Eternal Sanctuary

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Eternal Sanctuary Page 1

by Sela Croft


  Immortal Prophecy – Book Four


  Sela Croft

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Chapter 1A

  Chapter 1B – Immortal Prophecy Scroll

  Chapter 1 – Calina

  Chapter 2 – Selene

  Chapter 3 – Draven

  Chapter 4 – Calina

  Chapter 5 – Selene

  Chapter 6 – Mirela

  Chapter 7 – Draven

  Chapter 8 – Silvain

  Chapter 9 – Selene

  Chapter 10 – Silvain

  Chapter 11 – Silvain

  Chapter 12 – Silvain

  Chapter 13 – Draven

  Chapter 14 – Mirela

  Chapter 15 – Draven

  Chapter 16 – Mirela

  Chapter 17 – Mirela

  Chapter 18 – Draven

  Chapter 19 – Mirela

  Chapter 20 – Mirela

  Chapter 21 – Mirela

  Chapter 22 – Draven

  Chapter 23 – Draven

  Chapter 24 – Epilogue

  Chapter 1A

  You won’t want to miss the FREE Prequel to Moon Tide.



  This Exclusive Prequel is my gift to you.

  I hope you enjoy the Immortal Prophecy series!

  Sela Croft

  Chapter 1B – Immortal Prophecy Scroll

  Chapter 1 – Calina

  I was still smiling about Mirela’s theatrics. The show with the lightning and hail had thrown off my captors long enough for the Guardians to catch them by surprise. It had been just enough of an edge that the fighters had been defeated.

  Yet I wasn’t overconfident. Mirela may have proven that she was a worthy opponent, but the fighters were a formidable enemy—and the army had great numbers of soldiers. Intelligence had confirmed that Silvain’s forces were growing, so it would take smart military strategy to defeat him.

  Nicolai was by my side now, but I wasn’t deluded. Any success was temporary. My love would have to return to the field, behind enemy lines, and put himself at risk again. It made my gut wrench to think of it. I wished to keep him with me and to withdraw to the safety of the castle city.

  But safety was an illusion. Infiltrators had been discovered, with a traitor in my own home, as an employee. That brought home the point that nowhere was safe, and it wouldn’t be until we made it so. It made me feel guilty for distracting my brother.

  Draven had been on his way to the front on an important mission, but had abandoned it for my sake. I was thankful for that, as I had no idea how Nicolai and I would have survived otherwise. The incident had resulted in casualties, plus I’d sustained an injury that might be permanent.

  It was all rather discouraging, despite our momentary win. A stabbing pain in my womb reminded me of my travail. The whip of the enemy might have stolen my chance to have children, the family that Nicolai and I wanted so badly.

  I couldn’t allow myself to think of it now. Nicolai rode by my side and would perceive my thoughts. I wished to keep any worry from him, until I was certain there was an issue. I prayed that I would fully recover, that I could put this incident behind me.

  The pain didn’t seem as bad as it had. That might be a good sign. It was possible that I was needlessly concerned. But until I saw the doctor I wasn’t going to relax about it. I looked over at Nicolai, lost in thought. He had an important message he’d intercepted and was on his way to deliver it to his commander.

  It was good that he was occupied with concerns of his own. Otherwise, he might have picked up my distress, and no longer believed that I was fine. I forced my mind onto other matters, not allowing any negative thoughts.

  Draven and Mirela dropped back to ride with us. His comrades were in front of them. I thought of General Clay and knew he’d be glad of our return. Although he was competent, so I’d had no reservations about leaving him in charge while I ventured out to rescue Nicolai.

  “I trust that message is worth all this effort,” Draven said to Nicolai.

  Nicolai’s expression was serious. “In my judgment, it will be. The enemy will realize that the communication has fallen into the wrong hands, but it will still provide insight into their operations. That type of information is vitally needed.”

  “Once we get back to the castle city, I’ll leave Mirela with my sister, then return to my original mission.” Draven glanced at Mirela as if to make sure that she was safe. “I cannot allow Silvain to continue to wear down our defenses. I intend to thwart his guerilla warfare and discourage him from further attempts.”

  “I agree,” Nicolai said. “We stand a better chance in a confrontation, with the enemy out in the open where we can fight, face to face.”

  “The instant his surviving men return to his palace, Silvain will be alerted to what has transpired,” Draven said. “I intend to be within our fortifications at the castle, before that event.”

  “We must,” Nicolai said. “And I need to deliver this message promptly. It was nearly wrested from my hands once. I can’t allow that to happen again, as I might not be so lucky next time.”

  I spotted Quin, Spence, and Jon riding together, deep in conversation. No doubt they were attending to their duty of keeping our army faction intact until we could return to the protection of the castle walls. Travelling was dangerous, with threats lurking behind every bush.

  Mirela guided her horse beside mine, then smiled. “We should be back soon enough.”

  I understood her message; she was concerned for me. Since she’d witnessed my injury, there was no way to hide it from her. I was confident that she wouldn’t tell Nicolai until I was ready. But she wouldn’t forget that it had happened either.

  “I’ll see to things as soon as I’m able,” I said. It was useless to tell her not to worry, so I didn’t try. “I’m glad you’ll be with me at the castle. I could use the company. And I hate to think of you on the battlefield, even though I know you want to be with Draven.”

  “After all of this, I could use a break.” Mirela smiled. “I believe that Draven will do fine without me, as long as he knows I’m not alone. You and I make a good team, anyway. I think we just proved that when we’re together, we can’t be defeated.”

  “You are ever the optimist.” I smiled, as Mirela had a way of cheering me up.

  Draven motioned for Mirela to join him, so she prodded her horse to move ahead.

  For a while, I rode next to Nicolai. We didn’t say much, as our focus was on getting home. I guarded my thoughts carefully. Telepathy was a good thing, but it made it tricky when I preferred to keep something to myself. I filled my mind with images of the castle city and the warmth of my home.

  I was drawn from pleasant memories when Quin came back to us and said, “We’re changing course, taking a detour.” He motioned toward the hills. “It will take longer to get home, but it’s safer. We don’t want to run into any vampire hunters.”

  I was anxious to return to the castle and safety. The fighters had been enough excitement for one trip. I had no desire to tussle with any annoying hunters. Once I got home, I’d find an opportunity to slip away and see the doctor, to either relieve my concerns—or to face my worst fears.

  The fighting and the injury had been a bit exhausting, but I took care not to show it. Nicolai would worry, and I didn’t want that. He’d feel guilty for what had happened. It couldn’t have been helped, so I made a point to avoid the subject.

  “Spence is scouting ahead, to make sure the way is clear,” Quin said. “He has a couple of soldiers with him.”

  “I’ll be back,” Nicolai said, then went to catch up to Dr

  I rode with a group of soldiers until Mirela dropped back to talk again. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m fine…really.”

  “You’d tell me if you weren’t?”

  I sighed. “Maybe.”

  “That’s what I thought,” Mirela said. She wore her necklace, and the white horse gleamed in the starlight.

  I glanced at the jewelry, reflecting on what a brilliant creation the stallion was.

  Mirela cupped the pendant in one hand. “Selene should have created protection for you too.”

  I shook my head. “It doesn’t work that way.”

  “I disagree,” Mirela said. “You are as important as I am.”

  I didn’t wish to argue the matter, yet I understood why Selene had taken special care with Mirela. There was no opportunity to explain it then. And I doubted that she’d understand anyway. Mirela’s concern for others would prohibit her from accepting her own value—especially over that of another person.

  Then something about Mirela’s expression caught my attention. She held up her hand. “The plants…the animals…I can feel it.”


  “A disturbance.” Mirela frowned. “I don’t like it.”

  I was aware of Mirela’s empathy ability, so her alarm sent a tingle up my spine. In the distance, I saw that Spence had returned from scouting. Then Draven said in a loud voice, “Royals? This far out?”

  Jon was close to Mirela, so he followed her when she trotted toward Draven. I couldn’t believe my ears. Had Alban entered our region? It boggled my mind. Since his soldiers were huge, those vampires were hard to miss.

  My heart raced, and I tried to determine what was happening. Nicolai was still up ahead, talking to Draven. Then the ground shook like a heard of elephants were tramping through the hills. The monster royal soldiers? Black flashed before my eyes, as royal-uniformed troops engulfed our ranks.

  Before I could scream, an arm as strong as a tree trunk swept me from my horse. A royal had snatched me from my mount and was running away with me. I yelled, but there was too much commotion in the group for my call to be heard.

  I doubted that anyone would miss me immediately, so questioned how long I’d survive in the custody of one of Alban’s soldiers. I’d perceived royals as slow, plodding behemoths. But apparently, they could run too. I wished for a weapon, but all of them had been left behind with my horse.

  Over a high hill, behind thick shrubs, the monster pinned me to the ground. No one else was around. I was strong, but he outweighed me many times over. And he was as powerful as an elephant. I could see why it took two or three of our soldiers to take down one royal.

  The soldier straddled me with his hand over my throat. I wasn’t going anywhere soon. I was lucky to be breathing. Then he put his hand on my forehead, and my head buzzed like I’d connected to an electrical current. It was a connection, but to what?

  I didn’t need to wonder for long; Alban came through loud and clear. At first, I was stunned, because the king had managed to force a connection with me through his soldier. Suddenly feeling ill, I closed my eyes. A random thought came to me: how had he known that I wasn’t at the castle?

  The monster had been lurking with his army comrades, waiting for me. That thought sent terror coursing through my veins. I had no defense against such overpowering strength, and it would take some time for the others to realize I was gone then find me—too long, I feared.

  The deep sound of Alban’s voice filled my head. “You think you can shut me out?”

  I refused to reply; he already knew the answer.

  “Any who thinks they can turn away from me will find out differently,” Alban said. “I will not be dismissed.”

  I was curious whom he referred to, but he was quite willing to offer the information. “Nemuri had the gall to lie to me, to foist a false prediction of the future upon me. But I am too smart for her, as I didn’t believe it for a second. She sought to weaken me with her deception, but she will pay the consequences—behind the bars in my prison.”

  Oh, god. Alban had gone as far as to refute the visions of a respected seer, then haul her off to jail. That was a crime. But who was there to make him pay for his misdeeds?

  “And Selene may flaunt her sorcery, but she will yet be mine. That witch will regret her insolence.”

  It didn’t take much imagination to figure out what Selene might have done. She was a feisty one, so would refuse to bend to another’s will—especially a king with evil intent.

  It wasn’t wise to ponder the possibilities right then. I had pressing issues of my own. “What do you want, king?”

  Alban laughed, an evil, bone-chilling sound. “I’m going to tell you, my daughter.”

  I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.

  “It’s your fault,” he said. “All of this upheaval is because of you.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Alban growled, “Oh, don’t you?”

  I struggled to think of what he might be referring to yet came up blank.

  “It was you all along,” Alban said. “You turned Draven against me.”

  The king had finally lost his mind.

  “You were the one…you told him about the prophecy.” Alban was silent for a moment. “That ruined it all. If not for that, my son would have followed in my footsteps.”

  “You’re wrong about that.”

  “You’re in no position to defy me,” Alban said. “You led my son astray, so he sought Mirela, a ridiculous proposition from the start.”

  I was aghast at what he implied.

  “It is all because of you that Draven has taken the wrong path. If you hadn’t turned him against me, we wouldn’t be at war.”

  I could think of no reply.

  “And Mirela is under protection, but I will have her.”

  I stared into the blank eyes of the royal soldier, who was frozen in a trance while Alban continued his rant.

  “You will not stand in my way this time,” Alban said.

  My pulse pounded so hard that it nearly blocked out the sound of his voice. I managed to keep my wits about me. “What do you intend to do?”

  The monster removed his hand from my forehead, then grabbed his sword. He raised it high, swinging it back in preparation for my decapitation. Before blackness engulfed me, the king’s command filled my mind: “Kill my daughter…the penalty for her betrayal.”

  As though in a dream, there was a whoosh through the air, but no blade touched my neck. The royal vampire’s weight lifted from my body, then my eyes flew open. Alert, I leapt to my feet to see Nicolai and two Guardians fighting with him.

  The monster had been molded of sturdy stuff. Weapons of light didn’t seem to affect him, so the whips were useless. His neck was so thick that ripping out his throat was impossible. With a Guardian on each side, Nicolai stood in front and wielded his sword.

  Before he could carve the monster’s head from his body, the Guardians were grabbed then thrust against tree trunks. They slumped to the ground and didn’t move, so Nicolai was left to face the attacker alone. The royal soldier was like an automated robot.

  He appeared unaffected by wounds, and even as blood poured out, he stood strong. His dark eyes had a vacant stare as though he was controlled by an unseen force. Alban was surely aware of what had transpired, as the soldier had been unable to confirm my execution.

  I was shocked, which effectively blocked my demented father from entering my mind. My heart pounded, as I was desperate to aid Nicolai. Yet I froze, unsure what to do.

  The royal stared blankly, then stepped forward. His weakness was that he moved slowly, allowing for the opportunity to attack. Moving swiftly, Nicolai ducked around the plodding monster then leapt onto his back.

  I watched in awe as Nicolai locked his legs around the monster’s waist. The creature reached up, grasping and clawing at his back, unable to dislodge his opponent. In that moment, Nicolai lifted his sword with both hands and
sliced it through the air.

  The razor-sharp blade hacked into the royal’s neck, and blood spewed. But the cords of his neck were so thick that the sword didn’t cut all the way through. The sword had sliced partway with the tip sticking out toward me in a bizarre image.

  Quickly, I grabbed the heaviest rock I could find, then began bludgeoning the royal’s arms and legs. It was an attempt to distract him from flinging Nicolai off his back. While the creature fought against the blows from the rock, Nicolai gripped his sword.

  With a loud grunt, Nicolai sliced the blade, all the way through the royal’s neck. The huge head plummeted to the ground and rolled away. Blood flowed like a geyser, so I stepped away. Nicolai leapt from his back as the monster dropped to the ground.

  Covered in blood and breathing hard, Nicolai looked at me. “Son of a bitch.”

  I raced over and threw my arms around him. “He was a monster! I was afraid he was going to kill you.”

  My pulse raced, and I could scarcely breathe. Then Nicolai’s chest shook, and I realized he was laughing. He pulled back, then lifted me up. “Kill me?” He laughed again. “That monster had been armed with a homing device, some kind of force that drew him to you.”

  Then Nicolai’s expression turned serious. “That monster had one mission…and that was to kill you.”

  Draven, Mirela, and two Guardians burst into view. I was relieved to see that they’d won out over the royal attackers. After taking in the scene, Draven said, “What in the hell happened?”

  Nicolai put his arm around my waist, and I was glad for it, as I didn’t think I could stand on my own. “There was a reason that band of royals searched us out. The skirmish was meant as a distraction, so this mutant could murder Calina.”

  Draven stared at us. “What?”

  “It’s true,” I said, then relayed the details. Horrified, I delivered the punch line: “The king has no shred of morality left.” I took a breath, and the impact of the event sank in. “My own father blames me…and he intends to kill me.”


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