long into the future. Let’s concentrate on the realities of this world at this time. If war can be averted or prosperity secured by the definition of a female, is her sacrifice not worthwhile?”

  Bellin began to pace while Khonish grew frighteningly still. Jatara glanced toward the trees in the distance. If she ran for their dense protection would Bellin stop her? And even if she escaped this place, how would she find her way home?

  “There is no excuse for rape,” the goddess said at last.

  Khonish didn’t argue and his gaze shifted to Jatara as he asked, “Do you understand what my sister intends for you?”

  “Not exactly, Great Lord.” She could still feel his hands moving over her body and his mouth devouring the secret place between her legs. Did Therian males know how to pleasure a woman in that way or was it a technique reserved for the gods?

  A knowing smile lifted one corner of his mouth and golden light shimmered in the depths of his eyes. Rather than respond to her tangent though, he turned again to his sister. “Will you be satisfied if I empower this one?”

  “It is my intention to—”

  “That wasn’t my question.” His tone was harsh and autocratic now. They might be siblings, but his authority over Bellin was obvious. “I agree that the balance of power has swung too far toward my men’s advantage. I will allow this female to absorb animal natures for one cycle of the moon. When the new moon rises, you will return her to me and I will solidify her definition.”


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