Three Abductions and an Earl:

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Three Abductions and an Earl: Page 1

by Tessa Candle

  Three Abductions and an Earl

  A Steamy Regency Romance; Book 1 in the Parvenues & Paramours series

  Tessa Candle

  Three Abductions and an Earl

  Book 1 in the Parvenues & Paramours series

  EPUB Edition

  Published by

  Copyright © 2017 by Tessa Candle. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, now known or hereafter invented, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a critical article or book review.

  Three Abductions and an Earl is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. With the exception of well-known historical figures and places, any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  ISBN: 978-1-77265-009-9

  Three Abductions and an Earl

  or Abducto add an Earldom

  is dedicated to you, my true reader. You enjoy a good steamy romp with some naughty nobles and a witty heroine—and you only cringe slightly at my horrid Latin puns. Perhaps most importantly, you are an early supporter of my Parvenues & Paramours series. Thank you.

  I thought you might be interested in reading one of the novels that Lydia reads in Three Abductions and an Earl. So as a little fun spinoff just for you, I have written Accursed Abbey. It is a steamy Regency Gothic romance.

  Hint: if you don’t yet know what Accursed Abbey is, it is first mentioned in Chapter 4 of this book.

  And I will let you in on another secret: when it is finished, I will be gifting a copy to everyone who has signed up before the release date for my Tessa Candle Updates list. So sign up now!

  Thank you for being my true reader. You are the person I write for.


  Also by Tessa Candle

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59


  Sample Chapter 1

  Sample Chapter 2

  Sample Chapter 3

  Sample Chapter 4

  Sample Chapter 5

  Also by Tessa Candle


  About the Author

  Also by Tessa Candle

  Mistress of Two Fortunes and a Duke, Book 2 in the Parvenues & Paramours series. Find links to buy it on all your favourite retailers here.

  Accursed Abbey, a Regency Gothic Romance—coming soon! Sign up for updates. Everyone on the Tessa Candle Updates list (before the release date) will be offered a free copy when it is ready for release!

  Three Abductions and an Earl, audio book, as read by the author—coming soon! Sign up for updates.

  Chapter 1

  Lydia Norwood was not quite the thing with her freckles and red hair, and she knew it. But Lydia did not want to be a débutante. She wanted to be left in peace in the countryside.

  Her mother's eager anticipation of the season had propelled the Norwood family to London in early September while the weather was still warm, and in time to escape the stink of fall agricultural activities at Nesterling Lodge.

  Yet Lydia quickly found that she preferred the smell of freshly applied manure to the stench of the ton's superiority over the nouveau riche. She preferred her horse to high society, where the company, like the flow of weak tea, was as insipid as it was abundant.

  It was getting harder to slip away somewhere quiet to read, but the day's trip with her mother to a pleasure garden outside of the city gave her just such an opportunity. While her mother was engrossed in inspecting the many rare varieties of rose bush within the gardens, Lydia quietly sneaked off down one of the promenades into the woods.

  She trailed her fingers over bark and leaves, inhaling the life-affirming sylvan fragrance as she ambled along, finally deciding upon the perfect tree to climb. It had a limb ideally angled for propping her back against the trunk, and from the upper branches she was invisible to the promenade below.

  The warm air brought the scent of some flowering bush—she knew not what kind, for she simply could not attend to such irrelevancies, but it was pleasant. She settled into a contented slouch and found her page in The Necromancy of Abruggio. Then voices interrupted her solitude.

  “Listen, we have not much time, Mrs. Havens. He should be coming along this way any minute. Here are two guineas. You may keep them if you agree to assist me.”

  “What shall I do, Miss Worth?”

  “When we meet him and turn back to walk with him, you will lose the heel to your boot right about here. Bang at it with this rock, that should loosen it. Then I shall send you back to the hall by the fastest path. He might offer to accompany you, but you must refuse all assistance, and be very persuasive.”

  “Of course, Miss Worth. I understand completely.”

  Lydia could not help spying on this exchange, and watched Mrs. Havens tuck the coins into the handle of her parasol. She thought it was an incredibly foolish scheme. And what was the point of having a duenna or companion or whatever she was, if she could so easily be bribed to abandon her post. How did this lend countenance to anyone?

  The two schemers passed out of her hearing. She dismissed it as more of the stupidity inherent in society, and returned to her novel.

  To her irritation, her repose was shortly interrupted again.

  “These gardens are heavenly, are they not?” Miss Worth had returned.

  “I should say that they fall rather into the realm of earthly delights. That is their design, it would seem.” It was a man's voice, deep and strong and smooth, and, Lydia thought, quite bored.

  Anyone with such a voice would have a distinct advantage in the world, an ability to influence the listener with the pure beauty of the sound. Indeed, she found herself a little spellbound by it. Who was he?

  “Oh, quite right. How clever!” Miss Worth simpered. “According to the on-dits, the master has actually constructed these ruins and temples that you see scattered around the grounds to lend romance to the landscapes. But they look for all the world like they are authenti
c. Delightful, is it not?”

  Lydia winced. This was just the sort of inane prattle that she was trying to escape, and now she was a captive audience, for she could hardly shuffle out of the tree, excuse herself and scurry away. Could she? No, no. Of course not.

  “I suppose the romance is diminished somewhat by the knowledge that they are recent artifices rather than ancient artefacts.” The beautiful voice vibrated through Lydia. It was terribly distracting.

  “Oh, how you have a way with words, my lord!”

  The party was coming into view, and Lydia peeked through the branches of her perch to spy upon them. Mrs. Havens dawdled behind and appeared to be fidgeting with her boot. She was sensibly dressed, with mousy hair, and when she stood up she revealed a remarkably plain face. An ideal companion for the other lady, then.

  Miss Worth wore a pink day dress, rabidly frothing with lace, and held a matching parasol, which was unnecessary in the shade of the trees.

  The young lady was decidedly pretty—that is, her prettiness was the product of decision. She had some natural appeal, with blue eyes, blond curls, and a slightly up-turned nose, but her hair, dress, bearing, and way of lowering her lashes demurely all fixed her as pretty in a premeditated sort of way.

  Lydia wondered if it were having the desired effect on the gentleman, or whether the romance were diminished somewhat by the knowledge of the artifice.

  “Miss Worth, my lord, forgive me. I am afraid that I must turn back.” Mrs. Havens interrupted the tête-à-tête.

  “Whatever is the matter, Mrs. Havens?” Miss Worth's mouth formed a dainty rosebud O of concern.

  “My boot heel has come free. I shall turn back. Perhaps there is a servant at the hall who might fix it. If so, I shall catch up with you later.”

  Lydia wished she could see the face of the lord, but as he was a great deal taller than the ladies, any view of his head was entirely blocked. She could not make out anything aside from well-tailored clothes and broad, nicely shaped shoulders.

  Not at all to Lydia's surprise, the beautiful voice of the gentleman protested. “Nothing of the sort. We shall walk you back to the hall. In any event, it is not suitable for Miss Worth to be unaccompanied.”

  Lydia inferred that he meant not suitable to be alone with me.

  “Oh, but this forest is simply divine. And I shall have your company, my lord. What could be further above reproach than the companionship of an earl?”

  Lydia smiled to herself. An earl. The young lady had a rather great stag in her sights. His lordship did not seem the least bit interested. He took the arm of Mrs. Havens to lend her his support.

  “It will not be much of a retrenchment,” said the earl. “And the forest will still be here after we have deposited your friend at the hall and found a suitable chaperone for you.”

  Lydia remarked that he wore a black armband. In mourning. So the lady's quarry was already wounded. She wondered if she should assist the poor stag, for he could not know that the two huntresses had arranged a trap for him.

  But Lydia really did not wish to be dragged into the stupid society from which she sought escape. She wanted to read her book. And anyway, the earl sounded as though he were determined not to be left alone with Miss Worth. All would be well.

  “Truly, my lord,” Mrs. Havens persisted, “I prefer to avoid such a fuss over me. I can find my way back, well enough. And Miss Worth has so few opportunities for a walk in a proper woods. I should hate to spoil things for her.”

  “Oh true! I shall not leave for anything, and it would not be genteel to leave me alone here.” Miss Worth had discovered a way to make her spoilt wheedling pretty, as well.

  What a perfectly formed pout and trembling lip—and another glance up through lowered lashes, just for good measure. Lydia felt faintly nauseous. The poor man.

  She sighed, closed her book and cleared her throat loudly. “As you appear to be at an impasse, my lord, perhaps I might suggest a solution.”

  The party was thrown into confusion, looking about for the woman who had spoken, but unable to see her.

  “You are in hiding.” Miss Worth did not conceal her displeasure at this intrusion. “It might be better if you show yourself before you presume to address an earl.”

  “No need to stand upon ceremony, Miss Worth,” said the earl. “Though I should like to see the person who offers me counsel.”

  Could she hear a smile? She wished she could see his face. “I am situated quite comfortably here, my lord.”

  “Then by no means should you bestir yourself on my account.” The earl spoke in a lazy drawl.

  Was he being sarcastic? She was not certain. “Would you care to hear my advice, my lord, or shall I save my breath to cool my porridge?”

  “I think you should.” Miss Worth was now looking up. “I believe she is up in one of the trees.”

  “I should very much like to hear your suggestion, Miss.” The earl overrode all objection.

  “Very well. I suggest that your lordship can both send Mrs. Havens back to the hall to fix her boot, and stay in the wood to please Miss Worth, so long as you both remain in the vicinity. You see, my lord, she would be chaperoned, after a fashion, for I am here. Of course, your lordship could also assist Mrs. Havens back. For Miss Worth will not be alone, either, if she waits with me.”

  “Ah. A helpful dryad.” His voice was warm, enticing. “These grounds have more romance than was first apparent.”

  “And who, pray tell, are you that you might lend me countenance?” Miss Worth's pretty face was now visibly angry.

  “It is true that we have not been introduced, but I shall make myself known and available as a witness, should anyone question the propriety of your sylvan amusements.” Lydia could not resist further provoking the pink débutante.

  She still could not see his face, but the earl's shoulders were shaking with quiet laughter. Lydia was now thoroughly enjoying herself.

  “I thank you for the favour,” Miss Worth's spine straightened, “but you will pardon me if I do not wish to remain in the company of some unknown woman who goes about hiding in trees and spying on people.”

  “Of course,” Lydia agreed. “That is entirely understandable. One cannot be too careful about the character of those in one's immediate company. Upon reflection, I retract my offer. I shall learn from your example, Miss Worth, and refuse to be left alone with a young lady who gives her companion two guineas to feign a broken shoe so that she might be left alone in the woods with an unsuspecting gentleman. No less than an earl, it would seem, which explains the expense, I suppose.”

  “That is a vicious lie! We must leave this insulting person and continue on our promenade at once. Let us not permit this nobody to ruin our pleasure.”

  “And what of Mrs. Havens' shoe?” The earl's voice was calm.

  “I will not let my friend be so abused.” Mrs. Havens looked a little uncomfortable, as though she knew not what to suggest. “You may both examine my reticule. You will find no guineas.”

  Miss Worth sighed in exasperation at her companion. Lydia felt a little sorry for Mrs. Havens. The woman must be a bit thick. Thick and plain, truly an ideal companion for a Miss Worth.

  And what young lady really needed a companion? Could she not be chaperoned by friends and family in the usual way? On the other hand, her parents might need extra assistance in watching over such a daughter. Lydia hoped the notion should never occur to her own mother.

  “That will not be necessary, Mrs. Havens.” Miss Worth patted her companion on the arm. “No one seriously believes the slanders of a young woman who hides in trees.”

  “No indeed. Who would believe a person who was sitting in a position where she could remain undetected and yet have a clear view over this path along which you two ladies just passed, and furthermore who has no motive to lie?” Lydia clicked her tongue. “A most unreliable witness. But in any case, you may as well put your purse away, Mrs. Havens.”

  “No.” The slightly dull woman per
sisted. Her cheeks were now glowing. “I have been accused and I will show the contents of my reticule.” She opened it and showed it to Miss Worth who pushed it away and rolled her eyes.

  She then extended it to the earl. Lydia wished she could see his facial expression.

  “Your lordship will not find anything in there, for she spirited the coins away into the shaft of her parasol. The handle screws off, you see, my lord.”

  “Does it, indeed?” He sounded vaguely intrigued.

  “You must not listen to this awful person. She is only bent on making mischief. No doubt she has set her cap for you and lain in waiting.” Miss Worth's face was flushing.

  Lydia could not help laughing loudly. “The thief suspects everyone of robbery. My lord, there is a simple way of determining the truth.”

  “May I, Mrs. Havens?”

  “I should prefer that you did not, my lord.”

  “Yes, one cannot go about ruining a lady's parasol on the say-so of some,” Miss Worth waved her hand, “tree person.”

  “I shall be very careful,” the earl promised.


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