That Used to Be Us: How America Fell Behind in the World It Invented and How We Can

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That Used to Be Us: How America Fell Behind in the World It Invented and How We Can Page 45

by Thomas L. Friedman

Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on

  Pearlstein, Steven

  Peking University

  Pell Grants

  Pence, Mike

  Pentagon; terrorist attack on, see September 11

  People magazine

  People of Plenty (Potter)

  People’s Daily

  Perez, Raul

  Perino, Dana

  Perkins Pancake House (Minneapolis)

  Perot, H. Ross

  personal computers (PCs)

  Pew Charitable Trusts; Center on the States; Clean Energy Program; Research Center for the People & the Press

  Philadelphia Eagles football team

  physics; laws of; waging war on



  Pink, Daniel

  Planned Parenthood



  Policker, Shai

  Pope, Jeremy C.

  Porter, Captain Wayne


  Potter, David


  Pradesh, Andhra

  Precautionary Principle

  Price of Liberty, A (Hormats)

  Price of Loyalty, The (Suskind)

  Prince, Charles

  Princeton University

  Procter & Gamble

  Progressive era

  Progressive Party


  Public Policy Institute of California

  public-private partnerships

  Puranik, Arjun Ranganath


  Race Between Education and Technology, The (Goldin and Katz)

  Race to Nowhere (movie)

  Rajan, Raghuram

  Rand, Ayn

  Rapert, Molly

  Rasmussen Reports

  Rauh, Joshua

  Reagan, Ronald


  Red Flags or Red Herrings? (Engel)


  Reed, Kasim

  Reed College

  regulations; climate change and; economic; environnmental; local; recycling

  Reichert, Jeff

  Reid, Harry

  Reinhart, Carmen

  Religious Independence, Virginia statute for

  Rendell, Ed

  Republican Party; campaign contributions to; economic and fiscal policies of; energy and climate policies of; immigration policy of; news media and; origins of; polarization of Democratic Party and; Tea Party and

  research and development; in China; energy; investment in; outsourcing of facilities for; public-private partnership and

  Reset (Andersen)

  Reuters News Service

  Reva Electric Car Company

  Rhee, Michelle

  Ringwald, Alexis

  Ripon Society

  Rise and Decline of Nations, The (Olson)

  Ritter, Bill

  Robinson, Ken

  Rockefeller, Nelson

  Rocky Mountain Institute

  Rodgers, Daniel T.

  Rogoff, Kenneth

  Rolling Stone magazine

  Roman Empire

  Romm, Joseph

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Rosen, Amy

  Rosenberg, Diane

  Rosenberg, Mark

  Ross, Benjamin

  Rubenstein, David

  Russia; communist, see Soviet Union


  St. Louis

  Samuelson, Robert

  Sandel, Michael J.

  San Diego (California)

  San Francisco Chronicle

  Sarles, Richard

  Saturday Night Live (television series)

  Saturn V rocket

  Saudi Arabia

  Savage, Michael

  Schapiro, Morton Owen

  Schell, Orville

  Schilling, Curt

  Schleicher, Andreas

  Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

  Schuck, Peter

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold

  science; of climate change; education in; jobs in; see also physics

  Science magazine

  Seattle (Washington)

  Seattle Post-Intelligencer

  Second Civil War, The (Brownstein)

  Secret Service

  Securities Act (1933)

  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

  Seib, Gerald

  Seidman, Dov

  Senate, U.S.; campaigning for; climate change legislation in; Environment and Public Works Committee; Finance Committee; partisan polarization in

  September 11, 2001 (9/11) terrorist attacks

  Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (1944)

  Shahmirian, Sarine Gayaneh

  “Sham News Network” (SNN)


  Sharma, Sunanda

  Sharma, Virender K.

  Shi, Katheryn Cheng

  Shiite Muslims

  Shriver, Sargent

  Shriver, Timothy

  Shultz, George

  Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society

  Silicon Valley

  Simpson, Alan

  Simpsonville (South Carolina)

  Singapore; education in

  Singh, Kartikeya

  Sinha, Abhinav

  Sinha, Abhishek

  Sirsi (India)

  situational values

  60 Minutes (television series)


  Smithsonian magazine

  Socialist Party

  Social Network, The (movie)

  social networks; see also Facebook; Twitter

  social safety net

  Social Security; cuts in; federal deficits and costs of; partisan politics and; Reagan’s reform of

  So Damn Much Money (Kaiser)

  Soffer, Edy

  Soil Science Society of America

  solar energy; Chinese investment in; declining cost of; for electric cars; for low-income housing



  Sosa, Sammy

  South Africa

  South Carolina

  South Korea

  Southwest Airlines

  Soviet Union; invasion of Afghanistan by; launch of Sputnik 1 by


  Special Olympics

  Spelman College

  Splinter, Mike

  Spruance (Virginia)


  Sridhar, K. R.

  SRI International

  Stanford University; Hoover Institution

  Starr, Kevin

  State Bank of India

  State Department, U.S.

  Stevens, George, Jr.

  Stevenson, Charles

  Stevenson, Robert

  Stevenson, Wade

  Stewart, Jon

  Stiglitz, Joseph E.

  Stockman, David

  Streetcar Named Desire, A (Williams)

  subprime crisis

  Suh, Jane Yoonhae

  Summers, Lawrence

  Sumner, Charles

  Sun, Benjamin Chang

  Sunni Muslims

  Sunstein, Cass

  Sununu, John

  Suresh, Subra

  Suskind, Ron

  Sustainable Oils

  sustainable values




  Taft, William Howard



  Tan Kong Yam

  Tanner, Michael

  Taubert, Krista

  Teach for America (TFA)

  Tea Party

  Teapot Dome scandal

  Teda Construction Group

  Ten9Eight (documentary)


  terrorism; see also al-Qaeda; September 11, 2001


  text messaging

  Thatcher, Margaret

  Third Way

  This Time Is Different (Rogoff and Reinhart)

  Thompson, Mark

  3M Corporation

  Three Mile Islan
d nuclear accident

  Thurmond, Strom

  Tianjin Meijiang International Convention and Exhibition Center

  Time magazine

  Times (London)

  Tocqueville, Alexis de

  Toltz, James

  Touch of Evil (movie)

  Toyota Prius

  Tracy (California)

  Treasury, U.S.

  Treasury Department, U.S.

  Trek Bicycle Corporation

  Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

  Truman, Harry S.

  Tsinghua University

  Tucker, Marc



  Tuscaloosa (Alabama)

  Tuskegee Airmen

  24/7 Customer


  Tyler, John




  Unbound Arts

  Union of Concerned Scientists

  United Airlines

  United Auto Workers (UAW)

  United Nations; Food and Agriculture Organization; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

  universal health care

  Up in the Air (movie)


  USA Network



  Valdez, Daniel

  Vallejo (California)

  values; erosion of; in military; shared; situational; sustainable


  Velic, Zermina

  venture capitalists

  Vertical Transportation Excellence

  Vest, Charles

  Veterans Administration (VA)

  Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of


  Vietnam War

  Viniar, David

  Virginia; colonial; Statute for Religious Freedom

  Virginia, University of

  Vivian, James R.

  Voinovich, George

  Volcker, Paul

  Volpe, Ralph

  von Hippel, Eric

  VUCA (volatility, unpredictability, complexity, ambiguity) ratings


  Wadhwa, Vivek

  Wagner, Tony

  Walker, David

  Wallace, George

  Wall Street Journal

  Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protect Act (2010)

  Washington, D.C.; high-speed train from New York to; public school system; snowy winters in; terrorist attack on, see September 11, 2001; transit system in

  Washington, George

  Washington magazine

  Washington Post

  Washington Wizards basketball team

  Watergate scandal

  Waterloo, Battle of

  Watts Bar Nuclear Plant

  Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill

  Weekly Standard

  Weingarten, Randi

  Welles, Orson

  Wellington, Duke of

  West Alabama Chamber of Commerce

  Whalen, Bill

  Whig Party

  Whitney, Meredith

  Whole New Mind, A (Pink)

  Wichita (Kansas)




  Wilde, Oscar

  Williams, Tennessee

  Williams College

  Wilmington (Delaware)

  Wilson, Woodrow

  wind power

  Winklevoss, Cameron and Tyler

  Wired magazine


  Wisconsin, University of

  World Bank

  World Economic Forum (Tianjin, China; 2010)

  World Is Flat, The (Friedman)

  World Series

  World Trade Center, terrorist attack on, see September 11, 2001

  World War I

  World War II; African American aviators in; economy during; scientific research during; veterans of

  World Wide Web

  WTOP radio station


  Xi’an (China)

  Xu, Kevin Young


  Yale–New Haven Teachers Institute

  Yale University; Law School; School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

  Ye, Lynnelle Lin


  Yeung, Angela Yu-Yun

  Ying, Lori



  Zellweger, Renée

  Zhang Huamei

  Zhao, Alice Wei

  Zhou, Linda


  Zuckerberg, Mark



  Thomas L. Friedman is a three-time recipient of the Pulitzer Prize for his work with The New York Times and is the author of five bestselling books, including The World Is Flat (2005). Michael Mandelbaum, the Christian A. Herter Professor and Director of American Foreign Policy at The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, is the author or co-author of twelve books, including The Ideas That Conquered the World: Peace, Democracy, and Free Markets in the Twenty-first Century (2002).

  Copyright © 2011 by Thomas L. Friedman and Michael Mandelbaum

  All rights reserved

  Farrar, Straus and Giroux

  18 West 18th Street, New York 10011

  Designed by Jonathan D. Lippincott

  eISBN 9781429995115

  First eBook Edition : August 2011

  First edition, 2011

  Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint the following material: Graph on page 129 courtesy of The New York Times, Copyright © 2010 The New York Times. Graph on page 230 courtesy of The Washington Post, © April 30, 2011 The Washington Post. Maps on page 251 courtesy of “Zombie,” an Xpress Blogger for Pajamas Media at

  Lyrics from “Fallin’ And Flyin,’” words and music by Stephen Bruton and Gary Nicholson, Copyright © 2009, 2010 Brutunes (BMI), administered by Bug Music, Sony/ ATV Music Publishing LLC and Gary Nicholson Music LLC. All rights on behalf of Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC and Gary Nicholson Music LLC administered by Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, 8 Music Square West, Nashville, TN 37203. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission. Reprinted by permission of Hal Leonard Corporation.

  Lyrics from “I’m Against It,” by Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby, Copyright © 1932 Sony/ ATV Harmony LLC. All Rights by Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, 8 Music Square West, Nashville, TN 37203. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.

  Lyrics from “Of Thee I Sing,” music and lyrics by George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin, Copyright © 1931 (Renewed) WB Music Corp., All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Friedman, Thomas L.

  That used to be us : how America fell behind in the world it invented and how we can come back / Thomas L. Friedman and Michael Mandelbaum.—1st ed. p. cm.

  Includes index.

  1. Creative ability—United States. 2. Education and state—United States.

  3. Information technology—Social aspects—United States. I. Mandelbaum, Michael. II. Title.

  BF408.F747 2011






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