Stardust, Starlust

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Stardust, Starlust Page 13

by Gabriella Bradley

  Most of the time she felt absolutely bored. The servants wouldn’t let her lift a finger. She’d read, go for walks, and found out that there was a stable full of horses, so she decided to take riding lessons. She also decided that soon as she got to know the village people a bit she’d start to participate in local activities and volunteer for different things. She was after all a nurse, so she could maybe even volunteer to help the local doctor.

  It was mighty cold outside and the forecast was for snow. It was Sunday and the servants’ were off except for the second cook. Mary and Thomas usually stayed in their cottage near the gates on Sunday except to come and serve her meals. It gave her a bit of privacy. After breakfast, she told Mary, “Why don’t you and Thomas take the whole day off? I don’t need to be waited on.”


  “Please don’t argue with me, Mary. From now on I would like the weekends to myself. I don’t even need the cook. I’m quite capable of making a bite to eat.”


  “Please? Just tell cook to go home and allow me some privacy. I promise that if it comes to a point where I’d do some entertaining, I’d tell you and you can run the whole show, but for now I don’t have any friends in this country and I really like to be alone sometimes. I’m not used to being waited on hand and foot and having people around all the time. I’ve been alone nearly all my life.”

  “As you wish, Milady.”

  She was really tired of being treated like she was so special and wished the woman could be a bit friendlier. If she would at least use her first name, but no matter how many times Mary had been told, she refused to, said it wasn’t proper to call a lady by her first name.

  Sharin didn’t feel like a titled lady, she felt no different than she’d ever felt, except for the boredom, the missing of her nursing job.

  After Mary left, Sharin changed into jeans, comfortable shoes and a sweatshirt and headed for the mysterious tower. The velvet box containing the key stuffed tightly in her pocket, she climbed the stairs to it and stood before the massive door gazing at its carvings. Just as in her bedroom, the carvings depicted lovers in sexual acts, embraces, explicit etchings of their clits and cocks, so realistic that they looked to almost jump off the door. Heaving a sigh at His Lordship’s sexual fantasies, displaying them so openly and wondering if the man had ever had orgies or indulged in any of the sexual acts depicted on the doors, paintings and statues, she turned the key and opened the door. She also wondered if the carvings had always been there, and if so, who had been the first Lord Jackson? She resolved to corner Mary and find out more about the estate and its history, something she should have already done, but for now, she wanted to find out about the secret room.

  Since the servants were not allowed up the stairs leading to the tower, the cobwebs were still there, the air permeated with dust. She shuddered and reached behind her for the broom she’d taken along. Swinging it in front of her, she swiped at the cobwebs and looked carefully for spiders, but she saw none at this point. Once she had rounded the last curve, she faced another heavy door, similar to the first one. Having only the one key, she tried it and had to use all her strength to turn the rusty lock. It turned with difficulty and finally clicked open.

  She pushed against the door. Strangely enough, the hinges were not rusted and it swung open silently revealing a circular room that resembled a sultan’s room. Decorated in exotic, vibrant colors, silk hangings covering the brick walls, velvets, cushions scattered over the floor, even an opium pipe and more erotic marble statues, she thought she’d stepped into the pages of Arabian Nights. She laughed and said aloud, “Okay…all I need now is a handsome sultan and I’m all set.”

  Her words echoed back to her, the room eerily silent. She scanned the room for another door, something that would require the star key, but she saw nothing except the exotic silken hangings. She shoved them aside coughing from the cloud of dust the movement caused. She looked behind each and still found no door, no place to use the key. But, this had to be the secret room where she had to use it.

  Dejectedly she sat down on a dusty pillow and looked at everything, all the treasures, the gold goblets, flasks filled with strange colored liquids, until her eye fell on a massive, golden jeweled chest. She scrambled up and crawled toward it. The closer she came, the clearer she could see the keyhole. It was star shaped. She’d found the place to use the mysterious key.

  She took the velvet box out of her pocket and held the key in her shaking fingers, nervous now at what she’d find, what the chest would reveal. Would it hold a fortune in jewels? Precious stones? The key became warm in her hands, the wand almost burning her fingers and a glow started slowly as she inserted the star into the keyhole. Suddenly, it became very bright, just as scarlet as the star she’d seen in her dreams. Soft music started as she turned it and the lid opened as if in slow motion. She let go of the key and sat on her knees to gaze inside and saw nothing. Much to her disappointment, the chest was filled with empty air. Its inner walls seemed crafted of pure gold, but it revealed no mysteries. So why the big secret?

  The music increased in volume, mournful, sad almost. She touched the inside of the chest, ran her fingers along the edge and before her eyes it ignited into a sea of scarlet, flaming light, that spiraled up to the ceiling into a swirling vortex. Her body wasn’t her own anymore. Though she tried to hold on to the edges of the chest, she felt herself lifted off the floor, drawn into the vortex, her clothing ripped off to fly to the floor. It was as if unseen fingers yanked off the sweater, peeled off the pants. Her mind became blank and she spun and spun until she passed out.

  When she came to, she still felt quite dizzy. It was the dream. She must have fainted or something and was experiencing it again. The rainbow felt familiar and warm beneath her naked body, the stardust coating now a comfortable lubrication on her skin. Only this time she saw more than just dreamy clouds. Far beneath her was a landscape of a red planet. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw how far below. The mountain ridges looked miniature from up so high and there was no gorgeous man waiting for her at the end of the rainbow. The dreamscape had turned into a nightmare as she started to whiz down toward the surface, faster, faster, until her ears whistled with the crazy descend. Several times the rainbow looped just like a fairground ride, and she thought for sure her body would fly off. No erotic feelings attacked her this time, only fear of the unknown.

  The red ground flew up to meet her and she feared the worst when crashing to the bottom and closed her eyes. She need not have feared for as she slid to the very bottom of the rainbow, hands caught her.

  She let her breath out and dared to open her eyes. Six very tall women, their arms held out, the fingers interlocked with each other’s, had formed a circle, a net to catch her. She gazed at their immobile faces. They all looked the same. Their hair was scarlet, straight, and very long. They wore shiny armor. She decided they were female warriors. They gazed at each other, not down at Sharin. Gently, they lowered her to the ground and stepped away from her to form a wider circle as if guarding that she wouldn’t run away.

  Sharin scrambled up and wildly looked around and up. The rainbow was gone. The sky above was a scarlet hue; a huge red sun looked as if it were dripping with blood, bathing everything in its red glow. In the far distance she saw mountain ridges. They too looked red and forbidding against the horizon. Just above the mountains she saw another scarlet sun, or maybe it was a moon coming up, surrounded by a halo of pinkish light. Not far from where they stood was a dark forest. She couldn’t really see, the brightness of her surroundings too overwhelming for her eyes, but it almost looked a maroon color. Everywhere she looked things were some shade of red—the women, the vegetation, the sky, the suns or moon, and the ground on which she stood.

  She closed her eyes and wished the nightmare away, the dreamscape out of her mind, but when she opened them again, everything was still there.

  The ring of women parted to reveal an entourage approa
ching them. Warriors astride half a dozen scarlet horses, led by a single horse that was a startling snow white, contrasting sharply against everything else. The man on top of the white horse looked familiar as the entourage approached. The skin of his legs looked quite red against the horse’s flanks. His mane of red hair danced behind him. He was clad in red leather armor and carrying some kind of banner and she thought he had a sword sheathed at his side.

  Her heart turned a somersault in her chest as the group approached and she could see him clearly. This was the man of her dreams, the one at the bottom of the rainbow. But, right now he didn’t look erotic or even friendly. He looked like a fierce warrior about to execute her.

  He reigned in right in front of her. She stepped back, afraid of the horse’s hooves, but the female warriors stopped her. She need not have feared. The horse snorted and then stood still, towering over her, its rider sitting silently atop.

  She had to strain her head back to look up at him and she sucked in her breath. It was him, his eyes not glowing now, but deep, dark, as he scrutinized her from head to toe and came to rest on her face. Not a muscle on his face moved, his lips barely opening as he spoke. “Welcome to Kantassa. We have waited a long time for you.”

  Just the sight of him sent a surge of excitement through her to settle in her pelvic area. She had to swallow several times before she found her voice, embarrassed at the clamminess of her clit, the juices trickling down her inner thighs and she wondered if anyone could notice her discomfort. “Kantassa?”

  “You are now on a planet in a universe far from yours.”

  “This is all too wild. Another universe? How…”

  “We will explain everything to you after your initiation.”

  “My stars. Initiation? What are you talking about?”

  “I’m sorry. I forgot you were not raised as you should have been, as the heir to the legacy. Otherwise you would have known.”

  “Since this is all a dream, I’m sure you’ll enlighten me soon,” she said with a chuckle.

  “This is not a dream. You are really here.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  “You will believe. Soon. Now you must come with us.”

  I’ll follow you anywhere, she thought, but aloud she said, “Where to?”

  “To the city of Temiston. The people await your arrival and my castle has been readied for you.”

  She watched as he leaned forward and held out his hand and realized she was to ride with him. “Like this? Naked?”

  “Our people wish to gaze upon your fair body.”

  “Lady Godiva. Okay…this dream is getting wilder and wilder.” Her blood raced at the thought of who knows how many people gazing at her nudity, causing her clit to throb even more. The juices continued to flow, so she pressed her thighs together firmly and reached out to place her hand in his.

  His hand was large, so large that her own disappeared inside his as his fingers closed around it and he pulled hard. In one swoop she was in front of him, against his massive chest. His one arm circled her and his other hand swished the reins turning the horse’s head. He issued a command in a strange language and the entourage waiting patiently behind him, parted to let them through. He rode bare back and the horse’s hair rubbed against her clit as if massaging it in readiness. For what? What else would this dream bring her? She felt the muscles of his chest move against her back, and was it her imagination or was his hand touching her breast, almost caressing it. His entourage consisted of about twelve men, all clad in leather armor, but their red hair was cropped short to beneath their ears. Their eyes were cast down as they passed through to the head of the entourage and she heard them fall in behind.

  Her heart hammered, echoed in her ears as the horse went into a gallop and they headed for the distant forest. All the while they rode, she felt his massive chest against her back, the bulge that rubbed against her buttocks. That, combined with the movement of the horse, sent endless thrills throughout her body. She glanced down at the arm tightly around her chest, just beneath her breasts and wished his long fingers would reach up to touch her nipples. A tremor coursed through her body as she came and she felt the sticky cum settle on the smooth back of the horse.

  They entered the darkness of the forest and this cooled her senses somewhat. It was eerie, the trees dark and forbidden. The forest was strangely silent as if devoid of animal life. Her eyes, unused to the strange colors, strained to see her surroundings. The vegetation was completely alien, and like everything else, different shades of red, maroon, and scarlet.

  When they exited the forest, the sudden brightness of the red sun blinded her momentarily and she shut her eyelids against the glare. When she opened them again, she gazed at a wondrous city. Domed roofs sparkled as if constructed of pure rubies, pinkish and red veined marble walls surrounded the city and the tall gates seemed made of pure ivory, carved exquisitely.

  They approached the gates and the horse slowed to a trot. She noted the erotic carvings on them, similar to the ones on the doors at the manor. The gates opened slowly. Her heart pounded when she saw the crowd of people awaiting their arrival. Held back by female guards, dressed similar to the ones that had greeted her, they all looked alike. It was as if she were facing a community of clones, their features identical. Silently she wondered how they could all know each other, if there were any distinguishing marks on their bodies or their faces, but no matter how hard she peered, she saw none.

  Her concentration on the identical people made her almost forget her nudity and the strange situation she found herself in, until they stopped, the man dismounted and lifted her off the horse. He scooped her up into his arms and carried her up marble steps toward what looked like a castle.

  Now fully aware of her nudity, the many eyes feasting on it, she felt like jumping him right there. It caused waves of excitement to roll around within her, settle in her belly, her clit.

  Once inside, he set her on her feet and motioned her to follow. She walked behind him flanked on both sides by the female guards, the male guards following behind. The leather armor hid his pubic area, his buttocks were bare and she sucked in her breath as she watched the muscles under skin move as he strode on.

  They walked through long marble hallways. Statues lined the walls on both sides and she knew now where the statues in the manor had come from. Venus, she thought. This has to be the planet Venus, the planet of love. Oh, I hope this dream continues for a while…

  Two guards flanked tall double doors, intricately carved depicting couples in erotic poses. As they approached, the doors swung open to reveal an exotic chamber within. At the far end stood an altar of black marble. On each side of the altar was a row of what looked like priests. Opposed to everyone else, they were clad in long, scarlet robes and wore scarlet headdresses reminiscent of a nun’s veil. The room was lit by strange lights seemingly coming from nowhere. Opposed to all the pink, red and maroon, she’d seen, this room had color. The black of the altar, the lights a multitude of rainbow colors. They circled, danced around the room, bathing it in a rainbow spectrum of lights.

  What was the altar for, she wondered silently. Was this some kind of temple? Were they here for a wedding ceremony? She didn’t have to wonder for long as the tall man of her dreams scooped her up and deposited her on top of the altar and gently forced her to lie down. He stepped back and moved to the foot of the altar.

  The priests bowed and stood on either side of the altar, and one at the head behind her. She waited with baited breath to see what would happen next. Two of the priests took hold of an ankle and spread her legs, while two others grabbed her wrists, and spread her arms. Magically, bright lights appeared from beneath her to form a circle around her ankles and wrists. She tried to move, but the lights held her tightly like cuffs. She gazed at the man at the foot of the altar and saw his hot gaze riveted on her clit. He didn’t move a muscle, his face immobile.

  The priests moved aside and four women dressed in identical long scarlet robes an
d veils approached the altar. They carried flasks, bowls, and a tray with instruments on it. Sharin found her voice finally.

  “What are you going to do to me? Please let me go?” She felt frightened now that she saw what looked like surgical tools on the tray.

  She heard a soft humming sound and looked up at the ceiling. A red laser ray moved toward her, directly to her pubic area. It hovered just above. When she tried to look, suddenly she felt her head circled and held down. Right now, her libido had disappeared. In its stead, she just felt fear of what they were going to do to her, but she need not have feared because though she felt the ray moving over her pubic area, it just felt warm, pleasant. It didn’t hurt.

  Suddenly, the man spoke, his voice deep, vibrant, stroking her like a butterfly’s wings. “If you don’t move, we won’t need to restrain you. I assure you, we will not hurt you.”

  “But what are you doing? This is supposed to be an erotic dream, not a nightmare.”

  “I told you, it’s not a dream. But we shall talk later. After the initiation ceremony.”

  “Well, maybe for you it isn’t a dream, but for me it is. Never mind. If it’s not going to hurt, then please remove the restraints?”

  The circles of light disappeared again and she lay very still, but this time she could at least lift her head to see what they were doing. She watched the red laser beam play with her clit, her bush and to her consternation saw the dark downy curls disappear until she was naked as a little girl. The laser beam continued its work moving over her entire body, her armpits, until her whole body was devoid of any hair.


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