Aunt Judith: The Story of a Loving Life

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Aunt Judith: The Story of a Loving Life Page 9

by L. Frank Baum



  It was the evening of the party. The bustle and confusion which hadreigned throughout the day were now over, and the whole house blazedwith light; while the hall-door, standing hospitably open, seemed tooffer a gracious welcome to the approaching guests.

  "How do I look, Win?" inquired Dick of his sister as they stoodtogether in the large drawing-room a little apart from the othermembers of the family. "This get-up is awful," and the boy looked downwith a gesture of disgust on his elegant evening suit.

  "You'll do beautifully," pronounced Win, pirouetting in front of him, ablithe little fairy, with soft cloudy dress of glistening fabric."Don't look so fierce, dear boy, however, or you will frighten all theyoung ladies from your side."

  Dick struggled into his gloves. "Much I care so far as that goes," hegrumbled. "What I wish to know is, why one needs all this war-paintand tomfoolery. Can a fellow not be allowed to enjoy himself withoutdressing up a perfect guy? I feel every seam in my coat splitting, andI tell you there will be a tremendous explosion soon. Just listen!"and bending forward, the boy proved the truth of his words as anominous crack sounded, and Winnie's dismayed eye caught the glimpse ofa tiny hole in one of the back seams.

  "Be careful," she cried in an awestricken voice; "there is a split, andyou'll make it worse if you wriggle about so. Be a good boy, Dickie,and try to prove agreeable to every one."

  Saying this, Winnie treated her brother to a charming smile, and thentripped forward as the first bevy of guests were ushered into the room.

  Dick made a grimace, twisted his neck, and vehemently denounced highcollars and white ties as being decided nuisances; then remembering hissister's parting injunction, he attempted to call up an angelic smileto his face, and to make his most polite bow on every necessaryoccasion.

  The room began gradually to fill. One after another carriages came andwent, depositing their happy burdens of laughing boys and girls beforethe great hall-door, near which some little ragged children werestanding, gazing on the fairy figures and joyous faces, and wondering,as the wind fluttered their tattered rags, why the world was sounequally divided--why some should have so much of the good things ofthis life, and others apparently so little. Poor, weary, achinghearts, on whom the burden and heat of the day had already fallen, theyknew not as they watched the carriages come and go, and peeped into thewarm hall all ablaze with light, how assuredly "compensation is twinedwith the lot of high and low," and that the loving eye of the AlmightyFather was regarding them with the same tender care he bestowed ontheir happier brothers and sisters. They only realized, as the doorclosed at last with a loud clang, and they turned away to theirmiserable homes, that within that large house there were warmth, light,and gladness, and that they were shut out from them all. The calmhushed sky had for them no lessons of faith and peaceful waiting; thebright stars no tale of an Eye that neither slumbers nor sleeps. Theyonly knew it was cold, cold, and that life had for them no brightness.So the little naked figures crept shivering away; and the happy boysand girls gathered together in the beautiful holly-decked drawing-roomnever thought of the dark places of the earth, where the sunshinerarely penetrates, and young hearts know not what it is to laugh theglad joyous laugh of happy childhood.

  Dick, who had gathered five of his special friends around him, wasevidently holding a consultation in which he himself played the mostprominent part. The subject under consideration was that of showingspecial attention throughout the entire evening to Nellie Latimer, andof completely ignoring Ada Irvine's presence.

  "Now, comrades," concluded the young orator, as a loud burst of musicwarned him that the night's entertainment was about to commence, "Ipresume you thoroughly understand me. Not a single hop, remember, withMiss Irvine, and any amount of polkas and waltzes with Miss Latimer.The former is one of your stuck-up young ladies, who grow old beforetheir time; the latter, a tip-top girl like Win. I have told you whatI know concerning both of them; go ahead and prosper, brethren, with myhumble blessing following you." Dick, as he spoke, changed the tragicattitude he had struck, and assumed one of staid demeanour, whichcontrasted comically with his shock of fiery hair, now standing all onend, as people say, and laughter lurking in his eyes.

  The boys, however, entered heartily into the spirit of his scheme, andreplied, "You are our leader. Forward then; light the first match, andwe will follow the train,"--whereat they all shook hands and indulgedin a low chuckle of glee.

  At that moment a pretty, gloved hand touched Dick's arm, and EdithBlake's clear, flute-like voice said, "We are forming sets for thelancers, Dick, and you must dance. Mamma requests you to choose MissIrvine for your partner, so please go and ask her at once."

  The boy's eyes flashed mischievously. "You bet I shall," he repliedwith alacrity; and crossing the room, he stood before Nellie, saying inhis most genial tones, "May I have the pleasure, Miss Latimer?"

  The young girl looked up with a happy smile. "Certainly," she said,rising and slipping her hand within his arm; "the music is splendid,and I am so fond of dancing."

  "That's right," answered Dick, leading her into the centre of the room,and vastly enjoying the indignant glances of his step-mother and Edith."I like a hop myself at times, so I guess we'll get on welltogether.--Now then, gentlemen, bow to your partners;" and as heconcluded, the wild boy swept Nellie the most profound bow, and startedoff through the first figure with more energy than grace.

  His friends, true to their promise, had all chosen partners, the setswere formed, the music floating through the room, and still Ada Irvineremained in her seat, fair, sweet, and smiling to the outward view, butwith a world of angry passion surging in her heart. As she satwatching the merry boys and girls winding joyously through the mazydance, Mrs. Blake came forward, and, sitting down by her side,proceeded to question her about her parents and their movements abroad;and Ada answered each query in a pretty, graceful manner infinitelycharming. Then school and school-life were touched upon. Had MissIrvine many friends in town? Did she not often feel very lonely? andwhy could she never come and spend an afternoon with Winnie? These andother questions being asked, the first drop of poison was instilledwith the skill and caution of an adept hand.

  "Winnie and she had been very good friends once, before NellieLatimer's appearance on the scene, but since then a misunderstandinghad arisen and the friendship had been broken up. Was Miss Latimer anamiable girl? Winnie seemed very much attached to her. Ada wouldrather not commit herself, but certainly Nellie's position was not suchas to justify her in being Winnie's chosen friend. Her family werepoor, very poor indeed; her aunts eccentric, winning their own bread,doing their own work, and living in a common locality."

  All this, however, was told with much reluctance (at least apparentlyso) and the earnest endeavour to tone down disagreeable parts. Mrs.Blake was charmed, and wondered how Winnie could prefer a fresh,countrified-looking girl to the sweet, amiable creature Miss Irvineappeared to be. As she sat pondering over these things in her heart,Ada's low voice broke again on her ear.

  "Mrs. Blake," she pleaded, "kindly do not betray my confidence. Inever meant to tell you anything about myself, and Winnie would hate mewere she to discover that I had prejudiced you against her friend;indeed I am very sorry I spoke."

  A true, noble woman would have scorned to condemn any one on account oflowly origin and humble rank in life; but Mrs. Blake was a woman of theworld--proud, arrogant, and haughty. She took little interest in heryounger step-children; they were allowed to live pretty much their ownlives and follow their own desires; but still there were some thingsthat must be checked, and this friendship with a low-born girl was oneof them.

  Turning to her young guest with a swift, bright smile, she repliedsweetly, "Do not apologize, my dear; I am only too glad to havereceived your information in time. I had no idea Miss Latimer'sfriends were in the position you speak of. Had that been the case,certainly she would not have been here to-night
. Winnie is allowed nosmall amount of liberty, but close companionship with a girl so muchher inferior will not be countenanced for a moment. You need not fear,however, my betraying your confidence; and I trust soon to see you andmy wilful little step-daughter fast friends once more."

  As she spoke Mrs. Blake rose and moved gracefully away, leaving Adawith a bevy of laughing girls, who came flocking towards her as themusic ceased.

  "Did you enjoy our dance, Nellie?" inquired Dick, wiping his warmforehead and glancing with ludicrous dismay at the rents in his oncespotless gloves. "I thought it all tip-top."

  "Splendid," replied Nellie decidedly; "and you really managed to getthrough the figures wonderfully well."

  The boy's amazed countenance was amusing.

  "I managed to get through the figures wonderfully well!" he reiteratedin astonishment. "Why, Nellie, I am an accomplished dancer" (with mocksolemnity), "and have been so since the days when I was a little thing.You should see me at the Highland fling and sword-dance. My eye! I goat them well," and Dick's legs began to shuffle about as if theydesired to commence the performance.

  Nellie laughed. "Forgive me," she said pleasantly. "I did not meanany disparagement; only boys, as a rule, do not care about dancing, andyou seemed somehow to enjoy it all so thoroughly."

  "That I did" (with emphasis), "but--hallo, Archie! is it really you?"as a boy passed his side at that moment. "Allow me to introduce you toMiss Latimer.--Here, Nellie, is the very partner for you; he will danceyou off your feet in a few minutes," and Dick, hurrying away, left thetwo young people regarding each other with looks of rather comicaldismay.

  After that, the evening fled by all too quickly for Nellie, to whomevery moment was fraught with the purest pleasure. Dick saw she had nolack of partners, and constituted himself her guardian for the night,greatly to Mrs. Blake's annoyance and Winnie's satisfaction. Theformer could find no means of laying any more commands on him, for theboy mischievously eluded her every attempt to cross his path, andfailed most provokingly to catch her eye when a convenient seasonpresented itself for so doing. Nellie, with true appreciation of hiskindness, thanked him warmly in her innocent heart, and thought she hadnever spent such a pleasant evening. There was never a cloud to darkenher enjoyment or dim the brightness of her happy face. Mrs. Blake'sstudied avoidance passed by unnoticed, as also the haughty looks ofWinnie's elder sisters; and even Ada Irvine's calm, contemptuous facefailed to ruffle her joyous spirit.

  Long years afterwards she liked to look back on that evening ofthorough, uninterrupted enjoyment, when she could say in all sincerityand truth, "I was happy;" when she danced with what seemed to be wingedfeet, and the smile of gladness was ever on her lips. Closing her eyessoftly, she could see it all again--the large holly-deckeddrawing-room, with its blazing lights and bevy of merry boys and girls;Winnie's little figure flitting here and there--her flushed cheeks andgreat starry eyes; Dick's honest freckled face and kindly smile; andthe beautiful, stately hostess, who moved in the midst of them all withthe dignity of a queen.

  The Christmas tree was a great success, the presents being pretty andappropriate. Winnie smiled her delight over a dainty long-wished-forwork-box; Dick chuckled at the splendid pair of skates now in hispossession; Ada looked gratified when a lovely fan was handed down toher; and Nellie was speechless over a pretty morocco purse.

  "It has been all so splendid, Winnie dear," she whispered whengood-nights were being exchanged; "just like fairyland. I have enjoyedmyself wonderfully. And now be sure and come soon to Dingle Cottage;you will have plenty of time during the holidays, and Aunt Judith iswearying to see you."

  "I'll be only too glad, Nell," replied her friend, kissing her warmly;"but I must get mamma's permission first.--Dick, see Nellie safely intothe cab." Then the carriage rolled away, and the wonderful Christmasparty was over.

  "I think," said Winnie, coming into the large diningroom after the lastguest had departed, and finding her brother (alas that I should have toconfess it!) prowling round the table and surreptitiously pocketingsomething from every tempting dish he saw thereon, "we have had abeautiful night, and I am sure the party has been a decided success."

  "So far as the food is concerned it has," answered the boy, regardingthe good things heaped before him with a loving eye. "I say, Win, dolet us have a tuck in at this souffle here; we shall never see it afterto-night, and it is such prime stuff."

  Winnie laughed. "You'll require to hurry then, Dick," she replied;"the servants will be here in a few minutes." So the two younggourmands sat down and commenced a second supper ere the lights wereput out and the mandate issued--"Go to bed."

  For a few seconds nothing was said, both being too busily engaged withthe contents of their plates to join in any conversation; but at lastDick poised his spoon in the air and commenced in a serio-comic tone,--

  "I guess we shall have to pay for our evil deeds this evening. I sawthe storm-warning hoisted on our step-mother's face all night, so lookout for squalls."

  "Whatever do you mean?" inquired Winnie, glancing up from her platewith an innocent look. "I do not understand you, my dear boy."

  "Oh, do you not?" replied the dear boy, mimicking her tones, andtwisting his amiable countenance into an altogether indescribableexpression. "Do you imagine your conduct towards the lovely Ada wasnot observed and commented upon by our mother and stuck-up sisters? Ifso, pray rid yourself at once of such a delusion, for I tell you, Win,there's a storm looming in the distance for you and for me."

  Winnie pouted.

  "So be it!" she cried defiantly; "I don't care. I am no hypocrite,Dick, and must act as I feel. I did not wish Ada to come to our party.I hate her with my whole heart, and I believe in just letting her seesuch is the case."

  Dick ran his hand through his shock of hair, and opened his eyes aswidely as he possibly could. "My word, we're waxing eloquent," heobserved approvingly. "Go it, little sister; you're doing first-rate;"and he helped himself liberally to another supply of souffle as hespoke.

  "What a tease you are!" said Winnie, pushing aside her plate with agesture of petulance; "you know I am in earnest, not in fun."

  "True, my queen" (with a mock bow), "therefore I shall no longerdescend to vulgar jesting. But seriously, Win, I tell you frankly themother is awfully angry at us. You did not study her face, perhaps,but I watched closely, and saw a regular thunder-cloud on her brow allnight. How could it be otherwise, when she noticed your steadyavoidance of her favourite and my open rudeness?"

  "I enjoyed your open rudeness vastly, Dick," interrupted the girl, witha twinkle sparkling in her eye and a mischievous smile on her lip. "Icould have hugged you every time you danced with Nellie, and when I sawyou trooping your boys up to her. Why, she was quite a belle amongstyou all."

  "Yes; I flatter myself we trotted her out very well, and the fellowsall agree she is good fun. But oh, what a dodging I had to manage mypoint! Every few minutes I descried the mother bearing down upon me,and was obliged to skeedaddle." Dick's language never was remarkablefor elegance.

  "Well, I am not the least wee bit sorry for my behaviour," said Winnie,rising as she heard the sound of approaching footsteps; "and if I am toget a scolding I must just get it. You'll be able to console me whenit is over, will you not? Meantime I intend to forget it all in sleep,so--good-night, Dick;" and the little fairy, in her soft, airygarments, waved him a tiny kiss as she vanished from the room andhurried to her own pretty apartment.

  Dick, with his well-filled pockets, retired also; the servantsentering, closed the shutters and put out the lights; the feeble fireflickered for a little, then died slowly, and deep, unbroken slumbersettled over all.

  Meanwhile, outside in the quiet night the snow was falling softly,silently--wrapping the sleeping earth in a pure, unsulliedwinding-sheet, and covering the church steeples with its featheryflakes. Hush! hush! how silently, yet how quickly, the snow showersfell. Slowly the hours passed by. Morning stealing in swept back theclouds of n
ight and darkness, and the sun, peeping through with hiswarm, genial ray, shone down with a light which grew brighter andbrighter as the world wakened up and the merry Christmas bells senttheir happy chimes pealing through the frosty air.


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