Cowboy Dreamin'

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Cowboy Dreamin' Page 4

by Starla Kaye

  Another glance at the men and her heart fluttered. Madame Evangeline had more than fulfilled her promise. Still, Kendra had doubts about meeting them in person. What if they opened their mouths and came off as complete jerks? What if she said something stupid? This whole thing could go seriously wrong.

  “Concentrate,” Alexis hissed at her, her smile a bit stiff. Then she followed Kendra’s gaze and gasped. “Oh. My. God! They’re gorgeous.”

  The drumbeat picked up they went into a hip-swishing turn. “What am I going to do?” Fleeing barefoot in her pink skirt seemed like a good idea. Just call me chicken.

  Alexis narrowed her eyes. “You’re going to meet them, like you agreed to do. Even if I have to drag you in front of them.”

  Kendra didn’t want to turn around again. She remained with her back to the crowd, adding a few extra shimmies and spontaneous arm movements. Until she thought about just how big the skirt made her butt appear. Her face heated. Oh jeez.

  She danced to face the audience once more but kept her gaze diverted. Her friends cast puzzled glances her way. They’d done these dances hundreds of times. She’d never lost track of her footwork, never given the audience a poor performance. But she’d made a mess of it. The day she had two men in the crowd because of her.

  She danced right into Mary and mumbled an apology. Then she inched farther away and tried to ignore the cowboys that her instincts were telling her watched her every move. Impossible. All she could concentrate on was the cowboys: one hunk in a black Stetson and the other in a straw hat.

  Somehow she made it through two numbers demonstrating different styles of Tahitian dance movements. She knew that her particular actions were not quite the same as the other girls’. She couldn’t keep her focus and lost track of the beat. When the final song ended, she wanted to cry in happiness. Now she could disappear into the dressing room, and then….

  Alexis nudged her to give a bow to the audience, whispering, “Don’t even think about it.”

  As they turned to head for the room inside the fake cave, Kendra glowered at her friend. “This whole arrangement is silly. We’re all paying a ridiculous amount of money to spend less than twenty-four hours together. I could have put it to better use. I’ll bet they could have as well.”

  “Tyler paid for your part of the deal.” Alexis pushed her into the dressing room. “He’ll do it again and again if he needs to. He’s determined—”

  Kendra pulled Alexis with her out of the way so that Mary and Sue could walk by them. “It’s sweet of him, really.” Frustration inched through her. “But I can find a man on my own. When I have time for romance and a relationship.”

  Alexis rolled her eyes. “As if you will ever take time for it.”

  Her friend had a point; she’d shoved having any kind of romantic relationship way to the bottom of her To Do List. It made sense because of all her commitments. But she’d grown tired of finding personal pleasure with her growing collection of toys. They weren’t the same as having a nice, thick, pulsing man’s cock sliding inside her. Not as enjoyable as going skin-to-skin, running her hands all over….

  She sighed and slumped her shoulders in defeat. She didn’t want to go home and decide which toy to use tonight to ease her pent-up sexual need fired up by these cowboys. Not that she would be having sex with them . That would be kinky, interesting, but out of her skill set. Still, maybe, by spending time with them, they could give her new fantasies to dream about.

  “Okay, I’ll meet them.” Quivers of anticipation went through her. They were only supposed to meet, eat together, and get to know each other a little. Beyond that what happened was up to them.

  Five minutes later she strode around the stage area and across the small bridge to poolside and straight to the pair of cowboys. Everyone else in the audience had left. She’d half-hoped they would have changed their minds and gone away. Yet with each step closer, her excitement grew. God, they were handsome studs! And she could almost feel the testosterone oozing from them as they focused on her.

  She stopped in front of their table, trying not to drool, praying she could control her sudden urge to jerk the shaggy-haired blond to his feet and kiss the devil out of him. To be fair, she’d have to do the same with the dark headed man with the sinfully delicious five o’clock shadow.

  “Are you okay?” Hunky blond asked, expression pinched in concern.

  Her face heated. How embarrassing! She studied her turquoise-painted toenails. “Sorry. I guess I’m a little uncomfortable with this arrangement.” Then she looked up, realizing she had been assuming they were her dates. “You are Shane Carter and Carson Donnely, right?”

  Chapter Five

  Carson gave a nod, studying the gorgeous but nervous woman. He missed the grass skirt and coconut shell bra. But he liked the multi-colored, gauzy dress with its low-cut top that revealed a great deal of cleavage. He stood and put his hand out. “Carson Donnely. I’m pleased to meet you, ma’am.”

  Her eyes sparkled and she gave a small smile. She put her small hand in his, giving him a decent handshake for such a bit of a female.

  “Ma’am, so polite. You’re definitely not from around here.”

  “Kansas.” He grinned and released her. “I’m assuming you’re Kendra Barlow.”

  “Yes.” She nodded then focused on Shane, who slowly got to his feet.

  He touched her hair. “Why purple?” He fingered it a second before dropping his hand and giving a crooked grin. “Too blunt, huh?”

  Carson also had the urge to run his fingers through that mass of curly, odd-colored hair. What would her rosy lips would feel like, taste like? Controlling himself, he waited for her response.

  Her smile reached her remarkable eyes. “I’m okay with blunt. I tend to speak my mind, too much sometimes.” She pushed the long strands over her shoulder. “I needed a change. I’m still getting used to it myself.”

  “Well, I like it.” Shane glanced at Carson, frowned, and said, “How about we move this getting to know one another to someplace more private?”

  Kendra’s breath hitched. She was definitely attracted to these cowboys, considering her clit twitched in eager anticipation. Her libido had gone without male attention far too long because she wanted to all but throw herself at them…each of them separately…or together.

  “Are you okay?” Carson asked, his ruggedly handsome face etched with concern.

  She blinked and shot him a smile. “Yes, yes, I’m great.” To excuse her lack of an immediate response, she added, “It’s just been a long day.”

  Shane inched closer and she drew in the hint of a spicy scent. Aftershave? Soap? There went those crazy spasms again.

  “Maybe this isn’t a good idea.” Shane’s expression tightened. He glanced away for a second.

  All right, going off somewhere alone with them worried her—although he might have meant going to the resort restaurant—but she wasn’t ready to call this date or whatever it was done with already. It bothered her he seemed anxious to stop this before it even started.

  “I admit to being less than my best at the moment.” A huge understatement. “I worked at my shop this morning, finished one of my consigned sculptures, and just did a dance show,” she babbled.

  She shifted her gaze from the hesitant blue-eyed blond to the dark-haired man with beard stubble. Jeez, she wanted to touch that stubble. Five o’clock shadows always made her insides quiver with longing. “All I need is a big fruity drink and to get off my feet for a while.”

  “I believe we can manage both of those things,” Carson’s eyes hinted at heat, desire, an earthy need. “I could use another drink as well.” His grin tipped up one corner of his mouth. “Nothing fruity, though. More like another beer.”


  Shane needed some air and a few minutes alone. He didn’t like being cooped up inside for too long under any circumstances. Carson didn’t get fidgety like he did. Kendra didn’t appear to have issues either. He didn’t want to spoil the evening,
which had gone better than he’d expected, but he couldn’t stay here in their condo another minute.

  Kendra sat with her legs curled under her on the sofa. Her magic captured him all over again. So delicate and feminine. So tempting. He couldn’t figure out why she needed a matchmaker. Were the men on this island blind or stupid?

  She didn’t seem to be aware of him studying her. She finished off another of the wine coolers they’d bought in the resort’s store along with a six-pack of beer. Setting the bottle on the end table beside her, she ran the tip of her tongue over her kissable-looking lips.

  Damn. She was sinfully sexy without even trying. His jeans grew tighter, making him ache. He couldn’t remember being so attracted to any other woman, especially in such a short time. It worried him. He needed to get out of here.

  Still, he took another second to study the little purple-haired beauty. At first meeting, he’d gaped at her, all but drooled like a randy dog panting after a bitch in heat from the second he’d seen her dancing. Even now he remembered watching those slender hips swishing from side to side, teasing any man with breath in his body. He’d been entranced by the bounce of those plump breasts bound by the coconut shells. Barely covered by the low-cut top, her breasts still held his attention

  He frowned at his reactions to her and shifted to ease the pressure of his throbbing cock against the thick denim. Leave. Stop standing here like a lust-crazed idiot.

  “Alexis…” Her soft voice kept him from moving. He didn’t catch a word of what she said, instead the spark of enthusiasm in her blue eyes fascinated him. Then she used a delicate hand to push some long, wavy hair over a shoulder.

  She laughed, light and airy, and the sound settled warm around him. She was comfortable with them. She’d been nervous—like he’d been, no doubt Carson, too—when they’d gone to eat in the resort restaurant several hours ago. But after a couple of those fruity alcoholic drinks she’d wanted and the beers he and Carson had imbibed, they’d all relaxed. She appeared that way now, as did Carson, sitting at the other end of the sofa, smiling and listening to her.

  Shane didn’t know how he felt. Less cautious, yes. Less against this crazy match-made arrangement. But not as at ease as Carson, staying more on the outside, uncertain of what he should do or say. He’d been polite, responded when spoken to, but he hadn’t added much on his own. She probably would be glad to spend time alone with Carson. The notion saddened him, but he accepted it. Carson deserved to have a good woman in his life, even for this brief moment in time. Maybe they could keep in touch. Who knew?

  Standing, he caught Carson’s concerned frown. “I’m going out on the patio for a while.”

  Kendra shifted her puzzled gaze to him. “I’m driving you away with all my chattering, aren’t I?” She blushed. “I’m so sorry. You should have told me to shut up.”

  “It’s not that,” he protested. “I just….” He shrugged, not knowing how to explain.

  “He gets antsy.” Carson nodding in understanding. “He’ll go pull in some fresh air, calm down, and be back before long.”

  Her brow furrowed. “Maybe it’s time I went back to my place.”

  “No!” Shane snapped. “I mean we’re enjoying your company, darlin’. It’s just like Carson said. I get fidgety after a spell.”

  She worried her lower lip. He fought back the urge to kiss her. To hold her in his arms and…. Hell, he needed to get out of here. He had to get a handle on his reactions. He wanted her with every fiber of his frustrated being. He didn’t want to desire her. He’d intended to fulfill his side of the agreement to meet with Kendra, but he hadn’t wanted anything to happen—unless it was between her and Carson.

  Even as he thought that, the idea made him uneasy, not jealous …just uncomfortable.

  “Shane?” Kendra asked, sounding worried.

  “He’ll be okay.” Again Carson came to his rescue. “You go on outside, buddy. I’m going to tell Kendra about our ranch, see what the sweet Hawaiian thinks about our Kansas spread.”

  Shane nodded and headed for the sliding door. That ought to bore her to tears. His hand touched the handle when she caught him off guard saying, “I’m not Hawaiian. I’m actually a misplaced Kansas Citian.”

  “No shit?” Carson said. “Forgive my crudity. I’m around too many cowboys and not enough ladies.”

  She took a second before responding. “You’re the first real cowboys I’ve been close to.” She lowered her voice to a near whisper. “I’ve dreamed about cowboys for years, fantasized about you.”

  “Fantasized about us?” Carson sounded confused and intrigued.

  Shane bristled, her admission jabbing at old wounds. He’d tried to avoid women interested in him as a cowboy, not for the man he was beyond that. But then he’d known about her interest in cowboys, hadn’t he? Madame Evangeline had mentioned it. For Carson’s sake, he’d tried not to think any more about that, because his partner had been so damn anxious to do this…this, whatever the hell it was. Date? One-night stand affair? Whatever!

  “Might as well be a damn rodeo bunny!” he grumbled. One of the silly young women who chased after him at the rodeos. They giggled and flirted and would do anything to bed him. They used him. He used them back.

  Disappointment tearing through him, he snapped, “Maybe it is time you went home.”

  He jerked open the sliding door to storm outside, stopped to glower back at her, then felt like shit at her crushed expression.

  Kendra drew in a startled breath. What had she said to make Shane react with such sharpness? Did it matter? His furious glower alone stabbed at her. “Yes.” She shifted her legs to the floor. She didn’t need this; they didn’t need this. “Yes, I’d better go.”

  Carson leaned closer, putting a hand on her leg. “Don’t listen to him. He’s a damn fool at times.”

  Shane stood in the doorway, rigid, jaw tight. Yet the sudden anger had faded a bit from his eyes.

  “I don’t know.” She had started being comfortable with them, as if she’d known the two men for a long time. They’d talked about a lot of things…or she had done most of the talking. But Carson had joined in and they’d laughed together. She liked being with him and appreciated what a fine body he had. Serious eye candy.

  In truth, Shane had added very little to the conversations. Why? What kept him so distant? Even though he’d sort of attacked her, she wanted to soothe him. Something had hurt the big cowboy, someone. A rodeo bunny? A person didn’t get so hostile unless they were defending someone or themselves. Still, he shouldn’t have growled at her.

  Carson broke into her thoughts. “Shane’s got this chip on his shoulder about women who chase after rodeo cowboys. He’s had more than a few real bad experiences.”

  Her heart softening, she glanced at Shane to see his face hardening again, eyes narrowed. This could be a touchy situation, but she decided standing her ground might be better than either giving in to his demand for her to leave or showing pity.

  “I don’t chase after any man.”

  She brushed Carson’s hand away, stood, and marched to the patio doorway. Steeling herself against Shane’s stiffness and his sour attitude, she looked straight at him, “Especially not after rodeo cowboys.”

  He raised a mocking eyebrow. “You just admitted to dreaming about cowboys.” He held her gaze. “And your info with Madame Evangeline said….” He let the rest of the thought fade away. That stupid application Alexis filled out on my behalf! She balled her hands on her hips and went up on her toes to look him straight in the eye. “So what if I have fantasies! So what if they include a cowboy doing some seriously wicked things to me!” She flushed, slapped a hand over her mouth, and dropped to her normal height. “I can’t believe I told you that.” She lowered her gaze to her feet. Oh, God!

  “Wicked things?” Shane croaked.

  Please just let me disappear in a puff of smoke. Please, please, please.

  “Kendra?” Carson sounded worried.

  She took a step ba
ck and quietly sobbed. Crying? Exhaustion had gotten to her. Her emotions were all over the place. What an impression she was making! She’d never been so embarrassed in her life. These two men pushed all of her buttons, sexy beyond anything she could resist. They were sweet, patient, encouraging—okay, that defined Carson. But Shane…he was needy. That’s all she could come up with. Her woman’s intuition told her he needed, what she didn’t know. He just seemed so alone, so wary. She hurt for him.

  “Kendra,” Carson prodded again, getting off the sofa and walking closer.

  “I should go,” she mumbled, “before I embarrass myself even more.” Yet she couldn’t seem to move. She felt the heat of Shane’s large body standing so close, drew in his very male scent. A wake-up call to her already aware body.

  Neither man spoke. Awkward silence stretched. “I knew this arrangement thing was a stupid idea,” she whispered, still not moving, still hanging her head. “I’m never even thinking about dating again. It never works out. I’ll live the rest of my life as a spinster. I’ll buy more sex toys, read more erotica.”

  Shane’s breath hitched, his booted feet stepped toe-to-toe with her sandals. She froze, sniffed back the foolish tears, and waited, pulse racing.

  His big hands went to her shoulders and he pulled her against him, so warm, so strong and sturdy. He hugged her with unexpected gentleness. She buried her face in his chambray shirt, memorizing his scent—all man, with a hint of spice.

  “Ah, darlin’,” he said in a low, soothing tone, patting her back. “I’m so gawdawful sorry.”

  His heart thumped beneath her ear. Instead of moving out of his hold, she cuddled closer. She froze at the hard evidence of his attraction to her. The long, thick evidence.

  Her body responded. Her nether lips twitched in anticipation and her clit joined the dance of excitement as well. Could he tell? Her situation was difficult enough.


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