Bad to the Bone

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Bad to the Bone Page 28

by Roxanne St Claire

  Under the massive tent spread out on the front lawns of Waterford Farm, dozens of tables were spread but the dance floor was still empty. At the head table where most of the Kilcannons were gathered, Molly inched next to Liam to remind him it was nearly time for the best man’s toast. Next to him, a very pregnant Andi sipped a glass of ice water and kept one eye on her husband and one on her son, Christian, who was, at the moment, escorting Gramma Finnie to a seat at the table.

  “Once Chloe and Shane finish talking to the Mahoney table, you should get out there and toast.”

  Liam rolled his eyes. “Garrett should have been best man. I hate public speaking.”

  Andi laughed and leaned into him. “Just do it the way you practiced and everyone will love you as much as I do.”

  “I don’t want everyone to love me that much,” he cracked, putting an arm around her.

  They shared a laugh and Molly joined in, anything that remotely resembled a pang of jealousy over her brothers’ good fortune in love all gone now. She had love of her own and she’d never been happier.

  At the far end of the table, Trace was deep in conversation with Pru and, when she sat, Gramma Finnie, saying something that made them both laugh. And all three of them turned to look at Molly with an expression she didn’t get, but knew the conversation was about her.

  She gave them a pretend scowl, but that made Pru smile and Gramma Finnie look kind of smug, like she was in on something and Molly was out. Trace just gazed at her with so much love she nearly reeled from the impact of it.

  “No toast yet,” Garrett said, sidling up next to them. “Dad went inside a few minutes ago and hasn’t come back.”

  “He did?” Looking around, Molly hadn’t realized until just that moment her father wasn’t at the party. “He was just talking to Linda May by the cake.”

  “He talks to that baker a lot, don’t you think?” Andi asked with an unmistakable gleam in her eye.

  Liam narrowed his eyes at her. “Linda May’s not his type.”

  “I think he secretly likes Marie,” Garrett said.

  “Are you out of your mind?” Liam shot daggers at his brother.

  Molly held up both hands. “One wedding at a time, guys. Why did Dad leave, really?”

  “Beats me,” Garrett said. “But he bolted and looked damn serious.”

  A tendril of worry tugged at her heart. Why would Dad walk out a few moments after Shane and Chloe came in to rousing applause and the post-ceremony festivities started? What could be more important than that to him?

  “It doesn’t make sense,” Molly mused as Chloe and Shane reached the small group.

  “Everything makes sense,” Shane said, his typical smartass grin wider than ever. “She married me.”

  Chloe beamed, but her attention was on Molly that second. “Is something wrong?”

  “It’s time for the toast and Dad went inside.”

  “No, there he is,” Liam said. “And based on the look on his face, something’s up.”

  He was smiling from ear to ear, trotting down the steps of the patio with a bounce in his step.

  “I’m telling you, it’s Linda May,” Andi muttered. “Every time I go in the bakery below my office, he’s in there. No one needs that many croissants.”

  Her brothers shared a look, but Molly’s attention was on her dad, who suddenly stopped, looked skyward, and surreptitiously wiped an eye. The others might have missed that move, but Molly had seen her Dad shed secret tears before.

  “Hang on a sec,” Molly said. “I’ll go get him.” Without waiting for an argument from her siblings, she took off, grateful that Chloe picked knee length dresses so Molly could move with ease and speed.

  “Everything okay?” she asked as casually as possible when she approached Dad, who hadn’t made any effort to come closer to the wedding.

  “Everything is okay,” he said. “It’s never been better.”

  Really? Because his eyes were definitely wet. But there was joy on every angle of his face. This was more than another Dogfather success in the wedding department. For a moment, she suddenly wondered if Andi wasn’t right about Linda May. She was here and—

  “Aidan’s coming home.”

  Molly froze and let that sink in. “He is? For good? When?”

  Dad exhaled as if he’d been holding the news in for a long, long time. “Yes. Yes. Soon. A few weeks. He’s definitely not re-upping his contract but there’s the small matter of a dog he wants to bring home.”

  Charlie’s dog. Aidan had talked about the boxer for hours when he was home for Christmas; not being able to bring him back to the States was a big part of his decision to re-up or not. “Dad, we know how to get a dog home from Afghanistan. There’s a program in Europe that will help and Cilla Bartlett can help.” The travel agent they used in town was a miracle worker when it came to arranging transportation for dogs, even from war-torn countries.

  “I’ve already called her,” he said. “And I’m sorry for missing so much of the wedding.”

  “But for such a good reason.” She hugged him, her own tears threatening. “We’ll be a whole family.”

  “A growing family.” He hugged her a little tighter. “That is, if the conversations I’ve had with Trace lately lead to anything.”

  Her heart flipped. “Conversations?”

  He laughed, the heartiest she’d heard in ages. “Let’s just say you can chalk up one more success for the Dogfather.”

  “Oh, Dad.” She took his arm and kept stride as they walked back to the tent together. She strongly suspected today was the day, maybe tonight, after Chloe and Shane left for their honeymoon. Trace would never want to steal their thunder. And speaking of thunder, her heart was doing exactly that. “I haven’t been this happy in years.”

  He gave her arm a squeeze. “Music to my ears, Molls.”

  “You should feel like this,” she said under her breath, knowing the conversation about Dad getting back into the dating scene was his least favorite topic. “I know people in love want everyone else to feel like they do, but we all want you to have this kind of completion.”

  He glanced away, silent.

  “I know you had it once, but don’t you think…” She slowed her step. “You’re still a young man, Dad. With so much life ahead and love to give.”

  Finally, he turned to her, his blue eyes misting. “She was my life, and I gave her all the love I had.”

  “The supply is endless. As one of six kids, I know that for a fact.”

  He planted a smile on his face and focused on the tent. “Liam ready to give that toast now?”

  She understood the change of subject. Didn’t like it, but understood it. “We’re waiting for you.”

  Moving with purpose, he headed into the tent. “When he’s done, I’ll share the news about Aidan.” His gaze moved around the whole reception, suddenly intense. “Any single women here?”

  Molly almost tripped. “Dad, really? You’re ready?”

  “Me?” He choked softly. “No, for Aidan. I have another project to work on.”

  Of course he did. Molly didn’t push the issue, but let go of Dad’s arm when they reached the table and settled next to Trace, who was deep in conversation with Gramma Finnie and Pru.

  The talking stopped when Liam stood and tapped his glass, took a mic, and made a characteristically brief but heartfelt toast, followed by Garrett, who added some more brotherly humor. Dad took over from there, toasted the couple one more time, and sent them off to the dance floor.

  Not long after that, the family was called to join them, and finally, Trace pulled Molly into a slow embrace and moved to the beat of the music.

  “You look pretty in pink, Irish,” he whispered into her ear. “Can’t wait to take it off you.”

  She laughed. “Shhh. My family is everywhere.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t embarrass you.”

  “You never do,” she assured him. “In fact, I never feel anything but pride around you.”

/>   She saw his expression soften, his eyes warm at the compliment. “I still can’t believe you love me.”

  “So much,” she assured him. “So very much.”

  He held her gaze and tightened his grip. “I love you, too.”

  “This I know.”

  “And I’m about to prove it to you.”

  Her eyes widened. “Here? On the dance floor?”

  He laughed at her horror. “And steal the thunder from Chloe and Shane’s day? Not a chance. But I do have a very special gift for you, and I’d like to give it to you today, in private, when you’re ready.”

  A special gift. A talk with Dad. A look that said…forever. “I’m ready anytime, Trace Bancroft,” she whispered, holding his gaze. “Anytime.”

  “Then now.” He glanced around, then gracefully guided her to the edge of the dance floor and ushered her away from the crowd. “Come with me,” he said under his breath, taking her hand.

  They walked slowly at first, toward the back of the tent where catering trucks and many of the guests’ cars were parked. Once out there, he broke into a fast walk, threading through cars, making her laugh as they made their secret escape.

  “Where are we going?” she asked breathlessly.

  “To get your special present.”

  “In the parking lot?”

  “Yup.” After passing a few more cars, he turned her around and put his hands over her eyes. “Can’t look yet.”

  Confused and giddy, she played along, letting him lead her blindly through cars. This certainly wasn’t what she was expecting, but…

  “I’ve been working on this for months, Molly,” he said into her ear as he brought her to a stop. “Remember how I promised Shane I’d get my own wheels and return the Waterford van?”

  Under his fingers, she frowned and fought that first little squeeze of disappointment in her chest. “I remember,” she said.

  “Well, I wanted them to be special. Affordable. Meaningful.”

  His car. That wasn’t what she’d been hoping for. “Of course you do.”

  “So about two and a half months ago, I had your father do a little digging…” Very slowly, he lifted his hands, but left them blocking her view. “And we hit pay dirt. The buyer still had it, and I refurbished the whole thing in the back of my house for the last two months.”


  He moved his hands to reveal…red. Well, maroon. A shiny, oversized, wine-colored…Plymouth Voyager minivan.

  “Oh…” And the surprise dawned on her. “This is it? The very van?”

  He stepped closer to the beast with a look of joy and pride and utter accomplishment. “I found it, Molly! It’s twenty-two years old, but I replaced the engine, brakes, and leather. And I even got us…” He reached for the latch and pulled up the back door. “A dog crate.”

  Laughing, she covered her mouth in disbelief. “It’s…beautiful.”

  “No, it’s hideous, but I got it for a steal, and did all the work myself, and it’s functional, and…” He grabbed the metal side of the crate and gave it a good shake. “I welded the crate myself. I hope it carries many happy dogs.”

  “Trace.” Shaking her head, she stepped closer, trying not to feel let down by this news. “It’s perfect for dog training.”

  “And spacious,” he added with a wink.

  She smiled up at him, hoping he didn’t see that she’d had her heart set on a totally different surprise. “I can’t believe you’ve been working on this and I didn’t know.”

  “It’s been behind that mess of bushes in my backyard for months. Pru helped, of course. And your brothers all pitched in parts and some time, and everyone kept the secret from you.”


  “So you’d be completely surprised.”

  She laughed. “Well, I sure am.”

  “Really? I don’t think you’re too excited,” he said, a bit of a tease in his voice. “Maybe you should look a little closer.”

  A frown tugged as she peered into the opening in the back, noticing he’d replaced the carpet, and the upholstery had been refurbished, too. “It’s nice, Trace. You did a great job.”

  His smile kicked up a little as he leaned in and flipped the latch on the dog crate, opening it slowly.

  And then she saw the little black box resting on the pillow that lined the crate.

  “Oh…” Her throat tightened, making it hard to say anything.

  Wordlessly, he leaned in, snagged the box, and presented it with a flourish.


  “Let’s do this right.” Very slowly, he got down on one knee and flipped the lid open, making her gasp at the ring inside. A single diamond, with two smaller ones next to it. “It reminds me of you and me and Pru,” he whispered.

  The shiny stones melted as her eyes filled with tears.

  “Molly Kilcannon, you have given me a life I never dreamed possible. I am so in love with you, sometimes I can’t breathe or think straight. I love your curls, your smile, your heart, your soul, and your amazing brain. I want to be by your side from this day forward, till death do us part, raising our daughter, having more kids, and surrounding ourselves with dogs and family and memories like this.”

  The words of his beautiful speech spilled over her, like petals plucked from a flower, like rain, like sunshine, like love.

  “Will you marry me, Irish?”

  She bit her lip, closed her eyes, and laughed with pure joy. “Yes. I love you and I’ll marry you, Trace Bancroft.”

  As he slipped the ring on her finger, she guided him back up and put both hands on his cheeks. “And I’ll kiss you first forever.”

  She stood on her tiptoes, pressed her lips to his, and he pulled them both into the back of the minivan where, once again, their lives changed forever.

  Don’t miss

  Ruff Around the Edges…

  the next book in The Dogfather Series.

  The old dog is up to new tricks again! This time, Daniel Kilcannon guides his youngest son to do what’s right, even if that means giving up a dog who feels like a piece of Aidan’s heart. Once Ruff is safely transported from Afghanistan to Bitter Bark, the last thing Aidan wants to do is honor a dying request that the dog be given to his best friend’s little sister, Rebecca Spencer. But Aidan is a Kilcannon and he’ll do what’s right. The only problem? Ruff has a whole different idea of where he belongs, and he doesn’t like this woman they call “Beck.” But Aidan likes her. A lot. So once again, a pupper is smack in the middle of a life-changing, heart-wrenching, happy-tear-inducing romance set into motion by The Dogfather.

  Find out the day Ruff Around the Edges releases! Sign up for my newsletter—you’ll get previews, prizes, and a personal note the day the next book is released!

  Or follow me on social media for fun, games, dogs, and more!

  Be sure to join the private Dogfather Facebook Group, too!

  Fall in love with The Dogfather Series…

  Sit…Stay…Beg (Book 1)

  New Leash on Life (Book 2)

  Leader of the Pack (Book 3)

  Santa Paws Is Coming to Town (Book 4 – a Holiday Novella)

  Bad to the Bone (Book 5)

  Coming in 2018

  Ruff Around the Edges (Book 6)

  Double Dog Dare (Book 7)

  Old Dog New Tricks (Book 8)

  About the Author

  Published since 2003, Roxanne St. Claire is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than fifty romance and suspense novels. She has written several popular series, including The Dogfather, Barefoot Bay, the Guardian Angelinos, and the Bullet Catchers.

  In addition to being a nine-time nominee and one-time winner of the prestigious RITA™ Award for the best in ro
mance writing, Roxanne’s novels have won the National Readers’ Choice Award for best romantic suspense three times, as well as the Maggie, the Daphne du Maurier Award, the HOLT Medallion, Booksellers Best, Book Buyers Best, the Award of Excellence, and many others.

  She lives in Florida with her husband, and still attempts to run the lives of her young adult children. She loves dogs, books, chocolate, and wine, especially all at the same time.

  About the

  Barefoot Bay Series

  Have you kicked off your shoes in Barefoot Bay? Roxanne St. Claire writes the popular Barefoot Bay series, several connected mini-series all set on one gorgeous island off the Gulf coast of Florida. Every book stands alone, but why stop at one trip to paradise?

  The Barefoot Bay Billionaires

  (Fantasy men who fall for unlikely women)

  Secrets on the Sand (ALWAYS FREE)

  Seduction on the Sand

  Scandal on the Sand

  The Barefoot Bay Brides

  (Destination wedding planners who find love)

  Barefoot in White

  Barefoot in Lace

  Barefoot in Pearls

  Barefoot Bay Undercover

  (Sizzling romantic suspense)

  Barefoot Bound (prequel)

  Barefoot with a Bodyguard

  Barefoot with a Stranger

  Barefoot with a Bad Boy

  Barefoot Dreams

  Barefoot Bay Timeless

  (Second chance romance with silver fox heroes)


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