Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection

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Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection Page 58

by Nikki Bolvair

  Devon stands beside me, handing out a cup of water. I gulp it down, hoping to cool the heat racing through me.

  “Better?” he asks. Noticing the drips on my chin, he leans in and licks the excess liquid. No water could cool the heat blazing in his eyes as he locks his with mine. Warmth pools in my stomach, and not all of it comes from the strange drink.

  “No.” I croak out, partially from the drink, but mostly from his actions.

  Kace takes my cup and refills it for me. Downing more water, the burning subsides and now my lightheadedness goes from a dull ache to being fuzzy.

  “What did you give me?” I ask again. If I’m lucky, I’ll avoid that drink in the future.

  “Whiskey.” It’s distilled in these parts.” Marv fills the guys’ glasses, again, or maybe for the first time. I missed if they drank with me.

  Devon raises his glass to the others. “Our lives have come to a point where small decisions make big impacts. Regardless of where we land, I know you will always have my back. And to the beautiful girl who could lead me down a road of temptation and away from those decisions, I will follow you anywhere you want to go.”

  “Hear, hear,” Ryker and Kace call out.

  “Cheers,” Marv says, winking at Devon.

  What path do they think we’re travelling? He has to be talking about me, because the last couple of days the boys have been treating me differently, more attentive than normal.

  I move to poke Devon in the side, but stumble a little. Giggling, I bounce off him and into Kace’s arms. “That whiskey is messing me up.”

  The boys laugh, and Kace helps me stand, not letting go. “Go dance. It will burn through your system quicker.”

  “Do I get to take Kace this time?” I take his hands and swing them out to the side, swaying back and forth. Closing my eyes, the music from earlier plays in my mind while I dance in place.

  “Yes. You two should go.” Ryker pushes us toward the dance area.

  “Bye! Don’t take too long!” I yell back at them as I drag Kace behind me, ready to dance some more.

  The music is just as loud as I remembered it, the pulsing beat matching the lights around the room. Kace and I find a spot not far from the DJ booth. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I sway back and forth against him as I match the rhythm of the music. My hands slide down his taut chest and abdomen and end on his hips.

  Kace spins me around so my back bumps up against his front. The hard length of his cock presses into my ass as I grind against him. To slow my movements, Kace’s hands flatten against my bare stomach, holding me tightly in front of him. My hands—now in the air—wrap around his neck, exposing more of my stomach.

  Brushing my hair to the side, Kace leans his face onto my shoulder, kissing at the base of my neck. Desire pools deep inside me as I tilt my head, giving him better access to my throat.

  “I wish I was Devon. He’s great with words,” he whispers, so quietly I can’t figure out if he meant for me to hear or not.

  I move to turn, but he locks me in place, talking loud enough for me to hear this time. “You’ve been my best friend for as long as I can remember. You were there before Ryker and Devon. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  Twisting as much as he will let me, he closes his eyes as mine meet his. “I don’t plan on ever finding out. Do you think we can’t be friends anymore?” My earlier excitement dissipates, replaced with pain at the thought of losing him.

  “I dunno. Ryker and Devon said how much fun you had dancing.” His sad tone makes me wonder what else they may have said to him.

  “I was having fun”—more than fun—“dancing with you. What can I do to make this better?” I can’t figure out his mood.

  “Nothing, sorry. Let’s keep dancing.” He plasters a fake smile on his face as he spins me around to face him again. This time, he keeps a few inches between us.

  I give him the space he needs to fight whatever demons are haunting him. Both of us get lost in the music. Several girls move to dance with him, and he declines most of them politely. One, he verbally tells no because she won’t take the hint.

  A slow song starts, and I take the opportunity to touch him again. He readily accepts the gesture and pulls me into him. Placing my head on his chest, I listen to his heart beat and dance to it instead of the music.

  “Thank you,” I murmur to him.

  He kisses the top of my head. “No, thank you. You mean so much to me. I just don’t know how to tell you.”

  “I like this.” There are only two slow songs, and our position doesn’t change during both. His body relaxes as we sway to the soft sounds and mellow rhythms.

  Once the pace picks up, he keeps me close as we move to the music. He spins me around to face away from him, and I wrap my arms around his neck after moving my hair to the side. His hands slide under the loose material of my halter top; his fingers glide across my midriff, latching on so I’m squeezed against his tight abs and chest.

  My fingers run though his brown hair, clasping tighter as his hand runs along the underside of my breast. I moan softly, trying to shift so his skin brushes against mine.

  I close my eyes and lean my head on his shoulder, turning so I can reach his neck with my lips.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Nervous energy rolls off him.

  “Don’t stop,” I beg as his hands cup my breasts, his thumbs skimming over my hard nipples.

  New hands grab my hips as Devon’s voice greets me, “You are so hot like this.”

  Sandwiched between them, my body goes limp as Devon’s hands inch up the sides of my skirt, hooking my panties, and sliding them down my legs. I move to kick them off, but he bends to grab them.

  “Mine.” His hot breath hits my neck. “We can’t finish this here. Too many people, not that anyone is paying attention to us. I’m glad you two picked the darkest corner in the place.”

  “Shit.” I pull up, almost hitting Devon in the face. I was so caught up in Kace I forgot where we are.

  “Hey, no one noticed you two. Well, I did, but I was looking for you. Most of the people here are too drunk or high to know what’s going on more than a foot away from them.” Devon kisses my neck one more time before steadying me to stand on my own. Good thing too, since my legs feel like jelly.

  “I’m sorry, Bai. Please don’t be mad at me.” Kace falls back into his earlier insecurities.

  I turn to face him, putting my hands on his cheeks. “I’m only mad we didn’t get any farther. That felt incredible. You’ve been holding out on me,” I tease, hoping to lighten the mood.

  Dimples show on his cheeks as his grin widens. “You started it with your little show last night.”

  “Maybe if you’re lucky, tonight’s show will be even better.” I cringe inside, though, because I’m not brazen enough to go through with it. Then I remember that Devon has my panties tucked away somewhere.

  “I’m staying at your place tonight,” Devon calls over my shoulder to Kace, earning him an elbow to the gut. “What? I wanna play, too.”

  What have I gotten myself into? My world will be torn apart if I have to pick, or worse, the government picks for me, making me lose all three of them.

  “Are you about ready to go home? We shouldn’t stay out too late since you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow.” Kace kills the mood, reminding me of the graduation party, or, as my mom would call it, just ‘the party’ since my dad’s impression on his co-workers matters more than me graduating.

  “Where’s Ryker? We can’t leave without him.” I glance around, but can’t see anything but body parts flailing around.

  “He’s in the office finishing up with Marv. He thinks he figured out Marv’s problem,” Devon informs us.

  “Let’s go save him. You guys didn’t come here to work.” Other than the few times in the office, I didn’t get a chance to spend time with all three of them at once.

  I skip to the office, my skin still tingling from our adventures on the dance
floor and my mind alight with new possibilities. The guys each take one of my hands as I lead the way.

  Bursting through the screen, I almost run into Ryker, who was ready to step out into the hallway. I stop in my tracks, but the guys’ momentum pushes them into me, then into Ryker. The four of us fall to the ground with Ryker on the bottom.

  “Hi! We came to rescue you. Can’t you tell?” Devon and Kace climb off me, but I just sit up, straddling Ryker while I pin him to the ground with my hands on his chest.

  “I should get in trouble more often if this is your idea of a rescue.” Ryker’s hands drift up my thighs and to my bare ass.

  My body squirms at his touch. Heat pools deep inside me as my exposed pussy rubs against his cock. Shuddering, I push against his chest to lift myself from of him before I ask them to finish what was started on the dance floor.

  “You all right? Your face is all flushed.” Ryker’s brows knit together as he helps me up before getting up himself. “There is still water over there if you want it.”

  Patting my cheeks, I nod. “I’m fine, just a little winded from all the dancing.” After grabbing some water, I turn and see Devon standing in the back, twirling my panties around on his finger. I choke and spit the water all over Marv.

  After catching my breath, I blot at the water on his shirt with my hands. “I’m so sorry.”

  “No problem. I don’t have a problem with girls that spit…at me…on accident.” Marv covers his mouth to suppress a laugh.

  The guys glare at Marv, but don’t say anything.

  “Today is not my day.” I set my cup down and hook my arm through Ryker’s. “We should go before I accidently burn this place down.”

  “This will be our last night here. We had already planned to move since it’s not safe to stay in one spot long, but with those girls threatening us, we’ll lay low for a week while we prep a new place. Kace will know where we are, so you can visit us again.” Marv winks at me before stepping over to the desk.

  “Thanks. I’ve had fun, more fun than I’ve had in a long time. I’m not sure if I’ll be back, though, because I’ll be starting school soon. If I get a break, I’ll make one of the boys bring me by.” I wave and head out the door.

  When we make it outside, the sudden silence after the loud music makes my ears ring. We walk across the gravel parking lot toward the car. When we reach it, I slump against the car door, waiting for Kace to unlock it for us.

  “Tired?” he asks me as he opens the door for me.

  “I wasn’t until I got out here. The cool night air and then the exhaustion from all the dancing and excitement has me crashing.” I scoot over so I can climb in the back and not in the front. “Maybe I should sit in the back in case I fall asleep. I don’t want you without someone alert next to you. These roads are bad enough during the day. At night, we could end up stranded out here.”

  Kace opens the back door for me, and I climb in next to Ryker. “You were more active than all of us. I don’t blame you for sleeping. It will take us about an hour to get back to your house, which is later than we normally get back home.”

  After buckling my seatbelt, I snuggle into Ryker’s side. He puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close.

  “Thanks,” I whisper as I glance up at him.

  His thumb brushes along my cheek. “Anytime.”

  The drive is quiet as I drift in and out of a tired haze.

  The car dips and then skids out, jarring me back to alertness.

  “Shit,” Kace mutters. “A tire blew when I hit that hole.”

  He pulls the car to the side, and we all climb out to check the damage.

  According to my dad, tires are easy to come by, but most of them are flat or rotting. New tires haven’t been manufactured for the last ten years. Luckily, Kace and my dad raided the car graveyard and brought home spare parts and tires for both my parents’ cars as well as Kace’s and his grandparent’s.

  Kace kneels by the front, passenger tire, running his hands over the tread. “This can’t be salvaged. Your dad should have a spare in the back, though.”

  He tosses the keys to Ryker who pops the truck. “There’s one in here, but it’s flat. Is there a way to pump it up?”

  Ryker leans around the side of the car to wait for Kace’s response. He hops up and goes back to help Ryker sort through the trunk. “Mr. Deaton keeps some air and other things to fix flats in the trunk. I’ll also need the jack.”

  I open the front, passenger door and then the glove box where my dad has a small flashlight stowed. A larger one should be in the trunk. After closing everything up, I join the others at the trunk to help them sort through the mess back there. To stay out of their way, I stand off to the side and shine the light in to help them see into some of the darker corners.

  They work quietly, pulling out all the items on top of where the tire was before being able to pull out the tire and the jack. I flick the light back and forth to cast shadows on the contents.

  Devon wraps his arms around me and grabs my hand. “Stop that.” He nuzzles my neck, which helps take away some of the sting from his chastisement.

  “Sorry. Can I help?” I try to keep the light focused on where they’re searching for the materials to fix the replacement tire.

  “No. I promise to show you how to change a tire another day, though.” Kace glances at me. “Although, please tell me you won’t drive all the way out here, or any place else, by yourself. Since they closed the borders to the cities, no emergency crews will come out this far. It can be dangerous.”

  He stops working until I nod my agreement. “Will do. I don’t have any reason to be out here. I can’t imagine going dancing without one or all of you with me. How did you find that place anyway?”

  I meant to ask them earlier, but got distracted by everything going on.

  “As we told you, Marv is a teacher at the vocational school. In our electronics class, we worked on something similar to the sound reducing wiring you saw in the club. I found a good way for the electronics to read the music and send the pulses back out through the threads. Marv asked me to come out to the site the club was at then to test it out,” Kace explains as he rolls the new tire to the front of the car.

  Devon releases me to grab the jack, while Ryker collects the parts needed to pump air into the tire.

  “I thought it was odd when you said he was a teacher. I can’t imagine any of my teachers telling me about an underground club that sells alcohol—which I will never drink again because it was terrible—and drugs. I wasn’t drugged was I? With my night, it wouldn’t surprise me.” I follow the boys over to the front of the car and resume my place as spotlight holder. The murky sky blocks any illumination the half-moon should provide, so my flashlight is the only light we have.

  Ryker shakes his head at me. “You weren’t drugged. Since they are so hard to come by, and incredibly expensive, most people keep them to themselves. The narcotics bar was on the balcony, which I think is strange because those people are the ones most likely to trip down the stairs on their way out. We purposely did not take you up there.”

  “Marv’s a good guy,” Kace adds, as if worried I’ll judge him for allowing drugs into the club. “When he was in high school, he said lots of kids were going around looking for places to hang out. They would buy crap drugs or alcohol and get sick or die. He wanted them to have a safer place to be able to monitor what people are taking. Since the government thinks we’re overpopulated as it is, they don’t bother rehabbing people. They just let them overdose. I guess Marv’s brother was one like that. He won’t talk about it, but I’m guessing that’s his big motivator.”

  My hands shake slightly as I listen to Kace’s explanation.

  The news seems to glorify the big disasters, like they’re a blessing versus a loss. Thinking back to breakfast this morning, the talk about the explosion reflects that position. It’s like the government has a target number, and every time a person dies who isn’t replaced by a birth, happy be
lls sound.

  “Hey! What’s the frown for?” Ryker hip checks me before taking the light out of my hand. I stopped paying attention, so the light was focused on the ground and not the tire.

  “Sorry, but doesn’t all this make you sad? People dying. The government controlling the number of births. The number of births that are female over male. It’s all so depressing. We shouldn’t have to hide to feel safe.” Leaning into Ryker’s side, I tuck my face into his chest.

  I mumble as I continue my tirade. “We can’t even get parts for cars. They move all the people into the big cities and cut off support to people that live out here. If you don’t live near a bus terminal or elevated train, you better hope you’re in walking distance of work or school since you can’t get parts for cars anymore.”

  “Things will get better. Didn’t you listen to Devon’s speech? We’ll make a difference. We don’t have to continue the way things have been. We’ll make our own way, together.” Ryker squeezes me into his side in a half hug. “Just remember the fun we had tonight, and the fun we’ll have over the next couple of days when we go camping. Happy thoughts, Bai. I want to see a smile on your face.”

  I gently bite him through his shirt. “You can’t see my face because it’s buried in your chest.”

  “Let’s not start that game right now. We need to get you home before your mother bans us from taking you with us tomorrow.” Ryker pinches my side causing me to jump into him. My arms wrap around his torso to steady myself.

  “You win.” I’ve been in tickling matches with them before. Three-on-one never works out for me.

  Even in the dark, Kace, with the help of Devon, is able to switch the tire out quickly. They throw the old tire in the back and repack the trunk. Both of them are covered in grease, so they strip out of their shirts, leaving them only in white tank tops, to wipe off their hands and avoid getting my dad’s car dirty.

  Like earlier, I wonder how I missed the changes in them. Their arms are more defined than I remember, or maybe I’ve not been paying attention like I should.

  After they climb into the car, I glance between them, trying to notice any other changes I might have missed. From my position in the backseat, I can’t see enough to tell, so I focus on Ryker. Dark-blond stubble shadows his jaw, giving him a more rugged look. If I didn’t know his age, I would have a hard time guessing it, placing him in his early twenties and not at nineteen.


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