Finding Izzy

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Finding Izzy Page 31

by Nanette Fox

  Tim finished his wine. Paul was sitting across from him and said, “Sorry mate.”

  Tim said, “Word of advice mate, ignore Bec’s words, I have seen the ‘girl triangle’ fight and when it happens it isn’t pretty.”

  “Tim, aren’t you a little worried about Izzy and her reaction to your boy after that explosion?”

  “Well actually her reaction was before Rebecca’s explosion.”

  “She is worried because it is not just her and I, because I’ll be always half in another relationship. I wasn’t really listening to Bec just now but thinking about a conversation I had with Izzy earlier. We had quite a discussion and I have shared a lot of things I probably should have told her months ago. I am very good friends with Lainey, I have to be, but Izzy is always going to wonder when, if and why. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I should go and see how my ‘mad woman’ is doing.” Paul looked after his friend as he left the room, reflecting he’d have to deal with his pregnant angry woman. He was beginning to wish he’d stayed in Perth as this was most unlike Rebecca.

  Tim very gently opened the door to Izzy’s room. Izzy was curled up in a ball. She wasn’t asleep, she was just lying in the lamplight sniffling in total sadness. Tim kicked his shoes off and lay down curling his tall muscular frame around Izzy. She snuggled into him ever so slightly but didn’t say anything. “Iz I am so sorry nothing is easy is it? I love you and I want us to be happy together not having all this constant crap getting in the way. I don’t want you to have any more painful memories thrown at you. Iz darling, we are going away for the weekend just the two of us. If the others are not working, we will just simply shut the gallery and put a sign on the door.” She buried herself into his chest tucking her head under his chin. They lay curled up together for quite some time. Tim finally stretched a bit and said, "I am going to take my clothes off so I can go to sleep is that okay. She nodded ever so slightly and moved a little so he could get up. Turning off the light, he snuggled in beside her and closed his eyes.

  Chapter 41

  Unexpected Gathering

  Izzy was very quiet the next morning, barely talking, nodding when spoken to, the occasional necessary question. “Would you like coffee?” Tim scrambled to know what to do. He wanted to ‘go bush’. Ride his bike out into the open and take Izzy with him but he wasn’t sure she was up for it. “Izzy if we were to go down to the bike shop and get you some leathers and boots and gloves, would you be willing to go for that bike road on quiet country roads?”

  “Yes, it would be okay.”

  “I rang Monique and she is going to help me with opening the gallery this weekend.”

  “I couldn’t reach Julia. Rebecca has got Paul here.”

  “So, are we all good to do it then Izzy?”

  “Can we go and see your grandparents like we talked about?” asked Izzy. All of a sudden, she started chattering, “I want to sit with your gran and go through her photo albums. I like doing that when I am really sad or have things to think through.”

  Tim was curious, “So you have done that before then?”

  “Yes, not for a long while though, your dad took me there a couple of times when I needed to disappear for a bit. I went with Elizabeth, his Lizzie and she and I would ride horses and I’d feel happier.” She brushed a tear away. “Your gran likes it too because we talk in Italian, she doesn’t have to worry about the wrong words. She convinced me to leave Isaac, and I was going to, but then Uncle Robert died, and it was too late.”

  “Then well, I got better after the terrible thing. It wasn’t an accident I didn’t fall down those stairs, he was hitting me and then he threw me down them. I got better and that wasn’t what Isaac expected. He had all this success with his business, but he wanted a child, that was foremost in his scheme for his life, and when it didn’t happen, he blamed me. I was useless apparently, expendable. So, I got better and that didn’t solve his problem. Divorce might have been a solution but no Isaac just up and died.”

  “I want to see your Gran Rosa.”

  Tim was flabbergasted at what she’d just revealed. “Okay Izzy that’s what we will do, go see Gran Rosa.” She smiled at Tim, but it was a faraway smile.

  Riding with his precious cargo on the back, Tim was especially careful and didn’t take some of the risks he would’ve normally taken. They stopped to stretch their legs several times on the long ride, and Izzy seemed to be happy and relaxed. Izzy was looking forward to the final destination, which for her was to sit with Gran Rosa. They arrived at the farm and as usual his Gramps had heard the bike coming up the drive and knew it was his much-loved grandson. The kitchen was over-flowing with family today, and Tim being there was going to make an old man very happy. He trundled out to meet Tim and was somewhat overjoyed to see Isabella with him. Tim hugged his grandfather and then stepped back taking in all the cars looked anxious and worried. “Gramps I am not ready for this.”

  “Yes, you are son and it’s been a long-time coming.” Gramps gave Isabella a hug telling her, “Gran Rosa will be over the moon, it’s good to see you girlie.”

  Tim was looking very agitated. “Izzy take a look at the cars, surely you must recognize them.”

  “Oh, that’s Julia’s Audi and David’s BMW, what are they doing here?”

  “Yes, and beside that, that is Paddle Pop’s Range Rover, what the hell is she doing here Gramps?”

  “Your Lainey’s brought your boy and he is meeting his family.”

  “Gramps, that’s ‘my’ Izzy you’ve got your arm around, and Lainey is just Lainey, not mine.”


  As David pulled into the farm, he noticed the Range Rover and wondered whose it was. He knew Lainey had one but couldn’t envisage her being here. It was probably just friends or neighbours of his grandparents. They all got out of the car. He was pleased his mother had agreed to come with them both. It made it more of a big deal to introduce Veronica to his grandparents and tell them of his engagement. They made their way down to the kitchen entrance.

  Knocking Ruth called out, “Gramps, Rosa, it is Ruth, I’ve got David and his girlfriend with me.” As she opened the door, she was startled to find Lainey, her husband and the little boy.

  Lainey immediately said, “Hello David, Ruth and who’s this?”

  Gramps sort of talked over her and said, “Ruth lovely to see you.” Reaching out to his oldest grandson, he offered his handshake and said, “It is good to see you, young man.”

  Gran Rosa stood smiling and greeting David said, “Who is this lovely woman?”

  Lainey stood smirking and interjected, “That’s his current girlfriend.”

  “Gramps, Gran Rosa, I’d like to introduce you to Veronica, and as Lainey just said she is my girlfriend, but even better I have asked Veronica to marry me. We came up today with Mum to announce we are engaged.”

  Gran Rosa’s eyes were sparkling, “David that is wonderful news.”

  Lainey was being held around the waist by Stefan who had whispered ‘enough’. Zot was just standing by his mum regarding them. Tugging at Gran Rosa’s apron, Zot asked, “Gran who is this?” David who was very taken aback by Lainey being there with her husband and then further staggered by the little boy looking up at him, looked at his mother and Veronica for inspiration.

  Ruth bent down and said, “Zot I am your grandmother and I am very pleased to finally meet you.”

  Zot regarded her for a moment and then grinned before saying, “I have found you. I was asking Daddy about a grandma? A long time ago I met Grandad Marco, didn’t I Gramps, I don’t remember but he’s in the photo. He’s dead, he’s gone to heaven, but I knew I must have a grandma. We are learning about our family at school.”

  Stefan smiled down at little Zot and said, “The man is your Uncle David, he is your dad’s brother. The lady is who he is going to marry.”

  Veronica said, “You can call me Ronnie it might be easier.” Zot stood shyly smiling.

  Lainey couldn’t help herself, “So Zot this is some mor
e of the Martinelli family so be careful.”

  “What do you mean Mummy?”

  “Yes, what do you mean Lainey?” interjected David. She bit her lip as everyone just looked at her. Zot had taken Ruth’s hand and was just gazing up at her. Ruth felt teary as she felt a tug at her heart-strings, this little boy so much like another little boy from many years ago. Gran Rosa immediately started bustling offering drinks and food, telling them all to sit down.

  Zot asked, “Steve is it okay if I sit next to my grandma?”

  “Is that okay Lainey?” checked Stefan.

  “Yes,” said Lainey hesitantly.

  Stefan pulled out a chair for his wife. “Lainey sit by me here.”

  Veronica smiling and unaware of so much history said, “Lainey and Steve or is it Stefan, it is lovely to meet you.”

  “Little Zot too, I thought what an unusual name, but it fits?”

  “Well what else would you put with a name like Martinelli, entirely my choice, I didn’t ask his father.” Lainey snapped back. Veronica bit her lip, she was wanting David to rescue her, as her mind was doing cartwheels as to the relationships. David was just sitting and regarding Lainey with an indescribable look on his face.

  He finally spoke, “Do you come up here often Lainey?”

  “Every once in a while, as I think it is good for Zot to see his gramps and gran.”


  Antonio and Julia were surprised as they pulled in to see David’s car and puzzled over the Range Rover. It wasn’t Ruth’s. Walking in the door holding hands, Julia was surprised to see Lainey, Stefan and most of all a little boy who was obviously Zot, a little boy she’d seen, just once, a while back. Antonio took the hug from Gramps, “Good to see you.” Gran Rosa had already hugged and welcomed her grand-daughter. The two elders swapped with Gramps generously smiling and hugging his precious grand-daughter. Antonio spoke with Gran Rosa in Italian as he hugged her.

  Zot was watching and grabbing Ruth’s hand, “Grandma it’s some more tall people, who are they?”

  Julia smiled, “‘Grandma’, that must sound odd?”

  Ruth just smiled, “I think it sounds precious and lovely.”

  “Mum!” she said smiling broadly.

  “Hello, you must be Zot, I am your Auntie Julia, and this is my partner Antonio.”

  Antonio smiled down and said, “You can call me Ant, I don’t like Uncle Tony. My nieces and nephews in Italy call me Ant.” Zot started to giggle.

  Antonio crouched down in front of Zot, “So which is easy to say? Ant, Antonio, or Uncle Tony, what do you think, hey?” he said softly.

  Zot tried them all and said, “Ant, okay I will call you that.”

  “Auntie… Julia, do you have a baby in your tummy?”

  “I do, and she will be a little girl cousin.”

  Gran Rosa said, “Oh Julia, a little girl, lovely.”

  Lainey said to Antonio, “Don’t Italian men prefer sons?”

  Antonio, who gave Lainey a withering look, said, “It’s a bambino, mumma mia.” Looking at her again, he said, “Julia and I are happy that it is a girl. That was quite rude.”

  Julia just looked at Lainey and said, “You are lucky he didn’t curse you in Italian.” Steeling herself, she further said, “Lainey what are you doing here today?”

  Lainey simply indicated to Stefan and herself, “Stefan and I bring Zot up to see his great-grandparents every so often, a day in the country, it’s nice.”


  David, Julia and Ruth heard the bike. David looked at Ronnie nervously and reached out to take her hand. Julia said softly, “Oh no Antonio this isn’t going to be good.” Gramps looked absolutely animated. Gran Rosa looked cautiously pleased. Lainey sat looking like a Cheshire cat. Stefan groaned a little.

  Zot jumped off his chair and looking around said with the biggest smile, “That’s my daddy’s bike, I know the sound. Mum, Steve, this is the best day, I have a grandma, an uncle and an auntie with a baby in her tummy. Maybe Gramps you will let me have a pony ride, you usually say I am too little.” Ruth was just smiling and absorbing every little minute of the boy, his actions, his words. She thought to herself ‘it is a good day.’


  Gramps Martinelli having met them outside led the way, and Tim and Izzy followed him inside. The design of the farmhouse was such that you were immediately welcomed into a huge farmhouse kitchen, the focus for the home. There was an extended family sitting around the huge table in various states of anxiety, curiosity, alarm, pleasure and pure glee. A magnificent table made from a single slice of timber. Rustic and warm it had seen many a happy family celebration. Today’s event was quite momentous and somewhat unplanned, it had evolved from people wanting to announce things, escape or just simply have a weekend away in the fresh air. Gran Rosa was in her element and was bustling around loving cooking for her big happy family. Izzy was nervous as she stepped through the door but not as uneasy as her tall protector.

  “Daddy,” the cry left no one in any doubt as to who Tim was. He crouched down to hug the young boy at his feet. Brown eyes, deep dark ones met the innocent lighter ones and the father son bond was there for all to see.

  His mother spoke, “Tim I was just hearing about Zot’s friend Bruce and how they play football together. I thought I might be a grandma who watches sometimes.”

  Tim looked at his mother and placing a kiss on her head as she had moved over to hug him asked, “Mum, what are you doing here?”

  Zot was looking up at Izzy, “I know who you are, you’re Daddy’s girlfriend; you’re going to be my second mummy. Out of the corner of his eye, Tim saw Lainey flinch. I have got a picture of you in my backpack from the paper.” Running over to his backpack, he came back with a much-folded newspaper cutting wrapped in a plastic bag. “No one at school believed me that Steve isn’t my real dad, so I took this picture to school for ‘Show and Tell’”. Izzy knelt down on the floor and helped Zot take the precious picture out of the plastic. It was a photo that had appeared in the social pages of a newspaper after the night Izzy and Tim had gone to the theatre.

  “All the girls said you look like a princess, but they said you should have a crown,” said Zot looking at Izzy.

  Tim was looking over his mother’s head at Lainey. “Tim, we needed to do this.”

  “Tim, we did,” agreed Stefan. “It wasn’t planned though we just came up to the farm for a day in the country.” Stefan was much older than Lainey at forty-five and a University Lecturer. He and Lainey, an odd couple to look at, seemed often absolutely in unison about everything they did.

  David said, “We came up with Mum because I have asked Veronica to marry me, and I wanted ‘Ronnie’ to meet Gramps and Gran.” Julia and Antonio said they had just wanted to have a weekend in the calm of the country and enjoy some time together before their baby arrived. Tim was somewhat stunned at his brother’s declaration and pleased to see his sister looking well and as happily expectant as her fiancé.

  Izzy was still crouched on the floor where Zot had climbed onto her lap and was telling her that he was going to have his first ride on a pony. Izzy had her arms around him and told him that she’d be able to help him. Looking up at Gramps Martinelli, she asked if he had something small enough for Zot to ride. Gramps said, “I’ll organize with Danny and the stable-hand to bring a couple of Shetlands into the barn for him to choose from, and there should be a small enough helmet in the tack boxes.”Zot do you want to have your pony ride right now?" The little boy jumped up with excitement. Izzy, becoming quite purposeful, quickly got up and shed her new bike leathers dumping them on the floor just inside the door revealing she was ready for the intended horse-riding with dark jodhpurs and a neat equestrian style checked shirt.

  “Gramps don’t bother Danny, I’ll take Zot to the paddock and he can choose.”

  Taking Zot’s hand, she was stopped by, “Aren’t you going to put your things on the shelves for bags and jackets?”

  “That’s what my dad tells me I s
hould do, that’s what we do at school.”

  “It’s not important right now,” said Izzy. “We have to brush the pony before we tack him up so that’s going to take a while.”

  “Are you going to ride a pony too?”

  “No, I am going to lead your pony around the yard while you ride him.”

  “Later on, you might be able to come on a big horse with me when we, your dad and I, go out for a trail-ride.”

  “Izzy, can I come to the barn too?” asked Tim.

  “Come in a little while and bring cameras, I am guessing David has his photography gear in the car.”

  “Okay.” He smiled down at Izzy and she smiled the most radiant smile back. He stepped a few paces over and giving Izzy a light kiss whispered, “I love you.”

  Izzy whispered, “I will love you always,” as she touched his chest. Lainey, observing the tenderness between them, groaned audibly. Stefan stiffened at her response.

  Izzy disappeared through the door holding hands with a very excited Zot. Tim turned to see a table mostly full of smiling, happy faces. His Gran Rosa was hugging him and patting his stomach. “We need to feed you up Timmy boy because you’ve been worrying and got too thin.” The screen door slammed again, and Zot scurried back in and picked up Izzy’s discarded belongings and shoved them on the shelving cubes near the door.

  Scuttling back out again, they heard Zot, “Mum Izzy I picked your stuff up and put it on the shelves. Wait for me.”

  David murmured, “It’s a mini Tim.” Most of the others just laughed and laughed.

  Tim said, “I am not that bad.”

  There was a chorus, “Oh yes you are.” Lainey sat stone-faced.

  Lainey was surprisingly to Tim a little jealous of Izzy. Tim could feel it in her responses. Gran Rosa had placed a substantial plate of ‘late breakfast’ in front of him which he was methodically munching through. Izzy and Zot had been gone to the barn about twenty minutes before Lainey tackled Tim about whether Zot would be safe with Izzy. Gramps stepped in and said to Lainey she should let Tim finish his food and not to worry. He proceeded to explain Isabella often helped out with a community horse education program for the kids. She’d be giving Zot the help and education she gave all the school-kids.


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