Finding Izzy

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Finding Izzy Page 36

by Nanette Fox

  “So,” said Julia softly when they were all seated, Izzy still in David’s protective embrace. “Tell us what has happened.” Izzy looked at the floor and then up at them both.

  “It started the day of Antonio’s birthday. Tim accidently forwarded the email with the photos of him with Zot and I at the farm, the ones you took when he and Zot were playing that game, and I came in from horse-riding.”

  “Oh god he didn’t.”

  “Yes, unfortunately, he did, with all the comments about us being a perfect family and everything.” David looked up at the wall and pulled Izzy closer.

  “God, how could he be so stupid.”

  Izzy started talking again, “Well he did, Lainey went ballistic and they had an altercation. Then she turned up here, and he thought that after they talked again everything was okay. He stayed the night with me, we wrote our marriage vows and set our wedding date, everything seemed okay. Remember the flowers it was us getting engaged all over again. I was so happy, and everything has been really great for the last two weeks, we have been so together.”

  Izzy continued. “Two days ago, Stefan and Lainey broke-up for good, he has gone back to his ex-wife and children. Lainey is beside herself and has decided that as it is Zot’s birthday tomorrow, she and Tim need to play happy families. She has sold Tim this story of how for Zot’s sake he needs to be there, living there. She has threatened to remove his access to Zot. Lainey has told him that I am not to have anything to do with Zot, absolutely no contact at all. I can’t believe she has him so wrapped around her finger. Well I can, all she needs to do is threaten consequences that take his contact with Zot away.”

  Julia said, “She’s such a bitch.” I have to ask though Izzy, “Why are you letting it get to you so much?”

  “Tim asked me for my engagement ring back and said we can’t get married. I actually don’t think he meant it but he is struggling for normal responses.”

  “Oh Izzy,” cried Julia.

  David said, “How could he be so stupid?” At this point, Rebecca and Paul arrived. They were quickly brought up to speed with the drama unfolding and Paul’s pacing had everyone aware he was wondering how he could fix it, help his friend find a way out of the mess. Ruth was hovering wondering if any solution was being thought of. She was so afraid to throw in for discussion what Izzy had whispered.

  Izzy looked around at them all and said, “I think I had better just go away, disappear for a few months. I feel so broken-hearted. I mean I know he is under enormous pressure because Zot is so precious to him, but this is some crazy mess I can’t really see a way out of for my best interests. I have to protect myself. I have pretty much decided I am not going to keep the baby. It won’t matter because he doesn’t know, and I am not even sure.” It stopped them all, they all gathered around looking at Izzy, shock and horror on their faces.

  Rebecca knelt down in front of Izzy. “Isabella please can I talk to you alone for a few minutes. Please everyone I just need to talk to Izzy. Ruth can you do something about tea, coffee, stiff drinks in the kitchen.”

  Just then, Bobby Michaels came in the door. They hadn’t met him and were staggered at him as he came running over to Izzy and she looked up, “Bobby.”

  “My darling, what has happened, why are you going to Singapore tonight?” The tall fair-haired man, slightly greying with blue eyes, quite attractive but in an effeminate way cuddled down beside her. “My best friend for ever and ever, what is happening, you were so happy last night at the function, angry but happy, you look pale and distraught. Now what has that luscious man of yours done, run off with a team of cheer-people? Or has he run back to the wicked-witch?” Rebecca watched Bobby sooth Izzy with a little light humour.

  Suspecting Bobby knew all, Bec broached the very delicate topic. “Izzy you confided in me the terrible loss you felt when you lost the baby you were having with Isaac. You told me that you believed you’d never have another chance to have a baby. I am a little confused about what you just said.”

  Bobby looked straight at Rebecca. “When Isaac found out the unborn baby had died, at five months or so, it was the start of such an unholy reign of terror against Izzy, such violence, and consistent too, I thought Izzy wouldn’t survive.”

  “Why are you bringing this up, Rebecca isn’t it?”

  Bec looked at him straight and said, “Izzy said she might be pregnant with Tim’s baby.” Bobby raised his eyebrows ever so slightly. His frown came and went quickly. “Oh dear, so what is happening Izzy?”

  Izzy spoke, “Tim asked for my engagement ring and said he can’t marry me. The wicked witch as you called her has been deserted by her husband and Tim, my honourable Tim, has been conned into believing she will prevent any contact with that little boy he so dearly loves if he doesn’t help her play ‘happy families’ for ‘Zot’s sake’. That’s the story. I am thinking I need to disappear. Also, if I am pregnant, I need to terminate it. So that’s it in a quick few sentences.”

  Bobby looked at her, his lips pulled into a thin line. “Well my business partner, I know you well enough to know that your little mind has ticked over with a protection plan for yourself and Tim has possibly lost you for good. What a stupid fool the man is, and he loves and adores you too.”

  He stood up and acknowledged everyone, “Sorry I didn’t introduce myself, I am Bobby Michaels, Izzy’s business partner. I am one of the many people who failed to protect Izzy when she was with Isaac. He was a very, very close friend of mine so I was in a difficult position. I have a second chance to do everything I possibly can to help Izzy with anything she needs, to try to make amends. I am going with Izzy to Singapore tonight. We’ll spend a few days together, and I will see if I can help in any way, help her to sort out how she feels about all this. If I know Izzy the walls are already up.” He looked down at Izzy. “Do you want to come with me now? Get out of here?”

  “Yes, I just want to run, I need to run as far away as possible.”

  “Come then pretty lady, we have to collect my partner Joe on the way.” They were gone within fifteen minutes.

  David sat clenching his fists angrily. Paul was just sitting quietly, arm around Rebecca. Ruth stood looking out vacantly to the pool and surrounds. Rebecca finally spoke, “Julia, I think we have just lost our friend. I feel so sorry for her, she loved him so much, I don’t think she will ever allow herself to love again.”

  Julia said tears falling, “I just wish she was being the Izzy we have all seen lately, standing up for her rights, she’s just given in.”

  David stepped over to hug his mother. “He’ll go back into the brooding darkness of his world. He’ll work, he’ll work well but he’ll hide himself in the black clothes, mooch about barely speaking to anyone, never sharing anything about his personal life,” she muttered.

  Paul finally spoke, “I think Tim has been put under enormous pressure, too much for someone so intense to think clearly through. Don’t be surprised if Izzy and Tim somehow get through this and turn up together unexpectedly sometime in the future. You know for Tim, to help, we need to look after that little boy, provide him with a family to come to. Rally around, support Zot and in doing so support Tim and maybe by extension Izzy. A family network for Zot, something I was never privileged to have.” About an hour later, Tim roared into the drive on the bike. He came in and they all looked at him. He was dishevelled and anguished but determined, his eyes flashing.

  “Don’t ask me how I know Izzy is fleeing but I am flying to Singapore via Bangkok tonight. I have got to try to rescue the situation somehow. It shatters me, but I think I have to step out of Zot’s life. I just have to pray he’ll be okay. You know I just learnt some valuable lessons about relationships with ex-partners and setting boundaries. I love Izzy and I need to be with her. Paul can you come and talk with me while I pack. Maybe you could take me to the airport?” Paul nodded.

  Chapter 46

  Ruth’s 60th Birthday Gathering

  David, sitting with a coffee, gazing out to
the front, saw the taxi pull-up. He’d been busy with Paul and Antonio moving furniture around. He watched his brother get out and walk down the drive. He looked ‘perfect’ but the strained facial look was worrying. Tim strode into the family home. Ruth, David and Julia looked at him. His manner, his dress, it was as if Marco had come home. They’d seen him briefly once or twice over the last four months. He seemed to keep himself busy working, always seemed to have some contract or other somewhere. He had been to Perth many times, and Sydney but most of his work seemed to take him to Bangkok, Malaysia and Singapore. He had shelved his practice based in Melbourne after seeing to the completion of Russell and Margaret’s home. As for his personal life, they really had no idea.

  Ruth understood he no longer had much contact with Zot, only very occasionally speaking to the child on the phone. Ruth had seen Lainey get herself together after her separation from Stefan and get on with her scattered, crazy chaotic life. She had someone new in her life, someone she’d decided she could help. It didn’t stop her badgering Zot after visits with any of the Martinelli family or Paul and Rebecca. She’d question him about his father, whether he’d seen him, whether the family had talked about him, whether he had a new girlfriend.

  Zot had confided, “Grandma I don’t like it, it is just too many questions, and I don’t know what to say.” Ruth had learnt it was very necessary to keep a protective eye over her precious grandson.

  Tim’s arrival was very controlled, very contained. He pulled his luggage into the hall, took off the coat he was wearing and folded it neatly over the handle. He acknowledged them all by name but there were no hugs, or kisses. He reached down, opening his hand-luggage and produced a beautifully wrapped package which he handed to his mother, “Happy Birthday Mum.”

  “Ooh Tim, its Tiffany I am spoilt.”

  “Mum, it’s those earrings you have wanted for several years now, the ones Dad never seemed to manage to get you.”

  His mother simply smiled and said, “Thank you, you are right he seemed to manage all sorts of versions of pearls and diamonds but not these. Thank you, Tim.”

  Ruth bravely said, “So you’ve come home then, is it a brief visit or for a little while.” He looked around the room, strolled over to the window and gazed down at the pool. “I think it might be for a while.”

  He wandered over to the coffee table where there was the little mess of nail polish, manicure items, a discarded mobile phone, a notebook and a pen. He looked at the black ballet flats, one up-turned on the floor and picked up the fluffy black cardigan dumped across the arm of the chair. He picked up the half-drunk coffee first and took it over to the kitchen. “Ladies this will need a good scrub, that lipstick shade, Violet Rose or whatever it is, never seems to come off china and glassware.” Then picking up the mobile, “flat, typical,” he muttered. He went over to his hand-luggage and took a charger out of the front pocket. “Mum or Julia may I please have a coffee?” Next, he picked up the discarded shoes, and folding the cardigan carefully piled both items onto the top of his luggage. He sat down and packed up the nail polish and manicure items popping them into the small spotted cosmetic bag which he then placed with the shoes and cardigan. It was obvious that he felt entirely comfortable tidying the items up.

  They wondered if he realized Izzy who they had been in contact with more frequently and who had also turned up from abroad, had been sitting in that very same spot and they were her things he was packing up. They all felt entirely silly that they weren’t game to ask. He was ‘with them’ but didn’t look approachable. Equally they had no idea of Izzy’s private life. She always shared her business life and kept quite an eye on the gallery but as for anything more she was vague and reticent. She’d happily gone with Ronnie to the Supermarket to pick up some last-minute items for the family party. They were thinking she was trying to avoid Tim. Later on, with lots of people at the party she’d easily achieve that goal.

  David braved the tense silence, “Tim it is good to have you home.”

  “Thanks, I couldn’t forget Mum’s birthday.” He was brief and to the point.

  Julia looked at him, “Would you like to see your niece?”

  He nodded, “That would be nice.”

  A gurgling Charlotte was produced. He looked at Julia and Antonio, “She’s beautiful may I hold her?”

  “Of course, baby bro.”

  “Hmm just let me take this jacket off and pull a jumper on.” He changed into a pale blue cable knit which he took from the hand luggage. David whistled and said, “That sweater looks expensive; actually, everything about you looks expensive.”

  “I work very hard I can afford nice things.” Then ambiguously, “Money doesn’t buy me what I really want though.” Nursing the baby, very expertly, they saw him melt and soften his brittle stance.

  Julia said, “I was just about to give her a bottle.”

  Tim finally smiled, and it was a big beaming smile, “Let me do it.” The baby girl lay very contentedly in his arms as she consumed her bottle. He then waltzed around with her on his shoulder burping her. The tall well-dressed man with the little pink bundle held to his shoulder very gently but safely was a captivating sight. Julia noted there was no wedding ring evident. She’d discretely checked Izzy’s hands when she’d being fixing her manicure, there wasn’t a ring on her hand either.

  Giving Charlotte back to her doting mother, Tim sat down with his coffee. He was quiet, just looking around at everyone going about the preparations. David noticed him pick up the notebook and open it; with the pen in his hand he sat back and thought for a moment…he started to write…


  My Darling Iz,

  I am like those beautiful oriental apothecary cabinets you adore. I have so many little drawers that contain the essence of everything important to my life. Everything I need for my daily prescription or order. I don’t always open each drawer daily but there is one drawer I delve into always. It has the essence of you. It has caring and sensitivity. It has happiness and some sadness too. Your smiles are always there. The depth of your eyes, the colour, they are like expensive gems that shine out for me to dip into. I enjoy trailing through your lovely soft hair and marvelling at your sensuality. Izzy, I simply adore you and I thank god every day that we found each other and have survived the good and the bad that is just simply life. I am excited to be having a child with you, but I ask, please be patient. It is such a reminder of another drawer that isn’t available for me to open frequently anymore.

  I love you Mrs. M. Remember that forever. Yours with love,



  David donning his protective hat thought it was time to speak up. “Since you came in, you have packed up all those things that were on the coffee table. I don’t think you should have touched them. You didn’t have the right to jot a note in that book. Do you even know who it belongs to? Did you think to ask?”

  “Well Davey, seeing as I bought the notebook because I couldn’t abide anymore of those little post-it notes in six different colours, I think I can scribble a note.” David looked at his brother, checked into silence by his abrasiveness. “I happened to have the charger for the phone as it was left in my hotel room in Bangkok and I thought I was helping by tidying up my wife’s belongings. Aren’t we having a party for Mum?”

  Julia came over to stand and look at him. Ruth, arm in arm with Phil, the glass-blower, came over too and said, “So you and Izzy are married. We have rarely seen or heard of either of you much for four months. We have been wondering and from when you walked in before, we’ve all been afraid to ask.”

  “Gigs up Izzy girl,” he smiled as she and Ronnie came in with the shopping, a box of wine bottles and flowers for Ruth. He visibly settled and relaxed a little.

  Izzy sat down beside Tim and he leaned over kissing her cheek, taking her hand in his. To look at them perfection would be descriptive, beautiful clothes and impeccable grooming, a very attractive couple entranced with each other. To know them was to ac
knowledge the complicated paths their lives had taken. “We are married. Simon and Ursula together with Paul, and Aunt Lucy were our witnesses. You’ll just have to go and visit Gran Rosa because we gave her a photo to put on her family gallery wall.”

  Julia piped up, “Neither of you are wearing wedding rings.”

  Izzy spoke more firmly than she probably intended, “I was given a wedding ring once and it led to sadness, pain and horror. So, this time yes, I have one, but I don’t want to wear it as a symbol, I am more concerned with the care we take for each other. We have them and we wear them on a chain if we’ve had a fight to remind each other of our vows.” Julia felt checked. Izzy continued, "We have ‘wedding licenses’ we made. It has our marriage certificate in miniature on one side and ‘Remember to be good to each other’ on the back side. Here I’ll show you. Out of her purse, Izzy dragged her laminated card. Tim got out his wallet out and found his.

  He said, “Iz did you ever think we’d have to prove to our family that we are married?”

  She shook her head, giggling she said in a deep grumbly voice, “It’s the family police show us your marriage license.”

  Tim smirking in amusement reached out and cuddled her into him. “Love you.”

  “Love you.” They were looking at each other with expansive smiles and gleaming eyes.

  Julia was anxiously thinking about the burning question. Izzy said, “We’ve been honeymooning between work all over Australia and Asia for a few months. Time to come home I think with the baby on the way, our house up on the corner of Valley View Road is nearly finished.”

  David snorted, “That’s yours, that beautiful house, it looks so inviting. Mum you knew about the house that’s why you had the magazine it featured in, I wish I’d read the article, not just glanced at the pictures.” Tim looked at David suppressing a comment and met his mother’s very proud look.

  “Thanks Dave, I’ll take that as a compliment, all my design work.” Izzy shyly lifted her lovely loose linen top over equally loose but perfect linen pants. “A little bump but all seems okay so far.”


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