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Jade Page 23

by Davenport, Maryann

  “I know you’re in the middle of a very tough schedule right now so I’ll settle for a little extra star gazing on our walks and watching a new movie that’s out on Pay TV. It’s a romantic comedy and sounds like fun.”

  “I’m up for that but, as you can see, I’ve decided not to be so slavish on behalf of my clients. I took a break to finish this piece and it’s never going to be for sale. I plan to put it in my office to inspire me when you’re away from me. You are my muse, you know.”

  “And you’re mine. I’m glad to hear that you’re going to give yourself a break a little more often. Well, I’d better get to my e-mails or you’ll be the only one earning your keep. See you at dinner.”

  When she pulled up her e-mails she found one from a woman named Tessie Baxter, computer geek extraordinaire. She said she had heard that Jade was going into a new online business and might need a website. Tessie offered her services to create a “smash-hit” website, maintain one Jade already had or hunt places to advertise her business on other sites. Jade was pleased that Tessie listed a phone number. Computer people usually stuck to e-mail addresses only, perhaps accompanied by a photo of the person, but Jade preferred to meet people she hired. “Well, call me out-of-date but we’re going to meet, Tessie, old girl.”

  “This is Tess.” When she answered the phone Tessie sounded like a high school girl.

  Jade wondered if this was a prank. “Uh, this is Jade Dixon and you sent me an e-mail about doing my website.”

  “Oh, yeah. Hey, thanks for giving me a shot. I’m really good at this stuff and I got samples to show you and everything. You can look at my personal site at tb.birdshot.com and see what I have. I can also e-mail you a list of other websites I’ve done.”

  “Well, that’s a good idea but how would I pay you? I’m not crazy about putting my credit card on the Web. I know that makes me a relic and paranoid but...”

  “Not at all, honey. I don’t flash my personal stuff on my site at all. Even my photo is a headshot with lots of makeup on. I don’t even wear the stuff, most the time. You can give me a check or I can pick it up or whatever. We can even work at your place if you want. ”

  “Where do you live?”

  “Above my mom’s stores. You know, the Cozy Cup and Heart Flowers.”

  “You’re a neighbor! How silly of me. I guess I never asked your mother her last name.”

  “Don’t worry about it. She changed it after my dad died but that guy was another flake and she keeps it casual now. We don’t take in guys, period. So, you want to give me a try?”

  “Yes, I do, Tess. Let’s set up a meeting.”

  Jade suggested that they have their first meeting at Juani’s and agreed to meet Tess the next morning for a cup of coffee at ten o’clock. When the bouncy redhead waltzed into The Pretty Egg and plunked down onto the bench seat across from her Jade was amazed at how young she looked. She was taller than Jade but skinny. Her freckles were sprinkled on her face and hands and her smile was contagious.

  “Hey, I’m Tess. I’ve seen you at my mom’s place but I was always working on the computer so you probably didn’t see me. I’m like my mother’s invisible kid or something.”

  “Call me Jade. Won’t this be a little hard for you when school starts again?”

  “College will be easy compared to getting those high school teachers to work with me. They always gave me grief for working at all, the busybodies. Now don’t you worry, I’ll be eighteen in October. I graduated in June. Man, that was a relief and a half. I couldn’t stand the way those people bored me to death in class.”

  “It sounds to me like you know what you want and how to get there. Okay, I have no idea about how to do a website so the one I have was created for me by someone else and I have no idea how to work with it and when it needs it. In fact, the only thing I know about the Internet is the list of websites I keep adding. That allows me to find the products and people I’m trying to locate. I’m not good at it.”

  “No problem. I’m good at that stuff. We’re going to be a great team. You’ll see.”

  Jade felt better already. Tess really seemed excited to work for her. An hour later Tess had a fist full of note pages and Jade had a few herself. “I must say, you really do sound like you know your way around a computer. I guess I better let you go, for now. I suppose you’ve got plans for your holiday.”

  “Are you kidding? If my mom hadn’t told me it’s Labor Day Weekend I wouldn’t have had a clue. I’ll see you next Friday and we can take a look at what I’ve done for you. I’ve got two days of heavy work ahead of me so I’ll have enough money for my school fees next week.”

  Jade smiled at the determined young woman, shook her head, and headed home. When she got to the house she was surprised to see a gorgeous blue Corvette convertible sitting in her yard. “Who on earth? That better not belong to Winks or he’ll have a dent in it!” She jumped out of her beloved old station wagon and headed for the front door.

  A tall handsome man had his back to her but he was all too familiar. Ben Crowley! He was talking to Tilly. She gave Jade a flustered and helpless look. “Uh, I’m glad to see you, Jade. The gentleman is here to see you about that job in Flagstaff. Won’t you please excuse me? I have something back at my house I must tend to.” Tilly dashed out in a flutter of print dress and apron, her feet almost at a run.

  Crowley turned slowly to give her the full effect of his dazzling smile. “I must say, your help is extremely devoted, the way they scurry around to serve you. And your charming little place is quite historic. It dates back to some notable pioneer family, no doubt.”

  Jade sighed and shook her head. Matt’s grim face caught the corner of her eye when she glanced past the hall door. “No, Mr. Crowley, this is an old farmhouse and those geese out there are old and the apple trees are probably older than God but they’re not historic. All I care is that they’re mine. I told you that I’m not interested in managing your security agency in Arizona and nothing has changed. You’re wasting your time and mine. Now let’s just go back to our mutual disregard of each other and move on.”

  “Oh, please call me Ben. I’m sure...”

  “No, let’s keep it Mr. Crowley and Mrs. Dixon. Mr. Dixon likes it that way and so do I. We’ll walk you out to your car now and say goodbye.”

  “But...” For the first time, he seemed to lose his magnificent confidence.

  “No buts, Crowley. We’re very busy. She’s getting her own agency going and doesn’t have time for yours. That’s just the way it is. Let’s go.” Matt opened the porch door, walked out, and stood back to allow the two of them to go ahead of him.

  Crowley was tight lipped on the way out to his car but before he stepped into his car he turned to face them. “I gave you the chance of a lifetime to get on board with us in a tough business. You shouldn’t burn your bridges like this. I used to be with the bureau and I know a lot of powerful people. You’ll regret this.”

  “I never planned to be rich or move to Washington, D.C. so I’ll live. Goodbye, Mr. Crowley.” Jade didn’t smile while he drove out. There was something deeply infuriating about the man’s personality.

  “What an ass! Did he really think you were so arrogant or so fawning that you would go along with his attitude? He certainly didn’t read you at all. You’re not like any of those things.”

  “Thank you.” Jade gave him her best smile. “Now let’s go in for a cold drink and forget that fool. I have to tell you about one of the most delightful and promising young women I have ever met. When you meet her you’ll be impressed.”

  “Lead on, woman of my heart. Anybody you admire, I will think is terrific.”

  At dinner that night Cedric and Tilly decided to attend a party at a neighbor’s house where a large country music band was promised, for dancing and singing along. “It’ll be Saturday night and you all are invited, too.” Cedric gave them a pointed look.

  “I’m afraid I already gave Ruthie Ann my regrets, Uncle. Matt and I are looking forwa
rd to a day wandering up Highway 138 to Diamond Lake. We have a cabin there for tomorrow night. We’ll take our time coming back and see all the waterfalls, too.

  “Oh, heck, you can see those any summer. Ruthie Ann might not have this band another time, you know.”

  “Thanks for your concern, Uncle, but I’m not much for crowds. You know that. We’ll be fine. You go ahead and enjoy yourselves.”

  “All right, but you always were too danged reclusive for my druthers. Your folks sure made you backward for someone who was supposed to be so la-de-da.”

  Jade laughed and then tried to sooth his ruffled feathers. “They were la-de-da, all right, but I never joined that whole bit. Like grandpa used to say, for people who wanted to show off everything they had, they had a terrible time remembering they had a kid.”

  “Are you sure you want all this exclusivity Jade pushes on you?” Cedric squinted at Matt.

  “Oh, we’ll come up with something to do. We always do.”

  “Now, Cedric. Stop being so nosy. These young people are newly weds. Leave them be.”

  Cedric turned bright red and remained silent during the rest of the meal.

  The next day was a lovely drive up the highway of waterfalls but when they got to Diamond Lake there seemed to be huge crowds partying all around and even the cabin areas were full of screaming kids chasing each other through the trees.

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve been up here. It looks like every church camp in the state is here tonight. Let’s go talk to the store owner.” Jade led the way into a grocery and bait store where a booth in the corner had a sign on it which said, “cabins for rent.”

  The owner laughed and nodded when Jade asked if someone would like to take her cabin for the night because it was too noisy for her. “Honey, there are people here who would kill for your cabin. They came up here thinking they had a cabin waiting and someone in their club forgot to do the honors. I have a waiting list. You’re off the hook. You might try the Shady Oaks Motel back at Roseburg. They’re cheap and clean. Good luck.”

  “What’s your pleasure, my love. I hate to see you disappointed on what may be our last break before the holidays.” Matt gave her a worried look while they climbed back into his pickup.

  “I’m not disappointed. I’m scheming. You know, I’ll bet they still have Gregor cooking at the Cove Steakhouse in Cottage Grove. His Saturday night special, in the summer, used to be fresh caught trout, steamed or fried. I would love some of the steamed stuff. Let’s find out.”

  “Do you want to stay at a motel there?”

  “I know a much better place. Let’s go.”

  The trout was superb and she could still remember the taste and the romantic candlelight of the night before, when she woke and stretched the next morning. When Jade walked out to the kitchen to make the coffee a sleepy Tilly jumped and let out a little shriek of surprise. “Land Sakes, Jade, you do give a body a start. Did you take ill last night?”

  “No. It was too noisy at Diamond Lake so we had a delicious trout dinner at the Cove and came on home. It was a lovely night. We sat out in the yard and enjoyed the Hallelujah Chorus by a huge group of tree frogs. They sounded like they were practically in our laps.”

  “Don’t think they weren’t. Why didn’t you come on over to Ruthie Ann’s and join us, seeing as you were home anyhow?” Cedric yawned and stretched like a cat.

  “We were too busy enjoying a very romantic evening at home. I’m glad you had a good time.”

  Tilly slipped against her and whispered in her ear. “The band never invited him to play his harmonica.”

  Jade nodded and plugged in the coffee pot.

  “Oh, it was all right, I guess. Tilly’s chili and cornbread are a darned sight better and the band seemed a little out of tune, if you ask me.” Cedric took the toast out of the toaster and began to butter it.

  Matt waltzed in smelling of lime and sandalwood and kissed Jade before he began to fill juice glasses on the table. “Do you ladies have anything planned for tomorrow? If not, I’ll go to work on my new project.”

  “I don’t know about the rest of you but I’m going to the horse trials on Monday. I promised a couple of youngsters I’d come and watch them.”

  “I told them I’d join you and bring them some of my gingerbread.” Tilly placed the eggs on the table for the men and a warm dish of beans by Jade’s plate.

  “I’ll be working on my carving with my feet up. In fact, I’m going to do the same thing today. I probably won’t have time for this stuff once I get my agency up and running, I hope.”

  “How’s it coming?” Tilly gave Jade a smile. “I love your carvings.”

  “What is it, this time? I hope it isn’t a carving of Slick. That cat is already too vain for his own good. It’s a good thing you don’t let him in the house. He’d be glued to the mirror.”

  “Oh, Uncle, he’s not that bad. This one is of the geese so you can relax. I may finish the layout tomorrow. I enjoy working on the details the most.”

  After breakfast Matt talked Jade into a walk before they went to work in their offices. “You look a lot happier than you did last Spring. Am I right?”

  She smiled up at him and nodded her head. “I’m as content as I can remember ever being, maybe more than ever. The carving really seems to fill a hole I never knew was there but you are the essential part. Without you my life would be drab. You’re always concerned that everyone else be happy. What about you?”

  “Are you kidding? I’m living on your great little farm with Tilly and Cedric treating me like family and I’m crazy about you. And, my mother looks happier than I have ever seen her before. Life is perfect.”

  “Good. Now, if only I can arrange to have Alfred Winks fall into a bottomless pit before next Spring, things really will be perfect.” Jade noticed Glory sitting down beside her and put her hand on her head.

  “We’ll think of something. Besides, you have no idea how stubborn Rafael can be. I’m still amazed that he talked Lee into living with him.”

  “I was surprised, too, but I shouldn’t have been. Lee loves luxury and he’s a little lazy, sometimes.”

  On Tuesday, Jade met with Sue Marley in her new office in Eugene. “This certainly looks as big as your last office. I like the painting. Mottola, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. It’s just a print. I have one of his originals at home. I’m a big fan of his boats. So, did you simply join me to bring me this lovely plant for my office warming gift or did you have something else on your mind? Was there a problem with your shipment?”

  “No, not at all. It went like clockwork. I need to find a special kind of private detective for a friend of mine. He’ll pay for the best and what he needs is someone who can switch from investigator who tracks someone down to someone who can play bodyguard for while, if he can’t find the bad guy.”

  Sue puckered her pretty red lips and then smiled. “I don’t have anybody that good but I know someone who would be able to give you a name. His name is Harris Buchanan.” She handed Jade a plain black and white business card. It said that Buchanan was a consultant for missing person cases and black mail threats. “He’s my uncle and he used to work for the Secret Service.”

  A couple of days later Jade was able to catch Buchanan on his cell phone. “I need a private investigator to find a man who is an old enemy to a friend of mine. We think he’s got one of his henchmen following my friend, and sometimes his staff members, when they leave his estate. The guy was extremely dangerous and my friend is worried. If he can’t find this enemy, my friend may want to hire this investigator to be a body guard for a while.”

  “What’s your connection to my niece? I’m asking because I want to know what this man I recommend to you would be up against. I don’t want him to find himself involved in a rackets war between factions.”

  “Let me put your mind to rest. After this man finds my friend’s enemy and solves that problem, I want him to investigate me and write up a file on me so my client
s can call on him to tell them what he knows about me. I’m starting my own security agent business and I’ll need to earn the trust of a lot of people before I can really start making a living. I plan to arrange secure transportation for valuable goods for my clients and be a source of security personnel with special talents to protect people or goods in unique situations.”

  “This is fascinating. You must be quite a woman, like Sue. I’ve always been proud of her. All right. I’ll contact a man I think would be perfect for this assignment and he should contact you by a week from Monday. Let me know if he doesn’t. His name is Rex Drumm and there is none better. That’s Drumm with two Ms.”

  On the following Tuesday, Drumm called Jade during lunch. “Ms. Dixon, this is Rex Drumm. Harris Buchanan said you had a couple of assignments for me. Both of them sound quite interesting, albeit that investigating you should be a vacation since you’re not afraid of what I might find.”

  Jade wondered if he were laughing on his side of the phone. He had a deep sexy voice, the kind an actor would kill for. “I’m glad you’re interested. I’d like you to come to my place to discuss the details of this assignment, unless you’re closer to Half Moon Bay than I am. I live in western Oregon.”

  “I live in Livermore so I’m in your friend’s back yard. When would you like to meet and where?”

  “I’ll arrange for us to meet at his estate in Half Moon Bay. I think the weekend would be best, if that suits you. They’re more relaxed at that time. If that’s all right with you, I’ll get back to you to confirm and give you the time and the directions.”

  “I’ll have no trouble finding the estate once I have a name so all I need is the time. I look forward to your call.”

  “The name is Rafael Omano.”

  Drumm whistled. “Serious money and power. I am definitely looking forward to meeting this guy.” He clicked off without another word.

  Jade arranged the meeting for the following Saturday morning at Rafael’s estate. On Friday morning she and Matt enjoyed the drive down the coast to Half Moon Bay and arrived for dinner. They found Lee in a grumpy mood. The servers set the tables on the ocean deck while the group gathered in pairs around the room to chat. “All right, Lee, let’s hear it. What’s on your hot little mind? You look mad as a wet cat.”


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