The Explosion Chronicles

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The Explosion Chronicles Page 23

by Yan Lianke

  Seeing those newspaper articles and photographs, Mingliang laughed and tossed the newspaper aside. Mingguang looked it over as well, then spat on it—but from the spittle on the newspaper a seed formed and grew into a red apricot tree full of mangoes and pomegranates.

  An icy breeze blew in from somewhere, and the ladybugs that had been crawling in front of Minghui turned into dragonflies and flew away. It looked as though it were about to rain. Minghui gazed at the setting sun, which was obscured by clouds, and then at his father’s portrait in the middle of the funeral wreath. The portrait was being licked by that dog—so that after the father’s corpse had been cremated and his face had been reduced to ashes, the portrait was moistened by the dog’s licking, as though the pain of being cremated was being washed away from his face and body. Finally, Minghui walked over toward his father’s grave, where he kowtowed three times and heard his father say,

  “Go home. It is about to rain.”

  In the rain, Minghui left the grave and slowly made his way home.


  Assessment of the New Era



  When Mingliang found Zhu Ying in her house, he noticed that the former globe-trotter now resembled a peasant who had never left the confines of her own house. Her courtyard and the table in her entranceway were filled with her father’s funereal portraits and tributes. In front of every portrait, there were three incense sticks, each as thick as a man’s arm; and on either side there were a pair of red couplets. The upper couplet read, “It’s not that there isn’t karma, it just isn’t time yet,” while the lower one read, “When the time comes, karma will kick in.” Inside, the room was full of smoke, and there was quiet music playing, as if a summer stream and evening breeze were circulating throughout the Zhu household. From the day of Kong Dongde’s death, Zhu Ying had closed her outer gates. She would occasionally go to this memorial table to replace the incense sticks in front of her father’s portrait, and would pour three glasses of wine and kowtow as she offered the wine to the portrait, saying, “Your daughter has already done everything that needed to be done. You can therefore rest in peace.” She would then proceed to the next portrait, replace the incense sticks, pour some wine and sprinkle it in front of the portrait, and say, “Father, that bastard Kong Dongde is dead, and everyone in the village—and even the entire town—knows he died while lying on a woman. They all spat at him behind his back, to the point that his entire body is now soaked in spittle.”

  For seven days, Zhu Ying almost didn’t have a chance to close her eyes. The outer gates to her house remained tightly shut, and no one in the entire town knew where she was, or that she was in fact at home doing these things. It was not until the evening of the seventh day, after Kong Dongde’s ashes had been buried, that Zhu Ying—who was dozing off in a chair in her courtyard—suddenly opened her eyes and saw Kong Mingliang standing in front of her. He had a disdainful and mocking expression, as though he were watching a child at play.

  She glanced at the front gate, which remained tightly shut, and asked, “How did you get in?”

  Kong Mingliang laughed coldly and said, “I hope you’re satisfied now.”

  “Has the town been redesignated as a county?”

  “I’ve come to tell you that in a few days you and I will be divorced.” Mingliang sat down in front of her and glanced at the funeral portraits and tributes, then waved away the incense smoke. He laughed and continued, “It was on account of the Kong family that your father drowned in spittle, and it was on account of your Zhu family that my father was completely covered in spittle after his death. In this way, our fates have now been settled, and there is nothing left for us to discuss.”

  After he said this, dusk fell. The entire courtyard and house were filled with a sorrowful evening light. There were mosquitoes flying around, but because of the dense smoke they didn’t land on anyone, and the sound of their buzzing filled the air. The area next door to where the Explosion Village committee had been located had now been bought up by a vegetable oil company. More specifically, the company extracted oil from sesame and peanuts, then converted it into rubber and water to make leather belts, and into paste to make rubber soles. One jin of sesame seeds could yield three jin of oil, while one jin of peanuts could yield three and a half jin of oil. Business was good, and soon the two-story building was expanded to three stories. All four sides of the building were encased in brown glass, and when the setting sun shone on the building it looked like a flaming torch. Beneath that torch, Zhu Ying’s house remained brightly illuminated without her even needing to turn on any lamps. Under that light, she saw that Mingliang was holding a set of blueprints for Explosion County. She leaned toward him and said very gently,

  “I’ve done everything I was supposed to do. All that remains is to serve as your wife and help you succeed in becoming county mayor.”

  Then she asked, “Have you stopped to consider how you’ll be promoted to county mayor if you divorce me?”

  She laughed and added, “No man can stay away from Otherworldly. Without my Otherwordly Delights, Explosion would never be upgraded to a county, and you could forget about being promoted to county mayor.”

  Then night fell, and it became so dark that it seemed as though the entire world had disappeared. Kong Mingliang also disappeared like a shadow.


  By the evening of the final day of the third seven-day cycle following Kong Dongde’s death, Zhu Ying finally emerged from her house. She was pale and gaunt, and suddenly had two streaks of gray in her hair. By this point she was thirtysomething but looked as though she were already in her forties. Her face’s former radiance had almost completely disappeared. In town, people who knew her took a few steps back in surprise when they saw her. They stood there by the side of the road, with their mouths wide open but unable to say a word. She looked at one person and smiled, and only then did he nod back at her. She asked, “Have you eaten?” or “Has your business taken off?” But the other person merely muttered, “Yeah, yeah,” and immediately dashed off to do something else.

  She shouted in surprise, “Don’t you recognize me?”

  The other person froze and replied with a laugh, “You do look familiar, but I can’t quite place you.”

  She shouted, “I’m the mayor’s wife, and the owner of Otherworldly Delights. Don’t you know me?”

  The other person immediately wiped away his smile and scurried away. With this, Zhu Ying realized that the people of Explosion didn’t even recognize her. At first she was confused, but then she rushed along the bustling street. She half-walked and half-ran, and from a distance she could see that Otherworldly Delights was empty and peaceful, and she saw that the light-box sign in front of the entrance had disappeared. On the door, there was an enormous sheet of white paper with a giant “X” written on it. The ground was covered with shattered glass, rusted barbed wire, and discarded glue bottles that had been used when the door was sealed shut. She ran to the sealed door and stood there, her face suddenly covered in sweat. A car drove up behind her, and some people buying and selling goods in the market darted into and out of her line of sight. Water, used by several restaurants to wash their vegetables and rinse their rice, flowed out of a drain at the base of the wall across the street from Otherworldly Delights, as it had in the past. The sun was already well into the western sky and the people who had come into town for the market began packing their things to head home again. After standing before the front door for a while, Zhu Ying proceeded around to the back door, where she saw that the old doorkeeper was in the process of moving all of the courtyard’s tables and chairs and placing them in a corner next to the wall.

  “What’s wrong? What happened to Otherworldly Delights?” she asked. When the doorkeeper heard her, he spun around and the two wooden chairs he was holding fell to the ground.

  “Are you Zhu Ying? You’ve returned!”

  Exhausted, the old man took a couple of steps forw
ard and stood in front of her. In a voice as hoarse as tree bark, he told her that three days earlier the mayor had personally brought some people over, who then proceeded to demolish Otherworldly Delights’ business. They beat the girls who worked there and drove them away, and then the mayor had stood on the second floor where his father had died and announced,

  “Father, I’ve destroyed Otherwordly Delights. From this point on, Zhu Ying is no longer the wife of the town or county mayor. Instead, I, Kong Mingliang, hereby express my filial devotion to you.” The old man reported that after Mingliang finished making this announcement, he proceeded to spit several times in the direction of the selection stage and repeatedly kicked the row of couches. He ordered that those couches, where countless customers had sat, be taken away, to be either dismantled or burned. With this, the mayor angrily stalked away. The old doorman followed behind Zhu Ying as he was recounting all of this. They walked one behind the other, and after the old man finished his report he ran to catch up with Zhu Ying and asked,

  “Is it true that the mayor divorced you?

  “… Look at how after you spoke of getting divorced you became so thin that we almost don’t recognize you. Are you really the same Zhu Ying?

  “… If you haven’t already gotten divorced, then you definitely shouldn’t get divorced now,” the old man urged her. “He’ll be promoted to county mayor in a few days, and as long as you don’t get divorced, you will still officially be his wife, meaning that you will be one of the most powerful people in the county.” The old man proceeded from the first to the second floor, where sunlight was streaming in through the ripped curtain. He rested for a moment in the hallway, in the stairwell, and in the door that kept opening and closing. In just a few days, countless weeds had sprouted on the floor of this previously bustling building. Cobwebs in the corner of the room happily stretched over an area the size of a tatami mat, while in the washrooms that the girls and their clients had used there were now tiny fish and shrimp in the porcelain sinks and everywhere else where there was standing water. Meanwhile, the places where there had been no standing water were now overgrown with weeds, since everything was so humid and fertile. There were even bonsai plants in some of the toilet bowls, and their leaves and branches had grown so fast that they almost blocked the light coming in through the windows. A cricket crawled onto her foot, chirping loudly, and then started to crawl up her pants leg, whereupon she kicked it away. In one luxurious guest room there was an enormous, round water bed, which had been warm in winter and cool in summer, and girls and their rich clients would lie on the bed, feeling as though they were sleeping on a cloud. Although there was no longer anyone around to sleep on the water bed, it was still plugged in and the water was completely frozen, so that now it was like a huge black ice cube sitting in the middle of the room. When people approached the doorway they would feel a bitterly cold breeze. Because it was so cold, even the water faucets had frozen, and the liquid soap and shampoo in the bathroom had also frozen solid. Zhu Ying stood there trembling from head to toe. The old man went inside and struck the frozen water bed with a brick of frozen soap, as though he were striking one stone with another.

  When Zhu Ying reached the stage on the second floor, she saw that the wooden stage had been completely destroyed. The curtains had been ripped down. Behind the stage, the dress racks the girls used when they were changing were strewn around, like a grove of trees that had been chopped down. The wardrobes lined up against the wall like people lined up in a bathhouse were empty, and the girls’ clothes, dresses, bras, and underwear were strewn across the floor. Needless to say, as the girls were up onstage performing naked, the town mayor—who was about to be promoted to county mayor—had rushed in with the police, and the girls and their clients must have been as startled as a flock of sheep suddenly encountering a pack of wolves. At first they must have stared in shock, and then they must have run away, leaving their purses scattered across the floor, like pumpkins scattered across the stage. Their makeup kits had fallen out of their purses, and from each of them countless roses were blooming. Unfortunately, because the roses hadn’t had any water or sunlight, the petals had fallen off and begun to rot. Zhu Ying smelled the stench of rotting grass and flower petals. She stood in front of the mess onstage and noticed a condom peeking out of one of the purses. Inside the condom several tadpoles had grown, but they had died from lack of water and their shriveled bodies were lying in the opening of the condom, like so many beans. When Zhu Ying saw all that death her eyes filled with tears, but before the tears dropped she quickly wiped her face with her hand. Then she suddenly shouted in the direction of the stage,

  “I, Manager Zhu of Otherwordly Delights, am still the mayor’s wife!

  “… I want all of you to remember that I, Manager Zhu of Otherwordly Delights, am still the mayor’s wife!”

  After shouting this a couple of times at the top of her lungs, she turned around on the stage and screamed even more loudly in the direction of where customers used to sit when making their selections. “When Explosion becomes a county and Kong Mingliang is appointed the new county mayor, he mustn’t dream of discarding me. Even after he is promoted to city mayor or emperor, he will still be my husband, and no one should even think of trying to take him from me… .”

  After screaming crazily from the stage, Zhu Ying turned again and began yelling in the direction of the streets of Explosion. She shouted in the direction of Explosion’s town hall to the south, and in the direction of the factories and coal mines on the outskirts of town. Eventually, her voice grew hoarser, as her throat and lips were ripped apart by her screams, and blood started coming from her mouth.

  Just as the day’s final rays of light were fading, Zhu Ying charged into the town hall’s meeting room. The room was located on the easternmost side of the eighteenth floor, and if you opened a window you could see a vast provincial-level metropolis like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, while inside there were the desks of the county mayor, the city mayor, and the provincial governor. On that day, just as the town mayor was in the meeting room reviewing the county government’s directive to transform the town into a county, Zhu Ying suddenly burst in. When this building was first completed, she had come several times to the town mayor’s office, and they had even had sex on his desk and his couch. This, however, was the first time she had entered this eighteenth-floor meeting hall. Standing in the doorway, she gazed coldly at this hall that was as big as a family’s courtyard. She saw that in the center of the room was a table as large as three houses, on which there was an enormous city map depicting all of the buildings, streets, parks, and squares. She shifted her gaze to her husband, Mayor Kong, and noticed that he appeared to have grown taller and more portly. He was wearing a suit and dress shirt, just like the county mayor and the city mayor. Had it not been for his distinctively taut face and the mole in the corner of his mouth, she almost wouldn’t have recognized him. Fortunately, when he turned toward her, the mole at the corner of his mouth moved, allowing Zhu Ying to see that he was indeed her husband—and the town mayor who had not yet been promoted to county mayor. She stared at him for a moment, then grabbed a chair from the other side of the table and took it over to the window. Grasping the window frame with both hands, she looked out, then turned back, and when she saw her husband staring at her in astonishment, she said,

  “Kong Mingliang … do you still want to be appointed county mayor? If I were to jump from here, then even if Explosion were to be designated a county you still would have no chance of ever being appointed county mayor!”

  Zhu Ying looked at the men who were rushing toward her and shouted,

  “Just stand right there! If you take another step, I’ll jump… . Right now, I want you to tell me something: Do you still want to divorce me? If you so much as utter the word divorce, I swear to God I’ll jump—and if I jump, that will make you a murderer. In that case, not only will you never become county mayor, you won’t even be able to hold on to your current pos
ition as town mayor!”

  Zhu Ying screamed,

  “No one come near me! If anyone takes another step toward me, I’ll jump… . Everyone, stand still … don’t move. Kong Mingliang, I’m asking you a question: Do you still want to get divorced?

  “… And if you don’t get divorced now, will you want to get divorced after you are promoted to county mayor?

  “… And if you don’t get divorced when you are county mayor, will you want to get divorced after you are promoted to city mayor?

  “… And if you don’t get divorced when you are city mayor, will you want to get divorced after you are promoted to provincial governor?

  “… Everyone, listen closely. All of you cadres from the town government, did you all hear what the mayor just said? Now, I have one question: Why did you shut down Otherwordly Delights but let Peach Blossom Spring continue operating? What is your relationship to Cheng Qing, the owner of Peach Blossom Spring? Is she your mistress, your concubine, or your whore? You must tell me now what she is to you. If you tell me, then I’ll get down; but if you don’t, I’ll jump. Actually, from up here I can see Cheng Qing’s whorehouse. Hers has become an exclusive business, and beginning at around dusk all of those officials, rich men, and foreigners with dicks as large as sticks—they all drive to Peach Blossom Spring… . Right now, the Peach Blossom Spring courtyard is so crowded that cars can’t even park in front. The street in front of the courtyard is full of the cars and bicycles of men inside Peach Blossom Spring… . Cheng Qing’s business is amazingly good, and many of my own girls end up going to work for her! Kong Mingliang, you’re my husband, and I’m the one who helped you become village chief and town mayor. But did you not help destroy and shut down my business, while enabling that whore’s business to thrive? Kong Mingliang, you listen carefully! As my husband, you must immediately send someone over to shut down Peach Blossom Spring, just as someone did to Otherworldly Delights. I want Cheng Qing to weep because she has lost her business!


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