The Secrets We Keep: Secrets and Revelations Book One

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The Secrets We Keep: Secrets and Revelations Book One Page 13

by Selina Marie

  Knocking back our shots, our faces screw up as we suck on the lime. We like to do that shit properly. Salt, tequila, lime.

  The tequila burns down my throat until it reaches my belly still alight. Already feeling a little buzzed I decide it’s time to tell Mel about the shit that’s gone down.

  “Okay!” I slam my hands down on the bar causing her to look at me with an amused expression on her face.

  “Oh okay, we’re doing this right now?” She laughs as she rubs her hands together expectantly.

  “Yes, we’re doing this now because if I get wasted too quickly, I will spill it all and leave parts out,” I explain. She turns her body, so she is facing me head on, giving me all of her attention.

  I notice a guy, who looks about sixty, sit behind her and blatantly check out her ass that is now facing him, and look over her shoulder until he catches my eye.

  “Hey, asshole! How about you divert your perverted eyes somewhere other than my friend’s ass, yeah?” I can’t help it. Booze makes me feisty. But it works because he gets up from his stool and moves somewhere else.

  Mel’s still waiting with a huge grin on her face, laughing, after I called out pervy old guy.

  “You got me on the edge of my seat, Ems. What’s up?” she asks.

  “Okay, so I know you know about the fire and how things were… with Robert,” I start, her face suddenly turning serious.

  “Yeah… Emilia, you’re worrying me now. If that asshole touched you, I will fucking kill him!”

  Melody says. That girl would go to battle for me and vice versa.

  “Something happened and I don’t know what triggered it, but you know what he’s like. Anything could be a trigger.” I take a deep breath and continue. “So, I was in the bath and he kicked down the door and smashed the cabinet above my head… then he grabbed me by my throat and held me under until I passed out.”

  Her hand covers her mouth, her eyes fill with unshed tears and horror as she listens to my story. She grabs my hand yanking me to her and pulling me into a death grip of a hug.

  “I’m so sorry you went through that, Em. I can’t believe it got that bad.” Something solidifies in her eyes, her mind made up about something. “That’s it! I don’t care what your stubborn ass is about to say, you’re coming home with me. I also know you hate people and that I’m your only friend—no offense—so whoever this ‘friend’ you’re staying with is—” There’s so much emotion that her voice cracks, but I cut her off.

  “About that—” She goes to cut me off and I hold a finger up signaling her to wait. “This guy… He saved me. I don’t fucking know how or who he is, but he found me and when I woke up I was with him in his freaking mansion. He’s letting me stay there with him which is why I asked you to pick me up from the beach tonight.” I let out a massive exhale that feels so good to release.

  “Hold the fuck up. So, a random guy saved you and you’re now living together?! Also, Ems, he is ‘letting’ you stay there? Come on, I know you better than that.” Damn her for knowing me too well.

  “Fine. It’s more like bribing me to stay there. He’s going to help me look for Lexi.” I tell her, and she frowns when she responds.

  “I know you want to find her, Emilia, but if you don’t want to be there, then leave. You know you can stay with me.”

  “I know that, and I love you for it. But…” I cover my face with my hands because I cannot believe I am admitting this and I know how stupid it sounds.

  “But? But what?... Oooohh, okay I get it.” She lets out a surprised laugh as she pieces it together.

  “Yeah. It’s so fucked up, but I think I might, kind of… like him,” I admit to Melody who has a grin plastered across her face.

  “Is he hot?” She’s smiling as she signals for two more tequila shots to the bartender, who is practically drooling over her.

  “Put it this way, if Hades and Zeus morphed, that would be Lukas.”

  “Oooh Lukas… Good name. And damn that man sounds like pure sex. Men that hot shouldn’t exist, it’s just unfair to the rest of us mere mortals.” She laughs with me as we down our shots, both feeling the fire of the alcohol that’s flowing through our veins.

  After slamming my shot glass on the bar, I glance over to Melody who’s sitting there, her lips pulled tight in a straight line and a frown between her brows, she looks concerned and it makes me feel bad for worrying her, not that anything that happened was really in my control.

  She grabs both of my hands in hers leaning forward a little, squeezing them once.

  “Are you okay though?” she asks, her eyes slightly glazed again. I nod, a small smile tilting my lips up at the sides.

  “I’m good. Promise.” I convince her, wanting to change the energy and have fun.

  “Dance?” I ask her with a suggestive eyebrow raise until she sags in relief, letting out a breathy laugh.

  “Yes! Let’s do this” she yells.

  We make our way through the crowd to the middle of the dancefloor, feeling the flow of adrenaline coursing through our veins from the tequila, the beat and the atmosphere. Our bodies move on autopilot, hips swaying to the rhythm, hands in the air, and Melody pulls at the roots of her hair as she lets her head drop back. She’s in her element, completely lost to the music and her body.

  I am too and it’s the most exhilarating feeling.

  "Play" by Alan Walker comes on next, and we switch up the tempo, getting lost again, until some guys approach us from behind, two of them getting a little too close. When the dude behind Melody tries to put his hand under her shirt, she grabs it, twists her body and his hand around until it’s pinned behind his back in a painful looking position. He lets out a yell of pain and she whispers something in his ear that I can’t decipher, but his face pales and he backs off.

  I turn around ready to confront the guy who’s getting a little handsy behind me and give him his own personal warning to back the fuck off, but he isn’t anywhere in sight.

  When the song changes again we start grinding up against each other to Marilyn Manson’s "Tainted Love". Heads thrown back, bodies swaying sensually, totally lost in the music when I feel my hairs stand up on the back of my neck, goosebumps running all over me—which makes no sense because I’m sweating from the dancing and collective body heat in here. I ignore it and continue circling my hips slowly, my arms thrown over Mel’s shoulders as she grinds against my leg, facing me.

  I can imagine what it looks like judging from the aroused expressions a lot of the guys are giving us, but who gives a shit. There is nothing wrong with two girls dancing together, expressing their bodies and all that divine feminine energy.

  Mel brings her lips to my ear and loudly speaks over the music but only so I can hear her, “Don’t look, but there is a seriously hot guy checking you out right now.” She informs me as I go to turn around, but before I can a guy’s hand comes between our bodies curving around Melody’s waist pulling her back into him.

  What an idiot. A fucking hot idiot.

  Mel goes to swing at him, turning her body around with serious speed, but before her fist connects to his face, he has her wrist captured in his grasp. There’s a look of fire, hunger and dominance in his eyes as he stares her down, and I mean down. He is really tall, maybe the same if not an inch taller than Lukas. He’s intimidating much like Lukas, and just as hot. Mel’s body language changes and she is no longer poised for a fight, but soft and pliant, her arm still held in his fist which is now loosened. What the fuck?

  I go to ask if she’s ok or if she wants to go to the bathroom with me so I can be her decoy to help her escape this guy but as I take a step toward them, a featherlight and all too familiar fingertip glides down my arm from the top of my shoulder, shifting from my outer upper arm to the inside of my forearm down to my wrist. My skin tingles and is covered in goosebumps. I know this touch.

  His other hand gently pulls my hair across my shoulder and back, to one side, and I feel his body pressed up against my bare back
. The heat from his breath is the first thing that hits my skin before he growls into my ear.

  “What are you doing here Emilia?” Lukas breathes into me and the sensation of another outbreak of shivers crawling all over my body, like spiders.

  Verging on the more drunk end of the tipsy scale, I’m feeling more mischievous and daring.

  “I’m dancing!” I yell loud enough so he can hear over the thumping bass of the next song. To drive my point home, I push my ass into him wiggling and swaying against him.

  I’m still facing away from him, keeping an eye on Mel who has her back to me, but I can see the glint of lust in the guy’s eyes and his smirk says enough as he leans into her ear whispering things I probably don’t want to hear. I know Mel and if this guy was bothering her, she would make him leave, by force. So maybe they know each other or something. I don’t really recognize him though; he has dark blond hair that looks a light brown in the dimly lit space. His eyes look like they are green or blue, but again, in the darkness of the club, they look like they are murky. His body is amazing, tall with broad shoulders, roped in muscle that spreads perfectly down the rest of his body—the body that is pressed against Mel right now, and she doesn’t seem too upset by it.

  My open ogling of this man is cut short when Lukas wraps his fingers around my hair pulling it back slowly, exposing my neck and his mouth moves closer to me. His tongue flicks across the sensitive skin underneath my ear, his lips pressing a slow wet kiss, lightly sucking the skin and I feel my body sag further into his as my eyes roll back into my head until it’s resting against his chest. I think I feel a rumble coming from him but then he speaks into my ear again.

  “Do you like what you see?” he asks, his voice low and thunderous. “Because that’s all you’ll be doing, sweetheart. Watching. Do you want to know why?” He spins me around so our eyes are locked on one another in a battle of lust and heat that would scorch me alive if I let it. I kind of want it to.

  “Why is that, Lukas?” I ask, still feeling risky and brave. I lift my head as I speak, eyes still staring deep into his intense, almost black orbs, our lips only a breath away from the other. One of his hands wraps around my waist at the same time the other winds around the back of my neck in a tight and demanding grip.

  “Because you’re off limits. To everyone but me.” Lukas doesn’t kiss me but watches my reaction and all of a sudden something occurs to me. Why me? Why am I off limits to everyone except for him? It doesn’t make any sense in my sober logic or my drunk logic. What an oxymoron.

  “Why?” I voice my inner thoughts to him. He looks confused as I take a step back, but I press the question. “Why me, Lukas? What could possibly be so special about me?” I ask folding my arms across my chest waiting for him to speak up, but he just glares at me, looking over my head to his friend who’s still with Mel, silently communicating something.

  He looks back down at me and growls.

  “You have no idea.”

  Before I know it, he’s grabbing my arm and pulling me toward the exit. I dig my feet into the dancefloor as much as I possibly can, protesting his manhandling of me and abandoning my best friend without a word. Yeah right, dick.

  “What are you doing?!” I yell at him pulling back, which does nothing because up against him, I have the strength of a tiny bird.

  “We are leaving,” he says through his teeth looking back at me.

  “I’m not just going to leave Mel with some random guy in a club!” I scream at him again, trying to resist his body which is still pulling mine. A useless attempt once again.

  “He’s with me. She’ll be fine. Nate will take her home,” Lukas assures me, his face a little irritated and impatient now. Good, maybe he should let me the fuck go and find someone else to play with.

  “How do I know that? How can I trust you?” I ask as we reach the exit and the cold air smacks me in the face, hard. He swings my body around to his, his face an inch away from mine and says, “You can’t. Now get in the car, we’re going home, and since you can’t seem to follow rules, I’m in a bit of a mood.”

  Taking powerful strides to a ridiculously expensive looking car I haven’t seen before, he opens the door and gets in. I strongly consider running back inside to Mel and hiding in the ladies’ bathroom, but something tells me that wouldn’t stop him from coming in, he wouldn’t give a shit. It’s as if he reads my mind because the next moment his window is down, and he warns me.

  “Don’t even think about it, Emilia.”

  Damn it! I get in the car taking out my phone to text Mel and apologize, explaining the situation and that I will pretty much be her bitch for a month solid. She replies after a few long minutes, insisting that she’s ok and jokes that I already am her bitch. God, I love her. She’s literally the best.

  The city flies past us in a blur, Lukas is literally driving so fast I can’t see where we’re going, or maybe I drank too much, both options are very valid right now. I look over to Lukas and his knuckles are white as he grips the wheel tightly, like something is bothering him and that’s when I notice my dress has ridden all the way up to the tops of my thighs, my legs on full display. He swallows loudly, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. It makes my mouth water and I’m not sure why; it’s just something about him in all of his dominant masculinity. He is heaven and hell combined.

  I choose this moment to take him in, even though I know he knows I’m staring at him. Lukas is wearing slim fitted black jeans, slightly ripped at the knees, black lace up military boots which are hot as fuck. On his top he wears a fitted black t-shirt that stretches across his pecs so deliciously I wish I was his shirt right now. What I would give to crawl up under there. He’s in all black, but the way it makes his piercing oceanic eyes pop is mouth-watering and mesmerizing all at once.

  “When you’re done eye fucking me you can go inside. We’re here.” He scoffs at me as he gets out and slams the door shut.

  I follow him into the house quietly, sensing that he’s pissed at me, but I’m pissed too. He ruined my night and made me break the biggest rule Mel and I have when it comes to going out to the clubs or bars. He made me leave her. She can handle herself and sure, she wasn’t completely alone; but I don’t know this guy, he could be a freaking psychopath for all I know. He was super-hot, but this could be another Ted Bundy case just waiting to happen. Although he was way better looking than Ted Bundy, but still.

  Now that I think about it, he kind of looked familiar but in a weird way, like I know with certainty I haven’t met him before. I wouldn’t have forgotten that face, I’m positive of that. Weird.

  I follow Lukas into a room I haven’t been in before. It kind of looks like a living room but one that no one ever uses. Everything is too clean and polished, even the sofas look like they wouldn’t be comfortable to sit on. I like sitting on a sofa that hugs you, almost until you disappear into it. This is not one of those sofas. It looks like torture for your ass, like sitting on a slab of concrete.

  Lukas walks over to me with a large glass of water, who the hell knows where he got that from, but I take it anyway gulping down the contents—the cold liquid almost making me moan in delight. I didn’t realize how badly I needed that.

  “Thanks,” I say, hoping to break the ice a little. Lukas’s expression is still dark, and he looks a little dangerous but it’s the alluring kind. He takes a deep breath.

  “You know… I found something out today,” he says, sparking my interest. I mean, we haven’t properly discussed our plan for looking for Lexi, but this potential information sobers me up, and fast.

  “Did you find out something about Alexis?” I ask, my voice a little desperate.

  “No…” He pauses. “It was something I discovered about myself. And I thought that maybe you would be able to benefit from it too. But since you don’t like to follow my rules, I’m not feeling very generous.” He frowns, his fingers playing on his lips as he looks like he is pondering something.

  “What rules—” He
cuts me off. “And the problem with that, is that I can’t quite decide which part I like more, you doing as you are told, submitting. Or you breaking the rules.” He takes a step closer to me with a hungry look in his eyes. I stay quiet as he approaches me, our toes touching through our shoes.

  “The question, Emilia, is how are you feeling now? Obedient? Or rebellious?” The dark flirtatious gaze zeroed in on me is captivating and I can’t look away. It’s like I’m under his spell, hypnotized. I desperately want to answer—say something rebellious but there is no way I wouldn’t do as he said right now. That’s the truth and it is what it is.

  My breathing is audible, and I can hear my heartbeat in my ears when he speaks again, his lips close to my ear.

  “Are you going to do as you are told?” he whispers, and I nod without realizing. I swear he almost purrs when he says, “Good girl. Now go sit down.”

  “What I found out today changes everything for me, and it’s a damn shame I can’t tell you. But I can show you.” Lukas slowly walks over to me where I’m perched on the edge of the sofa (I was wrong by the way, it’s surprisingly comfy). When he’s in front of me, I look up at him through my lashes, and I have never been more sober and alert in my life. Fire burns through my veins, but the tequila is long gone.

  Lukas lowers himself down until he’s on both knees in front of me. His eyes level with mine, drunk on lust when he whispers, “I really need you to follow the rules right now” I’m frozen, unable to speak so I just nod again, as it’s the only thing my body will allow me to do.

  “Lift your dress up to your waist.” As Lukas tells me to lift up my dress, he’s taking off my shoes one by one, his finger on the inside of my ankle stroking in soft circles. He has no idea how much of a big deal this is to me, and my heart races in anticipation of what he wants to do, but also a little in fear. Even though we can’t seem to keep our hands off each other, I am a virgin, and he has no idea. But I still obey him.

  I lift myself up to pull the fabric up over my hips until it’s bunched up at my waist, leaving me sitting there in my black lace thong. I think I know where this is leading by the look in his eyes, like he wants to devour me as he looks down to the apex of my thighs, licking his lips slowly.


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