Take the Money and Run_Book 1_Malone Brothers

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Take the Money and Run_Book 1_Malone Brothers Page 8

by Samantha Cole

  She was lost in her erotic thoughts when a striking older woman emerged from the rear of the store. In her late fifties, she had the brightest eyes and most beautiful, flawless skin Moriah had ever seen on another woman. “Hi there. I’m Bonnie Whitman. Can I help you with anything?”

  Smiling at the woman, she gave her a little wave of her hand. “Hello. I was hoping to find something to wear on a date tonight, but it’s not really a date.”

  Bonnie laughed. “How is a date not really a date?”

  “Well, his uncle is coming with us.”

  “Ah, and three is definitely a crowd.” Her eyes sparkled, and Moriah decided she liked the woman’s amused attitude. “Well, then, let’s see what we can find for you. You’re what? A size six?”

  She nodded in astonishment. “Yes, how did you know?”

  “Honey, I’ve owned this shop for twenty-two years. I can guess most women’s sizes, just like that.” Bonnie snapped her fingers, emphasizing her statement, then led Moriah to the middle of the shop. “This area over here is more for your age. I don’t cater to the teenagers, but I do carry a variety of styles for the twenty and thirty-something crowd, although most of my clientele is a little older.” She quickly pulled three cute dresses from the racks and handed them to Moriah. “Why don’t you start with trying these on? The dressing rooms are in the back and to the right.”

  As Moriah entered the first stall, Bonnie stood outside it and continued to chat with her. “I take it you are Ms. Maura Jennings.”

  What the hell? Moriah stuck her head out from behind the curtain in utter surprise and tried not to sound rude. “How did you know that?”

  “Dan Malone and I go way back.” Bonnie waved her hand in a manner which implied Moriah didn’t need to worry that people were talking about her. “He married my best friend a long time ago. After Annie had died, we remained close friends. I know pretty much everyone in Whisper and Dan told me he had an attractive young woman renting the beach house, so I just assumed it was you when you walked in.”

  Relieved a little, Moriah relaxed and stepped back into the small booth, closing the curtain behind her. Undressing, she raised her voice a little so Bonnie could still hear her. “I guess that’s Annie in all of those pictures at the cottage. I wondered who she was and why there were only photos of her as a young woman.”

  “She was only twenty-four when they wed, and Dan had been a few years older. They had two wonderful years together before cancer took her from him.”

  Pulling a dress over her head, Moriah felt sad for the man who’d been so kind to her. “She was so young. That’s heartbreaking.”

  “That it was. Dan never remarried, even though he was a young widower.”

  Moriah stepped out of the dressing room wearing a navy-blue sundress with a matching short bolero jacket which stayed open over the sweetheart neckline.

  “Oh, honey,” Bonnie exclaimed as she clapped her hands together. “That dress was made for you. It fits you to a tee and brings out those gorgeous baby blues of yours. KC is going to be knocked off his feet when he sees you.”

  Not surprised the woman knew which Malone brother she was interested in, she blushed as Bonnie just chuckled. After picking out a pair of sandals and a small purse to go with the dress, Moriah paid and thanked Bonnie, then took her packages out to the car where KC was waiting.

  He opened the passenger door open for her. “All set?”

  “I think so,” she answered with a smile as she sat down on the leather seat, before reaching back and placing the bags behind her.

  “Great. My uncle said he would meet us at Sassy’s at seven, which gives us plenty of time to shower and change.” KC shut the door, and she watched his muscular legs, trim hips, and luscious ass as he strode around the front of the car to the driver’s side. Her mouth watered and she was anxious to see how the evening would end—hopefully, the way she wanted it to.



  W hen Maura stepped out of the bedroom, KC was waiting for her in the living room wearing a pair of khakis with a white, button-down dress shirt. He froze and stared at her, his gaze growing hungry and possessive as it roamed over her body in a sensual caress. This was the first time he’d seen her with makeup on and, while she didn’t really need any, it made her eyes even more seductive. Her hair was down from her usual ponytail, and he loved how it framed her face.

  It didn’t escape his notice when she started to shiver under his silent scrutiny, and he smiled to ease her tension. Swallowing hard—twice—he then cleared his throat. His voice was husky with a hint of awe and a lot of appreciation. “You look very nice.” Yeah, that’s putting it mildly, Malone. Couldn’t you think of a better compliment than that? Stop thinking with your dick and try to come up with something better than ‘very nice’. “I mean, you look beautiful . . . exquisite.”

  “T-thank you. So do you.” Maura’s face tinged with pink. “I mean, very handsome, not beautiful . . . um . . . ”

  He loved it when she blushed like that and briefly wondered what other parts of her body would color the same way under his perusal. Fuck, it was going to be a long evening.

  On the ride into town, he could barely keep his eyes on the road as they kept being drawn to the exposed skin of her legs. He prayed Uncle Dan wouldn’t want to sit around too long after dinner having coffee and his usual slice of apple pie. KC knew exactly what he wanted for dessert, but it was definitely not on Sassy’s menu, and he wanted it all to himself.

  As he escorted her into Sassy’s Restaurant at 7:00 p.m. on the dot, KC stayed close to her, with his hand splayed across her lower back, leading her to the hostess stand. After he had introduced Maura to Rebecca, they followed the owner/hostess to their table where his uncle was already seated, waiting for them. KC nodded and said hello to several people along the way but never took his eyes off Maura for more than a second or two. She was absolutely gorgeous and sexy as sin. When she’d first appeared wearing that knockout dress, he had wanted to say to hell with dinner and ravage her right then, but it’d been too late to cancel on his uncle. Unfortunately, he would have to wait before following through with the wicked ideas which filled his head at the mere sight of her. Feeling a twitch in his pants, he realized, not for the first time this evening, that if he didn’t bring his boiling blood down to simmer soon, he would be uncomfortably rigid throughout the entire dinner.

  Arriving at their table, KC reached over and pulled out a chair for Maura as Dan stood like the gentlemen he was. Over the years, the Malone boys’ parents, and then their uncle, had instructed them how to properly treat a woman. They were taught to always open a door, pull out a chair, walk a lady to her door, and stand when one joined them at a table or was introduced to them. If he or his brothers ever failed to do one of those things, they would have received a sharp reprimand or evil eye as a reminder.

  Settling back into his chair, Dan Malone smiled at Maura. “You look absolutely beautiful tonight. Whisper seems to agree with you.”

  She gave him a shy smile in return. “Thank you, Mr. Malone. And I think you’re right—Whisper definitely agrees with me.”

  The older man winked at her. “You’re old enough to call me Dan or Uncle Dan. Mr. Malone was my father, and he’s long since passed away.”

  “Okay. Dan it is then.”

  Their waitress arrived to take their orders, and they all agreed on the “Famous Friday Fish Fry” dinner which consisted of fried catfish served with hush puppies and coleslaw. KC hadn’t been lying earlier—it was his favorite meal to order here. The large platters of food were completed with a few lemon slices, tartar sauce, and malt vinegar, and he had yet to find another restaurant which cooked the catfish even close to Sassy’s special recipe.

  Before their waitress left to turn in their dinner requests, KC also ordered a round of on-tap dark ale supplied by a local brewery, after making sure Maura was okay with the selection. The menu recommended it as the perfect brew to accompany the Friday n
ight special.

  Despite the full house, it wasn’t long before their dinners arrived, and he was happy to hear Maura found the food and drink to be as delicious as he’d hoped she would. Good conversation flowed throughout the meal as she relaxed and appeared to be really enjoying herself for the first time since her family had died. Dan and KC both made a conscious effort to stay off the subjects of her family and ex-boyfriend, and the older man had been more than happy to entertain her with tales of the young Malone brothers. Some of the stories were downright embarrassing for KC, but it didn’t bother him. He loved to watch Maura smile and took great pleasure in hearing her laugh as she listened to his uncle’s recollections of their youth.

  After their table had been cleared an hour and a half later, Uncle Dan refused coffee, saying he had to get up early to do some errands. But he told them they were welcome to stay and have a slice of Sassy’s apple pie for dessert without him. When the waitress returned with a to-go order of pie, his nephew stopped Dan from retrieving his wallet, saying the tab was on him, and then the couple bid him a good night. KC knew his uncle was playing matchmaker again—he had seen the twinkle in the man’s eyes when he rose from the table—but this time, he didn’t mind at all.

  After Dan had left, Maura’s gaze met KC’s, and she smiled. “Thanks for bringing me tonight. I had a wonderful time, and your uncle is such a sweet man. The woman, Bonnie, at the boutique told me he’s been a widower for a very long time. It’s a shame he never found love again.”

  He nodded in agreement. “Dan always said Annie was his true love, and he never expected to get that lucky twice in a lifetime. But I’ve always hoped he would find another woman who he could grow old with.”

  The conversation lulled as they sat there and simply contemplated each other. KC took in her appearance for at least the hundredth time that evening. There wasn’t a woman in the room who could compete with her. After a moment, Maura cleared her throat and inquired in a husky voice, “Shall we, um, get dessert?”

  Heat flared in KC’s eyes and groin. He most definitely wanted dessert, but not here. “Why don’t we get it to go?”

  After paying the bill, KC had practically dragged her from the restaurant and was now having a tough time maintaining the thirty miles per hour speed limit posted throughout Whisper. If he had his way, they would be breaking the land-speed record to reach the cottage. Glancing over at Maura several times during the eight-block trip, he noticed her hands were gripped tightly together as she stared out the windshield. She hadn’t said a single word since they’d left the restaurant, and he hoped like hell he hadn’t scared her with their hasty exit, but he couldn’t wait to be alone with her. He desperately wanted to taste and touch her again, but this time, he wanted to be where they didn’t have to worry about being on public display.

  Reaching over, he tugged her left hand gently from the grip of her right and brought it to his lips. He tenderly kissed her palm before impishly nipping at her skin. Her gaze traveled from his mouth to his eyes, and she grinned at his playfulness. He was certain his heart stopped beating at that exact moment before it picked up its pace again, this time pounding frantically in his chest. There was no denying she was beautiful, but it was more apparent when she smiled because her face lit up and her eyes sparkled. He was amazed anyone would abuse such an incredible woman and swore that if he ever met her ex, the guy wouldn’t live more than five seconds.

  Pulling into the white pebbled driveway adjacent to the beach house KC turned off the car lights and ignition. Shifting slightly toward Maura, he released her hand and reached up to stroke her cheek. His hazel eyes zeroed in on her blue ones. He watched her pupils dilate, leaving only a thin border of sapphire surrounding them. She inhaled sharply at the contact as his hand continued upwards toward her hair. He threaded his fingers through the soft strands. Several stray wisps of black silk brushed against his wrist and forearm, causing his breath to hitch. Damn, what he wouldn’t give to have her hair draped over his thighs as she sucked him into her mouth and leisurely tortured him.

  Cupping the back of her head, he slowly pulled her toward him. The first kiss was a brief, feathered touch but it immediately sparked a fire in his loins. He kissed her again and, this time, his mouth took possession of hers. She whimpered as the kiss deepened, and he responded with a moan from deep within. Their lips parted, and tongues dueled with each other for dominance. Her hands and fingers traced the contours of his chest and shoulders before reaching around to his back. Her nails dug into his flesh, and he reveled in the pain. Maura tried to inch closer to him, but the seat console proved to be an unmovable obstacle. He realized her dilemma and reluctantly pulled his lips from hers.

  Through his heavy breathing, his voice was strangled. “Come to bed with me? Please?”

  Without hesitation, she responded in her own husky voice, “Yes.”

  Fuck! That one word had his cock weeping with need. They quickly exited the car, and he grasped her hand, leading her up the deck stairs and into the house. Using his foot to shut the door behind them, he swung her around and pinned her against it with his body, immediately taking control of her mouth again. Every swipe of his tongue was matched with one of her own as she wrapped her arms around his neck as if hanging on for dear life. Setting his hands at her waist, he slowly stroked his way up her sides until his palms were brushing the outer surfaces of her breasts. He heard and felt her gasp as his thumbs flickered over her hard, but covered nipples. More blood surged to his groin in response. His hands then moved in opposite directions, one to the nape of her neck, the other down to cup her ass, as his pelvis rocked against hers.

  KC was getting dizzy with desire and willed himself to slow down, or he would end up taking her here against the back door. She deserved better than that for the first time he fucked her raw but Maura showed no sign of wanting to slow down. Instead, the pace of her mouth and hands increased, urging his to follow. Her fingers were threaded in his hair, and the tips were forcefully holding his head where she wanted it, at just the right angle for her tongue to plunder his mouth. Never breaking contact, he turned and clumsily walked them toward the hallway leading to the bedrooms. He halted their progress a moment to take her purse from her shoulder and tossed it on the back of the couch.

  They paused at the closed door to his bedroom, and he fumbled to find the knob, reluctant to stop touching her to do so. When the door finally swung open, he backed her into, and across, the room. The back of her legs hit the bed, and he felt her body stiffen. A jolt of worry zapped through him, and he pulled away from her mouth to look down at her flushed face. “Is something wrong?”

  Maura lowered her eyes to stare at his chest. “No . . . yes . . . I mean . . . I don’t know.”

  Placing his hand under her chin, he gently forced her gaze back up to his curious eyes. “You don’t know?”

  Her hesitation bothered him until she opened her mouth and stammered, “It’s . . . it’s just that I . . . I’m not really good at this.”

  Confused, he shook his head and took a step backward. “What are you talking about? Maura, honey, from what I can tell so far, you are excellent at this. I could kiss you for hours.”

  “Not kissing.” Her gaze fell to the carpet, and her voice dropped to a mere whisper. “I mean the . . . the sex part.”

  His eyes narrowed as he studied her face. She was serious. “What are you talking about?”

  She sighed and shrugged her shoulders as her cheeks reddened with obvious embarrassment. “In the past, I’ve been told that I’m not that good in bed, and I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

  KC’s jaw tightened with anger at the thought of any man telling Maura she wasn’t good enough at anything, much less having sex with her in the first place. “What fucking asshole said that?” Not waiting for an answer, he took her hand and guided it to his hard and throbbing cock. “This is what you do to me, just by looking at me. Sweetheart, sex goes both ways. Maybe things weren’t right because the selfish
jackass didn’t take his time to show you how good it could be.” Leaving her hand at his groin, he trailed his palm back up her body to her breast. “No one took the time to find out what made your body respond in pleasure.” He rubbed his thumb over her peaked nipple, and she inhaled sharply. “That’s how you make sex good—great even. Let me show you.”

  Maura arched her back, her eyelids fluttering closed as he continued to rub the ripe bud through the thin material of her dress and bra. She gasped then sighed, her body closing the distance between them as if pulled by a string. “KC, show me. Please show me how good it can be.”

  He growled. “With pleasure, honey. With absolute pleasure.”



  K C took her mouth again, and she melted in his arms. Moriah wanted him in a way she had never wanted any other man. She grew bolder as they kissed and found her hands reaching out to KC seemingly without an order from her brain. Gripping his sculpted shoulders, she pulled him tighter against her own body. Never had she responded to a man this strongly and quickly before. Inhaling him, she reveled in running her hands over his solid form. Her blood was boiling, and she felt moisture flush from her pussy. The throbbing between her legs beat in time with her racing heart. She couldn’t believe her body’s reaction to KC. In the past, it had always taken plenty of foreplay for her to be even half this responsive. Her body was ready to take him, and they were still fully clothed.

  Gathering the material of her dress in his hands, he pulled it up her body and over her head, one slow, excruciating inch at a time. Normally, she would be self-conscious of a man undressing her, but all she felt with KC was heat, electricity, desire, and passion. He tossed her dress aside then ran his calloused hands over the soft, smooth skin of her shoulders and back, trailing down to her buttocks which he grabbed and squeezed. She desperately wanted his clothes and the rest of hers to disappear until there was nothing between them. Skin on incredible skin.


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