Claiming Racheal

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Claiming Racheal Page 9

by Michelle Woods

  Molly had looked at Pearl as if she’d lost her mind before saying with a glare. ‘Never gonna happen’ accompanied by another deadly glare as she’d put the vest on over her dress to Vivi and Racheal’s laughter, a little over an hour ago. Racheal smiled again at the memory leaning back into the couch she looked towards the door which creaked as it opened. Carl entered wearing a Blue Bandits vest with dress pants and a dress shirt. He smiled at Molly and Pearl.

  “Bone is freaking out on the other side of the club.” He chuckled, causing a panicked look to cover Molly’s face.

  “Is he having second thoughts?” She demanded, meeting his eyes in the mirror as Pearl finished her hair. Racheal knew that the man wasn’t having second thoughts. Bone was so in love with Molly it wasn’t funny. She hated that her best friend had these abandonment issues because of her parent’s inability to be human.

  “Nope, that boys freaking, cause he thinks you might be backing out,” Carl chuckled before continuing. “You set the wedding back a half hour and he thinks its cause you finally realized he’s not good enough for you.”

  Molly tried to stand, but Pearl pushed her back into the chair. Racheal saw that Carl was extremely pleased at Bone’s discomfort.

  “Girl, you relax, that boy will be fine! He’ll live with a little anxiety. It’ll be good for him.” Pearl scolded, her hands resting on Molly’s shoulders.

  “But Pearl…” Molly began.

  “Don’t you but Pearl me, young lady! You know what I always say, dontcha.” Racheal met Pearl’s eyes, smiling already aware of what she’d say next.

  “Pearl, I…” Molly started again, only to cut off by the cackling voice of her mother.

  “A man never appreciates what he has unless you make him work for it child. They ain’t going to buy the cow, when they can eat for free! And that boy’s been eatin’ for free child. Make him wait for it, do him some good.” Vivi began, laughing so hard she had to hold her side.

  “Your mother is amazing Racheal,” She was laughing so hard she could barely get it out. “She’s right though, men don’t wanna pay for a free cow.” Vivi was still laughing so hard she started turning red. Molly opened her mouth to protest.

  “Not another word!” Pearl grunted, making Carl let out a guffaw of loud laughter.

  Tiny watch Bone pacing back and forth. He really hoped that they got this show on the road soon or Bone was going to come outta his skin. Leaning on the wall Dog met his eyes with a grin, Tiny already knew what the man was about to do. Shit, he hoped the idiot didn’t get Bone too mad. Molly would kill them for fighting with him today.

  “Hey, I didn’t think I’d see the day that you’d willing give up your balls for a woman. Has hell frozen?” Dog grunted out as Bone stopped pacing and glared at him.

  “I still have my balls asshole! My woman isn’t like yours! Mine’s sweet and she wants a man, not a ball-less wonder!” Bone grumbled, glaring at the other man.

  “Umm…didn’t you stop saying Fuck?” Tank asked from the other side of the room where he leaned on the wall his tattoo shown on his large arm as he stood with them crossed over his chest in his customary sleeveless button up. All four of them were wearing their dress pants and shirts for the event today, covered only with their cuts.

  “I’m still not a ball-less wonder!” Bone yelled desperately at them.

  “If you say so, sure…you’re not.” Tiny chimed in laughing at Bone’s facial expression.

  “You’re all asshole’s! I don’t know why the hell I asked any of you to be in my wedding.” He bellowed with a huffed sigh.

  Laughing Tiny and Tank said at the same time.

  “It’s because we’re your only friends.”

  “Not true, asshat.” Bone sat down for the first time in an hour, with a huff. Tiny was glad their banter had made him finally calm a bit. If he’d known it would help, he would have started this earlier.

  “Does she keep them in a jar or are you allowed to have them sometimes?” Tiny asked, earning a scowl and the bird finger in his face.

  “I really hate you people.” Bone sighed.

  “Nah, we’re your family. You love us.” Tank laughed, with glee still leaning on the wall.

  “I still wanna know which one it is?” Dog asked, with his head tilted and a sly grin on his face.

  “Fuck you all!” Bone grunted, looking up to see Duck enter the room. Duck looked at them all then asked with a straight face.

  “You figure out where my cute little niece is keeping his balls yet?” Bone growled his displeasure standing up to storm towards the door.

  “Your all dickheads, go ahead and yuck it up! I’m going to go get married.” Duck looked at Tiny with a grin.

  “Was it something I said, you think?” He asked Tiny watching Bone throw a bird at them over his shoulder causing them all to burst out laughing.

  “Yep, I think it was.”

  Tiny grinned as he got up to follow Tank, Dog and Duck to the altar that had been set up out back behind the clubhouse for the wedding. Bone was talking to some prospects beside the door when he exited the club. Tiny looked around at the club, his family, who were standing or sitting, waiting for the wedding to start. None of them had thought that Bone would ever marry, himself included. Tiny was happy for Bone and Molly.

  Tiny wondered if Racheal would want to get married, he clenched his fist. After what Eugene had done to her, he seriously doubted it. He really hated that man. After his father he’d never been able to handle a man who beat a woman or a child. He was glad that the Red Devils didn’t allow that kind of behavior to go unpunished.

  Looking at his watch, he signaled Tank they only had about five minutes to get set up before the girls were set to come out. Tiny was upset that he wouldn’t be able to walk Racheal down the aisle. It had pissed him off more than he wanted to admit at the rehearsal yesterday watching Tank holding her as they walked down the aisle. He’d known he was being overly possessive, but that woman scrambled his brain most of the time.

  Tank nodded and whistled to get Bone’s attention, he grinned and moved down the red runner to the altar where Preach already stood waiting. Tiny, Tank, Duck, and Dog also moved to the altar, the music started to play and after a few minutes Tiny could see Lisa start down the aisle. He waited, holding his breath, for his woman to come into view, knowing how good she looked in the dress she was wearing today.

  He didn’t have to wait long, after Lisa, Vivi walked down the aisle, followed by Katie, then it was Racheal’s turn to move down the aisle and he watched her hungrily. She was so sexy, as she walked towards him, making his dick harden with need. Tiny wanted to grab her up and carry her back to their cabin and make love to her all night.

  The only thing stopping him from doing just that was the fact that then she’d kill him for making her miss Molly’s wedding, and his surprise for her would get forgotten. Standing with his teeth clenched, he watched her smiling face come towards him, still wanting to just scoop her up and runaway with her.

  Racheal moved down the aisle behind Vivi holding the pink tulips, gathered with a black and red ribbon wrapped around them. As she neared the altar her eyes took in Tiny standing there, feeling her heart squeeze a bit. Damn, the man looked amazing wearing a button up white shirt with his cut over it and black pants. His silky black hair was pulled into a tie at the nape of his neck, and he was watching her like she was the only woman on the planet.

  It made her want to grab his ears and drag him to their cabin and never let him leave. She was so hot, just from seeing him standing there in all his glory. Only the thought that Molly would kill her for ruining her wedding kept her from grabbing him to run off. That man was seriously, deadly handsome.

  Racheal managed to make it to the altar without drooling, standing there looking at Tiny across the small space the separated them, she heard the music change announcing the bribe. She tore her eyes away from Tiny’s, looking down the aisle seeing Molly walking towards them with Carl’s arm in hers. She t
urned looking at the expression on Bone’s face, as he watched Molly walking down the aisle. She almost cried at the love she saw on the man’s face, he looked at Molly as if she was his whole world. It wasn’t until that moment that she became truly sure that Bone wouldn’t ever do to Molly what Eugene had done to her.

  Although, she’d told herself many times, over the last few months that he would never do anything to hurt Molly, she realized that until this moment she hadn’t truly believed it, that look of pure love was what convinced her that Bone was too in love with Molly to ever hurt her.

  She remembered her own wedding day standing there waiting on her best friend to make her way down the aisle. Racheal could remember Eugene’s mother coming up to her before she walked down the aisle. She’d looked at her like a bug she wanted to squash and said to Racheal ‘You’ll never be good enough for him.’ It had made her sad at the time, she’d thought the woman was right; after all she was a whore’s daughter.

  But as she stood watching Molly’s hand be given to Bone by Carl and the reverent way he looked at her she knew that Eugene had never truly cared for her the way that Bone cared for Molly. Eugene had wanted a trophy, a woman who was a pawn in his game of cruelty.

  Racheal watched as Molly and Bone looked into each other’s eyes, tears filling her eyes at the beauty of the moment she was able to share with them. Bone’s face was creased into a grin so big it took over his whole face, and Molly’s was the same. Preach began the ceremony and when it came to the vows Racheal was left speechless as the couple exchanged their own heart felt vows.

  “I will honor you above all others, I will never forsake you, and if I should stray you can have the club beat me,” This earned laughs from the crowd as Bone spoke to Molly, his smile never wavering. “I will let you steal the covers and never complain. I will stop saying that word that makes you blush, though I will miss the beauty of that blush, spreading across your body. I will never let you down, and I will hold you when you cry, even when it’s breaking my heart.” Bone paused, taking the ring form Tank. He slipped it onto her finger with the last of his vow to her.

  “You are my life, and I will love you forever.” Bone reached up to cup her cheek as tears of joy slipped down her face. After a moment of standing this way, she cleared her throat speaking her vows to him.

  “I will honor you above all others, I will never forsake you, and if you should ever stray I will have the club beat you,” Again laughter filled the silence, as Molly voice cracked. “I will always be here when you need me. I will hold you when you cry, though it will most likely creep me out. I will forgive you when you slip up and say that word that makes me blush, though I will not make it easy.” She reached out taking the ring Racheal held out for her, she slipped it onto his finger kissing, his hand once it was in place.

  “You will be part of my every breath for all the rest of my days, and I will love you forever.” Molly turned her face up to his, as Preach pronounced them man and wife, Bone pulled Molly to him kissing her deeply, dipping her to the cries and wolf whistles from the crowd.

  After the happy couple walked down the aisle, Racheal allowed Tank to lead her down the aisle her eyes filled with happy tears that she blinked away.

  Chapter 13

  Racheal watched Bone dancing with Molly from her perch on Tiny’s lap, she was so happy for them. They were such a perfect couple. Leaning back into Tiny she felt his hand rubbing her leg and smiled. She could already feel his hardened member pressing against her. She knew that he would like nothing better than to go back to their cabin, but she wanted to wait until Molly cut her cake. Pearl had made the four tiered confection with Aunt Mae, and she wanted to try it.

  In the three days since her arrival, Pearl and Mae had become best friends, both women lived life loud and proud and if you didn’t like it too fucking bad. The thought made her laugh; those two were going to be trouble if Bone wasn’t careful. She already knew her mother was trouble, but putting her together with a woman who was almost as crazy as her, was asking for trouble.

  Her mother was already dangling poor Bear on her string, Racheal could tell she liked him, but she wasn’t ready so soon after Traven’s death to move on. Racheal had a feeling that Bear was in for a wild ride. The man followed her mother around scowling at every man she flirted with. And since her mother was always flirting with any male she met the man’s face was going to become a permanent scowl if her mother wasn’t careful.

  Tiny shifted beneath her, leaning forward he whispered to her. “Quit thinking so hard. We’re leaving as soon as Molly and Bone do.” He kissed her on the cheek he ran his hand down her face.

  “Okay.” Racheal replied, kissing him. His tongue slowing thrusting into her mouth, causing her to moan, she felt his arms wrap around her pulling her to him. He growled, roughly devouring her as she squeezed his shoulders, clinging to him. She turned in his lap settling with her legs straddling him and her hands on his shoulders.

  Tiny’s hand held her hips as his mouth moved from hers to her neck, moaning again she leaned her head back allowing him to lick and suck his way down. That was when a voice interrupted them. Making Racheal stiffen, and groan in displeasure.

  “Didn’t know there was gonna be a show at this wedding did you Mae?” Pearl asked loudly.

  “Nope, but with these young ones there usually is.” Aunt Mae replied.

  Tiny groaned, pulling his mouth away from her neck with reluctance. He slowly loosen his hands which had been holding her hips and glared over her shoulder at the two women who stood nearby holding glasses and staring at them.

  “Well now, stud, don’t let us stop you! I’m always up for a show. Besides I need to make sure you can take care of my girl, pup.” Pearl grinned evilly at Tiny, as Racheal just buried her face into his shoulder. Her mother could be so embarrassing sometimes. Tiny couldn’t believe that Racheal’s mother was staring at him still. The woman was crazier than a loon. He didn’t have any idea how she could have raised a perfectly normal woman like Racheal. He opened his mouth to tell her there would be no show.

  He’d actually just gotten a little carried away Racheal always went straight to his head and not the one on his shoulders either. All that came out when he opened his mouth was an embarrassing screech of “NO.”

  “Huh, I’m not sure that we’re going to get a show now, Pearl,” Aunt Mae said still watching them. “The boy sounds like a wounded bird and your girls looking upset.”

  “Huh, guess you’re right. Wonder what happened to Bear? He was going to get me some more hooch punch.” Pearl looked around for the man.

  “Pearl, could you just go and find him please.” Racheal sighed, burying her face in his shoulder, parents were just a pain in the ass.

  “Ha, you hear that girl, Mae! She’s so ungrateful! All I wanted was to be sure that man of hers knows how to take care of her, and do you see the thanks I get!” Pearl’s voice was loud and several people were looking their way.

  Racheal thanked God that she wasn’t prone to blushing like Molly or she’d be constantly red from her mother’s comments. Tiny watched the two women walking away laughing and chatting as if they hadn’t just embarrassed her and Tiny, then he turned to her.

  “Oh, almost forgot! Boy, don’t forget that a woman needs you to stimulate her clit. If you want I can talk you through it later!” Pearl called loudly back to them from four feet away causing Tiny to flush a bit.

  “Your mother’s a menace, darlin’.” Tiny couldn’t help saying, that woman was insane and kinda frightening.

  “Oh, Tiny.” Racheal laughed so hard she almost fell off his lap. He didn’t think this situation was that funny. She had to know that her mother wasn’t running on all her cylinders, didn’t she?

  Racheal couldn’t help it she knew that her mother had said the last bit of that conversation to get under the man’s skin. Pearl knew she was torturing the man, but Racheal was glad that her mother felt the need to play with Tiny. It meant that she liked him which ma
de Racheal feel even more secure that he was a good man. Pearl knew men better than anyone; she could still remember her wedding day, and Pearl’s hatred of Eugene.

  Racheal had been nervous sitting in the churches back room waiting for the wedding to start, and Pearl was helping her get ready, when her mother had suddenly burst out with a loud protest.

  “You shouldn’t marry him doll. I can’t put my finger on what it is I don’t like about him, but I don’t and you know I’m always right about men.” Pearl said, her face a mask of concern.

  “Mother, its fine. Eugene is just not always comfortable that’s what bothers you. He will be a good husband.” Racheal had brushed aside her mother’s warning and gotten up a bit later and walked down the aisle, not listening to the numerous protests from her mother. That had been her first mistake, her second was saying I do to the man who’d been at that altar.

  “It’s not that funny!” Tiny growled squeezing her waist, bring her back to the present.

  “Okay, I’m sorry for laughing at you.” Racheal heard Molly call out behind her.

  “No, Bone, we have to cut the cake!” Molly was screeching, Racheal turned to see that Molly was over Bone’s shoulder and his hand was firmly planted on her ass.

  “Fine woman, but we do it quick!” Bone roared.

  Racheal laughed again, Tiny helped her to her feet and they followed the couple to the cake, which was set up near the clubhouse where light flooded from the bon-fire and the back door, which was open. Bone set Molly on her feet and whistled to get everyone’s attention.


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