You're the One I Want

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You're the One I Want Page 9

by Shane Allison

“I never forgot.”

  “A Vodka Cranberry for her and let me get another beer,” Deanthony told the young bartender. “So how you been?”

  “Honestly. Not that good.” The bartender returned with my drink. I swirled the straw around in it. “Kashawn told me what happened at Mama Liz’s that night of y’all’s birthday party.”

  “It was in the heat of the moment. He kept riding my ass about why I left Tallahassee and why I came back.”

  “So why did you?”

  “I think you know the answer to that, Bree,” Deanthony said. “Everybody seems to care more about why I left than why I came back, like it matters.” A look of annoyance ran across Deanthony’s mug.

  “So when did Mama Liz tell y’all you were adopted?”

  “We were about eight at the time. Ma sat me down after dinner one night and told me that Edrick wasn’t our real pops, and that he loved us like we were his own. Our dad died in a car accident when we were real young. She made me swear to never tell Kashawn.” Deanthony took a sip from his drink.

  “You should have said something years ago if you knew that Mama Liz had no intention of telling him. How could you hold on to a secret like that for this long?”

  “I figured he would have found out somehow by now, or Ma would have told him.”

  “You’re his brother, for Christ’s sake, adopted or not.” I was so pissed. I felt a headache coming on.

  “I guess she didn’t want to face the possibility of losing me and Kashawn if she told when we were adults.”

  “He’s been walking around here for thirty years, carrying the last name of a man who isn’t his father.”

  “Ma said that the guy was some crackhead.”

  I looked at Deanthony like he’d just said the dumbest thing anyone could say. “D, we’re going to get married. If his identity is a lie, so is mine because I’ve taken Kashawn’s last name. And what if we decide to have children? He’s got the name Parker on his birth certificate, on his driver’s license, social security card, everything, and you’re going to sit here and fix your lips to say that it don’t matter? It should matter to you because it affects you as much as it affects him. Kashawn hasn’t been right since you told him.”

  “Why, what’s up?”

  “He came home drunk and pissed off, going on about the fight y’all had, saying that he wasn’t who he thought he was. ‘My whole life is a lie,’ he kept yelling.”

  “He didn’t do anything to you, did he?” Deanthony asked.

  “Of course not. Kashawn isn’t like that. I was able to calm him down, but I can tell that it’s bothering him.”

  Cubes of ice kissed Deanthony’s lips as he took another drink. The bartender noticed that my glass was empty and asked if I wanted another Vodka Cranberry.

  “No, I need to go. Kashawn is home waiting. He thinks I’m out with Tangela.”

  Deanthony kept glancing at his watch. “Come on, stay. Have another drink. I will talk to my brother and straighten everything out.”

  “You are the last thing he needs right now.”

  “Bree, look, we’re brothers and brothers fight. Kashawn’ll be all right.”

  “You don’t get it, do you?” I asked, raising my voice. “This shit wasn’t like some fight on the playground where he got sand kicked in his face. He found out that the man he admired and respected isn’t his biological father, but that he’s the son of a man he’s never seen or met, a man who probably doesn’t even know that you all exist because you and Mama Liz kept him in the dark all these years.”

  “Look, I admit that Kashawn never should have found out like that, and you know that I never meant to hurt him, to have him find out the way he did.”

  “If I know Kashawn, he’s got a lot of questions about who his real father is, and I don’t want him to get hurt if he decides to go looking for answers.”

  “I don’t think that it will come to that.”

  “Deanthony, you know once he sinks his teeth into something, it’s hard to pull him loose. I just don’t want him to set himself up for devastation, whatever he finds.”

  “I’ll talk to him. Everything will be fine,” Deanthony said.

  “Whatever he decides, I’m going to stick by him.”

  Deanthony’s phone rang. He answered the call. Suddenly, a stoic expression came over his face. “What? Who is this?” He directed his attention to me. “What about my brother?”

  “What’s going on? Did something happen to Kashawn?”

  “We need to go. Something’s going on back at your house.”

  “What is it? What happened?”

  Deanthony hauled ass out of the bar, frantic.



  We pulled a couple of blocks away from Kashawn and Bree’s crib, somewhere we couldn’t be seen. Ten minutes later, Kashawn pulled into the driveway.

  “Damn, he just as fine in person,” Katiesha said.

  “Focus, girl, focus,” I told her. “Now run our plan by me one more time. What did we discuss?”

  “Tangela, I’m not fucking stupid. I know what to do.”

  “I know, but I just want to make sure we’re on the same page, that’s all.”

  Katiesha sighed as if I had been prepping her for some kind of national spelling bee. “I go to the house, ring the doorbell, tell Kashawn that my car broke down, and ask if I could use his phone to call a tow truck.”

  “Yes, good. And once you’re in, the rest is up to you.”

  “Don’t trip. No man can resist these bountiful titties of mine.” Katiesha adjusted her breasts in the black genuine leather corset.

  “And more importantly, make sure that Bree sees you.”

  “Oh, trust, I will give that bitch a show she will never forget.”

  “If shit pops off, get out of there.”

  “I’m not worried about nothin’ poppin’ off. That bitch can’t beat this ass.”

  Katiesha got out of the car and started toward Kashawn and Bree’s, one of the biggest houses on the block. I would have given anything to be a fly on the wall when Bree walked in to find Kashawn and her worst enemy in bed, fucking. I grinned, knowing that it was a given that Katiesha was going to get that ass whipped by Bree. Hell, I was counting on it.



  Ain’t this a bitch! I never thought that I would run into someone who hated Bree’s ass as much as me. It goes to show that there is all kinds of cray-cray out here, some real straitjacket kinda bitches. My little low-income, one-bedroom crib didn’t have shit on Kashawn and Bree’s mansion. That bitch had done well for herself. I could have married into money. This white sugar daddy that had a sweet tooth for young chocolate would always come into Risqué, slapping down major cake just to see me dance. The geezer was like ninety-somethin’ years old. He had a nurse who would wheel him into the club. She would sit there and pretend to read a magazine while he waved one hundred-dollar bills in my face. He told me that if I married him, I wouldn’t want for anything. I was going to take him up on it until the man up and died on a bitch, so there went my meal ticket.

  I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb in the well-to-do neighborhood, like all eyes were on me. I walked up to the big, wide, white door and pressed the doorbell. I could hear the echo of the ring inside the house. I tugged my skirt down, checked my titties as I waited for Kashawn to answer. I was nervous as hell. I looked back at Tangela sitting in her ride, looking. I heard footsteps coming closer toward the door.

  “All right, ’Tiesha, put your game face on, mama.”

  When that big door flew open, this six-foot-four mocha Choco-latte brother with deep brown eyes and juicy-ass lips stood in front of me. I had no idea how gorgeous Kashawn was. The newspapers didn’t do his fine ass justice. All I could do was stare.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Huh? What? Oh, my bad. Sorry to bother you, but my car broke down a few blocks down the street and I was wondering if I could use your phone to call my friend to
come get me?”

  “Yeah, come on in.” Damn, his voice alone was enough to make my pussy tickle.

  I stepped over the threshold, entering Kashawn’s palace. With brandy in one hand, he searched his pockets with the other for his phone. “Here we go,” he said, swiping it from a small table behind one of the pretty white leather sofas.

  I dialed a fake number, held it up to my ear, and faked a conversation with someone made up. I had to pull a name quick out of my ass. Kashawn had his TV on, tuned to CNN. “Anderson, this is Katiesha. My car broke down again. Can you come get me? I’m over here on… What’s the address here?”

  “1413 Thornburg Court.”

  “1413 Thornburg Court. Yeah, Anderson, way out here. “I’ll be outside waitin’.” I handed the phone back to Kashawn. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. What’s going on with your car?”

  “It won’t start. I don’t know what’s wrong with it this time. That damn car is always breakin’ down.”

  “You want me to go take a look at it? You said it’s down the street, right?”

  “No, it’s cool. You don’t need to do that.”

  “Are you sure? It’s no problem. I own an auto parts store, so I know my way around cars. It would save your friend from having to drive all the way out here.”

  “No, it’s all good. He said he’s out here in the area anyway.”

  “You sure?”

  I gave Kashawn a flirtatious smile. “Yeah, he’s on his way.”

  “Well, it’s pretty dark out there. You can wait around here for him if you want.”

  “I don’t want to put you out.”

  “It’s not a problem. Just hang tight until he shows up.”

  “Thank you. Anderson takes his time getting anywhere, so it might be a while.”

  “You want something to drink while you wait?”

  “I’ll have a beer if it’s not any trouble.”

  “No trouble. I’ll be right back,” Kashawn said. He set his glass on the coffee table and hauled off to the kitchen. As he rummaged around for a can opener, I reached inside my purse to pull out a tiny plastic bag of GHB. “So what kind of car do you drive?”

  “It’s a 2001 Oldsmobile Bravado. I just got it, actually,” I lied.

  “What lot did you buy it off of if you don’t mind my asking?”

  I slipped a tiny white pill in his drink and swiveled it around in the glass of liquor and ice. “Kareem’s Auto on Apalachee Street.”

  “I know them. Be careful with those guys. I know a guy who used to fix cars for them who told me that a lot of the cars they have suffered water damage from Hurricane Katrina.”

  “That would explain why I’ve been having so many problems with it.”

  Kashawn unscrewed the top off a bottle of beer and walked out of the kitchen, back to where I was standing. “People I’ve talked to who have bought cars from them come to the store to buy new parts for parts that have rusted out from all the water damage.” Kashawn handed me the cold beer. “Here you go.”

  “That’s what’s up then. I’m getting rid of it. That SUV ain’t been givin’ me nothin’ but trouble since I got the thing.” It’s a wonder my nose wasn’t growing with all the lies I was telling. I watched Kashawn take a swig from his beer. It wouldn’t be long before the drug took hold. “This is a nice house you have here.”

  “It oughta be. It cost me enough.”

  “You know what? I thought you looked familiar. I saw you and your wife in the paper. What’s your name?”

  “Kashawn Parker, and, yes, that was us.” He smiled like he took pride in knowing I noticed him.

  “And Bree Parker is your wife. Y’all make a beautiful couple.”

  He took a sip from his spiked drink. “Thank you. I was a ball of nerves that day.”

  “I bet your wife was climbing the walls.”

  “She claims…that, um…that she was all right once she saw me standing at the end of the altar.”

  I could tell that the drug was starting to take effect, judging from the way Kashawn was losing his ability to stand. “I’ve always dreamt of gettin’ married, but I guess it was never in the cards.”

  “The right guy is out there for you. He just hasn’t found you yet.” Kashawn looked as if he was about to lose his balance.

  “You all right?” I asked, knowing good and damn well he was anything but.

  “Yeah, just a little dizzy.”

  “You should lie down.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  Kashawn couldn’t keep his balance and was about to take a nosedive into the coffee table until I wedged myself under his right arm to keep him from falling.

  “Let me help you upstairs.”

  Kashawn was listless, dragging his feet across the white marble floor. It took some She-Hulk kind of strength to get his ass upstairs.

  I laid him gently on the king-sized bed like he was fragile, fine china. I sat on the bed next to him, admiring his boyish good looks. I caressed his chiseled jaw, ran my fingers over his full lips that I reached over and kissed. His chest was warm to the touch as I slipped my fingers between the open grooves of his lavender dress shirt. I looked around the bedroom that was bigger than my bathroom and living room combined. There was a huge vanity strewn with earrings, necklaces, and diamond rings.

  Here Bree was, living high off the hog, while I scraped for every nickel and dime I made. It wasn’t right that she should get the fine hubby, the big crib in the well-to-do part of town with all the white folks and their ripe green yards where shit was pretty and worry-free. I took a tour of the bedroom. The white and peach bathroom was the size of my garage. Bree had the walk-in closet that I had only dreamt of having. There were columns of shoes that went to the ceiling while Prada, Chanel and Louis Vuitton lined the perimeter of the closet. Bree’s white mink was the first thing that caught my eye.

  “I bet this shit here cost more than my mortgage.”

  I got undressed and tried on the fur. It felt like it was made for me, the way it hugged my naked body. I tried on Bree’s rings, sliding a different piece of bling on each finger. “Yeah, a bitch could get used to this right here. The glamorous life.”

  An unconscious Kashawn reflected back at me in the vanity mirror. I turned to him. “All right, time is money. Let’s get this shit started.”

  I walked over, undid the clasp of Kashawn’s peanut butter-tan slacks, unzipped them, and slowly reached under the waistband of his drawers. His dick felt fat and limp to the touch. Kashawn didn’t budge.

  “Hope I didn’t give him too much of that shit.” I held my index finger under his nose. “Yeah, still breathing.”

  When I tugged his dick out, I was dumbfounded by the size. It had to be eleven inches, easy. Dick so thick, I almost couldn’t get my fingers around the shaft. I kept an eye on him as I started to tease his dick with the tip of my tongue. It started to bone up. Kashawn was out cold, but his dick was wide awake. I took the thick head into my mouth, hugging the plump, tasty tip before I began throating his appendage until the thing was hard enough for my pussy. I eased on top of him. As I straddled him, his meat baton kissed the lips of my pussy. I reached back and aimed his engorged thickness in.

  “Oh shit,” I said, letting loose a sigh of ecstasy as I used him to enter me. I rode him like he was one of those mechanical bulls at AJ’s Bar where I like to go to on ladies night. “Damn, this dick is good.”

  I clawed at his chest as I rode Kashawn, my pussy hugging all eleven chocolate inches. I smiled as I watched his dick piston-pump my pussy. Had I had a cam, I would have recorded the shit, being the kinky bitch I am. Put a deep-dicking like the one I was getting on YouTube. To have Bree walk in on me putting this gushy down on her high-class doctor husband would have to do. As I was working Kashawn, he started to come to.

  “Bree?” he whispered.

  “Hey, baby,” I said, caressing his face. “Relax. Let me get this nut out of you.”

  Just as I was
working him over, his dick slamming into my sweet spot, I heard a car door slam. “Right on time, wifey.” I began to moan loudly on purpose so Bree could hear me fucking her man. I could hear her coming, each stair creaking to her weight.



  I jumped out of Deanthony’s SUV and ran inside, hollering for Kashawn. I froze at the foot of the stairs when I heard salacious moans reverberating from upstairs. My concern for Kashawn started to fade when anger crept in. As I eased up the carpeted steps to our bedroom, I grew more pissed. The bedroom door was cracked open slightly. His ass doesn’t even have sense enough to lock the fuckin’ door. Shock ran through my whole body when I saw this petite, bony, butt-naked bitch on top of Kashawn.

  “Damn, you got some good dick,” the woman said.

  “What the fuck!”

  This bitch turned her head to look at me. “Bree, this is your man? Girl, he knows how to break a bitch off.”


  It was this skanky bitch I knew from when I worked at Risqué. I could see nothing but red, like all sense of reason and rationality had left my body when I saw that skank on top of my husband. Instead of Kashawn getting up, he just lay there like he was in some kind of unconscious haze, like he didn’t know where the fuck he was, but that was all right, because I would soon slap him out of it as soon as I put an ass-whippin’ on this bitch. I lunged for Katiesha, grabbing her by her nasty-ass weave. I flung her off Kashawn and onto the floor.

  “Bitch, get the fuck off me,” she protested.

  I started punching her in the face with a closed fist, beating the shit out of her. Katiesha pushed me off, but I slapped her down.

  “Help!” she started yelling. “This bitch is crazy.”

  “Skank-ass ho!” I yelled as I punched and slapped her. I was wailing on her ass good until I felt arms wrap around my mid-region, pulling me off Katiesha.

  “Bree, stop, damn, you’re going to kill her.”

  “That’s the idea,” I said as I struggled to free myself from Deanthony’s hold on me. “Put me down. I’ma kill this bitch!”


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