Ruby: A Western Historical Romance (Old Western Mail Order Bride Series Book 2)

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Ruby: A Western Historical Romance (Old Western Mail Order Bride Series Book 2) Page 29

by Amy Field

  “I didn’t think it would be this hard,” Jared said.

  “You never can tell,” Camellia said.

  “I don’t know how you do it,” Jared said in awe.

  “It’s hard at first but you get used to it.”

  “I don’t think I apologized for before. I really am sorry about everything.”

  “Can you tell me what happened?”

  “I was making her formula but I spilled water. I used the paper towels to clean it up but I must have left it too close to the stove so the towels caught on fire. I panicked,” Jared said simply.

  Camellia didn’t say it but she was thankful that Amelia was okay.

  “I don’t think I am cut out of this,” Jared admitted.

  Camellia let him go on.

  “I thought I could but I think it’s better if I stay at arm’s length. I want to be a part of her life but maybe when she is older. For now, I would like to visit her and pay child support,” Jared looked at her pleadingly.

  “I guess you can do that.”

  “Thank you Cam.”

  She stood up, looking at Nick playing with Amelia.

  “You made a good choice with him,” Jared said.

  “I know I did.”

  Camellia didn’t look at Jared as she walked to her family. She was leaving her past behind for the future. The Camellia that had been with Jared didn’t exist anymore. That Camellia had grown up into the mature, strong person that she was today and Camellia didn’t regret that transition one bit.

  “What did he say?” Nick asked as Camellia took Amelia from him.

  “He said that he wanted to see her but he wouldn’t sue for support,” Camellia said.

  “That’s good,” Nick said approvingly.

  “I think taking care of Amelia alone really freaked him out.” Camellia laughed.

  “I don’t doubt it. I was scared too at first but I couldn’t resist her charm.”

  “I don’t think anyone can.”

  In the midst of her worry for Amelia, the sky had turned dark and Camellia looked at the starry night with a smile on her face. It was the first time in a while that she had gotten to see the stars and admire them.

  “I was an astrologer once,” Nick said.

  “You are lying.”

  “I am not. I used to read the palm of my friends in college.”

  “Did any of their wishes come true?”

  “No but it was fun to do it.”

  Camellia laughed and entwined her fingers with his.

  “I was thinking, we should move out of that apartment.” Nick said.

  “We should?”

  “In case you didn’t know, I do have a bit of money and that place is really far away from town.”

  “Why is that a big deal?”

  “Amelia isn’t going to stay small forever and it’s cramped in your apartment. How about we buy a bigger place so that there’s a room for her and us? You could decorate it and bring your furniture out of your storage locker.”

  “That does sound like a good plan.”

  “Also, I was thinking that it would be easier to be in town so that she could attend school in the future,” Nick added.

  “You are talking as if you are planning to stick around,” Camellia controlled her voice, trying not to give anything away. If what he was saying was true, then he really was planning to stay with her and the thought gave her joy.

  “If you’ll have me, I knew you were the one for me the second I saw you. I have no doubts in my mind that I want to be with you,” Nick gripped her hand tightly.

  “Oh Nick...”

  “So tell me you’ll have me,” he said.

  “Of course I will Nick,” Camellia said tearfully.

  “You, me and Amelia. We are a family.” Nick stressed and Amelia titered in approval.

  Camellia rest her head on Nick’s shoulder, content with the knowledge that he was going to stay. She didn’t have to say it to him; she loved him and knew he did too. Together, they would take care of Amelia and live happily.

  It was amazing to think of it like this but this truly was her happily ever after.

  The End

  Book II

  His Special Secret Baby

  Chapter One

  It was a good morning.

  Anna Lester yawned and stretched, staring at the light shining through the window. Outside a cool breeze was blowing in the park opposite the streets she could she strollers enjoying the sunshine. It looked like it was going to be a great day and she couldn't wait to get out of bed to start it. She had a lot of wonderful things planned for the day and each of them were things she would enjoy doing. However the temptation of her comfy, warm bed was strong and she found herself delaying the inevitable.

  Just another five minutes, she thought, lying down with her eyes closed.

  But finally, she sat up and stretched, frowned, and gave a deep sigh. The spot beside her was empty and she knew that he had left without her again. He always did that.

  Her night dress rippled as she swung her legs out of bed. Anna looked at the window, revelling in the view of the lake outside. She had picked out a good apartment for herself, it was right next to the park which had a beautiful lake and the prettiest rose bushes she had ever set her eyes on.

  She slid her feet into her slippers and walked towards her bedroom. She washed her face and looked at the mirror. She stared at the woman looking back at her. The woman had blond hair with green eyes. Her face was perfectly oval and her lips were curved so that even though she wasn't smiling, she appeared to be. It was a pretty face but on closer inspection, she could see the dark shadows under her eyes and the paleness of her skin. The days hadn't been very good to her recently.

  Due to the massive deal going on at work, Anna had skipped a couple of meals and recently, she had been feeling very tired and sleepy. Two days ago, she had been overcome with a bout of nausea and ran to the bathroom in the middle of the meeting. It was mortifying and her co-workers hadn't let her forget about it.

  He had comforted her. His comfort only went so far though.

  Anna took a shower and dressed in a white shirt, paired with a black skirt. It was her normal office attire and today, as she looked at herself in the mirror, she saw that it hung loosely around her frame. She really had to take better care of herself. He had mentioned it too, last night when she had been unable to eat the pasta he had prepared for her.

  "I think you are pushing yourself too hard," he had said as she tried to swallow her mouthful of food.

  In her haste to answer him, she had swallowed too quickly and almost choked.

  "I am fine, it's just the presentation. You know I have to make sure it's perfect."

  "I know, just don't push yourself too hard." He looked at her, concerned.

  The words warmed her and she smiled at herself in the mirror. He took such good care of her. She was a lucky girl.

  In the kitchen, a fresh pot of coffee had been brewed for her and Anna poured herself a cup. She hated drinking black coffee so she mixed in some milk, added two cubes of sugar and sat down to enjoy it. It was only seven and she still had plenty of time to go to the office.

  One of the perks of getting this apartment had been how close it was to the office, the buildings were practically side by side. All she had to go was exit the building and walk for ten minutes. Anna finished her coffee and looked in the fridge for something to eat. Her stomach growled and she took an egg. An omelet sounded great.

  She wasn't a cook like him but she was decent. She made herself a plain omelet and downed it, waiting for a few seconds after she had finished eating to see if the nausea would come back. It didn't and she washed down the taste with a glass of water. By now, it was seven thirty so she went to the front door, put on her black heels (an unfortunate necessity in her office life) and left her house.

  She didn't meet any of her neighbors which was unfortunate. Anna was a very social person. The day she had moved in, she had visited th
e people next door to introduce herself. He had laughed at her for that but Anna had stubbornly insisted. Her mother had insisted that she always be nice to neighbors and Anna had carried on that habit.

  A brisk walk later, Anna walked into the air conditioned office building, smiling at the guard, Mr Johnson as she showed her ID card.

  "Morning Mr Johnson!"

  "Morning Anna!"

  The kindly old man smiled and she headed for the elevator.

  Inside the elevator, she looked at her watch nervously, her hand straining on her bag. She was early but it was a superstition that Anna had. She would always feel as if she would be late despite coming early. She always thought the worst and so the relief she felt at being proven wrong was exaggerated.

  Her cubicle was occupied when she arrived and her chair turned to reveal her friend, Lisa, holding up papers.

  "Morning Lisa," Anna said.

  "Morning," Lisa said brightly. "You are on time as usual."

  "Your cubicle is there," Anna pointed.

  "I know but your chair is much more comfortable," Lisa pouted.

  Anna stared at her until she moved and sat down, placing her bag on the ground. She switched on her computer and turned back to Lisa.

  "Any news on who is going to be taken to New York?"

  "None," Lisa said. "I wish he would just tell us!"

  "Maybe they are deciding."

  "No way. I bet you anything, Mr. Grumpy-pants already knows."

  Anna looked around and whispered,

  "You shouldn't say that out loud."

  "So what? It's not like he is here to listen."

  As Lisa finished her sentence, a voice ran out.

  "Miss Lester, I haven't seen the reports on the summation yet."

  Paul Mercer, their manager, was suddenly standing beside them, staring at Anna with dark eyes. He had an impressive height, towering over the two of them but he wasn't built. He had a leaner body with ebony hair and a handsome face. As always, Anna found her heart speeding up.

  "I'll get them to you," Anna said pleasantly.

  "Hurry please," Paul said impatiently. He shifted his gaze to Lisa. "And Miss Andrews, please get back to work instead of chatting idly."

  He strode away and Lisa made a face behind his back.

  "The good looks are so wasted on him," Lisa said.

  Anna didn't say anything as she got to organize the papers he asked for. Mr. Mercer hated having to wait and she stood up, the papers in her hand.

  "I'll be right back," she said.

  She went over to his office, the blinds were drawn and when she walked in, he was sat beside his desk.

  "Are those the papers?" Mr. Mercer asked.

  Anna nodded.

  "Put them on the desk, thank you."

  As Anna put them on the desk, she felt hands sliding over her waist and a kiss on her cheek.

  "Mr. Mercer!"

  "You are a bad actress," Paul laughed. "I am just trying to put some spice into this."

  "I am sorry I wasn't there when you woke up," he added sheepishly.

  "It's alright."

  "How do you feel?"


  Paul leaned in and kissed her. Anna smiled throughout the kiss, feeling blissful.

  It had started two years ago, New Year’s Eve.

  As was the custom with companies, there was a party for all the employers and everyone was required to attend if only to remain for the first hour. Lisa had dragged Anna along with her despite Anna having a cold which had taken her out of work for the last few days. Lisa had told her that there was someone she wanted to get along with and Anna had reluctantly gone with. The person in question was Sam from human resources and as soon as Lisa saw Sam, she disappeared. Anna was left entertaining the senior workers.

  She was in a bad state the whole night, feeling as if she was going to die from the headache that plagued her and the nausea that swirled in her. Through it all, she was aware of Mr. Mercer’s eyes on her.

  During that time, Mr. Mercer was strictly a boss. He was older than her by a few years and he had the reputation of being a strict person. Anna hadn’t had any direct contact with him except through orders which he gave. She had always thought he was a handsome man but had never told anyone.

  Her sickness got worse and by ten, she was barely able to stand. Her head spinning, she retreated into the file room where she lay her head on the table and breathed in slowly. It was quiet and she could feel herself get better but didn’t have enough strength to leave. She didn’t trust herself to go home alone and hoped that Lisa would come find her.

  Anna deeply regretted having come to the party when the door opened.

  It was Mr. Mercer and for the first time, Anna saw something in his eyes that she had never seen before. It was worry and it made him look human. As he approached her, Anna felt her heart skip a beat.

  “Are you alright, Miss Lester?”

  “I am fine, a bit faint,” Anna said softly.

  She expected him to leave but he sat down opposite her and didn’t say anything. Anna didn’t know why he was doing that but she couldn’t have him sit here while everyone else would be looking for him.

  So she said, “You should go back to the party.”

  “There is no need for me to do so. I already showed my face, they don’t expect more from me.”

  “Don’t you like these parties?” Anna asked, surprised.

  “I tolerate them but I am not a fan of New Year’s.”

  “Neither am I. I came for Lisa,” Anna confided.

  She didn’t know why she was telling him but in that room it seemed as if the distance between the two had decreased and they had crossed the boundary of being boss and employee. He was a just a person, a very attractive one at that.

  Mr. Mercer laughed and the conversation flowed. Anna forgot about her illness as they talked about their favorite movies and places to go out. She found herself liking him more as the time passed until she was aware of the shouting coming from the main floor. They were counting down.

  “I didn’t realize time had passed that quickly,” Paul said.

  “Neither did I,” Anna said. “Don’t you have someone to go to?”

  “Why would I?”

  Anna blushed.

  “It’s New Year’s.”

  “I am alone.”

  Then he smiled and raised his glass. "Happy New Year."

  The air became charged and Anna was aware that he had moved closer to her, around the side of the table so that he was sitting right in front of her. She could still hear them counting down but their voices became faint as Paul began to lean in. As soon as they said one, his lips touched hers and Anna was transported to another place entirely. She didn’t think about the consequences, all she thought about was him and the feeling of happiness that surged through her as they kissed. She'd always liked him, but this came as a surprise. It was only after they parted that something occurred to her.

  “But I am sick, you could become sick as well,” Anna said worried.

  “I don’t mind.” Paul touched her hand and gently stroked her palm with his thumb.

  And she didn’t doubt anything. She didn't know whether this was a one-time thing, but she was prepared to give them a chance.

  Two years later, they were still together in the office and outside of it.

  Paul had his own home but he stayed most nights with her, in fact, it felt like all the time. He had helped her find the apartment and Anna loved decorating it with his help. He was a kind person and he always gave her invaluable advice. She had learned a lot from him but in the office, the two were the soul of discretion. They didn’t let on about their relationship.

  Like most companies, theirs had a 'no dating' policy but it was only frowned upon, not strictly prohibited so they were in the clear. But the thing that worried Anna was the gossip, so she had asked him to be extra careful. She didn’t want anyone to think that she was sleeping with the boss to get ahead at work and
wanted to show them that she was good in her own right.

  Paul had agreed because he had faith in her. Anna was a hard worker and she caught on quickly. She had built a reputation for herself in the office and everyone admired her.

  Life was perfect.

  Now if she could get rid of this bug, it would be better.

  “How are things going for New York?” Anna asked as she sat down.

  “I am still deciding. You don’t expect me to tell you who I am taking with me do you?” Paul raised his eyebrow.

  “Of course not, I just wanted to know,” Anna said simply.

  Paul laughed.

  “You are so perfect Anna. You don’t ask for anything. Any person in your position would have hinted at going.”

  “I can go some other time and besides, I am not going to use our relationship for my own gain,” Anna said and got up. “I have to get back to work.”

  Paul nodded and went back to his work as Anna headed back to her table. She found Lisa busy at work and decided not to disturb her. She had sat down when she felt a slight nudge from inside and felt the bile pushing itself up her throat. She covered her mouth and stood up quickly, trying not to be conspicuous as she headed for the washroom.

  She barely made it to the toilet as she emptied her omelet into the toilet bowl. Disgusted, she flushed and went out, looking around carefully to make sure that no one was around. Anna washed her mouth carefully and was glad she had that box of mints on her desk. If this continued, she would have to start bringing her toothbrush to work.

  Paul is right, she thought. It’s time to visit the doctor.

  Chapter Two

  Anna didn’t like the look of the waiting room.

  It was terribly lonely and she wished she had brought Paul with her but that was silly. Why bother him for something so trivial? She hadn’t even told him that she had made an appointment for this. She didn’t want to disturb him and the doctor would probably give her some pills to relieve her.

  She had thrown up again and was light headed. She didn’t understand why she was feeling so sick and tried to remember when she had eaten something out of the ordinary in case the doctor asked her. She had been waiting for ten minutes and was hoping the doctor would hurry. It was four in the afternoon and Paul was supposed to come to her apartment at night. She would have to wrap this up quickly.


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