Tattoo My Heart

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Tattoo My Heart Page 10

by Mia Dymond

  “Now who’s paranoid?” Annessa’s sultry tease traveled the length of his cock.

  “Go.” He nudged her out of the storefront and followed her to a room in the back with three cubicles built into the far wall.

  “They’re actually roomy,” she told him as she stepped into one. “There should be plenty of space to maneuver yards of taffeta and lace.”

  He assumed she was talking about the frilly crap on most wedding gowns.

  “I see a problem.” He stepped inside then closed the door and pressed the lock on the knob.

  “What?” She frowned. “I think it’s perfect. Obviously it’s the right size. Two people can fit in here.”

  He simply grinned and waited for her to process the meaning behind her observation.

  Her lips finally curved into a smile. “Ah, I see what you mean.” She pushed him against one wall and pressed her body to his. “It would be so easy for something naughty to happen in here.”

  He grasped her hips and molded them to his groin. “Yes.”

  She laid her palms flat against his chest. “Thing is, the groom is not allowed to see the dress before the wedding.”

  “True,” he said as his blood heated from her touch, “but men dress here too, right?”

  She nodded.

  “And sometimes they come with women,” he continued.

  Another nod, this time with a mischievous grin.

  “Sometimes I need help with my tie.” He lowered his head and placed his lips against the creamy skin of her neck.

  She groaned and threw her head back to grant him easier access. He moved his lips across the surface, nibbled the smooth skin, and allowed his tongue to taste her.

  His back muscles pulsed as her hands kneaded the firm flesh. His breath came in labored gasps and he fought the primal instinct to flatten her to the wall and shove his cock deep.

  He moved his lips to hers and captured another breathy moan as he devoured her. His dick swelled impossibly harder behind the button of his jeans.

  She lifted her lips and looked him straight in the eye. “I’m on fire, Casey. Please don’t tease me if you’re not serious.”

  He moved her hair back from her neck while her accusation stabbed his heart. Trust still didn’t come easy for her. “Annessa, I have never been so serious about anything in my life.”

  Her voice was barely audible as she spoke. “Okay then.”

  He pulled her back against him and rested his chin on the top of her head. He suddenly found himself in unfamiliar territory. He knew Annessa inside and out, everything from her allergy to blueberries to the brands of shampoo she refused to buy. Even the story behind the tiny scar on the back of her left knee – the one left behind when she attempted to sneak out her bedroom window by climbing down a tree. He’d been waiting on her at the bottom.

  But he didn’t know her as a lover and that scared the hell out of him.

  She released a soft sigh and burrowed further into his embrace. He felt her complete trust to keep her safe and protected, but not with her heart. There was only one way to earn that – show her. And he planned to put on quite a show.

  A loud crash brought him out of his self analysis.

  Annessa jerked her head from his chest. “Tell me you heard that.”

  “I heard it.”

  Her eyes widened. “I locked the door. You saw me.”

  He eased her to sit on the floor. “Do. Not. Move.”

  She struggled to stand and he pushed her back down. “Don’t leave me alone, Casey,” she hissed. “I’m going with you.”

  The complete, unhidden terror in her eyes caused his restraint to break. “Annessa, if you even think about moving your pretty little ass out of this dressing room, I’ll turn you over my knee and spank you until it’s good and hot.”

  For half a second, she appeared stunned and then she opened her mouth to speak.

  “No!” He refused to back down. Not this time. “Stay here. I meant each and every word I said.”

  Annessa watched Casey leave, not exactly surprised about his ultimatum. He and Travis both had a Neanderthal gene. Yet she knew when to push and this was not one of those times. Through unbelievable fear she couldn’t help but wonder, though, if a spanking from Casey would really be a bad thing.

  She groaned. Good grief. A psycho maniac hunted her and she still focused on sexual desire. I am truly warped.

  “Get up, Annessa.”

  At the iron demand in Casey’s voice, the door flew open and she leaned to the side to avoid being smacked. The answer in his eyes made her tremble all over again.

  “What happened?”

  “Just get up.” He grabbed her elbow and pulled her to stand.

  “Is someone out there?”

  “No.” He tucked her hand inside his and headed back to the front of the store.

  Annessa gasped when she stepped into the room. Steamy night air seeped through a massive hole in the front window. Shattered glass glittered like diamonds on the carpet. A lone brick lay amongst the debris.

  “Don’t touch anything, but read the brick.”

  She bent to read the black letters:


  Casey squeezed her hand. “What package?”

  “I have no idea. Why would someone do this?”

  “To scare the shit out of you. Did it work?”


  “Good. I radioed the Harbor police. Tomorrow I’m calling the state.”

  “What about Travis and Vanessa?”

  “If someone followed us here, they aren’t safe either.”

  “Oh God, Casey. What have I done?”

  He eased her to the floor. “Ssshhh baby, you haven’t done anything. We just need to keep all of you protected until we figure out what’s going on.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Someone knows about us.”

  “Not unless they have x-ray vision.”

  She ignored his attempt at humor. “I’m terrified. If they followed, they know about you. Maybe I should leave.”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “They’ll follow me and leave all of you alone.”

  “Annessa, look at me.” Her eyes burnt as she turned her gaze to his. “It’s too late. Criminals will take out anyone and everyone in their way. Whoever this is has no idea who or what you told any of us.”

  Icy tendrils of fear squeezed her throat. “Marcelli’s an influential man. I’m not sure we’ll ever be safe.”

  “Hold on. We don’t even know he is involved. Maybe he doesn’t have anything to do with the murder. Did anyone give you anything?”

  “Just a check.” She allowed her brain to replay the events of that awful day. Just before she stumbled on the groomsman’s tryst, one of Mr. Marcelli’s associates had given her an envelope. Payment, she assumed, so she didn’t take time to open it. Once she was on her way to Seaside, she discovered it wasn’t money. “Oh, wait! Mr. Marcelli gave me a bracelet.”


  “As a thank you.”

  Casey didn’t appear convinced of Mr. Marcelli’s motive. “With your price tag?”

  “It’s not all that unusual. I get gifts from a lot of my clients.”

  “Where is it?”

  “At home in my dresser. Oh God, Vanessa is there and—”

  “Don’t panic. We’ll make a report and then go from there.” Casey’s cell phone rang and he squeezed her shoulder. “McIntyre.”

  “Casey, it’s Dane.” The other man’s voice held undisputable anger. “Vanessa’s bakery is on fire.”


  He returned to the shadows of the alley and bent at the waist to suck air into his lungs.

  “You think she read it?”

  “Yeah.” He stuck a cigarette between his lips, lit it, and inhaled. The false sense of encouragement burnt his nostrils as he exhaled. “She knows we’re here.”

  “Let’s just take care of it to
night. I’m sick of this place.”

  “She’s not alone.”

  “So? If we play our cards right, our bullet wins.”

  “Our bullet didn’t win the last time.”

  “I know I wounded her because I saw the blood.”

  “So? It didn’t do any good. She called in reinforcement, and she’s still here.”

  He took another deep breath of air. “It’s time to step up the game.”

  “I’m tired of games, man, and besides, she’s winning.”

  “She’s only winning because we’ve allowed it. This will slow her down. We need to wait. He’s a big sonuvabitch and a cop, remember?”

  His partner groaned. “ We’ll never get her.”

  His greedy lungs welcomed the next drag from his cigarette. “Patience is our best bet. Sooner or later, he’ll slip up. Besides, wait until she sees the bakery.”


  Annessa stood beside Casey in shock while tears streamed down her face, both from the smoke and for her sister’s loss. Vanessa had built Sweet Treats from a small operation in their childhood kitchen to a successful bakery with international business. Annessa was a small fish in the large sea of professionals who admired Vanessa’s talents. And now here they were, watching the angry flames devour Vanessa’s dream – all because Annessa once again brought trouble to Seaside Point.

  A slight hand on her shoulder released Annessa from her funk as she turned and saw her sister.

  “Oh, Van.” She pulled her twin into a tight hug. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s just a building.” Vanessa sniffed. “At least no one was hurt.”

  Together they watched their brother’s crew of firemen douse the flames, their hoses blasting gallons of water that hissed as it connected with the heat. A crowd gathered and Annessa heard whispers of anguish at Vanessa’s loss, her longtime customers vowing their support and offering to help in any way possible. Then the paranoia kicked her sadness to the side. Was he watching? Waiting for the flames to die before he made his next move? Her stomach churned and she swallowed hard to keep from vomiting. What if this fire was deliberately set to hurt her? Or kill her?

  Movement beside her brought Casey’s clean, calming scent as he leaned close and whispered in her ear. “I see your wheels spinning.” He tapped a finger against her temple. “No matter what caused this fire, it’s not your fault.”

  With Vanessa still wrapped in her arms, a small nod was her only reply. She stood in silent agony, stroking her sister’s hair, watching the flames reduce the structure to ashen rubble. There was absolutely no way to avoid an explanation now.

  She coughed as the smoke drifted past on the night air, a silent indication that the flames had been extinguished. The sight of Maverick, Dane and Travis walking through a curtain of smoke reinforced her observation. All three firemen shucked their helmets and shook the sweat from their hair almost in a practiced rhythm.

  Dane gave Annessa a half smile then pulled Vanessa loose and folded her into his arms. “Baby, we’ve done our best but it looks like we can’t save it.”

  “Sorry, Van.” Maverick kicked a piece of loose gravel on the sidewalk. “After it cools, we’ll know if anything inside is salvageable.”

  “Thanks, guys,” Vanessa mumbled.

  Annessa glanced at Travis, waiting for his usual calm, collected reassurance. Instead, a smile interrupted his sullen expression, only gracing his smoky features for a split second. almost as if he tried to hide it.

  “Anyone need a doctor?”

  Annessa traced the path of her brother’s gaze to see Verity now standing beside him, still dressed in her white lab coat.

  “Luckily, no.” Her brother’s smile returned.

  Verity raised an eyebrow. “How much smoke did you inhale?”

  “Not much,” Travis grumbled.

  “Did you go inside?”

  “No.” Annessa noticed her brother’s lips quiver with a threatened grin. “You do realize there is a whole crew of firefighters here, right?”

  Annessa bit back a giggle at his smooth attempt to tell Verity to back off.

  “You’re absolutely right.” Verity looked at Dane and then at Maverick. “I’ll expect each of you in the clinic for a physical tomorrow morning.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” As usual, Maverick didn’t hesitate to agree.

  “Not necessary.” Travis glared at Maverick, his earlier grin now a frown. “We’re all fine. No one inhaled too much smoke and no one went inside.”

  Verity shrugged. “Your call, Captain Dupree. Let me know if you change your mind.” She moved to pat Vanessa on the back then pulled Annessa into a short hug. “Call me if you need me.”

  Annessa squeezed her eyes closed, relieved Verity hadn’t said too much. “Thanks, Verity, for everything.”

  “You’re welcome.” Verity walked back across the street to the clinic and Annessa didn’t miss the fact that Travis watched her the whole way.

  Dane cleared his throat and elbowed Travis. “We need to wrap things up.” He then looked at Casey. “They don’t really need to be here.”

  Annessa felt the anger in Dane’s words and fought the urge to spill her guilty guts. On look into Casey’s compassionate, yet serious eyes stopped her. He had things under control – he would save her from this madness.

  Casey nodded but never moved his gaze from Annessa’s while he spoke to Dane. “Come home as soon as you can, all of you. We need to talk.”


  We need to talk.

  Those four dreaded words made Annessa shake all over again as she sat next to Casey at the kitchen table with Travis, Vanessa, Mav and Dane, dodging questions like bullets. The acrid smell of smoke permeated the air, a reminder of just how far her pursuers would go just to prove a point.

  As soon as the last hose had been rolled back onto the truck, all three firemen stormed the house, determined to sort through the ashes, so to speak. This time, Annessa didn’t hesitate to spill her guts. With quiet and spine-tingling fear prodding her, she spit out the whole story, stopping only once to take a breath.

  “Hell, Ness,” Travis grumbled. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

  “Because you would’ve gone all caveman, Travis,” Vanessa answered for her sister.

  “I didn’t think anyone would find me,” Annessa said weakly. “I never dreamed the bakery was in danger.”

  Vanessa draped an arm across her sister’s shoulders and pulled her close. “Forget about the bakery. Thanks to the Internet, my business won’t suffer and I can cook out of the kitchen here. You were shot, for pity’s sake! And you didn’t even tell us!”

  “I didn’t want to worry anyone,” she mumbled.

  “Too late,” her sister scolded. “Have you seen him?”

  “No, but I don’t know if I would recognize anyone. Marcelli probably has goons all over the place.”

  Dane shifted in his chair. “What’s your plan, McIntyre?”

  “I’ll contact the state police and she can give her statement. They’ll probably want to put her in state custody until they determine if she’s in danger.”

  “If?” Vanessa shrieked. “She is in danger, Casey.”

  “So are you, Vanessa.”

  Vanessa frowned. “Me?”

  Dane took Vanessa’s hand and braided their fingers. “You and Annessa are identical twins, honey.”

  Vanessa’s normally rosy cheeks paled. Annessa squeezed her sister’s free hand. “I’m so sorry, Van.”

  “Don’t you dare apologize, Ness. It’s not your fault someone had the poor taste to commit murder at a wedding.”

  “Also Travis,” Casey mumbled.

  “And you, Sheriff,” Mav pointed out.

  “That just about covers everybody,” Annessa grumbled.

  Travis ran a hand through his hair. “We can’t all be sequestered.”

  “What she’s told us is pretty much hearsay.” Mav fiddled with a salt shaker on the table. “I just wonder if they would harm on
e of us to force her out.”

  Casey stood and took Annessa’s elbow to lift her from the chair. “I really don’t know what’s gonna happen. We’re on our way to the department to make the call. Since I know the state won’t come before tomorrow, we’ll shack up here tonight and I’ll put deputies on the house. I’ll let you know the rest as soon as I figure it out.”

  She leaned to give her sister one more hug before Casey literally yanked her away from the table and out the front door.

  “Good grief, Ally Oop. You gonna drag me to the truck with my hair in your fist?”

  He came to an abrupt stop and she squealed when her face bounced off his biceps. She squeezed the bridge of her nose.

  “Sorry. You okay?”

  “Like hitting a brick wall,” she mumbled. “Let’s just get in the truck.”

  “No.” He pulled her toward the curb and a Seaside Police cruiser parked there. “We’re not taking any chances this time.”

  “When did that get there?”

  “I had a deputy park it for looks while we were inside.”

  He shuffled her into the passenger seat then slammed the door. Even with her ears ringing from the force, she heard the determined sound of his pounding combat boots against the street as he rounded the car. Casey was on an angry mission.

  Waves of guilt pummeled her as he drove to the station. She should’ve thought this whole thing through before she left Los Angeles. What a selfish brat.

  “Beating yourself up won’t do any good,” he said from beside her. “I’ll fix this. I promise.”

  She knew he would. Quite simply, Casey never, ever made a promise he couldn’t keep.

  Casey threw the car into park, glanced into the rearview mirror, and then turned to her. “Open the door and get out, but stay next to the car.”

  He opened his door and appeared at her side before she barely had one leg out.

  “C’mon, Annessa.” He took her by the elbow and lifted her the rest of the way from the car before closing the door.


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