Finding Izzy

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Finding Izzy Page 13

by Nanette Fox

  “Just right at this moment, I am wondering why I should bother.”

  Rebecca came back into the room. Looking at both of them, he said, “I am going out to get some storage boxes, so we can clear out this mess and start afresh.”

  “Can you please do something about all the rubbish, the mugs, the glasses, while I am gone? Oh, and I am ordering a skip for this afternoon, we are getting rid of most of the furniture especially that couch!” He picked Basil, the puppy, up from his little playpen arrangement the girls had organized and grabbing the SUV keys was out the door before they could respond.

  Julia was agog at the activity when she walked into the gallery a few days later. There was a team of guys hauling out all the fittings from Isabella’s office. Tim greeted her at the door in his work overalls and told her she’d be sharing a desk with Rebecca for a day or two. Or if Isabella was out of the office, she could have his desk. He was helping to carry out the old carpet. She looked at Rebecca and asked, “What’s happened was there a fire or a flood?”

  Rebecca said deadpan, “No, Julia, Tim is on the warpath about female underwear in the cupboards where the copier paper should be.” Julie looked at her totally perplexed.

  “You should have been here a few days ago and then you could have been involved in the big clean-up. It was like being back at home with your mum screaming to clean your room. Isabella is sitting in disgrace at his desk. He found some of her laciest underwear in one of her cupboards, and he wanted to know whether David and she had done the deed on the couch or whether she just slept there.”

  All Julia could do was say, “OMG, I am so embarrassed for her.”

  The refurbishment took two weeks. Tim was back to working eighteen-hour days and more. He’d had a couple of his clients in and bundled the girls out the door to the coffee shop. They had made the decision to shut off gallery access while the work was going on. Tim and a couple of his tradespeople friends sanded and polished the floor in the office and reception area. He built another pop-up office like his but modified it with a proper wardrobe cupboard. There were side by side bar and wine cooler fridges.

  He sourced a table and chairs of Tasmanian oak. It was smaller than a boardroom table but just as substantial. He had also obtained a matching desk and coffee table. It was beginning to look like the professional space of an Art Gallery Director. The couch was on order, actually a pair of double seat couches, not long enough for anyone quite tall to sleep on.

  On everything he had consulted Isabella so that she had full input into her space. She was yet to choose the artwork for the one solid wall, the office now looked through internal glass walls to the gallery spaces. Isabella was so pleased with it all. She couldn’t thank Tim enough. All he wanted her to do was keep it tidy and organized. He had whispered he didn’t want to find any lacy pink underwear, at least not in the office. That was about the last real contact he had with Isabella for many months.

  Chapter 19


  A few days later, when he knew Isabella had been in touch with a Real Estate Agent about selling Isaac’s house and had dealt with disposal of her unwanted Mercedes, he found out she was taking extended leave. She was to travel to Queensland for a meeting with Isaac’s family. He heard through a surprised Rebecca her mother, Lucy, was accompanying Izzy. She would then be travelling to the UK, again with Lucy. The journey to the UK was to finalize the Estate of Izzy’s Uncle Robert, something that was long overdue. He had seen her in the office, pale and distraught. He had seen her sobbing in Lucy’s arms several times. Lucy seemed to be keeping a very close watch, as she was with her almost constantly.

  Tim enjoyed a good communicative relationship with his Aunt Lucy and tried many times to find out what was causing Izzy such distress and discuss if there was any way he could help and comfort her. Lucy found she was frustrating Tim with her refusal to share information. She had no knowledge of what Izzy may have shared with Tim about the relationship with Isaac and was resolute about keeping the confidences of what she knew to be a string of very traumatic incidents. Tim was very perceptive and she knew he was piecing together the jigsaw of what had happened to Izzy and why she was reacting by withdrawing from the relationship with him.

  Rebecca and Julia seemed to be holding the gallery business together. They were entirely capable having had to do so before when Isabella had been ill and finally after Isaac’s death. He helped them out where he could. It did constantly frustrate him that he could do nothing for Izzy, or even have a chance to talk to her. Lucy was kind to him, however, he felt dismissed. All he could do was move on with his life, just wishing for something, someone that seemed entirely out of reach. He was driven about establishing his career so put much of his frustration to positive use and dedicated himself to achieving his goals.

  He was offered work interstate, managing a project in Perth and jetted backwards and forwards for several weeks. Rebecca knew about Perth as she picked up the slack for him on a couple of the Sundays he was away. Paul, Rebecca’s partner was stationed in Perth. Tim stayed with him; they had become the best of friends. Tim assumed Julia knew as he hadn’t really seen her to sit down and have a chat, she was in and out of the office most days. Julia and David had always rung each other, often daily. Tim wasn’t one to ring them and they in turn didn’t contact him much. He had often said, “I’ll call you tomorrow,” and they both had often said the same, but in reality, it rarely happened. In years past, he’d have sat down with his father and talked everything out. He wondered what, if anything, his brother or sister knew of Izzy’s troubles.

  Chapter 20

  Family and Home

  It was 1 am in the morning when he stirred from his sleep. He realized Victoria had snuck into bed beside him. It was comforting to feel the familiar body curled next to him. He played with her curly red hair and stroked her arm. “Vic what are you doing here?” he asked in a whisper.

  “Tim, I had this massive fight with Brad, and I just wanted someone familiar.”

  “Did you let yourself in?”

  “Yes, I still have the key.” He was glad she was wearing knickers and a t-shirt. He was naked. She was making gentle circles on his chest.

  “Tim, I think I made a mistake with Brad.”

  “Do you think I will find someone else?” she queried.

  “Yes, I am sure you will,” he said softly.

  “It is hard, after being with someone, you, for so long,” she said.

  “I know Vic, I know.”

  “Do you want to go to sleep now,” he asked. She nodded her head. He gently kissed her forehead. She snuggled down against his side.

  They both woke and lay on their sides looking at each other. It was early, barely light.

  “Good morning beautiful,” he whispered.

  Victoria whispered back, “Good morning handsome.” It was something they had done for years when they awoke in the same bed.

  Tim gently said, “Vic this was sort of inappropriate because we are supposed to be broken up.”

  “I know but are we truly with anyone else?”

  “Are you with Isabella?” she asked.

  Tim said doubtfully, “No and I don’t know if I ever will be.”What about Brad?"

  “No, not after the other night’s fight, and I don’t think I will go back to him.”

  “I am sorry Vic as you were sure he was for you.”

  Tim said, I love you Vic, but I don’t think we can go the long haul."

  “I love you, but Tim we are quite different people to when we were teenagers. I am fine with finishing as a couple.” She looked deep into his eyes. Tim stroked his chin, looking at her face, and her lovely happy smile. There were no hidden problems or worries.

  “Vicky would you like to try to be back together again?”

  “Would you like to date again?” asked Tim. “But and there is maybe to all this, if either of us feels it is not working, then we break up for good.” She nodded.

  They embraced each
other and started kissing, just lightly at first and then with some intensity. Tim nuzzling her ear, whispered, “I have missed this.” He moved down kissing her shoulder and then lightly rolling her over on to her back, worked his way down her lithe body tenderly kissing as he went. She was completely in his spell, ‘her handsome man,’ his strong biceps, and ripped torso, his smooth tanned skin. She reached down and knew he was completely aroused. As he entered her, she moaned softly. They knew after all these years how to please each other with soft gentle love-making, arousing each other’s senses with gentle kissing and stroking. She climaxed and then let him finish. It had been pleasant for both of them.

  They lay tangled, arms and legs around each other. Dozing off, they woke again when Vicky’s phone alarm went off.

  “Tim I would love to stay here with you, but I have to go to work.”

  “What are you doing today?”

  “I am playing cricket with Simon.”

  “Okay, when the agency shuts at around midday, I will come down to the cricket ground.”

  “In the bottom drawer you let me have, I have some jeans and a top; I’ll take them with me to change into before I leave work.”

  Tim grinning, winked at her, “Do you want to take a shower together?” She ran her hand down his chest,

  “That would be very nice.”

  “Vic, I think I really still do love you,” he declared.

  He thanked heaven when his father designed this particular house, he insisted on all the children having their own ensuite bathrooms. It was a home for parents and their older children. One of the driving forces had been when Isabella had come to stay, she had a room and bathroom offering her some privacy as it would have been difficult sharing a family bathroom. Marco had made a division in his mind that she was a guest, part of the family, but a guest all the same.

  Tim was up after Vicky went and did some punishing laps in the pool. He was hoping that he had made the right decision. He was anxious about Isabella’s reaction to finding him back with Vicky. He hadn’t really seen Izzy for just on fifteen weeks whilst she had been away with Lucy. He appreciated that it would be a very difficult time for her from what she had divulged to him. Rebecca had told him that there was so much Isabella needed to sort out with her life; she was taking advantage of Julia still being in Australia and available to look after things at the gallery.

  He knew and understood she had problems, he couldn’t tell Rebecca but simply said, “I like her, I want her happy, that is all I can expect.” Rebecca felt sad for Tim; he had tried so hard to show Izzy he only wanted the best for her and that he wanted to love her. Rebecca had queried things with her mother Lucy, particularly about Tim being ‘deserted’ or ‘ignored’ to be simply told ‘Isabella needs to find Izzy.’


  Tim was sitting at the table with a very large bowl of cereal when David wandered in. His mother joined the boys at the table. Tim got up to make a full cooked breakfast and asked if his mother wanted anything. Her reply, “Oh I had something with Vicky earlier,” made David’s ears prick up, and Tim wince. When Tim came to the table with a plate piled high with eggs, bacon, mushrooms, and toast, his brother said, “Torrid night then.”

  Tim reached along the table with his arm and tapping his finger near David, said, “You wouldn’t know a relationship if it jumped up and bit you.” David’s smartarse response as he made a weighing movement with his hands. “Isabella, Vicky, Isabella, Vicky,” annoyed the crap out of Tim."

  Tim’s short, sharp and angry “Mind your own business!” ended the conversation.

  His mother barked at them, “Boys.”

  Julia wandered to the table from her room. The boys looked up. Tim said, “Didn’t know you were home.”

  She said simply, “The others are away, and as I am looking after Basil, he is better here than in my apartment.”

  Tim looked at the little bundle she was carrying, “How is Basil?”

  Julia, looking adoringly said, “He is growing, getting quite fat.”

  “He’s off to puppy school this week,” she said proudly.

  Her mother piped up as Julia sat down, “It is lovely to have you all here.”

  Julia smiled at her Mum and said, “I don’t think this has happened since Dad died.”

  Her mother looked at her gently and said, “I know, that is why I think it is lovely.”

  Julia asked her mother if she was going to do her usual Saturday gardening. “Yes, I am. My painting is for the weekdays.”

  “And you Julia, what about you?”

  “I am going to have a day lazing around, playing with this little guy, not doing much really. We have a new assistant in the gallery, I can’t go far in case she needs advice.”

  Ruth asked her eldest, David, “And you?”

  “I am going to the rock-climbing place with Veronica.” His brother and sister looked at him, Tim whistled.

  Tim couldn’t resist a jab at him. “So, Veronica’s been around six months or more, it must be serious!” David glowered at him.

  “Tim,” Ruth said, what are you doing today?"

  “I am playing cricket, and then I’ll probably go out for a while with Simon, Ursula and Vic.”

  “Yes, it is so good, everyone is happy and got things to do,” said Ruth. “Tim rest a little, hmm. That was quite a few laps you swam before, now cricket and then out and about.”

  “You had a long week in Perth.”

  Julia hadn’t seen him and hadn’t realized he had gone to work interstate. She suspected that it was all over with Isabella when he heard him mention Victoria. She asked, “Little bro, are you back with Vicky?” He just nodded at her, eating his third muffin.

  David looked at him and exclaimed, “That’s a massive breakfast mate.”

  “What can I say, I like muffins!”

  Julia spoke, not to anyone in particular, “Izzy’s been learning to cook, muffins, roasts, Lucy is teaching her.”

  Tim looked at his mum. “Did you ever try to teach her?” To cook, I mean."

  “No,” said Ruth. “It was Lucy who tried to teach her things.”

  Julia said to her mother, “Later in the day, can we talk bridal things?”

  “Of course, we’ll sit down later and have a lovely girly chat. Have you set a date yet?”

  “No, we haven’t.”

  “Antonio and I have realized we will have to have two ceremonies, one here and then one in Italy.”

  “He has a big family, and it will be the typical big Italian wedding.”

  David asked, “So you will expect us to go to Italy?” He circled with his hand indicating the family.

  “I hope you will be able to.”

  “I really need either you or Tim to give me away.”

  “Well Timmy looks like we will have to toss for it.”

  “Dave, I’ll let you have the honour.”

  “I don’t think I’ll be going; I am guessing Isabella will be a bridesmaid.”

  Ruth said, “That will be disappointing.”

  Tim said, “It’s best Mum.”

  Julia looked at her baby bro and thought he is hurting, and he is making the best of it by returning to be with Vicky. She firmly believed he was totally in love with Isabella. She thought, he is settling for someone, deep down he doesn’t really want to be with, to salve his hurt. She looked at him. The sparkle had gone from his eyes again. He was brooding and anxious. Julia got up, ostensibly to go to the kitchen. She was carrying Basil. She went to the kitchen, got a glass of water, going back past her brother gave Basil to him. She turned, so David and her mum couldn’t see, mouthing, “Are you okay?”

  He looked at her, it was in his eyes, no he wasn’t, but said, “Yeah fine,” squeezing her arm, “thanks for asking.” She felt so deflated. There was nothing she could do.

  She was even more bothered about him when getting up during the next night for a glass of juice, she wandered down to the kitchen and found him sitting in the dark. He was hunched over,
his head in hands. She sat beside him and put her arm around him. Tim didn’t say anything other than, “Vicky’s asleep.”

  She thought but wasn’t sure, ‘I think he has been crying’, she didn’t say anything just sat with him for a while before going back upstairs. The next morning, as she rushed off to the gallery, she stopped to have a quick breakfast with her mum. She pleaded with Ruth, “Mum, watch after Tim.”

  “I know Julia, I will.”

  Ruth usually cleaned the house on Sunday afternoon. That was when Marco had played golf. It was a lifetime of habit even though he was no longer there. She brought the ducted vacuum hose through to the family room and found David standing at the windows overlooking the pool. “What are you doing ‘little Lord of the Manor’?” she asked reverting to her favourite saying from his childhood.

  “Mum come here a minute,” he signalled. “Mum does that look like a man in love?”

  “What you mean Tim with Vicky?”

  “Yeah Mum.”

  The scene was quite a happy one, a bunch of Tim’s friends sitting having drinks around the pool. Tim was standing away from them at one end of the pool, leaning over the pool fence, beer in his hand, removed from the others. At that moment, Simon approached him, beer in hand, and another for Tim. They then appeared to have a fairly serious conversation before joining the others. “I have been watching for a while Mum, something isn’t right.”

  She looked up at her eldest son, “You floor me son, you tease and taunt him all the time.”

  “You do care.”

  “Yeah Mum, I do.”

  Julia came in from the gallery. “Early close,” said Ruth.

  “Yes, there’s barely been anyone in today.”

  “I guess it is too nice of a day out in the sunshine.” Basil had bounded in after her and was now sniffing around in the kitchen.

  “What are you guys doing?” she asked seeing her mum and David arm in arm near the windows. The vacuum hose abandoned on the floor.


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