On Her Axis

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On Her Axis Page 9

by Jeanette Lynn

  He stood up proudly and knocked the hardened cup through his pants, giving it a harsh rap with his knuckles. He gave a he man pose and smirked down at me in victory.

  “You didn’t really think I was going to give you the chance to whack me again did you, princess?” he snickered, tossing the now empty bottle of butter substitute over his shoulder.

  I glared at him and cradled my hand to my chest, the chocolate syrup still clutched in my other.

  “When did you have time to put that on?” I huffed indignantly, ignoring his chuckle at my tone of voice as I waved my hand around in the general direction of his love bits.

  “When you were in the bathroom,” he said easily, shrugging nonchalantly.

  “Well, I have another question for you, then?” I said, sobering up my face as I unscrewed the cap from the bottle at my waist band.

  I waved the chocolate syrup bottle around in my other hand as I talked to distract him, hoping he didn’t catch on to what I was doing.

  I gave a war cry suddenly and aimed the spicy mustard bottle at his chest, angling both bottles at him so two streams hit him simultaneously.

  Woo hoo, this is so much fun! I thought excitedly.

  Wrong... so... so wrong... but fun!

  I've never acted like this before, acting on my crazy impulses, assaulting people with squirtable food toppings.

  Demon lord brings out the worst in me.

  I busted a gut, laughing at him uproariously as he waved all four of his arms around, trying to dodge the mustard/chocolate spray.

  “Do you have any grey poupon?” I intoned in my best snotty voice, cackling as he tried to wipe some of it off of his chest, only to smear it together more in a mustard-y, chocolaty mess that stunk terribly.

  “Think that’s funny do you!” he bellowed, stalking towards me.

  I recognized the look in his eyes, and my mouth formed a silent expletive as I realized right then that I am about to become toast.

  Oh, he’s so pissed!

  "What's the matter, pinky demon? Don't like spicy mustard?"

  And I obviously don't value my life. Whoops!

  He snarled at me, and his ridges popped up, arching like a mohawk as he prowled towards me.

  I squealed, ducking behind the recliner to dodge him.

  Shuffling on quick feet, I ran towards the hall, faux butter leaving a slippery trail as it slid off of me and flung everywhere in my haste.

  My body thrummed excitedly as I ran, the secret place between my legs pounding in time to the staccato of my rapidly beating heart.

  Totally gone off the deep end, Mags, getting hot right now is sooo wrong, girl!

  I didn’t have time to think it over any further as he flared his nostrils like a bull, ready to charge.

  I picked up speed, careful not to trip, and grinned as I saw the finish line.

  If I thought he was pissed before, he’s going to be raging in a minute!

  Hmm... What will he do to me after I do this? Should I do this?

  Of course, you crazy fool! He deserves it!

  Decision made, I didn’t even look back as his voice permeated my senses.

  “Don’t you dare!” he bellowed out, already figuring out my final destination.

  I slipped and skidded a little on the tiled hallway as I headed for his bedroom. I even dodged his upper arms as he leaped at me and tried to grab me.

  He would have succeeded too, if I wasn’t slicked up more than a greased up pig in mud.

  I was squealing indelicately like one as I dodged and ducked all four of his arms as he almost caught up to me.

  Determinedly, he kept trying to snatch me.

  I made it to his door way and leapt inside, swan diving for his bed. My buttered up body almost slid off as I flew through the air and pounced on it, gripping the bottom sheet for leverage as I thoroughly greased up his bed sheets.

  Sooo gonna stain! I thought gleefully, rolling around on his bed, smearing what I can definitely believe isn’t real butter all over his expensive bed sheets.

  Soo soft. Feels like Amarillan cotton- high thread count. Super expensive!


  A growl sounded behind me and Perre landed on me, his massive body careful not to squash mine, despite the leap.

  He put his weight on me suddenly, using his body to pin me down in place.

  “Release me, Satan!” I shrieked, trying desperately to elbow him everywhere and anywhere my short rounded arms could reach.

  He growled in my ear, his ridges whistling along his neck and spine as he held me prisoner in his grasp.

  I froze in place, unsure of how I should proceed, exactly, a small frisson of fear crawling up my spine as his ridges whistled louder and louder.

  He wouldn't hurt me, uhm, I don't think, but there are so many things to do to someone without maiming them...

  Perre had other ideas, though, as he thrust his cup covered groin into my rump.

  He snarled at the impediment and his lower arms gripped my waist tightly, his upper arms pulling my hair to one side, tugging a little as his teeth latched onto my neck, biting hard where the back of my shoulder meets my neck.

  I bit my lip at the sting of the bite, not giving him the satisfaction of hearing me cry out.

  Good god! It felt like he’d broken the skin!

  It throbbed where he’d branded me with his teeth, his tongue snaking out to soothe it.

  A sharp ping of lust raced through me, zinging straight to my clit as he sucked gently, running his tongue teasingly, soothingly over the bite, relieving the aching throb in my shoulder, only to replace it with a different one entirely.

  My body sizzled with fire as his massive one crowded mine, his thickly muscled thighs spreading mine wide as he ground his groin against me suggestively.

  He tore at my shirt desperately, shredding it to bits in his haste. Every little grunt and growl he made did something to my insides that connected to my core, my sheath clenching and unclenching madly, aching to be filled, ready for him to ravish me.

  Just listen to me! Good grief! I sound like a damn mommy porn.

  I snorted a little at that, but was quickly distracted by four sets of arms as they raked over my body, touching and teasing, pinching and gripping in all the right places, his lower arms and upper arms moving together in concert.

  His upper arms massaged along my sides and spine now, the lower arms tearing at his pants hastily.

  “Whoa! Wait a minute!” I squeaked, alarmed, squirming around in his embrace. “I never said I’d have sex with you!” I balked and chuffed heatedly, my clouded mind really taking in what we were about to do.


  Oh, god, Marre!

  I’d completely forgotten about Marre for a minute back there, my lust induced body temporarily short circuiting my brain.

  Perre growled and tore at my pants, a rending sound ripping through the air as he yanked my pajama bottoms off.

  I grew dripping wet, my body responding involuntarily to his animalistic behavior as he growled and snarled inarticulately, not even bothering to use words.

  You’re a sick woman, Mags! Getting your rocks off on a pink demon lord with the same bedroom etiquette as a rutting ram!

  But... it’s so sexy.

  I whimpered out loud, warring within myself.

  Marre! Mags! Focus! Your knight in shining armor...

  Marre, my Marre! I thought, panicking.

  “Wait, what about Marre! I want Marre!” I blurted, causing him to freeze in place.

  He was so still I thought he was going to stop and get up, but then he suddenly flipped me over and glared darkly at me, rage simmering in his golden flecked brown orbs.

  He snarled and bared his teeth in a feral grin, gripping my hips in a punishing grip as he leaned down over me, pressing us chest to chest.

  His upper arms moved, grabbing my hands and shoving them over my head as his lower arms gripped my ass, flexing and then digging his fingers into each cheek.

>   “I am the one who’s taking you! Me!” Perre snarled out furiously, his ridges still hissing a whistling warning, wrath in his actions and movements. His lips, however, were anything but as he dove in for a kiss.

  What I thought was going to be harsh and crushing, was devilishly wicked and devastating, my wanton body responding immediately to his seductive tactics.

  Perre, rough and demanding? Yes!

  Deliberately cruel? I really don’t think so...

  It’s amazing how someone can be covered in shaving cream, mustard and chocolate, and still look sexy as hell, I thought as I inhaled deeply, the scent of shaving cream piercing my consciousness.

  “Say it!” he growled out angrily, totally off track with my current line of thinking, one of his lower hands moving unerringly to my clit, the other on his shaft.

  I glanced down and saw the glistening head of his massive cock as it swelled even more at my intense regard.

  "Say it, princess, say my name. I want to hear you say it," he purred.

  Little Perre had my complete attention, though, as I noticed something a little different about my eager friend.

  There was something at the head of his cock, moving slightly out of the slits on the head of his erection. The X shaped crisscrossing slits were dripping with his self-lubricant as he took himself in hand.

  My eyes widened as he stroked himself over my clit and an equally impressive, but smaller head came out of the slits of his penis as he rubbed himself against my pleasure button repeatedly.

  “What the hell is that?!” I yelped, beginning to freak out. He pushed me back down, but I tensed, trying to close my legs desperately, twisting and wiggling around as he tried to arouse me.

  Perre kissed me suddenly, his teeth nipping at my lips, tongue dipping into my mouth as I gasped out.

  He mastered me with his kiss, his tongue mimicking himself plundering my depths, lips nipping and tasting as he expertly tried to divert my attention.

  He shifted his body, taking advantage of my momentary distraction.

  “Wait,” I gasped, breaking away from him, “You have a crazy penis! And... and... I want Marre,” I cried out desperately, my voice catching, giving my nervousness away.

  “You’re mine, little heathen,” he growled, his erection prodding at my entrance.

  “You want Marre, fine! But you just remember it was me! Me! I had you first!” he snarled, entering me, my already slicked up sheath taking him in greedily.

  As much as I was protesting, I desperately wanted him to, and I reveled in it.

  “Perre!” I screamed as he rammed into my body with one harsh thrust, hitting that place inside of me that made me see stars.

  Perre growled approvingly as my internal muscles gripped him, my arms and legs shaking a little in the aftermath.

  I gasped and moaned as I wiggled around, impaled on his shaft, loving the feel of him so deliciously deep inside of me, his rough entry as he took me.

  He shifted back a little and thrust back in, an impertinent part of his appendage making its self known inside my body.

  I was taking in all of him now. All of him.

  And his special friend hummed, like a god damn vibrator.

  I cried out as I felt an intense pressure deep inside of me. It felt like he was lengthening even more, hitting my womb as his ‘penile extension’ acted like an internal foot massager.

  It was his penile extension that vibrated, I realized.

  It had me writhing underneath him, the pleasure of it and the slight pain of being so completely filled driving me wild.

  “You like that, princess? Take all of me, Ah Cah Eema!” he groaned out, long and low.

  He ground his pelvis against mine and I moaned, rubbing my clit back against his pubic bone.

  Perre released my hands and grabbed one of my legs with his upper right arm, lifting it up and onto his shoulder, angling me a little as he gripped my bottom with his lower arm, his left upper hand firmly on my stomach.

  “You’re going to scream my name again, princess! Mine!” he ground out, snarling at me.

  He pulled out a little and forced his way back in, proceeding with short, hard, almost punishing thrusts as I mewled and moaned, thrashing wildly underneath him, his body mastering mine as he hit that special spot inside of me.

  “Harder,” I panted, biting my lip and gripping his ass as he obliged, pounding into me without mercy, a scream tearing from me as my body started to pulse around him.

  Perre stopped suddenly and pulled out.

  “No!” I screeched, grabbing at him desperately as he pulled away, my body crying out at the loss.

  He was glaring down at me as his cock glistened, his penile extension protruding from his proud erection.

  I took a moment to gape.

  All of that was inside of me? I marveled at the sheer size of him...

  I never thought I’d say this about a penis before but... Magnificent.

  “Say it!” he demanded, and I saw more than anger in his features. I saw longing and yearning in his expression.

  My big tough demon lord wants to know he’s wanted too, I discovered, my heart softening towards the grumpy Cardanian.

  Uncertainty crept into his features and I melted at the sight, but glared at him instead, not wanting to let him know I knew how much it mattered to him.

  I didn’t think he’d appreciate my insight.

  “Make me,” I purred, getting on my hands and knees, turning and wiggling my ass up at him teasingly as he gazed down at me, his eyes glazing over with desire.

  He pounced on me, handling me roughly, biting at my shoulder on the opposite side as last time as he entered me with one, hard, smooth thrust.

  My half aborted orgasm hummed to life again, my body twitching at his abrupt entrance.

  He growled at my shoulder, and I growled back, pushing myself onto his shaft, challenging him for dominance, relishing his need to be in charge, pushing him to bring out more of that side of him.

  Sparks of pleasure were streaking through me as he snarled warningly and nipped my ear, his tongue snaking out as he slowly traced the shell of my ear, shivers breaking out all over me at the sensation.

  I love him so fierce and demanding like this, so completely virile, and all male.

  I turned my head and nipped the bicep of his upper arm, one of my hands sneaking down to play with my clit, rubbing in little teasing circles, my fingers growing slick as I manipulated myself manually.

  My hand traveled lower to cup his balls, squeezing a little and then rolling them around in my hand, squeezing again when he groaned out my name and ground himself against me.

  I ran my nails over the soft sacs, causing them to draw up tight against his body.

  "Heathen," he growled as he jerked and grabbed at my hands, pulling them together and locking them in his, weaving our fingers together in an intimate embrace.

  I gripped his hands back, loving this demandingly devious side to him, reveling in the feelings he evokes in me- this wanton, wild side of me breaking loose as he coaxed it out of me.

  He pounded into me, his lower arms holding my hips in place as his shaft plundered my hot depths shamelessly.

  "Mine! Little Heathen, all mine!"

  "Take me, Perre," I purred, my feet digging into the bed sheets for leverage as the bed rattled and creaked from our raucous love making.

  "Make me cum," I moaned, bucking back against him, almost dislodging him as he hammered into me and I pumped back against him, meeting him thrust for thrust.

  Perre reached forward and rubbed his thumb on my pleasure button, the pressure of his rough, calloused digit against my slick sensitive nub setting me off, bringing us both close to our own explosively glorious end.

  I screamed out his name as my body tightened around his, gripping his shaft convulsively, his own climax pulsing in time to mine as he shouted out my name in return.

  Time passed, I have no idea how much, and we just laid there, panting in the aftermat
h, neither one of us ready to say or do anything just yet.

  Both of us began listing a little to the side, and we went with it, flopping to our sides together, his shaft still buried deep inside of me, still pulsing in the after math of his orgasm.

  I gripped him with my inner muscles and he ground himself against me in return, his breath catching as I teased him.

  He ran his hands caressingly over one of the cheeks of my bottom, smoothing his hands over the large pale moons I call a rump.

  “I want you too, Perre. Sounds crazy...” I whispered, trailing off, referring to my stating I wanted Marre earlier, my hands caressing the thick upper arms he had banded around me.

  "This is all so sudden... and crazy... but I do," I told him quietly, my fingertips dancing across his knuckles to twine with the hands of his upper arms.

  He slid the hands of his lower arms down between my legs and played with the combined juices now seeping from me from our joined bodies.

  “You could always choose me,” he teased, but I sensed and heard something in his voice that said differently, said he really meant it.

  He ran his slicked up digits along my clit and rubbed slowly, running another hand through our juices, as he rubbed it over and over where we were joined.

  “What about Marre?” I panted out as he brought my sated, half limp body back to life.

  “What about Marre,” he grunted irritably, his upper arms banding around me a little tighter.

  I could feel him frowning as his cheek lay against mine.

  “I like him too, Perre,” I said quietly, stilling his hands for a moment.

  “Yeah, well, we can’t always have what we want, now can we, princess,” he snapped snidely, pulling away from me.

  The sudden change in his demeanor stunned me a little, my face turning beet red at his smarmy retort as it hit home.

  My hands fisted and I balled them up tightly, clenching them at my sides.

  “You don’t have to be such a jerk about it. I’m just being completely honest with you. I’d hope you would do the same for me.” My lips thinned and my eyes narrowed slightly, irritated at his attitude.

  Talk about hot then cold.

  “Yeah, honesty,” he shot back hotly, his eyes narrowing at me a little as he gave me a cool stare, his suddenly frosty attitude at odds with the intimacy of a minute ago. “Well, maybe I don’t want to have to deal with a foul mouthed nympho that can’t figure out what kind of male she wants! Or which male!” he continued, his voice rising with his ire.


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