Finding Izzy

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Finding Izzy Page 9

by Nanette Fox

  David was looking very annoyed and disappointed. “So how long has this been going on for?” he directed at Tim.

  “A few weeks now, why Dave, does it matter to you?”

  “No, well yes actually little bro, it does matter.”

  “So, David, why does it matter or does it simply matter to you?” argued Tim.

  “Well it matters because the normally beautiful Isabella is dressed like a little tart ready to pick up at the nearest club, and you are all sorts of a sleaze with your cheating ways apart from being too young for her.”

  “It matters personally to me because I care about Isabella and you’re just…so bloody wrong for her.”

  “Well David, tell it like it is, mate; Paul enjoy your weekend with Rebecca. Good night Julia, good night Rebecca. Happy Birthday Iz, I am sorry, but I am not going to sit here and be insulted by Mr Self-Righteous.” Tim got up and walked out leaving Izzy open-mouthed and teary.

  Julia spoke to her brother in a somewhat angry but measured tone, “David you are unbelievable, it is Isabella’s birthday and you have just destroyed the celebration.”

  Rebecca said, “It was nasty David and actually Isabella looks drop dead gorgeous and you know it. You’re just being shit because she didn’t dress for you.”

  “Paul,” said lzzy, “don’t you have an insult to throw?”

  “Have a beer, get in the swing.”

  “I can remember this birthday as the insult party.”

  Isabella sat looking down and fiddled with her bag and her phone. She kept looking across at the doorway Tim had walked through. Paul leaned over and touched her arm, “He won’t come back Isabella, his pride won’t let him.”

  Julia said, “Well, you killed the buzz David.”

  To which David replied, “Well it should be us older ones anyway, he is just a kid.” Rebecca started to feel really sorry for Isabella. Rebecca had guessed rightly that it had meant a lot to be celebrating her birthday with Tim and it had been hijacked by David’s bullish manner.

  The waiter came and took their orders. The proprietor of the coffee shop Isabella frequented came over and chatted for a bit and Isabella cheered up a little. She ordered just a salad which she barely touched and spent most of her time talking to Paul. Meanwhile, David, Julia and Rebecca talked about what they should do when Antonio arrived back from his trip to visit wineries in the Hunter Valley. Isabella didn’t want dessert, so they called it a night. As they were saying their goodbyes, David leaned in to kiss Isabella and she brushed him off with a “no thanks”. Once at home, she went to bed and cried herself to sleep.


  Feeling morose, Tim let himself in the door of the family home. His mother was out and the house in darkness apart from the foyer area and family room lamps. He hadn’t really been home much in the last few days as he’d had spent quite a bit of time assisting his friends with their family crisis. It had been emotionally draining because everything was so much under wraps. Now to finish the week off with such a disastrous night was the final straw. He had wanted so much to celebrate Izzy’s birthday as a couple and had been less than impressed in being roped into the group celebration. Paul, who he knew but not well, had phoned and asked him to collect him from the airport to surprise Bec, and he hadn’t been able to say no. To have David go off at him and with such vehemence had really upset him. He was annoyed with himself that he had let his brother get to him so much that he’d left Izzy upset and disillusioned.

  He grabbed a couple of beers from the kitchen and downing one quite quickly, stretched out on the family room lounge. Flicking the television on for noise rather than anything to watch, he sat feeling sad and sorry for himself. After starting to compose an apology message several times and deciding against sending anything, he sat drinking the second beer. He actually doubted there was anything that could save the situation so by the third beer had given up any redeeming action. His mother came home to find him stretched out asleep on the family room rug, four empty beers lined up on the coffee table and a fifth almost empty grasped firmly in an outstretched arm. Ruth was somewhat alarmed, as she was aware, he had come and gone somewhat secretively the last few days. She knew his bike was parked in the garage, and he had taken what had been his father’s Porsche. She could only assume it was Lainey related, and it was one of those times when he was a closed book and no amount of careful prying would answer all the questions racing through her mind.

  Tim woke on the Saturday and resolved to rectify the situation with Izzy. He immediately sent a text inviting her to dinner at the Martinelli home on Sunday at seven. He knew his mother was away for the weekend and whilst he had to spend the Saturday working, on the Sunday he could spend a few hours creating the special chocolate cake with the tower of milk and dark sculptured chocolate pieces. He loved making it, and knew it was a favourite of Izzy’s after taking one of the cakes into the office for the girls to try. The process of creating the chocolate decoration and the intense concentration it required satisfied his need to fashion beautiful things with his own hands.

  Izzy arrived promptly just before seven, and as Tim answered the door, he was immediately put on edge by the withdrawn and nervous expression on her face. She greeted him with a perfunctory nod and “I’m on time”. His mind was spinning as to what could be the problem as he didn’t think it was anger or upset remaining from Friday affecting Izzy. She had taken some trouble to dress casually and attractively in a pink angora jumper that complimented her colouring. Pale blue jeans, navy flats and as always very nicely accessorized. She looked so pretty but there wasn’t a sparkle of interest in being with Tim. Offered a glass of wine, Izzy settled herself on one of the kitchen stools. Her blue eyes looking at Tim were flat and darting everywhere instead of maintaining contact. Tim spoke, “Iz what’s up?”

  She hesitated and said, “I am nervous, frightened and worried.” Tim paused in his actions at putting the salad together and picked up his beer taking a swig. “Nervous?”

  “Yes, because dinner usually implies an afterwards and I am not sure I am ready.”


  “Because, I am scared I won’t do or say the right things.”


  “I am worried how you will react after what happened on Friday.”

  Tim stood looking at her, his beer half to his mouth. “Iz, I think we’d better sit and talk.” Stepping over to her, he helped her off the stool and taking her hand, led her to the couch in the family room.

  She curled up in the corner with her legs folded under her. He sat beside her side on and reached out to her shoulder to play with a strand of her hair. “Iz to make love later would be nice but it doesn’t have to happen. We’ve come pretty close a couple of times. We can wait.” She looked down at her hands curled into balls on her legs. “Iz, it’s me Tim, why are you frightened?”

  “I was thinking about things this afternoon, and I was thinking I had better tell you I am not that experienced even though I was married.” The blue eyes looked up at him a little teary. “My marriage it was…not so good.” She visibly swallowed. “And now I am worried that everything is just too hard. You gave up so easily on Friday.”

  “I don’t dispute that Izzy and I am sorry. I shouldn’t have let David get to me.” She felt the soft brown eyes watching her carefully and relaxed a little. Tim lent over and kissed Izzy very gently. Holding her chin very softly between his thumb and forefinger, he looked at her and smiled. “Izzy, I am pleased to see you, I enjoy being with you and with no pressure I want you just to enjoy yourself. May I give you your birthday gift?” Izzy nodded and smiled. Tim lent over the side of the couch and picked up the small package.

  “One of my friends from uni makes silver jewellery. I hope you like this.” Izzy opened the present to find a silver chain with a number of charms. "Iz, it has a heart, you have mine, T for Tim, a rose, a horseshoe for luck and finally an anchor for hope and security. Her blue eyes twinkled finally. She was delighted, Tim h
ad thought of all the important things.

  Izzy lent across and kissed Tim. “Thank you.” They kissed again with gentle ardour.

  “Are you hungry?”

  She nodded. “Let’s eat.” They settled at the table and were enjoying their meal, talking about their weekends which for both had involved demanding clients.

  The doorbell rang. Tim said quickly, “That better not be David.”

  Izzy wrinkled her nose, “Doesn’t he just wander on in?”

  Tim nodded, “I’d better see who it is.” Answering the door, he was somewhat surprised to find his Aunt Tea.

  She spoke immediately, “Gosh you gave me a start, I’d forgotten how much like my brother Marco you are.” He smiled down at her. She was a tall woman about 5’ 10", still much shorter than himself. Greying, but very good looking with dark brown eyes.

  “Come in.”

  “I am not interrupting, am I?”

  “I have not long arrived from the UK and needed to speak with you specifically about your father’s estate and his connections with Isaac Thompson.” Tim looked at her with intense curiosity and quickly explained that now was not the best time.

  “Isabella Thompson is here and she and I were just having dinner.”

  “Oh, so maybe now isn’t the best time.” Tim shook his head.

  Tea looked at her nephew, “Just you and Isabella?”

  “Yes, we’re seeing each other, it’s still quite new.” Tea was surprised at the news but tried to show a neutral expression.

  “That’s nice for you.”

  Tim said, “Come in and say hello. Would you like some coffee and maybe dessert, it’s a chocolate one, a favourite of Izzy’s?” Tea noted the ‘Izzy’ and his soft tone and caring facial expression.

  She was a little curious as she had always thought David was the nephew that was interested in Isabella. Tea knew Isabella quite well having met her on countless occasions previously. They also shared some similar interests in equestrian pursuits. She was startled at the ‘pretty Isabella’ in pale pink not the black and white severity Isaac had preferred her to wear. Tea noticed Tim’s reassuring touch and glance down and Isabella’s smile upwards at him as she was introduced.

  “You remember my Aunt Tea.”

  Izzy nodded and greeted the older woman, “Lovely to see you Tea, come sit with me, Tim is apparently spoiling me with my favourite dessert, which, I might add, he makes himself. It’s a belated birthday celebration.”

  Tim lent down giving Izzy a kiss on the cheek and winked at his aunt. “How do you have your coffee?”

  Tea was truly agog. She had been there for much of Isabella’s marriage to Isaac, travelling in the same circles, seeing them often in partnership with her brother Marco and his mistress. This young pretty woman who was so obviously head over heels for her youngest nephew, the tall sexy man he had become, was far removed from the tense uptight person who had been Mrs Isabella Thompson.

  Tim cleared away their salad plates and whistling set about organizing the dessert and coffees. Tea, meanwhile, assessed the smiling Isabella. “So how have you been Isabella?”

  “Really well thanks Tea. Quite busy as I am continuously trying to promote and ‘grow’ my gallery. It has been doing very well.”

  “And you’re seeing Tim, that’s nice,” said Tea. “Are you doing any riding at the moment?”

  “No Tea, I don’t really have the time.”

  “That beautiful horse of yours what has happened to it?”

  “It’s in Queensland, currently on lease.”

  “Tim has set up his practice in the spare areas of the office space at the Gallery. We had the space, he assists with a great deal of creative input, and it gives us credibility having an architect in the building.” Tea was taken aback as she had assumed Tim would take over Martinelli and Associates as its principal architect not set out on his own, but she had heard his name mentioned in her business circles already. Tim had done very well at University winning some academic prizes and making a name for himself with an office building he had redeveloped. He was no slouch and very intelligent with skills, probably even better than those his father had possessed. He already seemed to be establishing a great reputation. Like father, like son. Tea sat reflecting on the echo of her brother.

  Tea realized now wasn’t the time to discuss Marco’s affairs with Tim. She explained to Tim she was around for about two weeks, the next few days in Melbourne and then she would be with her parents at the farm. Tim immediately made arrangements to meet her over a lunch the next day. Tim was looking at his aunt with curiosity and a tacit understanding they needed to have a private discussion which wouldn’t be for Isabella’s ears.

  Tea took her leave with apologies for interrupting their evening. “Give my regards to your mother.” Tim smirked and wondered if she remembered his mother’s name.

  “It was nice to see you Isabella,” perfectly polite and in a clipped English tone.

  Tea couldn’t resist with a quip she thought funny, “At least you aren’t lying under the table injured from falling off your chair.”

  Isabella’s eyes darkened, she stiffened, she looked angry. “True, but Tea I could have done without the reminder. I was pushed, I didn’t fall. Such a pity you, Adam and Marco dragged the drunken Isaac away. Do you think you left sufficient cash for the waiting staff?” Tim was astonished at the sudden bitterness between the two women. Tea took her leave, with a frown on her face.

  Tim was wary, Isabella had become ‘not Izzy’, and she was fidgety and nervous again. It was almost a different person, someone who was uptight and guarded. The next hours passed pleasantly enough, they watched a movie and had a cuddle but didn’t really talk, then Izzy got up to go. She lent up to kiss Tim briefly at the door and thanked him for her gift. “I’ll ring you” was the parting call as she almost ran to her car.

  Tim closed the door and cursed his aunt. He’d always known her to be quite snide with her comments; she seemed to think they were funny. This time, he reflected on what she said and decided there was much about the Isaac and Izzy relationship that didn’t ring true. He was also surprised at the tale of callous actions of his father that Izzy had implied in her response. He was having a good ponder over things when the doorbell rang again ten minutes later. It was Izzy, “I’m not coming in, but I just wanted to say I enjoyed our dinner, and I was pleased to see you, and I like my present.” She smiled up at him and turned her face up ready for a kiss. He obliged. “Tim, please don’t be cross with me for squabbling with your aunt.”

  “It’s okay Iz, I don’t fully understand what it was all about, but I am guessing it is private history. Take care, and we will catch up during the week. I am very busy tomorrow.”

  He dragged Izzy in for a cuddle, whispering, “I adore you.”


  The following week was long and tiresome. Isabella had invited a number of interior designers in for appointments to look through the newest stock. She had learned that it was quite a good way to gauge what the market was after. She ended up with quite a few orders, and endless emails to send off looking for specific items. She hadn’t spoken to Tim since Sunday. He had been in at his desk a couple of times, she’d noticed, but unfortunately, being with clients she was unable to go and speak to him. There were no messages or texts, and she was feeling dismissed.

  On Thursday, she had asked Rebecca, “Do you think he will work this weekend?” Rebecca replied she would ask as she wasn’t sure. “It’s just that Julia is asking me to confirm a time for a dinner to re-introduce Antonio to everyone and start to have some discussions about the wedding.”

  “Yes, I know about the dinner, I’ll find out for you, shall I?”

  “It’s just that if he is working, I will too,” said Isabella.

  “Oh, is that necessary?”

  “No, I want to; I want to have the opportunity to talk to him,” she answered. “He has been avoiding me, I think, so we need to get back to talking at least.”

  Rebecca took a risk asking, “As colleagues or more?” Isabella’s blushing face told the story.

  Isabella replied, “Don’t be ridiculous, just colleagues.” She turned on her heel and retreated back to her office. Rebecca followed her in, wanting to tackle the issue of who was going to be at the dinner. It would be quite a party, Ruth, Lucy and Michael, Julia, Antonio, herself and possibly Paul. David would be there, and if Rebecca guessed correctly, someone called Veronica. She expected Victoria too. But really wasn’t sure if Vicky would be with Brad. Rebecca knew Tim felt obliged to attend but wasn’t sure if he was up for it. And finally, Isabella was expected. Isabella was looking at Rebecca as she ran through the list.

  Isabella looked at Rebecca anxiously and said, “All the more reason for me to get back on good terms with Tim.”


  Julia and Isabella had a private little chat over wine on the Friday evening. Julia wanted to very gently prize out of Isabella just exactly what was happening with her ‘baby bro’. Talking with Isabella was a revelation. Julia wondered how the family had missed so clearly that Isabella and Tim had been seeing each other for at least two months and from Isabella’s somewhat careful wording about feelings, they had fallen in love and were on the verge of seriously committing to each other. Julia discovered that Isabella was absolutely terrified of giving herself to Tim because of her marriage.

  It was the first time that Isabella had ever admitted to Rebecca or herself that her marriage had been very unhappy. Julia was taken aback by the tearful admission. “I should never have married Isaac, I was an ornament for his arm, and a potential mother for the child he wanted. He didn’t really want me for me. He was all about ’I am a man, look at me, I am handsome, look at my wealth, look at my child, look at what I have created, oh and by the way that is my perfect wife who does exactly what I say.” She wiped away the tears. “I was just so desperate to have someone of my own, not borrowed people to live with that I didn’t see it.”


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