Warlord's Return

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Warlord's Return Page 10

by Cynthia Sax

  “I…understand.” He wouldn’t push her, wouldn’t ask her to do anything she was uncomfortable doing. Her hands would satisfy him. He rocked into her palms.

  She brushed her fingers over his constrained cock, thighs, knees, as she sank to her knees before him. “It’ll have to be a blow job.” She looked up at him.

  Her cheeks were flushed. Her eyes glowed. Her lips, plumped from his kisses, parted.

  Zondoo. She would test the control of a bot.

  And he was all organic, all male.

  “I won’t say no to a blow job.” He might not survive it, not with his mind intact, but he certainly wouldn’t reject his gerel’s offer.

  “I didn’t think you would say no.” Her smile was pure seduction.

  Her gaze returned to that needy part of him.

  Ariq gritted his teeth as she slid her hands up his thighs, under his ass coverings. Her fingertips touched his balls and he made a hurting sound, that contact exquisite to the point of pain.

  “Do something about this.” She flicked a strip of leather.

  He hastily tucked that part of his ass coverings into his waistband, exposing his hard cock, his already-throbbing balls, to her view.

  She perused him thoroughly, her mouth positioned a breath away from his shaft. “You’re ready for me.”

  His temptress gerel skimmed her little pink tongue over her bottom lip. That decadent flesh glistened.

  “I’m always ready for you.” A bead of pre-cum formed on his tip, attesting to that state. “I won’t last long.”

  The sight of her beautiful face next to his big cock pushed him dangerously close to the edge. He leaned over her and gripped the side of the structure, needing to hang onto something, anything.

  “Spread your legs wider.” She smacked the inside of his thighs. “I have to see out.”

  He complied with that command. His gerel didn’t appear to like walls of any kind.

  She curled her leather-clad fingers around the ridge at his base. The feel of that soft supple material against him was divine. She pumped his shaft slowly. Her gaze remained locked on his face.

  His muscles flexed tight. His claws extended.

  The drakon perched on his head sank his talons deeper into his flesh.

  “You didn’t lie.” Xareni’s husky voice added to his torment. “You won’t last long. Your eyes are wild, barbarian.”

  “You make me wild.” Stars. His legs quivered, tension stretching over him.

  He battled his desire, trying to prolong the encounter. His gerel hadn’t yet taken him into her mouth, as she promised. His gaze shifted to her lips. He wanted, needed, to experience that.

  But he was fighting a losing battle, had no defenses against his lust, against his beautiful adversary. The exhilaration of the hunt followed by the wonder of his gerel was too much for him.

  His base swelled. His restraint evaporated.

  He couldn’t hold back his release. It approached too quickly, too—

  She curved one of her palms over his balls, and he came hard, roaring his fulfilment, detonating under that sweet grip. Cum blasted from his cock head, hit his female in the face.

  “You fucker.” She spluttered.

  He couldn’t stop, coming and coming and coming. Pleasure blitzed him, liquifying his muscles, his bones, everything.

  His claws retracted. His legs buckled under him. He fell.

  His bare knees hit the unrelenting stone. Pain shot upward, coursing through his form, yet that agony couldn’t pierce his bliss. The rapture of her, of his satisfaction, was too strong, too all-encompassing.

  “You owe me for this, Chamele.” His warrior gerel, half blinded by his unplanned erotic assault, used her hands to extend his ecstasy, draining him off his essence, his willpower, his thoughts.

  He shuddered, ravaged by the rutting. “I owe you for everything.” He wiped her face with his trembling fingers and drew her to his chest.

  “I’m a mess.” She muttered that complaint against his skin.

  “You’re my mess.” He held her to him.

  Spark must have flown off during his release. The drakon returned, settling on his mistress’ rounded back, and he glared at Ariq with his fire-lit eyes.

  The creature knew Ariq had fucked up.

  “I lost control.” He admitted to that weakness. “Completely. That hasn’t happened during a rutting…ever.” It was too dangerous. “And it shouldn’t have happened with you.”

  His gerel stiffened. “It shouldn’t have happened with me because I look like a monster.” She wiggled, trying to escape him, and he tightened his grasp on her. “You should be able to control yourself around someone like me. I—”

  “It shouldn’t have happened with you because you’re too precious to me.” Ariq kissed the top of her head. “If my cock had been in your mouth when I came, I would have blown out your throat.” His stomach twisted, that possibility horrifying him. “I would die before I hurt you in that way.”

  She stopped fighting him.

  “I have never wanted anyone as much as I want you, Xareni.” He pulled back from her and met her gaze. “There will be no blow jobs until I learn how to manage my need for you. It’s too risky.”

  He’d willingly give up that pleasure to keep her safe. She was his, his to protect, his to keep.

  Xareni frowned at him. “That’s bovine shit.” His warrior gerel didn’t hold back, giving him her blunt and honest opinion of his plan. “You lose control because of me. I will manage your need for me.”

  It was his turn to frown. “And how will you do that?”

  “Your base swells before you come, dumbass.” Her lips twisted. “When that happens, I’ll ensure your cock isn’t in my fuckin’ mouth.”

  “And if I hold onto you, if I don’t allow you to withdraw?” He was larger, stronger than she was.

  “I’ll stab you in the thigh with my dagger.” She extracted one of her weapons from a sheath. The blade gleamed, reflecting the little light that was available. “No one stops me from doing what I want to do, not even you, you big ass.”

  She’d stab him in the thigh. His body shook with suppressed mirth. He had forgotten who his gerel was—she was a warrior, his equal.

  “You can manage more than my need, gerel.” He pulled her to him once more. “You might be the only being in this universe who can handle all of me.”

  “I told you that during our first fuck.” She sounded adorably disgruntled with him.

  Ariq laughed.

  His gerel was one of a kind.

  Chapter Ten

  Xareni woke at sunrise. The Chamele’s arms were wrapped around her. Both of them were naked.

  The previous planet rotation, they had returned to the spot they’d claimed on top of the wall, ate, drank, stripped, fucked…twice…vigorously, fell asleep.

  Ariq’s chest now rose and fell underneath her, the wave of muscle and unrelenting male rocking her form. His breath blew against her neck. An enticing heat radiated from him.

  Spark was seated nearby on his gold coins. His tail was curled around him. His eyes were closed. Smoke puffed from his nostrils.

  A soul-deep peacefulness settled over Xareni. The need to kill, to inflict pain, had been sated by the hunting of the Humanoid Alliance males. She was content to merely be with her drakon…and with her barbarian.

  It boggled her mind that she felt that way. Humanoids, humans, other two-legged beings, were not to be trusted. So many of them had betrayed her in the past.

  But somehow, the damn male had battled his way into their confidences, into their regimen, had become part of their lives…temporarily.

  He would leave soon. She had to remember that, shouldn’t become accustomed to having the barbarian near her, shouldn’t rely upon him.

  Their relationship would end.

  Ariq stirred under her. “Is that scowl for me, gerel?” Amusement lilted his voice.

  “Fuck you.” She rolled her eyes.

  “I’m will
ing to engage in a fast fuck if you are.” He reached out, slipped his fingers into one of the holsters attached to his discarded ass coverings. “Part those lush lips of yours.” He placed a freshening square on his tongue, held out another one to her.

  She hesitated for a heartbeat, offering some token resistance, before complying with his command. He tossed the square into her mouth. A cooling sensation spread over her.

  “I can take care of myself.” That was said as a reminder to herself.

  The two of them weren’t a permanent team, not like her and Spark. They would go their own ways.

  “I know you can take care of yourself.” Ariq turned her to face him, met her gaze. “It was a selfish sharing, as I want to do this.”

  He covered her lips with his. She sighed with satisfaction, then she realized what she had done and stiffened. Her response to him alarmed her. It was too natural, too immediate.

  She had grown to crave his touches, his kisses.

  It would hurt when they parted, and too much of her lifespan had been spent in pain.

  “Don’t.” She pushed away from him. Her lips hummed. Her body protested the distance between them. “I thought I could do this.” She had believed she could enjoy his big form for the short time they had together and then walk away with memories and nothing more. But she was wrong. The mere thought of severing their connection brought her agony. “I can’t.”

  She stood, grabbed her garments and boots, then. dressed, putting that barrier between them.

  “If by ‘do this’, you mean spend time with me, touch me, kiss me, rut with me, that decision is now out of your leather-clad hands, gerel.” Ariq rose to his feet also, donning his garments. His movements were sharp, jerky. His face was dark. “We’re bonded. We must have physical contact with each other or we will hurt…badly. We could eventually die.”

  Her barbarian was angry with her.

  That was tough shit for him. She glowered unseeingly at the stone by her booted feet.

  “I’m not weak.” She stuffed their things into her pack. “I won’t die if we don’t fuck.”

  Stars. The male was dramatic.

  She snatched the gold coins out from under Spark.

  He snapped at her and screeched his unhappiness.

  She ignored the drakon, stored his treasure with her other shit.

  Meet me at the training rings. Kralj pushed that thought into her head. Bring your pack.

  “I have to go.” She slung the pack over one of her shoulders, held out her arm.

  Spark shrieked at her and remained where he was.

  Her lips twisted. He was such an ass.

  “I got Kralj’s message also.” Her…the Chamele’s tone was dry. He patted his shoulder.

  The drakon flew to him, landed on the damn warrior, sinking his talons into his skin.

  Both of her males were unhappy with her.

  “The two of you can fuck completely off.” She stomped down the steps. They could follow her…or not. She didn’t fuckin’ care…about them, about anyone.

  Monsters couldn’t afford to have feelings. She glared at beings as she strode through the settlement, allowing her discontent with the universe to show.

  Residents of the Refuge squeaked and rushed out of her way, dropping containers and other objects in their haste to put distance between them. A child took one look at her face and started to wail.

  Her damn barbarian remained directly behind her. He said nothing, made no sound as he walked, but she sensed him, felt his presence down to her core.

  There was no getting away from him, and part of her—most of her—didn’t want to succeed at that feat. The urge to slow, to press against him, was tremendous.

  She resisted it because she was strong, and she didn’t need him—or anyone.

  Orol was stationed, with Rhea, his human mate, at the entrance to the training area. “Xar” His gaze shifted to a spot above her right shoulder. “Chamele. They’re waiting for you.”

  Xareni grunted at him, perturbed. Kralj didn’t like to wait for anyone.

  Feeling as though she’d disappointed the Ruler, yet not knowing how she could have arrived at the site faster, she entered the space. It was crowded, and that made her instantly uncomfortable.

  The newly arrived Chamele warriors and Hulagu occupied one corner of it. Their coloring, height and breadth was similar to Ariq’s, yet none of them appealed to her as he did. The two females who had accompanied the males on the flight were with them.

  Dialo, Vietor, and Jeden, Orol and Rhea’s winged triplets, chattered close to Kralj and his assassin mate. Their eyes shone with excitement.

  Libor and Frost, two of the Ruler’s modified humanoid warriors, nodded at her. Their big arms were crossed in front of them. Their booted feet were braced apart. They were always ready for an attack.

  Xareni expected Ariq to go to his brothers-in-arms.

  He remained by her side.

  That shouldn’t delight her…at all. She was attempting to dissolve their link, to wean herself off her addiction to the damn Chamele.

  Yet it did please her. Very much.

  Kralj stepped forward and a hush fell on the crowd. When the Ruler spoke, everyone listened. “Humanoid Alliance activity has increased on the planet.” His voice originated from all around her. “That…concerns me.”

  Shit. Xareni shifted her weight from her right booted foot to her left, uneasiness trickling over her. If recent events unsettled the all-knowing, all-powerful modified humanoid, the situation must be bad.

  “I recommend the expedition to the clone community happen this planet rotation.” Dark shadows swirled around Kralj’s face. It was badly scarred. Some might consider it more marred than her own countenance. “Xareni, is that possible?”

  Heads turned toward her.

  A breath hitched. That must have been one of the newcomers. The modified humanoids were accustomed to her countenance.

  Xareni bit back her irritation and kept her expression blank. “We’ll leave this planet rotation, sir.”

  It hadn’t truly been a question.

  The Ruler had issued a command and, not being a fool, she would follow it.

  Kralj nodded. “It will take one planet rotation to get there, one planet rotation to return. Seven-One, you’ll complete your tasks at the clone community as quickly as possible. That shouldn’t take more than two planet rotations, four planet rotations for the total expedition.”

  A young Chamele blinked. “Ahhh—”

  “It won’t take longer than that, sir.” Ariq answered for the male.

  That was wise. That hadn’t been a question either.

  “Xareni will be your guide.” The Ruler assigned roles. “Ariq will be your official leader, though he would be wise to follow his guide’s advice.”

  Fuck. She’d be reporting to the one being she was trying to avoid.

  “They will ensure you have the contacts and anything else you need, Seven-One.” Kralj’s tone was grave.

  The expedition was important to him.

  That made it important to Xareni. She owed the Ruler her life, could never repay him for that, would do anything possible to make his endeavors a success.

  “Yesun, Dialo, Vietor, Jeden, Libor, and Frost will fill out the team.” The addition of the two experienced modified humanoid warriors emphasized how dangerous the expedition would be. “Tell my warriors what you require, and they will source it.”

  She suspected they’d already sourced it. It wasn’t their first expedition.

  “Ariq, you have the lead.” Kralj turned and walked away.

  Dita, his assassin mate, grasped one of his hands and skipped beside him.

  Xareni had been shocked when the Ruler had found his mate. It had taken her a while to absorb that stunning occurrence. She had believed the male would be alone forever, would remain as solitary as she was.

  Ariq moved beside her and her gaze flicked to him. Spark sat on the male’s shoulder as though he belonged there.<
br />
  The drakon was such an ass.

  She glanced back at the stretch of shadow Kralj and Dita had disappeared into.

  Before the little assassin had arrived, had bonded with the Ruler, Xareni hadn’t thought monsters could experience love.

  But miracles did happen.

  Usually only once.

  She couldn’t expect a miracle like that to happen again.

  Not to her.

  “Seven-One, what items do you require for your specific tasks?” Ariq clasped Xareni’s leather-clad hand as he took control of the planning.

  The tension inside her lowered with that physical contact. That was an unhealthy reaction.

  She should pull her hand away. Her goal was to dampen her need for him, not increase her reliance on the damn Chamele.

  But rejecting his grasp on her would cause a scene, signal conflict between them to the beings they had to lead. Trust in others during an expedition was often the difference between living or dying.

  She allowed him to hold her hand.

  Ariq collected information, accumulating a list of what they needed, what the modified humanoids had already gathered. His approach was logical, thorough. It was clear he’d been in charge of numerous campaigns in the past, likely during the Succession Wars he had mentioned.

  He checked back with her often, listening to her insights, weaving them into his plan. His fingers linked with hers. He gradually moved closer and closer to her until she was tucked against his side.

  She couldn’t move away from him. Her lips flattened. The ass knew that.

  Seven-One would fill one small open-air transport with his medical and scientific gear. Two more transports would be piloted by Libor and Frost. Those contained beverage, nourishment, foldable domiciles, an impressive assortment of weapons, and other items.

  “I don’t think we have enough guns.” She murmured that sarcastic comment under her breath.

  “I don’t think we have enough nourishment bars.” Ariq grinned at her and her stomach fluttered. The male was so fuckin’ attractive. “I’ve seen Yesun eat.”

  “I’ve seen the triplets eat.” Her lips twitched. “We definitely don’t have enough nourishment bars.”


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