Under the Bleachers: A Novel

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Under the Bleachers: A Novel Page 33

by K. K. Allen

  He lets himself in and closes the door behind him before looking around the kitchen. The look of shock on his face is more than I was ready for. Now I’m a little embarrassed.

  “Cakes?” he asks, before his eyes lock on mine. “What are you up to? How did you get in here?”

  I laugh and run my hands down my red apron with lace edges, a piece I made especially for this night. Zachary likes me in red; he told me that once. When a man tells a girl she looks good in something, that might be all she ever wears again.

  “Desmond,” I say, vaguely. “Surprise.” I lift my arms a little to gesture around me.

  His eyes are on the lit-up oven and then the decorated table. “It smells amazing in here.”

  “Thanks. I’ve been taking lessons.”

  He steps toward me and tilts his head to the side, his lips curling slowly. “Cooking lessons? Here?”

  I nod and place my hands on my hips. “Yes.”

  “Should I be jealous that you’ve been spending time with Desmond?”

  I throw my head back and laugh, then shake my head. “Nope. I think he’s into my sister.”

  “So if I open that oven I won’t find a pre-cooked meal?”

  I snort-laugh. “No, Zachary Ryan. I did not invite you here to eat a meal prepared by someone else. A long time ago you got me a present, and I wasn’t able to appreciate it. That stuck with me. I wanted to finally show you how much I appreciate it.”

  He’s in front of me now, and his hands move to my cheeks, brushing them lightly with his thumbs. “Those words, Cakes—that’s the best present you could have given me.”

  I bite my lip and shake my head. “There’s more.”

  Tugging on his hand, I lead him to the dining table and point to the bench. “I’ll bring the wine. Sit.”

  Rushing off, I gather our drinks and sit on the bench across from him. “I’m impressed. How long have you been taking classes?”

  I grin. “One month, but I signed up for another one. I know. I’m kind of addicted.”

  His eyes widen in surprise. “Wow. You must be good. I can’t believe Desmond never told me.”

  “I asked him to promise not to say anything. I wanted it to be a surprise.”

  There’s an obvious break in conversation while Zach thinks over what I just told him. “One month, huh?”

  “Yup,” I say, nonchalantly.

  He pauses before clearing his throat. “What else have you been up to? You know, besides trying to become more perfect than you already were.”

  I roll my eyes, but there’s a fluttering in my chest that lifts me. “I’ve been hanging out with my dad. Once a week now. Sometimes twice.” I shrug before smiling. Even though I left my life in Texas to move here with hope in my heart, I never expected to feel so … fulfilled. “He wants me to meet Becky and the girls.”

  My eyes flicker up to meet Zach’s, to gauge his reaction. There’s a twitch of his lips that tells me he wants to smile. “Is that what you want?”

  I nod with my swallow. “Yeah. I think so. I mean, it will be weird at first, but I want to. It’s just … complicated with Maggie here now.” I shrug, because this isn’t what I want to talk about right now. Going on about Maggie’s issues could fill a book.

  “Would you come with me?” I ask. “To meet them?”

  He sucks in a deep breath. “Of course, Cakes.”

  My cheeks heat but I can’t stop smiling. “Are you ready for the first course?”

  I know he wants to ask more questions, but he also trusts whatever is happening right now. His eyes speak to me when his words don’t. It’s the same with me. I love that about us. “Let’s see it.”

  With a sly smile, I walk around the table to straddle the bench beside him. He moves so he’s facing me, and I take his hands in mine. “Three months has been too long without you. I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to do this.” I peer up at his kind eyes that are searching mine, and I smile. “It didn’t take me that long to realize how perfect you were for me. I knew that long ago.”

  I place his hand on my heart and close my eyes. “Once upon a time you told me that you were after this.” Taking a stuttered breath, I lift my lids to peer back at him. “It’s yours. If you still want it.”

  Zach doesn’t give me a chance to consider any other possibility. He pulls me in, kissing me firmly, then softly before finally pulling away. “I do, Cakes. And you’re right; three months is way too long, but my feelings for you have only grown. You may not be ready to say it, but if we’re going to do this, we’re going all in. No more holding back.” He grabs my hands, squeezes and looks at me with the most heartwarming expression. “I love you with everything I’ve got.”

  He smiles, then waits, eyes pleading for me to respond. “What do you say, Cakes? Are you ready?”

  I nod, squeezing my eyes tight. I can’t mess this up. Pressing my lips to his, we’re lost for another moment until I remember I have a question to answer. Laughing, I pull away, nodding to the silver catering platter on the table.

  “First course. Will you do the honors?”

  Zach sighs, disappointed, but he lifts the handle anyway and lets out a throaty laugh. “Um. Dessert is our first course?”

  I shrug and take the lid from him, setting it aside. He still hasn’t looked at it. “Figured if I’m slaving away in the kitchen, we’re going to do this my way. Dessert first.” I wink, then nod my head at the cake. “Did you read it?”

  He looks down. It’s the most beautiful sight as he inhales then exhales, and his shoulders relax. If there was any tension left, it all melts away.

  The cake is shaped like a football with white frosting decorating the top layer like it’s lacing the icing together, but it’s the words in the middle that say it all.

  I love you more than chocolate cake.

  Nothing could be more simple, more true.

  Zach’s hand massages my thigh, but he doesn’t take his eyes off those words until I speak.

  “I love you, Zach.”

  His eyes float to me.

  “I’ve wanted to love you for a long time now, but I’m more than ready now. I’ve been scared for a long time, too.” I feel my chin start to quiver. “But a smart man once told me that I should stop letting fear rule my life.”

  “You done hiding under the bleachers, Cakes?” His tone is teasing and loving—a perfect reminder of why it’s so easy to love him back. He understands me so well with no effort at all. He’s always seen me, even when I couldn’t see myself.

  I smile and lean in to touch my lips to his. “Yes, smartass. Every home game, I’ll be in the stands, right where you can see me.”

  His grin melts my insides. “That’s great news.”

  His mouth moves with mine. It’s a kiss that melds us together with the promise of a kind of love that can’t be defined as kismet. We weren’t lucky to find each other; we were meant to find each other.

  Zach said it before: we were two parallel lines that magically derailed and hit a crossroads. Except, I still don’t believe we have magic to thank for this. No alternate path along the way or chain of events could have kept us from each other.

  What’s meant to be … simply is.

  # # #

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  On an Alaskan cruise in the dead of winter, Emma and Luke find each other under the aurora borealis, a phenomenon that bonds them in the most unlikely of ways. While Luke teaches Emma what it means to soar, she gives him a reason to stay grounded, but as their journey nears its end memories of a forgotten past surfaces, challenging their future—if a future for them still exists.

  It’s that time again when I get to thank some very important people who made Under the Bleachers possible. Writing and publishing is not a one-man job. It truly takes an army, and I’m so blessed to have a team that cares about my characters as much as I do.

  First, I want to take a second to say that Under the Bleachers was the hardest novel I’ve written so far. After the emotional story that was Up in the Treehouse, it was a challenge to get to know these characters right away. I relied heavily on the people I’m about to thank for good reason, and they deserve all the accolades.

  To my family, all of you. To my friends, old and new. There are pieces of you in all my stories. If you ever read something that triggers a memory we share, then it probably inspired me enough to write about it.

  Shauna Ward. Again. You are more than an editor and I thank you for the continuous rounds of reviews and answering questions, and helping me transform every story into something worth reading. Also, and most importantly, for making me a better writer by always challenging me to do better.

  Richard Duerden. I’m honestly not sure I would be here without your encouragement when I was a debut author struggling with a fantasy series. You were a wonderful teacher then and continue to be. Thank you for allowing me to trust you with my first and worst drafts.

  My dream team beta readers!! Adore isn’t even the right word to tell you how I feel about you. You challenge me, you’re honest, and you take time out of your busy lives to give me critical feedback. Beta reading is not an easy job. Joy, thank you for having the creative foresight to see Zachary and Monica together while reading Up in the Treehouse! They have been my favorite couple to write so far. Sue, once again you came in and helped me build elements to this world I didn’t even know were missing. You are truly fantastic! Anna, coming in like that to beta in the last hour. You are a doll and I can’t thank you enough.

  Helene (aka Mom), what would I do without your proofreading skills? Once again, I’d have a lot of missing words. I can’t wait for you to read what I’ve got coming next. You’re a huge inspiration for it!

  Kristen Puckhaber!!! I couldn’t put you in any one category. You simply stand on your own. You are my real-life fashion stylist, an inspiration to so many, and you’ll always be my sis. Thank you for not only jumping into this project with both feet, but going above and beyond anything I imagined. I asked for some fashion suggestions and you came back to me with story feedback and a freaking style board! I love you more than any words in any book could ever express.

  Ashleigh Wilson. When you signed on to be my assistant I’m not sure you agreed to all that came along with it (ha!). You, my friend, are a blessing. Every day, you surprise me, and I truly love having you on my team! So, as promised, Zachary Ryan is yours. ;) But does that mean I get Tebow?

  Lowell Hofer of @LHPoetry on Instagram, thank you a million times over for allowing me to insert your beautiful words into this novel. It truly fit Zachary and Monica’s love like nothing I could have written myself. Never stop writing!

  To my cover artist, Sarah Hansen of Okay Creations, thank you again for creating the perfect face for my story. I truly love working with you!

  To the Sassy Savvy Fabulous team, specifically my publicist, Linda! I am so grateful for your support during this book launch! Thank you for putting up with my never-ending questions, and for kindly batting away my need for control. We did it!

  To every book blogger and reader who accepted an advanced copy of Under the Bleachers. I am so appreciative of your
time and support. A special thanks to Derna from Always Books, the moderators at New Adult Book Club, Lucy and the Words We Love By team, Lindsey from Linz Reads, Kylie and the Kylie’s Fiction Addiction bloggers, JoDeen from JoJo the Bookaholic, Cassandra from Bookish Crypt, Jennifer and Roxie at Schmexy Girl Book Blog, The Rock Stars of Romance team … and so many others! You’re all amazing at what you do and you’re appreciated more than you know.

  To my reader group, Forever Young! What the heck did I ever do without you? I love hanging out with you every single day and sharing our love for books, food, and boys (hehe). Love you all!

  And of course—this book would not be complete without a quick shout out to the Seattle Seahawks and the 12s who have made my love for football everlasting. There is nothing like standing in the bleachers at CenturyLink Field. Nothing.

  My readers. Wow. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read Monica and Zachary’s story. I’m not done with this crew. Stay tuned.

  To everyone. Keep reading. Keep reviewing. Keep spreading the love. Until the next time.

  Much Love,

  K.K. Allen

  K.K. Allen is an Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences graduate from the University of Washington who writes Contemporary Romance and Fantasy stories that “Capture the Edge of Romance.” K.K. currently resides in Central Florida, works full time as a Digital Producer for a leading online educational institution, and is the mother to a ridiculously handsome little dude who owns her heart.


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