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Bronco Page 16

by H. P. Mallory

  “Detour,” I answered as that inner voice of mine started yelling at me that I was making a mistake with Jake and one that I would live to regret.

  Jake laughed and started the truck, then headed in the opposite direction from the ranch. “How was your night?”

  I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. “Crazy. I don’t know how Sharon stays so composed always.”

  “Lots of practice.”

  “I guess but I’m not sure I’ll survive long enough to be that good.”

  He took my hand and held it on the seat between us. His fingers were firm and warm and I liked the way his thumb settled across mine. “Sharon wouldn’t keep you around if you couldn’t hack it. I’m sure you are awesome like you are with everything.”

  I smiled at him and even though I was sure he was just saying nice things to be kind, I still liked hearing them. “Hope you’re right.”

  He pulled our interlocked hands up to his lips and kissed the back of mine. “Count on it.”

  I wasn’t really paying attention, so when he pulled into a parking lot of what looked like a random playground, I was a little surprised. “This was your detour?”

  He turned off the truck and got out, tugging me behind him. “Hang on, before you diss it.”

  I scrambled out of the truck, tugging at my skirt to keep from flashing him. “I’m really not dressed for this.”

  He walked toward the playground, but took a left through a wooded section and I squinted, trying to make out whatever the big black void was beyond the tree line. It could have been a pond or a giant soccer field, I couldn’t tell from where I stood. The moon wasn’t up yet, so his face was thrown into shadow as we walked further away from the parking lot lights. The paved walkway ended, but he led us over the grass. My feet started hurting again.

  “If you’d told me we were going on a hike, I would have worn different shoes,” I teased.

  He turned and looked at my little heels, then bent down and scooped me up in his big arms in one swift motion. I squealed and wrapped my arms tight around his neck and he took off running, laughing as I tightened my hold.

  When we emerged from the trees, I heard the sounds of water lapping gently against the edge of a tiny pond. “Wow, this is so pretty!”

  “I found it a while back and wanted to come check it out again at night,” he answered as I wondered how he’d come across such a hidden place. Had he brought some other woman here? My breath caught in my throat as I considered it. This was exactly the reason why what we were doing wasn’t a good idea. The faster we went back to being friends, the better.

  Of course, maybe we could still have this night, I rationalized with myself. Maybe I could make the change to friends tomorrow. I mean, what was one more night right?

  Above the pond was a dock and before I knew it, Jake was carrying me to the edge of the dock where there was a railing on one side and a short bench. He lowered me, then sat on the end of the bench and settled his back against the railing, then patted the bench between his legs. “Come here.”

  I bit my lip and shifted. “I don’t want to get dirty.” It was a lame excuse, but I was suddenly aware that we were very alone, and we hadn’t bothered to talk about anything that had happened between us… like ever.

  He tugged on my middle finger and drew me closer, then pulled me down, fluffing my skirt at the last second so it was my bare butt that hit the wooden bench instead of the fabric. Luckily, the bench was worn smooth so I didn’t have to worry about splinters. I slid closer, nestling myself between his thighs.

  “Look,” he said as he motioned to our right.

  The moon was full, yellow and round over the highest peak of the mountain, and my breath hitched in my throat as soon as I saw it. The silver light spilled across the lake and cut straight across the water to where we sat. The crickets and night creatures were quiet like we were all in awe of something that happened every night, but were still mesmerized all the same. Jake’s fingers tightened over mine and I relaxed into him as I wondered what would become of us, if there really even was an “us.”

  “That’s beautiful,” I whispered.

  “I thought you might appreciate it.” Then his lips grazed the back of my neck, sending a thousand prickles of need racing across my skin. The heat of his thighs pressed into mine and I wanted to settle deeper against him, but I was also very aware of the solidity of his erection pressing against my left butt cheek. His lips traveled across my exposed skin and I fought the urge to release the first button from my dress so he could taste more of me. His hands rubbed the length of my forearms and slipped to my waist. I let my own hands fall to his thighs and I was shocked at how warm and firm they were. I rubbed slowly down to his knees and back up.

  “You’re so sexy.” His voice was husky and breathless as his fingers tightened on my ribs. “I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind,” he continued. “Goddamn, I swear I think about you constantly.”

  “Hmm. And what do you think about, exactly?”

  He laughed. “The look in your eyes when I’m thrusting inside of you, the noises you make when you’re coming, the taste of you.” He took a breath. “And if I’m not thinking about being inside you, I’m thinking about how gorgeous you are and how I feel like I’m a lovesick puppy half the time I’m around you.”

  Warmth and happiness welled up within me as soon as he finished his sentence. The crickets started again in a soft serenade and I lost myself to his touch. His fingers traced my ribs then slid up and covered my breasts. I sucked my lower lip and ground my hips until I heard his hiss of breath. I shouldn’t have been encouraging him, but everything about him felt so good. His fingers tightened on my breasts and I arched my back as my nipples stiffened. No matter what was going on in my head, my body wanted him, needed him.

  His touch softened and I turned, settling myself so I was on his lap, legs dangling off one side. His lips grazed mine and he kissed me like he had all the time in the world. I loved those lazy kisses of his, even though I was ready to go full throttle and take it to the wild frenzied level that was making my heart pound.

  “Climb on top of me,” he whispered.

  I didn’t say anything but eagerly straddled him as he unzipped his pants and pulled his enormous shaft out. It was sticking straight out, eager to plunge into me. And I was ready. Actually, I was beyond ready. The inside of me was stinging, the feeling I got whenever I wanted Jake, whenever my body was ready for him. I ground myself against his throbbing erection, enjoying being in charge.

  He gripped me by either of my hips and then shoved his pelvis up, ramming his length into me as I threw my head back and moaned. And then I slid down the entire length of him and started riding him, rubbing my nub against his stomach as I took his whole length inside of me.

  “That’s it, baby,” he breathed at me.

  “I love it,” I whispered back as I gripped a fistful of his hair and pulled, wanting him to know that I wanted it rough, hard.

  “I want you to promise me that I’m the only man whose going to ever be inside you.”

  I laughed, deciding to play a game with him. “I’m not sure I can promise that, Jake.”

  He frowned. “Why’s that?”

  “Because you aren’t giving it to me hard enough.”

  He chuckled as he lifted me up and then placed me back on the bench on my knees. My upper body leaned against the chair back as he spread my legs and gripped me around the stomach, holding my butt up into the air.

  “You’re going to regret saying that, Posh,” he whispered. “Because now I’m going to give you everything I’ve got.”

  I groaned out because his words turned me on to no end. Before I knew it, I was lurching forward as he slammed his whole enormous length into me and then gave it to me as hard as he could. Hard. Harder than hard. He gripped my hair and slammed himself deep inside of me, pulling out and ramming me even harder as I moaned against him. My legs started to quiver as a second or so later, an orgasm seize
d me.

  He grabbed my hips and forced himself into me even harder. He thrust one more time and then moaned out loud as his erection pulsated inside of me. Then he collapsed against me, spent and exhausted.


  We watched the moon rise higher in the sky. I wanted to say something about what was going on between us, but I also reminded myself that I didn’t have time for a serious relationship, not now—not when I didn’t know what my future held or how long I’d be here. Not when the end of the summer was now in plain view. My time here was limited and I needed to treat it as such. Getting into a relationship with Jake was the last thing I should have been doing. Because leaving him at the end of the summer would be that much harder.

  Once we were back in the truck, he reached over and stroked my cheek as he kissed me softly on my forehead. “You haven’t said anything to me about what we’re doing,” he said, his words surprising me.

  “What we’re doing?” I repeated, although I knew what he was talking about.

  He frowned at me. “What we’re doing in as much as,” he started and then lost his train of thought. “Well, in as much as we’ve been sleeping together.”

  “Oh,” I answered with a quick nod. “Well, you haven’t asked,” I chimed back, mocking him slightly.

  He chuckled as he started the truck. “Okay, consider this me asking then.”

  I was surprised, shocked even. I hadn’t in a million years thought that this conversation would have come from him. Instead, I’d been so concerned with appearing needy or insecure that I hadn’t even considered how he might be feeling. As soon as that realization dawned on me, I instantly felt guilty that I’d been so caught up in myself.

  Men had feelings too, apparently.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Good Lord, but what in the hell had gotten into me? I was asking her what we were doing about our relationship or lack thereof? I was the one bringing this infamous conversation up? Me??? Someone who never would have ever, in a million years, brought up this conversation. Usually I was trying to dodge it, trying to avoid committing to anyone while I still tried to figure out a way to continue having sex with them.

  Maybe this was karma coming back to bite me right in my stupid ass.

  Whatever it was, this girl had messed me up something fierce—that much was sure. Usually, I ran away from discussions about titles and what happened after I had sex with someone. Usually, I was the one who never wanted to see the woman again. But something was different with Summer. Something was different and whatever that different was, it had landed me right on my ass.

  “I’m not really sure what we’re doing,” she’d responded with an innocent smile that hid a less than innocent mind. The woman knew exactly what she was doing—driving me to madness! “But I think we’re headed in two different directions,” she’d added. “I’m not sure where I’m going or what I’m doing after the summer ends.”

  The summer. I’d completely forgotten about the fact that she was only here for a limited amount of time. It wasn’t like she’d planned to move to Springhill permanently, and what was more, I didn’t know if Brady would have wanted her to stay longer than the summer.

  As soon as that thought entered my head I pushed it away—it was clear that Brady had a soft spot for Summer and she was an absolute help to Rue. If she’d wanted to stay, I was more than sure neither one of them would put up a fight. In fact, they’d welcome her with open arms. And I would have too.

  “So you’re for sure leaving after the summer ends?” I asked.

  “That was always the plan,” she answered.

  “Where will you go? Back home?”

  She cocked her head to the side and then shook it. “No, I can’t go home.”

  “Then where?”

  “I don’t know,” she answered and then sighed. I was surprised that she said she couldn’t go home but I also didn’t want to push the subject. I figured she’d tell me if she wanted to. Hopefully when she wanted to.

  “Then that’s it?” I asked, not able to keep the dejected tone from my voice.

  She inhaled deeply. “As much as I’d like to say it isn’t it,” she started.

  “You can’t,” I finished for her. Then I nodded. “I get it and I understand.” I smiled at her and patted her thigh, to let her know I didn’t expect anything more from her than what she could give me.

  It’s better this way, I thought to myself. If she leaves then you’ll be able to move on and get over her. You won’t be stuck feeling like a lovesick puppy all the time. You’ll get back to being the man you’re used to being.

  And there was some level of reassurance and relief in that thought.

  Before I knew it, she’d changed the subject and was now saying we had to get back to the ranch before anyone suspected anything. So we headed home. I couldn’t say I was in a very good mood either. All I could think about was the fact that in a couple of months, she’d be gone. Summer would be out of my life and chances were that I’d never see her again.

  And that was a thought that left me feeling hollow and empty.


  It had been an hour ago that we’d had the conversation about her moving. And now, the moon was shining brightly through my window as I lay on my bed, hands behind my head, watching it track across the sky.

  I’d tried to sleep after dropping Summer at the door and kissing her goodnight, but all I’d been able to think about was the way that woman twisted me up. She was so hot and honest and vulnerable all at the same time. Brady was going to kill me when he found out that I’d disobeyed him and followed the interests of my less sophisticated brain instead.

  Even now, I knew I should leave her alone, but I just couldn’t. She’d gotten under my skin and after I’d had a taste of her... well, there was no walking away from her at that point, even if it pissed Brady off. Hopefully he wouldn’t can me over it.

  There was something about Summer’s vulnerability that called to my own. She’d touched a place that I avoided at all costs and yet a pair of curious eyes had opened me up like I was a damned book. I sighed and closed my eyes. I was starting to get a lot more comfortable with my own feelings and talking about them and my past. That was a realization that stunned me because in general I avoided talking about my past with most everyone. Even Brady didn’t know much.

  What was I going to do about her? She didn’t plan on staying at the ranch; it was clearly a stopover to another life. A life like the one she’d come from. One that was a million miles from mine.

  All of this was going to come to a screeching halt and then I’d be left behind. And that was a thought that troubled me more than I could say. This was the reason why I never got involved with women. They were too much trouble, too much of a risk and I was better off alone. Sure, women were good for sex, but I hadn’t had a serious girlfriend for a long time. Not after the last one had screwed me so bad. After that, I’d decided I was just fine as the loner cowboy. It was a shirt that fit me real good.

  Until now.

  I opened my eyes and stared at the moon as I tried to figure out when the hell I’d handed my balls over to that damned woman. Furthermore, she was the one who’d lost her virginity to me! And yet, she seemed to be as calm as a cucumber while I couldn’t get her out of my flipping mind!

  I sighed and sat up. I needed to knock this shit off right now. That girl was going to get me in a heap of trouble, and not just with Brady. The last thing I wanted to deal with was a broken heart. I needed to let her alone so she could get her feet under her and move on with her life. I got up and took a shower. No point in waiting any longer for morning to come. Sleep had eluded me for the night apparently.

  By the time I got outside, the moon had set and the sun was pinking up the sky. Brady was already moving cattle around and I caught him by the fence. “You’re clearly feeling better?” I asked.

  He grumbled something which I translated to a “Yes, I’m fine.” But he was still limping.

  “What was all that with Rue yesterday?” I asked. I’d been meaning to talk to him about it for a while now.

  He grunted and waved a hand for me to grab a bale of hay. I did and followed him, waiting for his answer. We fed the cows in silence but I wasn’t going to ask him again. He was the most damned stubborn man I knew. But there was also something serious in the set of his jaw and he didn’t run errands with Rue in general, so I knew something was up.

  “Damned doctor wanted to run some tests.”

  I folded up the baling twine and tossed it in the metal trashcan. “Wow, you actually went to see Doc? Consider me shocked.”

  “Ha ha,” he growled back.

  Clearly, he was in a mood but I wasn’t going to back down. Not yet. “What kind of tests?”

  He shook his head. “You name it, they ran it. Bunch of stuff showed up in my leg when we went in and it freaked them out. Guess they’ve never seen a cowboy before.”

  We were quiet as we walked back to the barn. “Brady, is it serious?”

  “You’d think so to listen to those doctors, but I’m fine.” He thumped his chest. “Healthy as a horse.”

  I eyed him in disbelief. Brady was like every other cowhand and rancher I’d known my whole life. Not a single one of them liked doctors or medicine. They believed in it for their cows, but if a good vet couldn’t diagnose it, they weren’t interested. I was going to have to ask Rue what was going on because I clearly wasn’t going to get anywhere with Brady.

  We worked all morning and I kept an eye on the thunderclouds moving across the sky. We had a ton to do and at some point, we needed to get the guests on horses and push these cattle out.

  “We gonna move these tomorrow?” I demanded.

  He glanced at the sky and put his hands on his hips. “Boy, I sure want to, but we’re supposed to get hammered again by another damned storm. Not sure Marlene would like driving the cattle in the rain with her high-society ways.”


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