Free-Range Kids, How to Raise Safe, Self-Reliant Children (Without Going Nuts with Worry)

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Free-Range Kids, How to Raise Safe, Self-Reliant Children (Without Going Nuts with Worry) Page 24

by Lenore Skenazy

  “Extravagant worry”



  Failure: allowing your children to experience ; “expandable” (or “growth”) versus “fixed” mindset and; leading to success; mediocrity labeled as; overscheduling children to avoid; taboo topic of; trying again after . See also Success

  Family Groove (online magazine)

  FDA (Food and Drug Administration)

  Fear of litigation: affecting normal childhood activities; defensive thinking outcome of; Just in Case mentality and; school policies related to; warning labels related to

  Fears: adults living with child-learned ; as barrier to playtime; cultural differences over child abduction ; distrust as driving; expert parenting advice contributing to; images in the brain and ; low child abduction statistics vs. exaggerated; media spread of ; milk carton phenomenon increasing; not being paralyzed by; safety products/services due to; sources of; as winning over commonsense; “worrying” versus. See also Parents; Safety issues

  The Feminine Mystique (Friedan)

  Finkelhor, D.

  Finnegan, S.

  “Fixed” mindset

  Follow the leader game

  Fonda, J.

  Forman, J.


  Franklin, B.

  Free-Range Kids Web site

  Freud, S.

  Friedan, B.

  Frost, R.

  Future Files (Watson)



  Gardner, A.

  Gardner, D.


  Genetic influences

  Germ precautions

  Gilliland, S.

  Glickman, E.


  Go Away, Big Green Monster! (Emberly)

  Going Free Range: allowing normal childhood activities; allowing your children to fail; on expanding your cultural horizons; freeing yourself from advice overload; ignoring the blamers; learning to enjoy Halloween; learning to let go of control; organizing “play watch group,” ; quit obsessing about your parenting; realistic assessment of safety/educational products; teaching your children safety techniques ; teaching your children to work; turning off the TV; weaning yourself off excess worry

  “Good toy” principle

  Greenberg, H. R.

  Grolnick, W.

  Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration (Sawyer)

  “Growth” (or “expandable”) mindset



  Haberman, S.

  Halloween: costume choices for; fears related to; holding trick-or-treat parties on; marketing response to; the real story on poisoned candy and ; recent trends related to; taking steps to enjoy; Thames Valley Police realistic tips on. See also Safety issues; Trick-or-treating


  The Happiest Toddler on the Block (Karp)

  Harris, J. R.

  Hart, A.

  Hay fever


  Heimlich maneuver

  Helicopter parenting

  Hepburn, A.

  Hicks, M.

  Hirsh-Pasek, K.

  Hirtenstein, J.

  Hohlbaum, C.

  Howard, P.

  How to Live Dangerously (Cairns)

  Huck’s Raft: A History of American Childhood (Mintz)

  Hughes, H.

  “Hygiene hypothesis”


  Illinois State University’s School of Kinesiology and Recreation

  “I’m a better parent” game

  “The Incident at Friendly’s” story

  Independence: allowing children to practice ; baking Independence Cake for; celebrating ; feeling trusted outcome of; finding balance between fears and ; as one of the joys of childhood

  Infectious Diseases Society of America

  Internet predators

  The Internet Safety Technical Task Force

  It’s Potty Times

  I Want My Potty (Ross)


  James S. McDonnell Foundation


  Jo, Dr.

  Jolie, A.

  Jones, B. D.

  Jordan, M.

  Just in Case mentality


  Kidnappings. See Child abductions


  King, L.

  Kolba, N.

  Kukla, R.


  Lancy, D.

  Landers, A.

  Last Child in the Woods (Louv)

  Law and Order (TV show)

  Lead paint/toys

  Learning: compromise and negotiation ; creative thinking. See also Teaching

  Levinger, D.

  Licking batter

  Lincoln, A.

  Lindbergh baby kidnapping

  Lindsey, M.

  Linn, S.

  Litigation. See Fear of litigation

  Little League: litigation against; metal versus wooden bat study by

  Little Miss Sunshine (film)

  Lohan, L.

  Lou and Lou Safety Patrol (mini-videos)

  Louv, R.

  Lunch spoilage


  MacDougall, Mrs.

  Mad Men (TV show)


  Maidenberg, M.

  Make-believe play: allowing your kids fun and safe; benefits of; “good toy” principle and; health benefits of; organizing “play watch group” for; reasons for diminishing time spent

  Manhattan Academy of Technology

  Marano, H. E.

  March of Dimes

  Massand, N.

  McCann, M.

  McDermott, N.

  McGovern, K.

  Mean Girls (film)

  Media: changing code of conduct of; diminishing time spent playing due to ; fear spread through; growth of parenting advice; missing kids news coverage by ; turning off the cable

  Medical Center (TV show)


  Melville, H.

  The Mentalist (TV show)

  Metal bats

  Michigan Lawsuit Abuse Watch

  Milk carton phenomenon

  Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (Dweck)

  Mintz, S.

  Missing kids. See Child abductions

  MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers)


  Mozart, W.

  Mt. Sinai Hospital


  Mullaney, M.


  The Myth of the First Three Years (Bruer)


  National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy

  National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

  A Nation of Wimps (Marano)

  Nationwide Hospital (Columbus): free x-rays of Halloween candy by ; Halloween safety tips by

  Nature Deficit Syndrome

  NEST * m (social studies class). See also Schools

  Nevin, R.

  New TV shows

  New York Independent

  New York Times

  New York University

  Nim’s Island (film)

  Normal childhood activities: allowing your child some; contemporary perceptions about; defensive thinking about; different cultural attitudes toward unsupervised ; fear of litigation affecting ; fears related to trick-or-treating ; parental permission to enjoy; school fear of litigation affecting

  The Nurture Assumption (Harris)


  Obama, B.

  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  One Step Ahead Web site

  Ordinary People (film)

  Organized activities: diminished time spent playing due to; overscheduling children for

  The Over-Scheduled Child (Rosenfled and Wise)

  Overscheduling children


  Parent-child relationships: cell phone impact on; teaching good judgment component of; “worrying” component of

  Parente, C.-P.

  Parenthood i
n America (ed. Balter)

  Parenting: childrearing influences other than; current glorification and spotlight on; defining of “good,” ; examining how your child is impacted by; expert advice on; Freud’s theories on ; helicopter; quit obsessing about your; worry over negative impact of your

  Parenting expert advice: confused reliance on; increase of media coverage on

  Parents: definition of “good,” ; desensitizing from “worrying,” ; “extravagant worry” of; illusion of control by; organizing “play watch group” with other; organizing “walking school bus” with other ; preprogrammed to help their children; resisting comparing yourself to other; worrying by. See also Fears

  Peck, G.

  Pediatrics (journal)

  PedNet Coalition

  Perfect parenting: childrearing influences other than; myth of

  Planned Parenthood

  Plastic bags

  Playboy Channel

  Playground perils

  Playhouse Disney Web site

  Playing in the woods

  Play/playing: allowing your kids fun and safe; benefits of make-believe ; as essential to childhood ; “good toy” principle and; health benefits of; patty-cake; reasons for diminishing time spent. See also Childhood activities

  “Play watch group”

  Potty training

  The Potty Training Answer Book

  Powers, T. N.

  Pregnancy expert advice

  Pressured Parents, Stressed-Out Kids (Grolnick and Seal)

  “The problem that has no name”: children and the new; setting children free from; woman and

  Professional babyproofing

  Prosi, T.

  Purcell, S.




  Raw dough

  Reagan, R.

  Real World: allowing your kids to have safe fun; Angelina Hart on cultural differences; Baby Einstein video scam; baby magazine advice creating fear; disconnecting the cable; finding balance between safety and freedom; getting a grip on worries; keeping children safe; lessons from Little Miss Sunshine ; My Son Was Picked up by the Cops; parents playing baby games; realistic assessment of risk; Thames Valley Police realistic Halloween tips; What’s Wrong with Our Society and Me?

  Regal Lager

  Resnick, S.

  Responsibility: historic expectations for taking; lack of contemporary opportunities for

  Risks: assessing child abduction ; assessing when it is worth the; assumption of shared; Just in Case mentality of; realistic assessment of

  Rochester Institute of Technology

  Rosenfeld, A.

  Rosenfled, A.

  Royal Society for the Prevention Accidents (UK)


  Safe Kids Worldwide

  Safety issues: being eaten by animals; bisphenol A (PBA) poisoning bottle feeding versus breastfeeding ; cell phones and brain cancer association; choking ; cough and cold medicinitis ; death by stroller; drowning; eating raw dough ; eating snow; germs, antigerms, and shopping cart liners; Internet predators; lead paint and lead toys; licking the batter off beaters while they are still plugged; metal versus wooden bats; plastic bags; playground perils; playing in the woods; school shootings ; SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome); spoilage of children ; spoilage of lunch; sunscreen, Vitamin D, skin cancer ; teen sex; vampire bats; walking to school; zoo animals. See also Children’s safety; Fears; Halloween

  Safety products/services: baby knee pads and; professional babyproofing, ; proliferation of; realistically assessing; for stroller safety ; Thudguard helmet. See also Children’s safety


  San Francisco Zoo

  Sawyer, K.

  Schaffner, W.

  Schlesinger, L.

  School policies: fear of litigation affecting ; on school bus stops

  Schools: standardized tests given in; teaching independence curriculum at ; walking to. See also NEST * m (social studies class)

  School shootings

  Science (magazine)

  The Science of Fear (Gardner)

  Sesame Street: Old School, Vol. 1 (DVD)

  Sex crimes: declining rates of; Internet predators and. See also Child abductions

  Sex education

  Shapiro, R. J.

  Shopping cart liners

  Siblings: influence of; ties between ; Unabomber and his brother

  SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)

  Siegfried and Roy

  Singer, J.

  Sisson, D.

  Sisson, W.

  Skin cancer

  Smart, E.

  Smith, T.

  Solomon, P.

  Spiesel, S.

  Spiked Web site

  Spock, Dr.

  Spoilage: of children; of lunch

  Spoon, L.

  Standardized tests

  Standards Australia

  Stearns, P.

  St. Louis Children’s Hospital

  “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” (Frost)

  Strachan, D.

  Strangers: inadvertently making children fear all; role play how to deal with; teaching children practical techniques for; teaching children when to talk to . See also Child abductions

  Stroller safety

  Success: failures that leads to; make-belief play developing skills for ; overscheduling to attempt creating. See also Failure

  Sunden, R.


  Supervising children: different cultural attitudes toward; feeling belittled and distrusted outcomes of overly ; organizing “play watch group” for

  Sutherland, A.

  Swartz, J.

  Swimming pools


  Teaching: children good judgment ; children to work; independence ; techniques to avoid child abductions . See also Learning

  Teen sex

  Television: changing code of conduct of ; diminishing time spent playing due to; fear spread through ; missing kids news coverage on ; turning off the

  Temple University Infant Language Laboratory


  Thames Valley Police Halloween tips

  This Old House (TV show)

  Thomas, I.

  Thompson, R.

  Thudguard (helmet)

  Toilet training advice

  Tooth fairy

  Total Control (TC)


  Trick-or-treating: fear reactions to; real poisoned candy statistics on ; recent trends related to ; taking steps to enjoy; Thames Valley Police realistic tips on. See also Halloween

  Trick-or-treat parties

  Trust: accidentally teaching children not to; overly supervised children and

  Twain, M.

  Twin studies



  United States: car culture of; comparing childrearing attitudes of other countries to; Danish mother’s child endangerment arrest in the

  University of Chicago

  University of Delaware

  University of Illinois

  University of New Hampshire

  USA today

  U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

  U.S. Department of Agriculture

  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

  U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)



  Vampire bats

  Vanderbilt University Department of Preventive Medicine

  Violent crimes: declining rates of ; factors related to declining rates of; school shootings

  Virtual Linguist

  Vitamin D deficiency


  Wacky Warning Label Contest

  “Walking school bus”

  Walking to school


  Walsh, A.

  Walsh, J.

  Warning labels

  Watson, R.

  Weingarten, R. K.

  Weiss, N.

  What to Eat When You’re Expecting
(Murkoff, Murkoff, and Hathaway)

  What to Expect When You’re Expecting (Murkoff and Mazel)

  What to Expect When You Use the Potty (Murkoff and Rader)

  Willhite, C.

  W magazine

  Work opportunities: allowing your children ; baby-sitting; historic figures and their; lack of contemporary

  “Worrying”: desensitizing ourselves from ; fear versus appropriate ; getting a grip on

  The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook (Piven)

  WOW! Is Me

  Wright, S.



  Yale Medical School


  Zoo animal safety



  Clip ’n Save!

  Or Make Copies for You and Your Friends!

  I’m not lost, I am a

  Free-Range Kid!

  I have been taught how to cross the street safely. I know never to GO OFF with strangers, but I can talk to them. I like being outside and exploring the world. If you are a grown-up, you probably did the same things when you were a kid, so please do not be alarmed. The adults in my life know where I am, but if you want to talk to them, feel free to give them a call.

  The number is: ____________________________________.

  Have a Free-Range Day!

  (Signed) _________________________________________

  I am a Free-Range Parent

  I believe in teaching children to be safe and then giving them the freedom we had as kids. If you think times are more dangerous today, please take a look at these statistics:• 36% decline in homicides of children under age 14, 1976-2005 (Source: U.S. Dept. of Justice)

  • 60% decline in homicides of children ages 14-17, 1976-2005 (Source: U.S. Dept. of Justice)

  • 79% decline in juvenile sex victimization trends, 1993-2003 (Source: National Crime Victimization Survey)

  • Each year, about 2,000 children are killed as passengers in cars. About 50 are kidnapped and killed by strangers. That means children are 40 times more likely to die in a car trip to the mall than during a walk home from school.


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