Pucking Parker (Face-Off Legacy Book 1)

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Pucking Parker (Face-Off Legacy Book 1) Page 12

by Jillian Quinn

  Will he be able to look at me the same way?

  He glances down at my trembling hand and grips it tighter. “It’s okay, Bex. I got you. It’s just me. You can tell me anything.” His tone indicates he’s telling the truth.

  I can trust him, which is why I want to tell him. He should know why we can’t be together. Why my dad would kill him for being here with me.

  “When I was in high school, my dad coached the ice hockey team. Kellan Lehane was his star player.”

  His jaw clenches at the mention of Kellan. He knows him, played against him the first game of the season.

  “Kellan was my dad’s favorite… just like you are now. I was shy, kept to myself. I had friends, but I wasn’t popular. Not like Kellan. Everyone loved him.”

  Preston grips my hand. His anger shakes through me.

  “We dated for a few months. My entire life changed when I met him. All of a sudden, everyone knew my name. I had all these new friends. He made me feel special, like I was the most important person in the world.” I hesitate with the next part, choking down the bile rising from my stomach. “Kellan was my first. I was so in love with him. Or at least I thought I was. It was more lust than anything.”

  “Please don’t tell me he hurt you,” Preston whispers, his voice deep and serious. “I will fucking kill him if he did.”

  A single tear falls from my cheek, and he wipes it away with his thumb. “Just let me finish. This is hard for me to tell you.”

  “We all have a past,” he says. “It’s how we take those painful lessons and change our future that defines us.”

  “I’m so afraid of how you’ll react and what this will means for us after you know the truth about my past. I don’t want all of this to go away.”

  “It won’t,” he promises.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I prepare myself for the rest of the story. I’ve tried to block it all out for years.

  “He took my virginity. It was nice. So, don’t get any ideas. He didn’t rape me, but what he did afterward was… horrible.”

  Preston hooks his arm around me, still shaking, and pulls me to him. I’m not sure who needs this hug most—him or me. He seems more on edge.

  “It’s okay,” Preston says, softly against my ear. “You can tell me. I won’t let him hurt you.”

  “He took pictures of me. I was naked in some of them. In my bra and panties in others. He said he would erase them from his phone. But he never did. Instead, he uploaded them to porn sites and social media.”

  Preston grinds his teeth together, trying to hold it together. He looks like he’s about to Hulk Smash the desk into pieces. His eyes are watery, and I can see the pain in them. He really does care. That’s what makes our situation so complicated.

  “My dad was able to get the pictures taken down from Instagram and the other sites because they violated child pornography laws. But some of the pictures are still out there on websites that don’t have to comply.”

  “Why the fuck not?” he growls. “They shouldn’t be allowed to post your picture on a website without your consent. And you were a minor.”

  “My dad tried. He sent complaints, talked to lawyers, and some of the sites refused to acknowledge our requests. The domains are registered in countries where there’s no jurisdiction. They can do whatever they want.”

  Preston takes a deep breath, staring out the window. “I’ll find a way. Let me talk to my dad.”

  “No,” I almost shout. “You can’t tell anyone, Preston. Please.”

  “If there are naked pictures of my girl on the Internet, I have to do something about it.”

  “I’m not your girl.”

  He leans back in his chair, shoving his hands through his hair, tugging at the ends. “I’m not allowed to help you. So, what can I do? I have to do something. You shouldn’t have to live like this, knowing some pervert online is looking at you.”

  “It’s not your responsibility, Preston. This is all my fault. I never should have allowed him to take the pictures.”

  His face scrunches in anger… pain… sadness? It’s hard to get a read on his mood. He’s like a storm of emotions.

  “This is not your fault, Bex. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I trusted the wrong person.” Another tear slides down my face. “I was so stupid.”

  “No, you’re not.” He cradles me in his arms, his breath warming the top of my head. “I can’t believe Lehane did this to you. I’m going to kill him.”

  “It’s not worth it.” I stroke his arm with my fingers. “Don’t do anything stupid for me.”

  “I would do just about anything for you, Bex. That’s the problem.”

  He has my heart. Regardless of the past, no one but Preston has the power to destroy it. My heart breaks, piece by piece, because I was never supposed to fall in love with him. He was never supposed to be mine.

  Chapter Fifteen


  My stomach clenches every time I look at another picture of Bex online. I have to get her pictures taken down from these websites. Seeing her in pain crushed me. No one should have to endure this.

  I did a Google image search on a picture I took of Bex a few weeks ago and found seven images of her. She was naked in three, in a red bra and panties in the other four. It’s easy for me to understand why Coach Bryant has rules, ones Bex would have followed whether he told her to or not. But those rules were in effect before she started dating Kellan Lehane, which is why she feels so guilty about seeing me behind his back.

  I scroll through the list of e-mails I’ve sent over the last two weeks, none of which have received a response from the webmaster. From what I’ve learned, they don’t have to comply. Removing an image is at the discretion of the domain owner. E-mail isn’t enough. Lawyers can’t help.

  Lehane will pay for what he did the next time our teams cross paths. He’s a right winger for Boston College, where my grandfather coached years ago, and my father played in his day. The names John and Alex Parker mean something at that school.

  Unsure if this is the right move, I lift my cell phone from the bed and call my dad.

  “Hey,” my dad says on the second ring. “Everything okay?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You never call this late. What’s going on?”

  I look at the clock and realize it’s eleven-thirty at night. “Sorry, I couldn’t sleep. I wanted to ask you something. Do you still have connections at Boston College?”

  “Why?” He seems confused. “Do you want to transfer? I don’t think that’s a good move this late in the year.”

  “No, I want to stay at Strick U. Can you get someone thrown off the team?”

  “What are you talking about, Preston?” His tone grows serious. “Even if I could, why would I want to do that?”

  “Because one of the players did something to someone I know. He needs to pay for what he did.”

  “What did he do?”

  “I can’t tell you. I promised I wouldn’t say anything. Isn’t there something you can do?”

  “You would need cause to get him kicked off the team. Unless he has a problem with his grades or drugs, I’m not sure what they could do to him. I can’t make a call and ask the school to remove a player from their roster.” He sighs into the phone. “Have I spoiled you that much that you think I can solve every problem with a phone call or money?”

  “It was worth a try, right?”

  “What’s going on, Preston. Talk to me.”

  I push my laptop to the side and lean back against my headboard. “I wish I could tell you, Dad.”

  “Are you in trouble?”

  “No, of course, not.”

  “Is the person you’re protecting?”

  “No, but—”

  “I can’t help either of you if you don’t tell me what’s going on.”

  “I shouldn’t have called this late. I hope I didn’t wake you and Mom up.”

  He laughs. “Are you kidding? Your mom is st
ill in her office. She’s been in there for the past five hours.”

  “She’s such a workaholic.”

  He huffs. “Tell me about it. She’s still the same woman I married.”

  “Hey, Dad, one more thing. How did you know you were in love with Mom?”

  “Your mom was like a tornado.” He chuckles. “She rolled into my life when I needed someone to shake it up and get my ass back on track. But she was the best thing that ever happened to me. I wouldn’t have had the chance to hold the Stanley Cup if it weren’t for her. She saved me. Because of her, I had the career my dad pushed me toward my entire life.”

  Like you’re doing to me.

  “But how did you know?”

  “Hmm…” He pauses for a second to think it over. “I knew there was something special about your mother the day I met her. She was so dominant, so different from any woman I’d ever met. She knew what she wanted and took it. Most people sit around and think about what they’re going to do, but your mother acted on it. I was in awe of her. She inspired me to be a different man. There are so many reasons I fell in love with her.”

  “What did it feel like? How did you know for sure?”

  He hesitates for a second and then continues, “When we split up, I had a lot of time to think about everything that had happened with us. Your mom was afraid to see me because she thought Mickey would fire her and that our relationship would ruin her career.”

  Mickey Donoghue, my dad’s godfather, started Donoghue Management Group, known as DMG, where my mom is now the owner. Mickey left the company to her before his death a few years ago. Now, my brother JP works there with her.

  “Being apart from your mom gave me a lot of time to reflect. I knew I loved her because I couldn’t stand to be without her. I was in physical pain when we were apart. It was like a piece of me was missing without her. And that’s how I knew I had to do anything to get her back. The things I did… they were so embarrassing some of them. But they were worth it. Look at what I have now because of her.”

  My dad might be a total bruiser on the ice, but he’s such a sap when it comes to my mom. The more time I spend with Bex, the more I want that with her. I want all of her. Not just a hookup or friends with benefits. I want her to be my girl.

  “Why are you asking me this?”

  “There’s this girl,” I admit.

  “Are you talking about Bex?”

  “Yeah.” I blow out a breath of air into the phone. “I can’t shake her. It started off as friends, and I don’t know what to do now.”

  “The way I see it, you have two options,” he says. “Tell her how you feel or break it off.”

  “Breaking it off isn’t an option. I see her almost every day, and when she’s not with me, I’m texting her or talking to her on the phone.”

  “You need to keep your head on straight,” he warns. “Unless she’s the one, you can’t allow her to come between you and your career.”

  “I know,” I spit back. “Thank you for the reminder. It’s all about my career, one I don’t even have yet.”

  “You won’t have one with that attitude,” he counters, his voice stern. “It will happen. I know it will. You’re better than me, and I went pro right out of college.”

  “I’m not better than you.”

  “You are,” he challenges. “What’s it going to take for me to make you see that? Don’t throw away everything we’ve worked for over a girl. Got it?”

  “Yeah, Dad, I got it.”

  “If you need me to come down there and work with you, say the word, and I’ll be there. We can go over to Skate Zone if you want. Get in a little quality time. I haven’t seen you in a while.”

  “Our schedules never line up.”

  “I’m home now, but only until tomorrow morning, and then I have to fly to Vegas.” A beat passes between us before he adds, “I’ll be home for Thanksgiving. No matter what. You should bring Bex with you. Your mom really likes her. She said she reminds her of herself.”

  I gag. “Oh, God. Please don’t say that.”

  He laughs. “You can’t ignore the similarities.”

  “I’m not dating Mom,” I yell into the phone. “Stop it. That’s gross.”

  Dad chuckles. “I’m just giving you a hard time. Any woman who’s like your mom is a keeper. Trust me. And this Bex sounds like she is, too. Just promise me that nothing will get in the way of your career.”

  “I promise. I need to get to bed. We have practice at six o’clock.”

  “All right, you better get some sleep.”

  “Night, Dad.”

  “Night, buddy.”

  The line goes dead, leaving me with the realization that I am falling in love with Bex.

  How did this happen?

  Chapter Sixteen


  Laying in Preston’s bed, naked and glistening with sweat, I curl up next to him, trying to catch my breath.

  He kisses my forehead, and my skin burns from his lips. “Come home with me for Thanksgiving.”

  His words take me by surprise. I roll onto my back to look at him. “I think that counts as dating.”

  “I don’t care,” he huffs. “I haven’t been with anyone but you since we met. Most people would consider that dating. Unless you’ve been hooking up with other guys behind my back.” He says the last part with a cocky smirk.

  He damn well knows I haven’t been with anyone but him.

  “How am I supposed to explain to my dad that I want to ditch him on Thanksgiving to eat with you?”

  “Because you’re going to bring him.”

  My eyes widen. “Oh. He would… love that.”

  “I thought so. I know he’s a big fan of my dad and my uncles. Everyone is coming to my house.”

  “Don’t take this the wrong way, but your mom doesn’t seem like the Suzie Homemaker type.”

  He laughs. “She’s not. My dad is cooking.”

  “Should I be scared?”

  “Nah, he’s the best cook I know. He makes this pineapple stuffing that’s so good you have to come just to try it. He only makes it on Thanksgiving.”

  “My dad might stroke out if I tell him Alex Parker is cooking turkey dinner for him.”

  “So, you’ll come?”

  I bite my lip, considering his offer. “I would love to, but I have to ask my dad.”

  “All this talk of food is making me hungry.”

  I sit up, balancing my weight on my elbow, as I look over at Preston. “What do you want to eat? We can go to the cafeteria. Or order a pizza.”

  He pinches my nipple between his fingers and smirks. “I want you.”

  “You already had me.”

  “Not all of you.” He beckons me with his finger. “Get over here. Ride my face. I haven’t tasted your pussy yet today.”

  “You’re so romantic.” I get on my knees, about to comply with his order, when he grips my hips and pulls me on top of him. He slides down the mattress, far enough that I’m now straddling his face.

  “Mmm…” I whisper, using his headboard to steady myself.

  He’s going to town on my pussy, licking and sucking until I practically black out from the pleasure. I fist his hair in one hand, weaving my fingers through it. He peeks up at me, his eyes wide as he takes me to the point of ecstasy.

  Preston rolls his tongue over my clit and pushes three fingers inside my wetness, spreading me open. The tiny bit of stubble on his chin scratches me, making it even more intense. He laps up my juices, his tongue moving at a rapid pace, tearing a scream from my lips. I come so hard my entire body shakes, and I rock forward.

  Preston lifts me up, kissing my clit before he lowers me down his body. He’s hard again, his cock lengthening against my stomach.

  “I’m still hungry,” he says. “I can never get enough of you.”

  “I hope you never do,” I confess, terrified I’ve said too much.

  “Me, too.” He rubs his cock along my slick folds. “Did you start taking your pil
ls yet?”

  “Yeah. We should be good.”

  He smiles, and then lifts me up just enough for him to push his thick cock in me. “I think it’s safe to say we’re not just friends anymore.”

  My eyes close from the instant pinch, which subsides with each thrust of his hips. “No, not anymore. Definitely not friends.”

  “I never wanted to be your friend,” he growls.

  I press my palms to his chest, riding his cock harder, quickening the pace. “I never wanted to be yours either.”

  He licks his lips and makes a hissing sound when he slams back into me, his cock filling me up. I lean forward, and Preston grabs the back of my head. Our lips meet, and when they do, my head spins from the intensity of his kiss. He consumes me, devours me with his tongue.

  When I’m with Preston, I forget about rules and my messy past. He makes everything better. One day at a time, he heals all the old wounds. What we have is complicated but so perfect. Right now, he’s mine. And I’m his. If only it could last forever.

  After we go another round, we’re both spent and starving—this time for actual food. Dressed in shorts and one of Preston’s hockey shirts, I follow him downstairs. Some of his teammates are in the living room. A few of them turn around when our feet hit the bottom landing.

  “Do you two ever do anything other than fuck?” Drake asks, with a cocky smirk.

  I look at Preston, fighting laughter.

  He laughs. “I think it’s time I take you out, don’t you?”

  I can’t stop smiling. “You want to take me on a date?”

  “That’s what I said.” He kisses the top of my head, holding me close. “I’m not in the habit of saying things I don’t mean. I’ll make a reservation for a real restaurant. You know, like cloth napkins and candles and shit.”

  I laugh. “Way to sell it, Parker.”

  He shrugs. “What do you want from me? I’ve never had a girlfriend before. Just girls I fucked.”

  “Real classy,” Jamie says. He looks at me, amused. “Bex, I wouldn’t blame you if you ran the other way right now. This one is a piece of work.”


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