Ride: Hearts Wild Series

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Ride: Hearts Wild Series Page 10

by Allison Gatta

"Thanks." He thumped the paper, and she waved again.

  "Keep reading."

  Secondly, I'm sorry that I spurned your friendship when you offered it to me, and in that same token, I'm sorry I didn't realize what a gift that was.

  Thirdly, I can't say I'm sorry for asking you on this trip with me. These past few days with you have been some of the craziest, most wonderful, amazing days of my life. It was an honor to get to know you and to realize the depth of character you have. I can never be sorry, even if I asked you to come with me for all the wrong reasons, because this one trip was what made me realize you were right. You are so right. Passionate love exists, and it's worth fighting for.

  Which is why I'm sorry I didn't fight for you. From now on, though, I will. I'll never leave, or assume, or do any of that other headstrong shit I do—not when it comes to you. Because I love you—passionately and deeply. I love your family and your house. I love how much all of it means to you. And I love that you call me on my bullshit. So thank you, and I'm sorry I didn't say all of this sooner.


  He glanced up from the paper to look at her.

  "It might be stupid," she murmured. "I mean, it occurred to me that it might be stupid, but I kept thinking of that letter your father wrote for your mother, and then I thought—"

  He couldn't hold back anymore. He swept across the room and caught her up, kissing her deeply and passionately until he felt her breath quicken at his touch.

  "You're amazing," he said then kissed her again, coaxing her tongue out to meet his so that they could twist and tangle together.

  "Does this mean you forgive me?" she whispered.

  "There's nothing to forgive. All I need you to do is forgive me for not being honest with you. I love you, and I should have given you the chance to hear me out about what happened instead of assuming how you’d react."

  "I didn't deserve it." She shook her head. "You were right. I would have done exactly what you said."

  "Does any of that matter now?" he asked.

  She shook her head, and then he pulled her closer, feeling the fullness of her body flush against him as he leaned down for yet another kiss.

  This woman, this whirlwind—this was what it had all been leading to. Not to Quinn, but to this. This one moment of pure, unadulterated joy.

  And the best part was he knew it would never, ever end. Not so long as she stayed right here, in his arms.


  Two Years Later

  "Where is everyone?" Zoe huffed out a sigh, and Ian rolled his eyes before grabbing her shoulders and leading her to the couch for what felt like the millionth time that day.

  He didn't understand, though. Today was important.

  Obviously not the most important milestone, but important nonetheless.

  "You know what the doctor said about stress." He laid a hand on her stomach, and this time it was her turn to roll her eyes.

  "The party is supposed to start in fifteen minutes."

  "I thought this wasn't a party? I recall someone who may or may not have been my wife saying it wasn't, in fact, a party but a small get-together of loved ones."

  "That person was an idiot, then." She chewed on her bottom lip. "Ok, I picked up the cake this morning—"

  "Which is the most important part. Now, for the love of God, woman, sit." Ian guided her back to her chair.

  Just as she sat, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." She bolted up, but Ian glared over at her.

  "Not on your life. Sit."

  Frowning, she did as he asked.

  Even after all this time, she couldn't understand how he managed to keep so calm. On their wedding day, his hands hadn't even been clammy. She'd been so stressed out that she'd run a fever for the full two days beforehand. That, she supposed, was just the best thing about Ian.

  He was patient.

  Ian opened the door and grinned as a woman nearly as pregnant as herself glided through the door.

  "Quinn." Zoe breathed a sigh of relief. "You're here."

  "Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world." She rubbed her own tummy, and their aunt Janice ambled in after her, her arms laden with gifts.

  "I thought we said no presents," Ian reminded her, and Janice rolled her eyes.

  "I'm not allowed to bring a gift for my niece and nephew when I want to?"

  Zoe grinned at her. "You don't know what to get yet. We don't have a registry."

  "Well, we live in a gender fluid culture. I don't think a little girl would mind wearing blue or a little boy would mind wearing pink."

  Zoe raised her eyebrows.

  "Except everything I got is green or yellow." Janice winked, and Zoe let out a little sigh of relief.

  She would have used the present regardless, and of course, Janice was right. But what if she had one of those babies whose gender was impossible to tell by sight, and then had to spend a whole two or three years correcting people, saying, "Oh no, that's my little boy, not my little girl."

  Oh God… what if it was a boy?

  What if it was a girl?

  Her heart leaped into her throat, and she rested her hand on her stomach just as Ian's mom and dad stepped into the foyer.

  "Hello, hello." Charlene rushed over to kiss Zoe on the cheek before moving to greet her son, and Daniel gestured to the gift bags on his arm. "Don't tell Ian, but we brought gifts."

  Ian sighed. "Does nobody listen?"

  "Nope." Quinn laughed. "But my present is upstairs."

  Zoe frowned. "What do you mean?"

  "Is everyone here?" Quinn asked, and Zoe nodded.

  "Let's head on up, then."

  They climbed the stairs, and Zoe grinned at her new home. She might never get used to the house—or the idea that she would be raising her family in a place so lovely and warm—but the thing she couldn't get over most was exactly how much work Ian had put into it to make sure it was perfect for their family.

  For months, he'd worked tirelessly to ensure it was ready for them to move in, and then, two months after their honeymoon, they discovered they'd have a new room to renovate, complete with either pink or blue pastel wallpaper.

  And today was the day they'd find out which.

  Quinn led them to the door of the nursery then stopped. "I need Ian and Zoe front and center."

  Ian appeared at Zoe’s side then held her hand in his, dropping a kiss on the back of her hand.

  "Now, I know you guys got a cake to find out which gender the baby is, but I thought I'd do you one better. Ready?"

  Zoe raised her eyebrows, but then Quinn was opening the door, and she was bombarded with pink.

  A hundred pink balloons bumped against the ceiling, and curly pink ribbon hung from each. The walls were painted a beautiful pink pastel, and in the corner, a pretty pink blanket hung from the white crib.

  "Quinn," Zoe whispered.

  Quinn grinned at her. "It's a girl," she said, and a single, hot tear streaked down Zoe's cheek.

  "They're both girls," Quinn added, and another wave of euphoria rushed over her.

  "Both?" She sniffled then looked at her sister's baby bump.

  "Are you happy?" Quinn asked.

  Zoe glanced up at Ian, and when her gaze met his crystal blue stare, the joy in her heart felt like it might just explode.

  "I've never been happier. Never."

  Thank you so much for reading my story!

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  Sneak Peek: Grind

  Coming April 2017

  Chapter One

  "And you're sure nobody else is bringing Spinach dip?" The voice of Janelle, the overzealous third-grade teacher who had not left her house--or her two to
ddlers--since the school year ended sounded over Quinn Andrews' cell phone speaker and she shouted from the opposite end of the room.

  "Positive, just bring whatever you have. It's going to be fun."

  "I can't wait. I--Billy? What did I tell you about pulling your sister's hair? I swear when your father--"

  "Hey, Janelle? I'm gonna have to let you go. I've got a few things to do before the girls show up," Quinn said.

  "Okay, well, I'll be there in ten but I--"

  Quinn rushed across the room and clicked off the phone before Janelle launched into another tyraid about how summer was hell now that she had children or how she'd spent most of the night thinking about school politics and was wondering if Quinn might help her stage a rally. Now that the kids were gone and her classroom was empty, she had only one thing on her mind--enjoying her summer.

  True, back in the day that had once meant touring the country with her ex-boyfriend/rock god Lobster, and this time last year she was supposed to have been on her honeymoon, but, well, things changed and she was changing, too. For the better. Obviously for the better.

  She didn't need to be swept away by international rock and roll sensations to have a good time anymore and just because she hadn't married her safe, respectable ex-fiance didn't mean she had to go back to that life either. She could be happy here, right in the middle. Like the very definition of a happy medium.

  Her older sister swept into the room, her blond hair piled into a bun on top of her head and Quinn turned to find the other woman holding a vat of spinach dip.

  "Wow." Quinn blinked.

  "Are you seriously going to tell me that you told someone else to bring spinach dip?" Zoe asked.

  Quinn shrugged. "Between the guys downstairs and the girls upstairs, there are going to be a lot of people."

  Zoe set down the aluminum container in her hands on her granite island and then pinched her nose between thumb and forefinger. "Ok, fine. The more the merrier. Now when are the girls supposed to be here?"

  "Fifteen minutes."

  'Better get set up, then." They walked through the open archway into the sunken living room and Quinn made for the stack of boxes she'd left at her sister's house the week before.

  "Did I thank you again for letting me do this here?" Quinn asked.

  "Twice. But really, it's no big deal. With Ian's friends already here, it's not a big deal at all."

  Quinn nodded. She still hadn't quite gotten used to the idea of her longtime best friend and sister shacking up together--let alone the notion of their coming wedding--but she was still somehow glad they'd found each other. Ever since their ill-fated journey to track Quinn down after she'd run away from her wedding, the two had been practically inseparable. Except, of course, for Ian's monthly guys' poker night.

  "It might be a big deal," Quinn hedged.

  Zoe's gaze darted to hers. "What did you do?"

  "I didn't technically do anything."

  "Who did you invite? Did you--"

  "Relax. I only invited some friends from school and spin class. But...well, I may have been exaggerating when I said it was a candle party."

  Zoe pursed her lips, then crossed her long, toned arms over her chest. Her already tense shoulders inched ever-closer to her ears. "What do you mean?"

  "Well, It's a party for women," Quinn shrugged. "We're just not going to be talking about candles."

  Zoe's eyes widened, and then she shot past Quinn and grabbed for one of the nearby boxes. Ripping away the flimsy tape on top of the unmarked box, she gasped and then pulled out a neon pink dildo as big as Quinn's arm, complete with pendulous plastic balls.

  "What the hell," Zoe spluttered.

  "I knew you wouldn't let me host it here if I told you the whole truth so I...I fibbed a little."

  "A little?" Zoe gaped. "Are you kidding me?"

  "Well, if you squint they do sort of look like candles. Maybe. And there are novelty candles for birthday cakes."

  Zoe blinked her mouth this ajar.

  "It's not that bad," Quinn said.

  Zoe opened her mouth, closed it, then pointed at her sister with the enormous sex toy. "Not that bad? I have a herd of men in my basement who are going to be coming up and down the steps all night. You don't think they're going to notice what you're doing?"

  "Notice? I hope they appreciate it and take an active interest. I haven't gotten laid in..." She didn't want to say how long. In truth, she and her ex fiancé hadn't had sex the month leading up to their wedding which made her dry spell an official drought. Which, by extension, made her lady parts something like the Sahara.

  Which, she supposed, partly explained the sex toy party.

  "You are not sleeping with any of Ian's friends." Zoe jabbed Quinn in the chest with the head of dildo and Quinn rubbed the spot, surprised by the force of the thing.

  I might have to get me one of those...

  "Fine, fine. You have my word, but relax."

  "Relax? Relax?!" Zoe squeaked.

  "Who knows, you might find something you like," Quinn offered.

  "With Ian around, I hardly need the help," Zoe fired back and Quinn grimaced.

  "Ugh, god. Gross."

  "I think you asked for that one."

  The door bell rang and Quinn rushed to answer it just in time to find Janelle and a swarm of other teachers standing on Zoe's doorstep in the bright, June sunlight.

  "Hope you don't mind. We carpooled," Janelle said.

  "I brought spinach dip," Emma, a second grade teacher with bushy brown hair called from over Janelle's shoulder and Janelle turned to glare at her.

  "Great," Quinn forced a smile. "I hope everyone is hungry."

  She ushered all the women inside and they took seats on the wide, black sectional, though nobody had bothered to make a plate of food just yet. Together they chattered and laughed while the other few groups of ladies walked through, all squawking about how excited they were and how much fun they knew tonight was going to be. Even Zoe--who, despite Ian's influence generally had a large stick shoved up her ass--seemed to be having a good time chatting with Janelle about the stresses of life and the politics of their small, New England town.

  Good, she thought, someone had to worry about that shit because I most certainly am not.

  When the whole of the party was assembled, she stepped into the center of the room and handed everyone a pamphlet.

  "Ok, ladies, we all know why we're here," she beamed.

  "Or at least most of us did," Zoe muttered and Quinn shot her sister a look.

  'Now, I'm not going to waste time. Let's get to our first item of the night, shall we?" The girls oohed and ahed and Quinn rifled through the first box until she found a smaller, red velvet box shaped almost like a treasure chest. Flicking open the little latch on the front, she pulled out the inner drawers of the chest and displayed the insides.

  "This is the complete 69 shades of restraints boxed set. Each item is available individually, but I think you'll find they're a whole lot more fun when you have access to them all." She pulled out the red leather flogger and handed it to her wide-eyed sister.

  "Pass it around, why don't you?" Quinn asked, then whipped out a red feather duster. "We've got a little tickler, too, for those of you ladies who'd like to give it a try." This she handed to her friend Gina from spin class.

  "And finally--the piece de resistance--" She pulled a huge, black chrome vibrator from the box. "It has seventeen pleasure settings, ladies," Quinn said. "And the best part? The top is completely removable to slip into your panties for a night on the town with your significant other."

  "If only," Janelle said and the other girls chuckled.

  "Hey, if you don't have a man, don't let it get you down. Myself, I just grab this puppy, set it to number five and--"

  A heavy footfall sounded in the corner of the room and she turned to find a man staring at her.

  He was tall, dark, and handsome in all the worst ways, and if it wasn't her imagination she was pretty su
re his smile was getting bigger with every shade of red she turned. The tops of her ears burned and she rubbed a hand over the back of her neck just so soothe herself.

  "Looking for a new plaything?" She asked, then made a motion with the toy in her hand.

  "Maybe," he said, his eyes dark, and she knew without a doubt that he hadn't meant the vibrator.


  "You guys are not going to beleive what's going on upstairs." Raphael Stone rejoined the table of men in Ian's dimly lit basement, then cracked open the beer he'd carried down with him.

  "I thought it was a candle party?" Dan, who'd come with his wife, Janelle, said.

  Raph laughed. "Not quite."

  Ian raised his eyebrows. "Well? You gonna tell us or do you slow roll so often you don't remember how to do anything else."

  Raph smirked. "It's a vibrator party."

  Ian groaned. "Fuck."

  "What?" Raph laughed.

  "There is no way in hell Zoe agreed to that. Quinn must have tricked her."

  "Quinn? Would that be the, um..." Raph wasn't sure how best to describe her. Ever since Ian'd hooled up with Zoe, he'd been a little less ephusive with his praise of other women, so Raph had to pick his words carefully.

  "The gorgeous blonde with the big tits," Dan supplied, apparently less worried about his phrasing than Raph.

  "That'd be her," Ian said. "Zoe's sister."

  Raph laughed, trying to picture what straight-laced Zoe's face must have looked like when Quinn whipped out her wares.

  "Guess the apple can fall far from the tree," Raph said and Ian shrugged.

  "If you ask me, Zoe is the odd one out. The whole lot of her family is...a little off the wall. It's just her and Quinn now, though."

  "Too bad," Raph said, but inside his mind was whirring.

  Exactly how off the wall was this Quinn character...and in what way? In a town like this, it was hard to come by a real troublemaker, but then, everyone knew Quinn and Zoe weren't from around here...

  "Fuck," Dan muttered, then tossed his cards onto the table and Raph looked down to realize he'd lost his hand, too.


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