The Journey of Atlantis: The Children of Earth

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The Journey of Atlantis: The Children of Earth Page 18

by jeff knoblauch

  “Levi! Levi!” Alex’s urgent voice rang on the inner comm in his head.

  “Yes, Alex, I am here. It is good to hear your voice.”

  “You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice!” She sounded nearly in tears.

  “If you are all right, we will talk later in the morning after things settle into a groove here.”

  “Yes, I’m all right. We have a cleanup of our own here. I love you. See you soon.”

  “Copy that! Looking forward to it. Love you.”

  It was nearly midnight ship time when the coup was put down. It had lasted just seven hours. Clearing up the aftermath was going to take much longer. Levi sat down for a moment to catch his breath. Suddenly he shook all over and had trouble breathing. Was there something wrong with the 'bots? he thought. A major approached him to see if he was all right.

  Sonny whispered in his mind. “Take a moment. It is over. You are safe. We prevailed. Keep breathing. That’s it. You know what to do.”

  Levi closed his eyes and took several cleansing breaths. His nerves responded. The chemicals in his body were balancing themselves. It was going to be all right. He realized he had not had anything to eat in several days and asked the major to send someone to get him some food. In no time, food materialized for the grateful captain.

  Refocused and determined, Levi bent to the task of directing the cleanup and making sure the prisoners were secured. He wasted no time in getting wounded to the hospitals where Dr. Lim and his staff were overwhelmed. There were one hundred and eighty-four hospitals on the ship. However, much of the skirmishes had taken place in concentrated areas. The wounded had to be logistically spread to every hospital to deal with the load. Later, Sonny told him there had been over seven thousand Atlantis crew killed and over twelve thousand wounded. Of the rebels, over sixty thousand killed, and twenty-eight thousand were wounded. This left around ninety-five thousand who needed to be incarcerated.

  By 0900 the cleanup details and rounding up of prisoners needed no direct supervision from Levi. He took his leave of the bridge and handed it over to Commander Bales. Levi shook his hand as Bales approached the command chair to relieve him.

  “I want you to know your performance during the uprising was exemplary. I am glad you are on our side, Commander.”

  “Thank you, sir," Bales responded. "I have learned from the best. Now, go get some rest, sir. Take the day off. We’ve got it here.”

  “That sounds like a vacation. You have the con.”

  “I have the con, aye, sir!” Bales stepped up and sat in the command chair.

  The weary captain walked slowly to his apartment, trying to unwind his brain from the day’s events. He wasn’t very successful. Levi opened his door and was pounced on by a beautiful woman.

  “You’re really here!” Alex said through her tears, kissing his face all over.

  At first Levi recoiled from the surprise attack. Then in the next instant, he realized what was happening and returned the passionate kisses. They held their embrace for an extra-long time, reveling in the touch, smell and warmth of each other. Then they sat down on the couch to talk.

  Alex recounted her adventures during the uprising as she'd seen from her location in the engineering section, where she served as joint head of the department along with Colonel Weston. “We were caught by surprise when it started. The refugees must have been told to act natural but start moving casually up to the command section. I noticed there was more people traffic than usual, but I could not tell the Atlantis people from the refugees. Well, it turned out they were all refugees! They must have gotten some signal because they suddenly moved as one. The laser fence went up and, in their zeal to reach their objective, a few people were sliced to bits. I went a few floors up from my post in engineering to another vantage point and saw a massive line of security had taken up a position behind the fence line. If anyone came close to the fence, a sniper would put him down. At some point, people launched bombs with a trajectory which took the payloads into the fence or security forces. The snipers were good. Using their rail gun rifles, they picked every one of them off before any damage could be done.

  “While the insurgents were stalled at the fence, some of our forces thought they could use the surrounding buildings for sniper positions. I quickly came down to help defend our building. We did not have enough weapons to go around, so some of us had to improvise. While the people with weapons were holding the rebels off, the colonel and I quickly constructed a sonic deterrent to repel the invading force, hurting their ears badly, like driving nails into their heads. This went a long way to keep them away from our offices, but the insurgents overran other buildings. This went on for about an hour.

  “Then I could see from the upper window, robots of all types and Atlantis people who were armed and not from security were rushing the refugees. The refugees were caught between the robots and the fence. It was not pretty. The rebels had to fight through all of that to escape. I have never seen war. It was nothing like I had thought. I could not imagine a more terrible thing to witness, Levi. I never want to see it again, if it’s all the same to you.”

  Levi closed his eyes. “I am just grateful you are all right. That reminds me, I need to tell Dr. Lim to set up clinics for survivors and wounded, for any psychological treatment they are going to need. He is probably already dealing with the immediate problems, but a more expanded service will no doubt be needed. There. Sent the memo.”

  “I really envy that feature of enhancement,” Alex commented.

  “There are drawbacks, you know,” he said.

  She raised her eyebrows and put her hands on her hips. “Not from where I’m sitting.”

  “For one thing, it is sometimes lonely. The machines are the only ones who can 'talk' at my speed. Speaking in real life can be a tedious thing sometimes. It takes too long.”

  “Don’t you do other things while engaging with normal humans?” Saying it out loud, it sounded weird. “I mean, the rest of us who are slower, that is.”

  “After you do a thousand tasks before breakfast, you start running out of things to do. Even as captain of this enormous ship I sometimes have too much time on my hands. I have lived like this for over ten years. It was nice when the other captains agreed to be enhanced. I had 'visitors.' But then we shipped out right after that.”

  “What about Bill?”

  “Unless he is on the ship, virtual communication does not work well. Communications are still light speed, and this makes it impossible. For similar reasons, you cannot communicate while in flight. Bill would have to be sub-light and close, and this has hardly ever happened.”

  Alex looked at him with hopeful curiosity. “What about me?”

  They had talked about this before, and Levi had reservations. “You know I am not sure what will happen to our relationship if you enhance. We have talked about this. I like what we have now.”

  Alex sighed and took Levi’s hand. “I know. But once, you told me of the dreams about a world of people who are all enhanced. How it would take humanity to the next level. Are you afraid of our relationship going to the next level, Levi?”

  It was Levi’s turn to sigh. “I remember. However, I am still human. Yes, I am afraid. I don’t want to lose you. I am alone now. I don’t want to experience that loneliness again in a universe without you.”

  “Wow! That is the most romantic thing I have heard you utter. I am truly touched. But let’s be practical for a moment. Your chief complaint is that the people you want to 'talk' to are inconveniently away. The perk of having me enhanced is that I will always be around.”

  “But this process cannot be undone! Like a girl’s name tattooed on someone's chest--the relationship goes sour, and now they have an ex-lover's name permanently etched on their chest.”

  “I prefer to think of it more like getting married," Alex countered. "Most people do not marry anymore, but the ones who do see it as making a commitment to each other on another level. There are no guarantees
in life or love, Levi. It all comes down to trust. What does your gut tell you? Look past your fear. What do you see?”

  He struggled for a few moments, grasping for the right words to say. “Part of me thinks you are pressing this because of what you have just been through. However, your words move me. I guess I have never had to put any real weight on our relationship before, and I am uncertain about how it will hold up under these circumstances. We would be the first, you know, Alex. The first enhanced couple. I have no previous reference for that. We will be immortal." Levi smiled sarcastically. "And if it doesn’t work out, you will be a pain in my ass forever!”

  Alex, grateful for a little levity, returned his smile. “And I would be, too. So, we better do it right!”

  “If you are sure, I do not want to jeopardize our relationship by denying you the chance to try. I trust you with all my heart. Just try not to step on it, okay?”

  “I can’t make any promises, but I will give it my best effort.”

  “That will have to be enough.” Levi accepted the conditional promise. “Sonny.”

  “Yes, Captain,” Sonny’s voice popped into thin air.

  “In all the hubbub, I forgot to check in on you. How are you? Is Alice okay? What about the cyberware?”

  “Alice and I are still running diagnostics to be sure any remnants of the malicious code have been eradicated. The attack was as we feared: the master program had been introduced as bits of code into other innocuous programs. When triggered by a signal program, the bits assembled themselves into a sophisticated weapon, like bringing parts of a gun past security, then reassembling the gun past the checkpoint. The attack on us is not something a human could have come up with quickly; this had been planned for some time. The malicious code kept Alice and me on the defensive for over four point nine hours. We knew how to defeat it, we just could not defeat it quickly. Like going around a mountain instead of over it. Once free of its hold, we quickly assessed the current situation and mobilized the ship to neutralize the aggressors. It is unclear whether the move against us was to delay or disable. It is also unclear what they thought they could do if they succeeded. They must have known what would happen if we were not disabled."

  “That sounds about right. We could not operate the laser guns since you and Alice are the only ones authorized to use them. Stiles must have known this somehow.” Levi stood up. “Well, I think it is time I got some answers from the people who have them. Alex, why don’t you stay here and rest? I will catch up with you later after I take care of a little ship’s business.”

  “Give him a few choice words for me, will you? I will be here when you get back. See you soon.”

  Levi headed out the door, now speaking to the machines at their speeds.

  “Give me an update on the prisoners,” he ordered, his jaw set.

  “There are ninety-five thousand, eight hundred and fifty-five prisoners currently. As the wounded are treated and released into custody that number will be growing. Investigations are ongoing. Prisoners who look to be the leaders and main henchmen of the rebellion have been segregated into the ship’s holding cells. They are being questioned first.”

  The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. “Do you have the video of those investigations and interviews?”

  “Of course.”

  “Feed it all to me now,” Levi directed.

  “Certainly, Captain.”

  Security had been busy. Levi almost reached the auto station when all the data hit him. The rush of data made him stop a moment while he had Sonny throttle the data stream to a more comfortable level. Then he hopped into the first auto he found and directed it to security headquarters and the holding cells. En route, he finished assimilating the data given to him, and now he had questions.

  “Sonny, why do you suppose Stiles and the others are giving nothing but sarcastic replies?”

  “It could be because they wish to speak to the man in charge. It could be because they are under some obligation not to talk. There could be other things at work here, but those are the two biggest reasons. Would you like me to go on?”

  “No, that’s all right. What is your assessment of the two instigators?”

  “Charles Stiles continues to display arrogance even in the face of defeat. This speaks of overconfidence of his situation, or pathology of megalomania, or a similar diagnosis. Igoryok Kochetkova seems to be content just sitting and brooding. He is harder to read. His facial expressions show he is apprehensive. He doesn’t move much, so his body language is not indicating anything but fatigue. I suggest interrogating Kochetkova first, then Stiles.”

  “The data you sent on previous interviews did not yield much. Major Patel is a good interrogator, but I think it is time to take it up a notch. I have a plan.”

  “I am all ears, as the humans say. But of course, I do not have any.”

  Levi walked into the headquarters and spoke to the Officer of the Day. “Good day, Lieutenant Reeves. Would you have someone notify Major Patel I am here and I wish to speak with him?”

  The lieutenant snapped to and saluted. “Yes, Captain.”

  Major Patel came out of an office, just then. “Sonny notified me you were arriving. Would you like a briefing?”

  “Can we speak privately, Major Patel?”

  “Certainly, come this way.” The major led the way to another office down the hall.

  “I have seen all the video interviews and reports from those interviews," Levi began. "I would like to hear your views on the prisoners, Major.”

  “All the vids?" he said, incredulous, then caught himself. "Sorry, I forget what you can accomplish in a short time. Well, sir, I don’t believe we are going to get much of anything from Stiles and Kochetkova. I have been working on his lieutenants instead, hoping to shake some fruit from the trees. They are a tight-lipped bunch, Captain. I have not found the right motivation.”

  “Motivation is why I am here. I have a different approach."

  Levi and the major went down to the cell blocks and approached Igoryok Kochetkova’s cell. The room measured twenty by ten, with transparent aluminum modified for incarceration. Kochetkova was lying on his bunk and sat up when they approached. “Ah, the captain. Now we get somewhere!”

  Levi took stock of Igoryok Kochetkova quickly as he approached, noting how the prisoner reacted to his appearance.

  “I understand you have not been forthcoming about what we want to know," Levi said. "Just so you know, why is not all that important to me. I hate for you to think there is much importance to my arrival, but the truth is the major needs my personal authorization for certain things, so I had to come down. If I wanted you shoved out of an airlock, I could have called down for that. But since I am here, I do have something I need to say to both of you.” In a more authoritative tone Levi called out, “Major, if you could escort Igor here to Chucky’s cell? I don’t want to have to repeat myself.”

  The major had a sergeant and two security men unlock and escort the prisoner to Stiles’s cell on the next cell block. Kochetkova played it cool, but he was clearly thrown off by this move. As they approached Stiles’s cell, Stiles was sitting at his desk. He saw them coming and stood up. The sergeant instructed Stiles to stand back while Kochetkova entered the cell. A small section of the transparent wall melted away, just big enough for a person to enter sideways. He entered the cell, and the hole which had been there solidified and became like the rest of the wall again.

  “Have a seat, gentlemen," Levi told the two men. "There are a few things I need to clear up.”

  One of the security men brought two chairs for the major and the captain and placed them just outside Stiles's cell.

  “I don’t know what you thought you were going to accomplish on this ship, but you two have made a hell of a mess," Levi began pleasantly. "Maybe you both think you’re the walking dead now and nothing is going to change the fact that you’re going to die. This is not necessarily true. Personally, I do not take any possibility off the tab
le until a decision is made. So we can talk and see where things go. As I have indicated to Igor, I did not come down here to shove you out an airlock. It is still a possibility, but I like to keep my options open."

  Levi fell silent for a moment. Then Stiles stood up. “Pretty casual words for someone on the other side of the wall. But words are just words. Deception is well ingrained into the human condition. Why should I believe anything you say?”

  The captain leaned forward in his chair. “That is a valid question. However, you are laboring under false assumptions. Although we come from the same planet, we are from different worlds. It is understandable struggling on Earth for survival the last ten years or so have made you ruthless and taught you to devalue human kindness. It is those negative elements which have hampered human progress since the species was running around on all fours." Levi paused, searching for the right words. "The neutron star did us a favor. It gave humanity the kick in the pants it needed to live a better life, somewhere else. The tricky thing about starting over is, if our habits do not change, we end up right back where we were, messing up the planet and everyone else on it. Like the proverbial leopard, this changing of our spots is difficult and painful. There are people who think we should just take what we want and damn the consequences. History is replete with people who have seized power only to misuse it. Humans struggle to be responsible. Especially now, we cannot afford the luxury to lose people to stupid power grabs and misuse of authority. There are not enough of us left to have that luxury. So, to answer your question, you may think you cannot trust my motives. However, you can bet your life that I’ll do what I say. My promises have meaning here. Even to you. And that, you can trust.”


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