The Oxford History of the French Revolution
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Reggio 361
Reichenbach, Convention of (1790) 164, 303
religion dechristianization 259–64, 267, 277
in occupied Belgium 350
Rousseau’s criticism of 53
Supreme Being cult 277–8
Thermidor policy 290
religious emancipation 411–13
remonstrances 37, 38, 39, 56, 63, 70, 81
Rennes 5, 38, 83, 92, 94, 113, 240, 248, 257
rents 11, 403
representatives on mission (from the Convention) 227, 228, 230, 237, 240, 242, 243, 248, 254, 258, 259, 263–4, 267, 293
republicanism 63, 64, 152, 153, 193 in Austria 211
Church and 400
fashionable Roman 420
petition against king’s reinstatement 153–4
Poland 207–9
in Spain 210
Reubell, Jean François (1747–1807) 322, 330, 331, 352, 355, 372, 413
Reveillon (wallpaper manufacturer) 20, 98
Revolution Club (Paris) 142
Revolution Society 169
Revolutionary Armies 244, 271 Paris 244, 251, 252, 254, 258, 260–1
provinces 258, 263, 264
revolutionary committees 113
Revolutionary Tribunal 228, 230, 276, 283, 294
Revolutionary Wars 180, 197–219, 247, 340–1, 375–6, 380–1, 417 destruction of overseas trade 405–6
occupied territories 342–70
peace of Amiens 382–3
Rhine 197
Rhinelands 199, 202, 209, 210, 215, 217, 339, 375, 381 annexation of 352–3
Rhône 7–8, 182, 183, 239, 287, 294
Richer, Edmond (1559–1631) 141
right-wing politics 424–5
riots bread 1, 21–2, 58, 109, 122
against conscription 229
grain 121, 181–2
market-day 98
over Brienne’s reforms 83
Paris 98–9, 223, 229
sectarian 138
Rivoli 214
roads 393
Robespierre, Maximilien (1758–94) 191, 202, 222, 228, 420, 422 advocating moderation 252, 262, 267, 268
arrest and execution 281–3
call for direct action 188
Committee of Public Safety 246
defence of Danton’s arrest 275, 276
deputy 101, 120
dominance of Jacobins 150–1
early career 25
first foray into politics 95
obsession with corruption 273–4, 280
petition against king’s reinstatement 154
as public accuser 176
purge of the Convention 234
on putting king on trial 194–5
republican religion and virtue 277–8
September Massacres 192
against war 178, 180
Rohan, Édouard, Cardinal de (1734–1803) 60
Roland, Jean-Marie (1734–93) 14, 27, 180, 185, 221, 222, 231, 235, 236, 253
Roland, Mme Manon Philipon (1754–93) 221, 235, 253, 422
Roman law 4
Roman Republic 363, 364
Rome 339, 340
Ronsin, Henri (1752–94) 252, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271
Rossignol, General (sansculotte) 247, 256
Rouen 113, 393, 406
Rouget de Lisle, Jean Claude (1760–1836) 183, 187
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712–78) 48, 52–3, 56, 235, 277, 279, 284, 388, 420
Roussillon 210
Roux, Jacques (d. 1794) 185, 223, 237, 245, 250, 252, 261, 292
Rowan, Hamilton (1751–1834) 282
royal mistresses 42
Royal Navy 247, 256, 340 in Mediterranean 342
mutiny 216
Naples 365, 367
press-gangs 418
supremacy of 380, 415
royalism 226, 275, 309–10, 322, 330, 336
counter-terror 293
encouraged by Jacobin rout 328–9
Fructidor coup 332
Toulouse 375
Rue du Bac Club 337
Ruffo, Fabrizio, Cardinal (1724–1827) 366
Ruhl, Philippe Jacques (d. 1795) 260
Russia 160, 165–6, 172, 198, 204, 207, 208, 369, 416 alliance with France 382
Dutch Republic 372, 373, 378–9
Lombardy 365
nationalism 419
support for counter-revolution 308
in Switzerland 375
war with France 340
sacrilege 109, 363, 368
Saint-Cloud 148, 377
Saint-Domingue 13, 151, 181, 210 abolition of slavery 413–14
British protection 212
Saint-Huruge, Marquis de (d. 1820) 120
Saint-Just, Louis de (1767–94) 194, 252, 266, 270, 275, 278, 281–2, 420
Saint Vincent, cape 216
salaries 143
saltpetre 205
‘Sanfedist’ army 366
sansculottes (ordinary patriots) 426 admitted to sectional assemblies 187
anti-revolutionary 408–9
Convention and 220
end as political force 270–1
food shortage priority 245
guarantees of cheap bread 403
Marat’s acquittal 228
massacres carried out by 191–2
Prairial uprising 295–6
purging Girondins 237
purging the Convention 234
retarding cause of mass democracy 420
in Revolutionary Army 244
self-styled 336
during the Terror 251–2
Tuileries invasion 186
Santerre, Antoine Joseph (1752–1809) 220, 223, 232, 234
Sardinia 147, 202, 210, 213, 367, 416
Saumur 232, 247, 256
Savary, Jacques 23
Savenay 256–7, 290, 310
Savoy 197, 201, 213, 231, 416
Scaevola, Quintus Mucius 420
Schérer, Barthélemy (1747–1804) 374
Schiller, Friedrich (1759–1805) 160
Schönbrunn 44
science 49, 65
Scotland 212, 418
scrofula 1, 294
sectarianism 301, 342
Ségur, Louis Philippe, Count de (1753–1830) 29
Ségur Ordinance 27, 29, 31
seigneurialism 129, 130
Senate 379, 391, 392
separation of powers principle 123, 125, 244, 264
serfdom, see feudalism; peasants
Servan, Joseph (1741–1808) 184, 185, 186
Seven Years War 57, 59, 63, 66
Seychelles 385
Sèze, Raymond de (1748–1828) 195
sharecropping contracts (métayage) 9–10, 12
Sheffield Constitutional Society 170
Sicily 340
Sieyès, Emmanuel Joseph (1748–1836) Brumaire coup 376–7
as deputy 101, 103, 104, 120
as Director 322, 372–3, 375–6
disgruntled with proposed legislation 391
pamphlets 90, 94
problem of elections 377–8, 379
silk industry 8, 13, 19, 231, 404, 406
silver-mark taxation 124, 155–6, 174
slavery 151 abolished 413–14
restored by First Consul 415
trade 5, 13
uprising 181, 212, 405
Smollett, Tobias (1721–71) 29
smuggling 15
soap 223, 245
Social Circle 153, 154
Society of the Friends of the Constitution, see Jacobins
Society of Thirty 90, 95, 99, 396
Sonthonax, Léger Félicité (1763–1813) 414
sovereignty Equals 327
national 118, 378, 418, 419
National Assembly 105, 111
Spain 164, 171–2, 202, 203, 210, 218, 294, 416 Caribbean 414
Louisiana 382
peace with France 215
shared occupation of Toulon 310
specie 324
; Staël, Germaine Necker, Mme de (1766–1817) 422
stamp duty 76, 78
Stanislav, king of Poland (1732–98) 198
stock market 84–5
Stofflet, Jean-Nicholas (1761–96) 226, 256, 290, 316
Strasbourg 113
Strogonov, Paul Alexandrovich, Count (1772–1817) 160 (AU: Found as Stroganov)
subscription libraries 47
sugar 181, 223
suicides 288, 295
Supreme Being cult 277, 289
Suvorov, Alexander (1729–1800) 208, 369, 381
Sweden 160, 165, 171, 172, 197
Swiss Confederation 339, 355–7
Swiss Guards 31, 189, 355–6, 394
Switzerland 161, 303, 375, 381, 415
taille 4, 27, 131
Talleyrand, Charles-Maurice de (1754–1838) 34, 71, 90 Brumaire coup 376, 377
Concordat 389
as foreign minister 333
nationalization of ecclesiastical property 132
oath of the clergy 144, 145
Tallien, Jean Lambert (1767–1820) 249, 255, 264, 279, 280, 281, 283, 284, 285
Tallien, Mme 422
Tarascon 142
Target, Guy Jean Baptiste (1733–1807) 90, 101, 105
Targowica confederation 198, 207
tax-evasion 130–1
taxation 40–1, 57, 288, 334 burden of 418
Calonne’s plan for reform of 68–71
clerical 33–4, 36
direct 131
émigrés triple 156
increases in 309
luxuries 402
pre-Revolutionary 4, 11, 17
privileges 27
reform 62
regular collection system 386
reintroduction of indirect 335
Royal Session proposal 106
silver-mark 124, 154, 174
worthless paper money 324
teaching orders 401
Tennis Court Oath 105–6, 179
Terray, Joseph-Marie, Abbé (1715–78) 59
territorial mandates (mandats territoriaux) 324–5, 336
Terror 426 clergy executed during 399
dechristianization 259–64
nobles executed during 398
in Paris 251–3
peasant victims of 408
in provinces 253–9
in the provinces 294
Revolutionary Tribunal 276
textile industry 12, 87, 406
textile printing 20
Theophilanthropy 336, 412
third estate 88–9, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 100–1, 102, 106–7
Thouars 232
Thugut, Franz Maria, Baron von (1736–1818) 204, 209, 217, 375, 381
Thuriot, Jacques Alexis (1753–1829) 278, 279
tithes 11, 34, 35–6, 97, 114, 115, 117, 137, 145, 354, 398, 403
title-deeds 130
tobacco workers 277
token money rent (cens) 11
Tolentino 215, 361, 363
toll-gates 109
Tone, Theobald Wolfe (1763–98) 169, 213, 215, 324, 326, 343, 344, 345, 423
Torfou 256
torture 56
Toulon 203, 206 British in 310, 315
fall of 249, 254–5, 310
Toulouse 7, 126, 239, 375
Tourcoing, battle of (1793) 206
tourists 393–4, 403
Toussaint L’Ouverture (1746–1803) 414, 415
trade 23–4, 29, 69 competition with Britain 417
customs offices 354
overseas 13
war damaging 405–6
trade routes 5, 6, 11, 13
Treilhard, Jean Baptiste (1742–1810) 227, 372
trespass 128
Tribun du people (Jacobin newspaper) 325–6, 327 (AU: Found as “Tribun du peuple”)
Tribunate 379, 391, 392
tricolour 112, 207, 393, 423
Trier 177, 178, 354
triumvirs 331, 332
Trotsky, Leon (1879–1940) 424
Tulle 142
Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques, Baron deL’Aulne (1727–81) 21, 60, 61, 66
Turin 146, 147, 300, 301, 304, 367
Turkish war 164, 165
Turreau, Louis-Marie (1756–1816) 257, 290
Tuscany 367, 382
Tuscany, grand duke of 211
Two Acts (1794) 213
Two Thirds Law 320, 378
Ulster 342, 343
unemployment 14, 404, 405 Dutch Republic 348
Paris 148–9
unicameralism 320
Unigenitus 54
United Irishmen 213, 216, 342–4
universities 401
urban growth 18
Vadier, Marc Guillaume Alexis (1736–1828) 274, 280, 284, 289, 292
vagabonds 114
Valmy, battle of (1792) 192, 197, 307, 416
Van der Noot, Heintje (1731–1827) 162, 163, 164
Vancouver Island 164
Varennes 151–3, 302, 305
Varlet, Jean François (1764–1832) 224, 227, 233, 234, 237, 245, 252
Vaud 355–6
Vendée 5, 175, 224, 248, 290–1
Vendée revolt 202, 204, 215, 232, 234, 309, 317 British support for 310, 314
march on Granville 256, 310, 318
suppression of 256–7, 316
Vendémiaire, uprising of 321–2
Vendôme trials 327, 331, 337
Venetia 362, 382
Venice 214, 217, 317, 361, 362, 415
Verdun, battle of (1792) 191
Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Count de (1717–87) 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 78, 159
Vergniaud, Pierre Victurnien (1753–93) 178, 188, 189, 221, 238, 253
Verona 362
Verona, Declaration of 298, 318
Versailles 41, 44, 394, 403 unruly crowds at 103
women march to 121–2
vestry fees 116
vetos 119–20, 123, 155, 176, 177
Victor Amadeus III, king (1773–95) 213, 299, 301, 357
Vienna 214
Villèle, Joseph, Count de (1773–1854) 398
Vilno 207
Vincent (secretary general of the war ministry) 268, 269, 270
Vinegar Hill, battle of 343
vineyards 6, 8
vingtième 33, 38, 68, 69, 71, 75, 78, 80, 81, 131
Volney, Constantin Frédéric de Chasseboeuf, Count de (1757–1820) 95
Voltaire, François Marie Arouet (1694–1778) 7, 49–50, 55, 56, 65, 222, 413
Vonck, Jan-Frans (1743–92) 162, 163
voting rights 320, 378, 379
wages 20, 265 control 277, 282, 287
Walpole, Horace (1717–97) 54
Warsaw 207, 208
Washington, George (1732–99) 72
watch committees 227, 251, 266, 271, 283, 286
watchmen 36
Wattignies, battle of (1793) 204
wealth gap 23
weather 86–7, 115, 287
Weimar, Duke of 193
Wellington, Arthur Wellesly, Duke of (1769–1852) 417
West Indies 203, 210, 212, 223, 315
Westermann, François-Joseph (1751–94) 256
Westphalia, Peace of 200
Whigs 161, 166, 167, 201, 212
White Terror 293, 316, 328, 412
Wickham, William (1761–1840) 328
Wieland, Christoff-Martin (1733–1813) 160
William V, Stadtholder of Orange (1748–1806) 75, 159, 161, 209, 344, 347, 348, 383
Wimpffen, Louis-Félix de (1744–1814) 241, 310
wine crop 12
women exclusion from active citizens category 124
importance to the Revolution 421–2
market 122, 148, 223, 231, 245, 291, 320–21
workhouses 15
writers 25, 51–3
York, Frederick Augustus, Duke of (1763–1827) 204, 209, 211
Young, Arthur 5, 9, 10, 11, 14, 23, 32, 41, 77, 104, 107, 108, 113, 393, 394
, Claude Alexandre (1754–1831) 255