Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection

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Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection Page 78

by Nikki Bolvair

  “Someone needs to worry about you.” Guilt brings tears to my eyes as I stare at my friend’s leg.

  Sitting back up, she sucks in her cheeks, her gaze moving to the door. “If they show up… They won’t tell Bradan, will they? About my leg?”

  Abandoning the kitchen, I join her on the couch, settling into a corner. “I don’t think it would bother him if he knew.”

  I’d known for a while the real reason she never went far in her pursuit of my brother. It took until our first year in college before she told me about the car accident that had taken her parents and the bottom part of her right leg, just below the knee.

  She flicks her long skirt, her knees folded to hide the place where her leg ends. “It’s not exactly attractive. I don’t want to see that look in his eyes.”

  “Give him more credit than that.” While I understand the reason she hesitates, I really do think Bradan will be fine with it. But no amount of reassurance will push her to take that next step.

  She lifts a pillow to hug against her stomach. “I’m sorry you missed the Conolly sisters, tonight.”

  I let the obvious topic change slide. “They’ll play again in the spring.”

  “How are things going with the triplets?” She waggles her eyebrows at me. “Rumor says you were having sex on the sidewalk near the docks.”

  “No.” Horrified, I push her arm. “That’s not really going around is it?”

  She nods. “I heard it from Eavan Burke.”

  “Crap.” I slouch until my head rests on the arm of the couch, and my knees form a barrier between us. “I wasn’t having sex.”

  She snickers quietly. “Well, you know how Darcy likes to spice things up.”

  My arms wrap around my head as I groan, “Where’d she even hear that from?”

  “She has eyes everywhere.” The couch springs creak, and Caira peers over my knees. “Give me all the details.”

  Blood rushes to my head. “It was just a kiss.”

  “Must have been a doozy of one.” Her eyes sparkle with interest. “So, which one was it?”

  “Shut up.” I cover my face, hot with embarrassment. “We’re not talking about this.”

  “Of course, we are.” She pinches the side of my thigh, and I jump, arms dropping as I straighten to get away from her. “Was it Hughe?” She leans to the side with a dreamy sigh. “Or Davin?”

  “Hey, what are you picturing?” Vengeful, I pinch her side, and she yelps. “You keep your gutter thoughts on my brother.”

  Her eyes widen as she stares at me. “How will you do it? You haven’t yet, right? How does it work with three destined partners?”

  “I don’t know.” My arms fold under my breasts. “I was going to—”

  A loud bang sounds against the door a moment before it slams open. I twist around to find Davin panting in the doorway, his gaze frantic as he peers around the apartment.

  Hughe arrives a moment later and pushes his brother aside. “Siobhan!”

  “Hey, no need to shout.” I stand, and their eyes snap to me. “I’m right here.”

  The two rush over, panting and sweat dripping from their brows. Davin reaches me first and grabs my arms. “Where are you hurt?”

  Hughe rushes to the kitchen and flings open the cabinet under the sink to pull out a first aid kit. How did he know where to find it? I didn’t even know I owned one.

  He hurries over with it, his brows pinched with worry. “Jameson went to get the truck. They’ll be here soon.” His eyes scan me. “You should lay down. Tell us what happened.”

  Bewildered, I glance back at Caira, who hides her mouth behind one hand, her shoulders shaking in silent laughter.

  In my distraction, Davin pushes me down on the couch. His hand covers my forehead a moment later as he peers into my eyes. “Your pupils look dilated. Did you hit your head?”

  “That’s because it’s dark in here.” I push him away. “Stop fussing, I’m not hurt.”

  Davin sits back on his heels. “But Hamilton said there was an accident.”

  “There was. On the steps out front.” I grab Davin’s hands when he tries to reach for my face again. “No one was hurt. But Caira—”

  I stutter to a stop, unsure, now that they arrived, how to explain. My best friend’s desire for privacy versus the obvious need to go get her backup leg from her house. I’d been so frantic to get them here that I failed to think through what would happen once they arrived.

  “It’s okay.” Caira pats my arm. “I don’t think they’ll go around spreading rumors.”

  Davin sits on the coffee table, brows pinched with confusion, and Hughe sets the first aid kit behind him. Then, Hughe’s gaze shifts behind us, back to the kitchen, and his mouth forms an O of understanding.

  His focus shifts to Caira. “Is that your leg on the counter?”

  Davin pales and lurches to his feet. “Leg? On the counter? We need an ambulance. Where’s Jameson with the truck? How far is it to Shrieve Port?”

  When he turns green and lifts a hand to his mouth, I pull him back down to the coffee table and shove his head between his knees. Rubbing his back, I sooth, “It’s a prosthetic.”

  “Oh, gods.” He shudders and gasps for air. “I thought…”

  While I continue to rub his back, Hughe circles around to sit on his other side in front of Caira. “What happened?”

  “Eh.” She shrugs and leans back on the couch, trying to look unconcerned. “I wasn’t watching the steps, and some early ice must have formed. I slipped.” She nods to me. “Siobhan kept me from going all the way down, but the old leg didn’t make it. She saved my life.”

  “I endangered your life.” I abandon Davin to wrap my arms around her. “I’m so, so sorry. I’ll buy you a new one. The best one. I’ll drive us to Shrieve Port, and we’ll get you one of those custom ones made of indestructible material.”

  “Oh, stop. You’re not responsible.” She lets me hug her for another minute before pushing me away. “If you really feel bad about it, you can get me drunk next weekend.”

  “You will be so drunk you’ll have to be carried home,” I vow.

  “And which one of these strapping young men will carry me?” She waggles her eyebrows at Hughe and Davin.

  “Didn’t I already warn you?” I give her a stern scowl, but can’t hold it when she ventures into full on leer. Reaching out, I pinch her hip. “Keep your dirty thoughts off my men.”

  “You can’t stop my imagination!” she sings.

  Davin’s ears turn pink, and Hughe glances away with a cough.

  “That’s it, I’m telling my brother—”

  “Bon, are you okay?” Bradan’s voice cuts me off, and I twist around to see him in the doorway, Jameson at his shoulder.

  “Heya, Bradan.” Behind me, Caira lets out a pathetic mewl of protest. “What are you doing here? They need you at the bar.”

  “Hamilton said you were hurt.” Confused, his eyes shift past me. “Caira, you’re here, too?”

  “Hey, Bradan!” Forced cheer fills her voice. “We’re all okay, so you can go back to the pub. Nothing to worry about.”

  Jameson pushes into the room. He doesn’t seem surprised to find his old prom date in my home. Hughe must have warned him in advance that we were now friends.

  After assuring himself I’m not really dying, he nods to her. “Hello, Caira. How’ve you been?”

  “Wonderful, Jameson. And you?” The casual conversation feels weird following the panic in which everyone arrived. “You’re taking over your dad’s business, right?”

  “That’s right.” With no room left in the family room area, he heads toward the kitchen table. “What have you been up to?”

  My brother’s jaw clenches as he glances between the two. I feel bad that he was pulled away from such a busy night at the pub to come here. He’ll miss out on a ton of tips if he doesn’t go back soon.

  I get up to join him where he still hovers in the doorway. “Bradan, we’re really okay if you want
to head back. It was a false—“

  “What’s this?” I turn to see Jameson holding the broken leg. His fingers brush over the broken end before his gaze lifts to Caira. “Is this yours?”

  “Get your hands off that!” Bradan storms into the kitchen and yanks the leg from Jameson’s hands. He cradles it in his palms as he turns to Caira. “Don’t worry, lass, we’ll get this sorted. Do you have a spare at home?”

  Caira’s mouth drops open in shock before she stutters, “Y-you know?”

  Bradan frowns as he gathers the boot and padding as well and places them into one of my many empty moving boxes. “Of course. I’ve carried you home more than once. Who do you think puts you into your pajamas?”

  “Oh, gods.” She covers her face with her hands and wails, “You’ve seen me naked?”

  “Only a little.” Bradan shrugs and heads toward the door. “I’ll put this into the truck, then come back to carry you down.”

  “There’s no little about being naked, Bradan McKathry!” Caira yells after him. She focuses on me. “Siobhan, if you ever loved me, you’ll kill me now.”

  “This is good!” I stride back to her and grip her arms, heedless of the triplets in the room. “This means there’s no reason not to pursue him now!”

  “But he’s seen me naked! That means he’s seen it all, and he’s never made a move.” Tears fill her eyes. “Which means he’s not interested.”

  With the protective way he snatched her prosthetic out of Jameson’s hands, I thought it was pretty clear, now, how my brother felt about Caira. It was also clear the pair of them were dense beyond belief when it came to each other.

  And I didn’t know enough about being brave in love to give her advice.

  Instead, I wrap my arms around her. “You’re a wonderful, lecherous woman. Now, chin up. You don’t want him to see you crying.”

  She sniffles and leans back, a wobbly smile on her lips. “I am a wonderful, lecherous woman.” She nods and points to Hughe. “You! Stud muffin. Carry me downstairs, and don’t forget to squeeze my ass on the way!”

  Hughe hesitates for a moment. I give him a nod of encouragement before he comes forward to lift her off the couch.

  Her long skirt drapes over his arm, and she pats him on the chest. “You have such nice muscles.”

  “Caira.” I can’t contain the laugh as she loops her arms around Hughe’s neck with a dreamy sigh.

  “I’m going to dream about you tonight,” she coos up at him.

  Bradan returns and scowls when he spots them. He comes forward, arms out. “I can take her.”

  Caira points at him, her eyes narrowed. “You can walk down the stairs ahead of us, pervert Bradan.”

  “Fickle, woman,” he mutters as he turns and heads back out the door.

  Hughe follows him out, his steps careful, and Caira’s voice drifts back from the stairs. “I heard that!”

  “Think Hughe will be okay?” Davin asks as he slips an arm around me from behind.

  “I hope so.” I snuggle against him, and his woody scent envelopes me. “Were the stairs icier when you arrived? I need to go put salt on them.”

  “They were fine for now, and he’ll be cautious.” His cheek presses against the side of my head. “But I was talking about whether or not your brother’s going to punch him. He didn’t look happy at all.”

  Jameson chuckles. “Your brothers do like to punch Hughe.”

  I lean my head back against Davin’s shoulder. “Dav’s the only one who hasn’t been punched by a McKathry.”

  “That’s because I’m the sweet brother,” Davin whispers into my ear.

  Jameson rubs his jaw and smiles. “I’d hardly call what you did a punch.”

  My hands lift to form fists. “Come here, O’Brien, and let me demonstrate it again.”

  Laughing, his much larger hands curl over mine, and he leans down to drop a kiss on my nose. “You’re adorable.”

  “Oh, it’s on now.”

  I lunge for him, and Davin’s arms tighten as he swings me around, away from Jameson. “No fighting!”

  “I think I can take her,” Jameson teases.

  “Oh?” Davin’s arms loosen.

  Together, we turn and tackle Jameson to the floor.

  “No fair!” Jameson shouts as Davin pins his legs, and I throw my weight across his shoulders. “This is cheating!”

  “This is how we win wars!” I laugh and try to make myself heavier as Jameson slowly pushes himself up.

  I grab his sweater as I slide down and roll against Davin. “Dav, retreat!”

  We scramble up and run for the hall, ducking into the first room. Jameson tackles us from behind, and we bounce onto the bed, howling with laughter.

  “What are you guys doing?” Hughe asks from the doorway.

  “Losing!” The mattress muffles my voice, and I turn my head to peek at Hughe. “It’s war against Jameson.”

  With a grin, Hughe pushes his sleeves up. “Sounds fun.”

  Cold Mattress

  I wake up to an absence of warmth. While a hot body curls around me from behind, with steady breaths against my neck, a chill creeps in from the front. Cracking an eyelid open, I reach out to touch the mattress where Jameson had been when we fell asleep. Icy pillow-top ghosts under my fingertips.

  He’s been gone awhile.

  When I crane my neck to check the window, I discover it’s still dark outside. Unsettled, I push up onto an elbow to glance over Davin’s still sleeping form. The light from the alarm clock cast a low, red glow through the room, making it easy to see that the place next to the wall, where Hughe wedged himself in last night, is also empty.

  Without the other two, the bed feels too big, the lack of blanket too cold. Shivering, I shake Davin’s shoulder. “Dav, wake up. Hughe and Jameson are missing.”

  He mumbles in his sleep and burrows his face against the mattress as one arm loops around my waist. He pulls me closer, either for comfort or because he, too, feels the chill.

  Carefully, I slip from his grasp and out of bed. The wood floor freezes my bare feet in an instant. Hurrying, I grab the afghan from the foot of the bed and drag it up over him before stuffing my feet into slippers and walking out of the room to search for them.

  Had they gone to the other rooms to get better sleep? But there were no mattresses on those beds. They were still an item on my Sunday shopping list. With how easily the four of us fell to sleep together, I wondered if we even needed to worry about them for now.

  But if they continued to stay over, or if they move in, then they’ll need space to themselves, right? My heart skips at the idea. We hadn’t talked about it last night, but Caira’s question circled around in my mind. It always felt so natural to be with the triplets I never considered the actual logistics of it.

  What happened when we… Would they expect to all be together? My face flamed at the idea, my imagination stalling on that. No, they couldn’t expect that. We needed to talk. The sooner the better.

  A quick check of the other bedrooms, as well as the kitchen and family room, shows the apartment dark and empty.

  Arms wrap around my stomach for warmth, I hurry back to the master bedroom. Davin still sleeps soundly, his hair messy around his forehead, his cheeks dark with stubble.

  I flip on the light before climbing up onto the bed and knee walking over to shake him once more. “Dav, wake up.”

  His eyelids slit open, then widen as he sees my worried face. He rolls onto his back and leans up on his elbows. His voice, thick from sleep, sounds gravelly. “What’s wrong?”

  “Your brothers are gone.” I glance around the room, as if I’ll find them leaning casually in the corner, and I simply missed them.

  “Oh, yeah.” He drops back onto the mattress, his eyelids drifting shut. “They went to kidnap Tomas.”

  “What?” Alarmed, I place both hands on his chest and bounce. “Don’t you dare go back to sleep, Davin O’Brien!”

  Long fingers curl around my wrists to still
me. “Vonnie, I need sleep.”

  “You need to tell me what’s going on.” I throw a leg over him to straddle his waist and bounce the mattress with my weight until his eyes open back up. Seeing I now have his annoyed attention, I demand, “Why did they kidnap my brother?”

  “Those stairs aren’t safe.” His beleaguered tone makes it sound like this should be obvious.

  Instead, the change in topic confuses me more. “I need you to explain that, Dav.”

  “They went to get your brother so he can open the store early to sell us a runner for the stairs.” His hands loosen around my wrists and long fingers drift under the sleeves of my night shirt to trail up my arms. “We’ll replace the railing in the spring when the weather is better, but the steps need to be stabilized now before you’re the one who falls down them.”

  As his thumbs sweep over the delicate skin of my inner elbow, the gentle caress distracts me, and I have to force myself to stay on topic. “Why didn’t they just go tonight? Or I could have had Tomas deliver it after work?”

  “I said the same thing, but they’re pig headed.” His eyes drift over me with appreciation.

  Confused, I peer down at the ratty old flannel I pulled on last night along with a worn pair of sweatpants. Nothing special there. I should really invest in a nightgown or something if they’re going to be staying over all the time. Something sexy like what they sell at Mrs. Maru’s Delicates.

  But when I glance back at Davin, his warm gaze tells me it’s not necessary. Red flushes his cheeks, and he shifts beneath me, restless and fully awake. My pulse speeds as he trails his fingers back down to my wrists and gently pulls my hands up, drawing me down to him.

  “Dav?” Hesitant, I lick my lips as our faces near. “When will they be back?”

  “We have time.”

  His head lifts to brush his mouth across mine, and warmth pools between my thighs. He teases at my lips with little nibbles that make my breath catch. When did he learn that? One hand lifts to cup the back of my head while the other drops to my thigh. Gently, he pushes my hips back until I lay more fully on top of him.

  I gasp as his hard length presses against my core, and his tongue sweeps into my mouth. Moaning quietly, I clutch his shoulders, the warmth inside stirring into a fire with every brush of his tongue against mine.


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