Little Red

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Little Red Page 28

by Justin Cairns

  ‘Do you know who I am?’

  ‘No……do you know what I am?’ the beast growled, stopping in between words to shake the pain at his joints.

  ‘I do!’ replied Richard, nodding his head slowly.

  ‘No you don’t, you think you understand me, you don’t know what I’ve become!’ his vision still blurred as he attempted to stare at his new guest.

  ‘I know what you are about to become……and it’s not what you have in mind!’ he informed, lowering to the Wolf’s level.

  ‘Do you know what fear is?’ Richard quizzed.

  ‘I do, I have seen it……tasted it and swallowed it all, I put it in to each of my girls, they knew fear……….I gave them that!’

  ‘Well, you are about to see and feel a whole different kind of fear, I promise you this, it will be slow!’ he stood and moved to the rear of his vehicle, the items gathered into his arms. He placed them beside the front wheel, laying them down neatly so that he didn’t have to search for a desired tool. The blanket lay upon the snow, the weapons spaced out on top. He placed the heavy rucksack in front of the headlight, the contents clicked against each other. The Wolf’s Polaroid camera was sat upon the bonnet. He moved toward the incapacitated beast, his legs kicking towards Richard. He stamped them down and fell upon the limbs, the Wolf cried a short burst of pain as Richard pinned the legs to the floor. He reached for the heavy bag and tape from the blanket. He secured the legs just above the ankles, the bag placed in the natural bends of the Wolf’s limbs. He used an excessive amount of tape, making sure the bind wouldn’t break. He stood, admiring his work.

  ‘Are you ready to feel fear?’

  The Wolf starred back into his eyes, a glint of anger stirred within. The metal baseball bat was lifted from the blanket, the surface glistened under the crying moon, the large ball of light witnessed the end of its offerings.

  Richard stood by the secured legs, the bag had pushed them slightly apart and held them still. He raised that bat and offered the beast a glance, he forced the anger from his core into the eyes of the killer, he showed control, he fed him fear. The weapon was swung hard, the wind brushing passed it as it cut through the air, the whooshing sound filled their ears. The tip connected with the right foot, the bone cracked and was separated from its home, the skin split under the strain and began to leak onto the snow. Russell screamed as the pain overwhelmed him, his cries turned into growls as he succumbed to the searing pain. Richard stepped over the lags and positioned himself to the Wolf’s side, he raised the bat, poised for strike number two. The bone shattered and splintered through the skin, the foot twisted under the connection and lay bent up in an unnatural position, the red liquid escaped the multiple tears. Once again the cries turned into low growls, he inhaled sharply through his nostrils, his mind fought the pain.

  ‘Now you can’t hunt them….can you, now….you can’t run away!’


  The vehicles had parked up, Jack sat in the van, his eyes fixed on the house. It appeared dark and empty, he hoped for the result he needed. Task teams one and two had called in, stating that the cordons were in position.

  ‘Good, if this bastard tries to run I want him brought down……hard!’

  They were ready. His pulse raised and heart beating wildly. The location was quiet, he noticed no movement…..he waited…….

  ‘Go…Go…Go!’ he shouted down the radio handset. The doors of the van were thrown open and the occupants dispersed to the large hedge at the front of the building. They lowered to one knee, the line hand railed the foliage. Jack sat at the front, observing the target. The windows were dark, the shadows stalked the exterior. He signalled to the front man to move in, the line followed one and other as they moved to the building. They rested upon the walls, the front door checked. The officer shook his head, informing Jack that it was locked. He pointed to four individuals and ushered them to the rear of the building. They moved quickly and silently in the darkness.

  ‘Back door has been broken down Sir, structure in the garden also open’ the words whispered through the communications system.

  ‘We enter through the back, no sound. Torches only, the switches maybe rigged, check your footing and move slowly. You enter the house, I’ll lead the rest into the outside building, over’

  ‘Roger that Sir, on your mark’


  The teams moved in, Jack at the front, heading towards the garage. The house team stalked through the depths of the house, the dead animals spotted on the units. Jack crept into the garage, his torch illuminated the mass cages, the occupants hiding from the light. The team moved through the outer building, searching the interior, nothing found. He ushered them outside with a wave of his hand, they followed the second team into the house. He was met down stairs by the officer leading the search team.

  ‘We got nothing up stairs’

  Jack’s team signalled a find as one stood by the entrance to the cellar. They moved closer to observe.

  ‘Go, careful of your step’ Jack ordered, the first two men descended into the shadows. Jack waited for an all clear sign and moved towards the den, his heart racing. They stood in the room from the photos and homemade movie, they recognised the painted walls.

  ‘This is it, holy shit…..this is his place!’ the officer spoke aloud.

  ‘Sir, we have a map!’ Jack headed to the voice and spotted the chair, the blood stagnant below it.

  ‘Jesus’ he coughed.

  They observed the map, deciphering the pinned locations.

  ‘Number three, it’s the third girl….number three!’ he informed.

  ‘Yellow or Red, Sir?’

  Jack illuminated the details with his torch, the shadows from the pin heads danced as his hand shook. He located the red pins, confirming the locations of the bodies.

  ‘Red, number three…..what is the grid?’ he asked, his phone removed to type it in. The grid was called out and Jack tapped it in frantically.

  ‘Right, let’s go….now, COME ON….MOVE!’ he bellowed, the officers fled to the stairs.

  Jack located the number on his phone and called it. The Director answered, sounding half asleep.

  ‘It’s Jack Sir!’ he informed, ‘We have him, we have his location!’

  He requested another team come to the house location to conduct a thorough search, knowing that he would be disciplined for contaminating the scene without authority. But he didn’t care, he could be dragging the Wolf to the cells tonight. He climbed into the van and began the journey, the sirens wailed from each vehicle as they ploughed through the roads, the snow battering the windscreens.


  The headlights were dimmed, the flash from the camera startled Russell, temporarily blinding him. The image was removed and placed in his pocket. Richard held no conversation with the monster, he had nothing to ask or say, he wanted him to feel fear, he wanted to cause him pain. He stood in front of the limp beast, its feet mangled and purple. His frame cast a shadow upon Russell’s face, he looked up to connect with the man.

  ‘We’re the same….you and I, we enjoy causing pain!’ he spoke softly.

  The fist connected with his chin, the next with his cheek. Richard threw powerful blows at the Wolf’s face, his cold knuckles burned as they landed upon the bone. Russell’s head was sent side to side as he absorbed the strikes. He spat the blood upon the snow and looked up to his attacker, he grinned, the sharp teeth on display. Richard reached down to the tools and retrieved the pliers, the click sound wiped the glare from the Wolf’s face as he tapped the grips together. He moved in, one hand gripped the damp black hair upon his head and yanked it backwards. The tool offered a grinding sound as they fought to grip the tooth, the beast’s mouth wide open, the blood and drool fell from the corners of his lips. Richard squeezed the handles tight and pulled hard, the monsters head fell forwards as the momentum pulled it down. The tooth was free, the red stuff poured from the ripped gum, the Wolf whimpered, keeping the cries of
pain in his belly. Richard placed the tooth in his pocket with the picture, the pliers were positioned for another taking.


  Jack’s mind burned with possibilities, he hoped that the Wolf had not yet completed the task. He wanted to catch him before another life could be taken. He cursed the weather, the tracks were dimly lit by the headlights, the ground caused the wheels to slip, the motion sent the occupants violently to one side as it straightened up again. Nathan had done it, he didn’t know how and he didn’t care. His friend had found the monster, now he would catch him and arrest him, seizing the killing spree. He imagined the Press Conference, the onlookers applauding his success, the families thanking him for ending the reign of terror. He thought about Lime’s expression as his dreams crumbled.

  Lime…..where the fuck is the rat bastard?


  The grin no longer offered a frightening expression, the toothless smile was that of a drug addict, gums ridden with disease and infection. The teeth were kept as mementos. The ones he struggled to remove were broken from the pressure, snapped at the tips and appearing jagged and old. The Wolf spat the accumulated blood upon Richard, he smiled as he wiped it free.

  ‘Did that hurt?’

  The Wolf panted hard, the saliva falling from his mouth.

  ‘I am still the Wolf, I have transformed already, you are too late!’

  Richard listened to the words, he shook his head.

  ‘Wolf! You’re no fucking wolf, you’re a weak minded piece of shit…..a wolf would outsmart its prey, not weaken it. You think you have become, your appearance has a different resemblance!’

  Russell tilted his head to the sky and howled, the offering surrounded them and Richard starred at the beast. He ended the calling as the sole of his boot came crashing down against the Wolf’s shoulder, the joint dislocating and bulging at the front. The howl was attempted again as he fought the pain, once again it was stopped, the other shoulder popped out of the socket, the clavicle snapped and ripped through the skin. He cried as the life escaped him.

  Richard loosened one of the ties at the door handle, the dead arm fell to the ground. He moved to the next, pulling at the knot. The Wolf slumped to the cold ground, the knife cut through his clothing, revealing his beaten body to the cold climate. The rucksack was cut free from its place, the tape flapped in the wind. Richard grabbed the disabled arm and threaded it through one of the handles of the bag, he sat the beast upright, the whimpers escaped as mists of pain. The second loop accepted the damaged arm, the body flinched as the open fracture dug deep against the nerves. He pulled the straps down tight, the bag sat flush against the Wolf’s back. The remaining tape was sent around his waist and over the heavy backpack, it was secured in place.

  The back doors of the van were opened and he dragged the limp body to one side. Richard moved quickly to the rear of his car, knowing he had little time left. He slid his arms under the hidden package in the boot, the blankets draped over it. He carried it slowly to the rear of the van, the weight caused his tired knees to buckle slightly. He placed the object down and removed the blankets, rolling them into a ball. He arranged the item and grabbed the camera, the flash filled the rear of the vehicle with light. He retrieved the Wolf’s mask from the floor and showed it to Russell, his eyes met the thing he had created, the fear showed as his wet eyes glistened. Richard climbed into the back next to the still body and placed the mask over its head. The new Wolf held no life, the dried blood coated its chest. The head fell to one side as the extra weight unbalanced it. The flash of the lens caught the image, the doors slammed together as they were closed. He dragged the dying man to the boot and lifted him in, the rucksack adding much more weight. The door was closed and the light extinguished. Richard gathered his tools and placed them below his daughter’s feet, the larger items were sat behind his seat. He climbed into the driver’s side and started the engine, the warm air pulsed through the vents, Megan shifted slightly, her mind exhausted. The car was reversed out from the mouth of the wood. He decided to follow the unused track, knowing the police would be approaching soon.


  The sirens echoed through the surrounding woods, the red and blue lights cast upon the sleeping trees. The track was located, the front vehicle passing it. Jack ordered them to turn around, the hunch in his stomach told him to turn off the road and follow the multiple tyre marks. The snow fell hard, the track slowly being covered by the icy powder. The headlights from Jack’s vehicle illuminated the rear doors of the van.

  ‘That’s it…..that’s the fucking van!’ he shouted, his door opened before the vehicle had stopped, he was eager to climb out. The teams moved in on foot, he ordered some to push through the woods, to circle the area and seal it off. His torch shaking, he pointed it towards the driver’s side, sneaking slowly to view the inside. It was empty, the door pulled open, creaking as it reached its extremities. The light danced rapidly passed the seats and steering wheel. The clunk from the rear doors startled him, he leaned into the vehicle, looking behind the driver’s seat. The darkness had swallowed the sleeping occupant, his torch landed upon the mask and his heart jumped.

  ‘The back, he’s in the back!’ He climbed down, the riot shields poised in position, batons held high to strike. He gripped one handle; the young office had the other. He nodded and the contents were revealed. The body was beaten and naked. The blood was dark as it clung to the skin. The Wolf’s mask, tilted to one side, the large teeth showing its grin.


  The car sat idling, the engine rocking steadily. The snow covered the windscreen as the wipers were turned off. He allowed the white powder to build its self upon the glass, an obstruction to hide his daughter’s eyes. He climbed from the seat, the door pushing against him under the strain of the wind. The boot was open, the Wolf lay upon his side. Their eyes met, Richard noticed the difference in the ones that gazed back, he had seen it before. He grabbed the man and pulled him up to his shoulder, the weight caused his body to lean to one side. The Wolf whimpered with every step, his weak body bouncing upon the strong shoulder.

  The wind chilled his bare skin, nipping at him with razor teeth. Richard lowered him carefully upon the wall, the gathered powder crumbled as the beast’s rear made contact. The strong hand gripped his neck, their faces in line with one and other. Richard fired a look into the monsters eyes, the fear reappearing again. He now knew where he had seen the look, the same fear that engulfed the trembling man. The girls, strapped to the fixed chair within his den. The bloodied appearance, the fear stricken eyes……..that’s what he recognised, the fear that entered the victims had now crept inside the killer.

  The trees whistled as the wind passed through, the falling snow collected upon the heads.

  ‘You’re supposed to be the monster!........Now I’m the fucking Beast!’

  The knife sunk into the numb skin, the Wolf’s face acknowledged the strike, his eyes widened as his life trickled upon the ground. Richard held his head steady. Their eyes connected the whole time. He pushed it deeper, the body jerking as the metal sliced through his insides. The cold air attacked the wound as the knife was withdrawn, the sharp blade scrapped the lower rib-cage and the grinding sound echoed through the weak body. Richards grip lessened, his fingers opened slightly. The rocks within the rucksack pulled the dying body over the edge, the thick layer of ice cracked as the Wolf crashed into the river and the water pulled any remaining heat from his body. Richard watched as the beast fell through the web of cracks, the dark water sent in many directions, bubbling to the surface as the Wolf was pulled to the depths. The last pockets of air had escaped his lungs and rose to the surface, the low popping sound satisfied Richard’s ears. The knife fell to the bottom as it was dropped, it rested upon the still body as it slept, the pink mist swirled from the gaping hole……..the last of its life climbing for freedom.

  Richard warmed his hands upon the heaters, his fingers were numb, his adrenalin extinguished and his heart relaxed. He had
achieved what was planned and his fleeing friend had chosen the path on which Richard had suggested. The envelope was removed from the dashboard, the internal light illuminated so that the contents could be seen. Megan lay asleep, her breathing calm now, she was back in the safety of her father, the beast was removed from their lives.

  The key fell upon his knee and slid between his legs, he retrieved it. The plastic tag dangled from the key ring, D 15.The letter and numbers in thick black pen. He sat as the curiosity struck him, his fingers dug into the brown envelope and found a piece of paper, he pulled it free.


  If you are reading this then it’s over and I hope your daughter is okay.

  Please do as I say, no doubt Jack is on your tail as you read this.

  Head to Heathrow Airport, the key with this note opens a locker within the arrivals lounge. I suggest you go now, when Jack brings the iron curtain down you don’t want to be on the wrong side of it.

  Good luck


  He folded the letter and placed it back into the envelope along with the key. The rear wheels spun as he floored the accelerator, the snow spat in multiple directions as the vehicle headed over the bridge and into darkness, the wipers pushing the collected powder to the ground.


  The hidden location in the belly of the wood was awoken early, the search lights placed in four corners, illuminating the scene. The Forensics team were dusting the van for prints, they had recovered smudges upon the handles of the doors, the prints were difficult to scan and store, the machines scanned each individual find, revealing no matches in the system. Jack moved in circles, unable to keep his feet still. Blood spatter readings were taken at the base of the van and further through the woods, where the Wolf readied himself for the final strike. The body in the van had been removed, the face badly disfigured. The coroner had taken the unknown victim away in a black bag, the vehicle headed back to the Morgue. Sally met Jack as she noticed his uneasiness.


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