The Conqueror of Zones

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The Conqueror of Zones Page 20

by Shadows Finger

  Swoosh! The figure of Zyne now landing on the ground could now be seen as the hammer shrunk to a size that was now as small as his palms.

  Zyne looked before him at the deep ditch on the formed, along with the cursed body of Kefalas who wore special armor, as he saw his current state, Zyne lifted his head and let out a sigh of relief, his thoughts wandering back to his days as a prisoner and his years of trials.

  He looked towards the distant figure of Feng Yu, whose hair was flowing with the rising winds as a smile came across his face, “If it weren’t for that brat, I don't know how long it would have taken for me to get back at these fellows...”

  As Zyne was lost in his state of thoughts, the scene around him instantly changed, the fiends having seen the death of Kefalas became panicked as they tried to run away in all directions.

  “The leader is dead! Quickly run away!” A fiend said as he ran away with his artifact, but before he could get away a beam of light pierced through his neck from a distance, leaving behind a headless body that fell harshly towards the ground.

  A cold voice was heard soon after sounding across the battlefield, “Kill them all!”

  “You vermin die!” The alliance members responded by pushing their assaults even harder, after a few moments, the battle had finally come to an end as a few rays of light had also begun to shine down from the sky.

  The rain stopped in all directions, as the clouds that had been dispersing began to fade even faster. The gloominess of the world now fading away as the light brought a new dawn which spread across this land...

  Chapter 145

  The Conqueror’s Army, The Angered Zone Commanders!

  Today was a new day, marking a new beginning for those in the Endless Rain Zone, the previous gloomy atmosphere had all but faded leaving behind a bright sky which beamed the glorious rays of the sun onto the once desolate lands. If one looked closely, one would see a massive amount of fiend corpses, being clustered together into heaps which were soon after burnt by a strange blue flame.

  The walls of the palace were broken as its entire state was in shambles. A few natives could be seen wandering about as they searched the wreckages as well as items of an artifact that were not destroyed by their previous assault.

  Within the central palace area, was a section of ground surrounded by a few broken buildings. However, if one looked carefully, they would realize that although these buildings seemed to be destroyed. They were still capable of standing firmly with their interiors suffering minimal damages.

  Currently, a few forms were gathered inside one of these buildings. They were Zyne, Leon, Myria, Demetria, Jing Mingyun, and Feng Yu who were now gathered together around a reasonably large sphere.

  A complex look was on Demetria’s face as she looked at the sphere before her eyes, she placed her palm onto its surface as he thought wandered off to the past. The image of a beautiful woman no different from her was standing proudly before the sphere speaking towards a large amount of mighty looking natives briefly flickering in her mind before fading away.

  As Zyne looked at this room, his expression was unusually calm as he remained mostly in silence leaving behind Myria and Leon who seemed to be having quite the conversation.

  “Whew! It’s been so long since we’ve been here, these fiends seemed to have kept things mostly in order, did they not even search for the secrets in this room?” Myria said as she floated about the room cheerfully.

  Leon shook his head as heard her words, his eyes fixed at the throne that stood at its direct center before speaking, “It’s not that they didn’t want to, but rather they couldn’t...”

  As he said this, he pointed at a specific compartment on the throne which seemed to require an object to be slotted inside for it to perform an unknown function. Myria seeing this frowned, she looked towards Leon and spoke, “What do you mean? You’re telling me that the fiends were so stupid they didn’t know that Life Source Orb was capable of powering the palace throne?”

  Leon remained silent, but before he could speak someone else answered her question.

  “It is as he said, they couldn’t, for the only one who can use this throne... is the current generation Queen of Fairies...” Demetria said as she had now walked towards the area of the throne, she walked upwards and sat before waving her hand causing the Life Source Orb to appear before everyone’s eyes.

  Myria hearing this remained silent as she thought, “It seems that there are quite a few things that were kept from me...”

  Demetria seeing her expression smiled as she spoke, “You need not be so down, these weren’t told to you because you weren’t a queen. It is only when one generation of fairies queen is ready to be passed down that the successor is notified about certain details...”

  After saying this, she snapped her fingers causing the orb to slot into the mechanism of the throne, Immediately following this, the dim room soon after lit up as the runes engraved in certain areas started glowing, the sphere that Demetria had previously been observing started to revolve on its own as a few scenes began to play within it.

  Feng Yu seeing this scene was curious as he observed, he thought, “It’s now a lot different from that time we snuck in here...”

  Jing Mingyun hearing his words nodded as she replied, “Um. That’s because they only used the orb to power the Vision Sphere, the throne is what controls not only this room but the entire palace...”

  As if confirming her words, Demetria who sat on the throne finally spoke, “Initiate Palace Reconstruction!”

  “Palace Reconstruction Sequence Initiated...” A strange mechanical voice said.

  Rumble! Immediately after, the palace started to shake as the crumbled walls and pillars floated into the air. These rocks and broken pillars soon after began to connect themselves to the sections of the palace.

  After a mere moment, the palace became fully restored much like the state it was in when Feng Yu had previously arrived. As Feng Yu saw this scene, his eyes opened wide as he exclaimed internally, “Such a powerful reconstruction array...”

  “Palace reconstruction is completed, energy reserves are now at 20%,” The mechanical voice said.

  Demetria nodded as she heard this, she looked towards everyone below her and spoke, “The palace is repaired, we can now be considered to have completed the first mission in this War Command...”

  The faces of Zyne, Myria, Leon, and Jing Mingyun became bright as they looked towards Feng Yu with a smile, as Feng Yu heard her words and saw this scene, he was about to speak but was cut off as a familiar sound came into his ears.


  “Phase 1 of the Chosen’s Mission is completed!”

  “Remaining time is five months...”

  “Mission, Sieze or Destroy the Core Command Influences in each Central Zones.”

  The very moment this occurred, the world shook as a familiar voice spoke across the heavens once again.

  “The Dark Palace has fallen, and the Endless Rain Zone has been liberated. The Chosen had therefore been awarded the title of Conqueror! If the remaining two palaces of the remaining zones fall to his army, then trials of the ancient dragon battlefield will eternally come to an end!” After the voice said this, it vanished leaving behind a silent world which soon after swung into a commotion...

  Feng Yu having cleared his head from this couldn’t help but look towards the outside, his eyes focusing on the distant horizon at the portal that was vaguely shown in the distance. He then removed his gaze from this scene and looked towards Demetria, Zyne, Jing Mingyun, and rest before speaking.

  “It seems that there is still a fairly long road ahead of us... may our alliance be victorious in the end...”

  The group hearing his words gave a tactic consent as their eyes glowed with a positive light as if they could see the end of this war in plain sight...

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  A few moments before the Ancient Dragon Battlefield’s announcement...

  Far away in a strange land,
at the center of a vast plain filled with a myriad of strange plants was a large congregation of fiendish troops that seemed endless in number. They were organized into different camps each which flew a flag of some kind bearing different emblems. These flags were that of the ‘Rain,' 'Sky,' and 'Ghost.’

  If one looked around carefully, they would begin to notice that at the direct center of this large group of fiends was a smaller group of fiends. However, the evil auras that emanated from their bodies were vastly superior to any of the surroundings fiends gathered around them in their formations.

  These powerful fiends each carried a solemn look on their faces as they gazed towards the three individuals who stood before each other at their direct central position. Beads of sweat trickling down their foreheads as the calm winds of these verdant plains breathed life into the area, gently sweeping across their figures rustling their cloth on their armors along with their strands of hair.

  On one side was a creature whose figure was clad entirely in blue battle armor, revealing only his long cyan-blue hair as well as his bright blue eyes that shone in a fiendish light. His height being no lesser than ten meters towering over all of the fiends gathered together.

  At his left side was the figure of an intimating birdman no smaller than he was fully covered with a strange dark feather armor that gleamed in a sharp light, his head raised in an upward manner with his beak pointing to the sky filled with an unparalleled amount of arrogance.

  Finally, at the right position was a ghostly being, his body seeming to be ethereal in nature as he wore a strange ghostly armor that blinked into the reality and outside of reality occasionally.

  These beings looked at each other like wolves looking at prey each with a sinister smile on their faces, their silence continuing only for a moment before finally one of them spoke.

  “It’s been a while, Sky Commander Falcoy, and Ghost Commander Gui Shenin...” Reinz said in a seemingly polite tone.

  “Humph! You seem to be in quite a good mood, offering me a hello on our first meeting in such a long while. It seems you’ve forgotten what happened to my child that went to your zone a month ago!” Falcoy said as his eyes momentarily opened looking at Rienz’ face with undisguised killing intent.

  Rienz hearing these words smiled and replied, “Well, that wouldn’t have happened if the bird didn’t try to probe what it shouldn’t, now would it?”

  “You---!” Falcoy was about to shout in anger but before he could say anything he was interrupted.

  “Shi-shi-shi-shi! You two love birdsssss, are quite amusssssing to watch... but I ssssadly, I have to interrupt your little ssssspout. We have gathered here to dissssscus the battle plans for these humansssss, did we not?” Gui Shenin said in a matter of fact tone of voice.

  As both Reinz and Falcoy heard this, they reigned in their egos and prepared to discuss the Mystic Realms current affairs. It was a pity for them, however, for it seemed that they were destined to become disrupted once more.

  The voice of the woman was once more sounded as the keywords ‘Dark Palace has fallen’ was particularly resounding to the ears of Reinz who momentarily spaced out as he looked towards the sky with a shocked expression on his face.

  The faces of both Falcoy and Gui Shenin were surprised when they heard the news, but after a few moments, their expression became one of pure seriousness. Reinz also regained his wits, soon after becoming filled with boundless rage; he lifted his head and shouted, “This damn human, you dare to destroy my palace!!! How did this happen?”

  Gui Shenin who seemed to be wiser quickly spoke up, “I think you ssssshould reign in on your emotionssssss, the matter that ssssshould be desssscussssed now is going to have to be reprioritized. If thissss human had the force capable enough of dessstrooying your Palace Command, then he will most definitely be able to destroy our own influencessss...”

  Reinz hearing this calmed down he pressed in his anger as he looked towards them and spoke, “Chet! My command had two True Soul mid-class fiends. The enemy is most definitely capable of battling even someone on our levels of strength. If this is the case, it is not as simple as being able to destroy all of our kinds, it will be total annihilation!”

  Falcoy hearing this finally dropped his arrogance as he spoke, “That's right! We need to find a way to contact our command bases! If we can allow both my Dark Hawkman Units along with the Soul Eater Ghost’s to unite, using a few trump cards they should become more than capable of holding them down for a while, enough for us to finish the battle against these human influences that are congregating in the Center of All Zones...”

  As Reinz silently pondered upon Falcoy's suggestion, something strange could be seen shining within Gui Shenin's eyes as he muttered in a voice only he could hear, "They may be able to annihilate both your zonessss, but mine issss a little different, huhuhu!"

  However, while they were each locked in their own thoughts, there was a disturbance.

  “It seems you’re having a bit of trouble, must be an inherent trait of your silly races...” A shady dark voice said.

  The trio hearing this became surprised as they looked around them with confusion, but after a short moment, their gaze became dignified.

  Reinz looked towards a section where each of their shadows collided; the form of a robust looking shadow could be seen, its dark, sinister red eyes gazing at the trio with a deep level of scorn and mockery.

  As if they didn’t hear his previous insult, they looked at this entity and spoke, “Hmm, it seems that the excellency has been with us for a while... what does this excellency have to suggest to our kind?” Reinz asked in a deep voice.

  “You worry for things that have no solution, what you should be focused on however is the current army of humans you are about to face, there are a few among them who are quite exceptional beings even for you three to face... more particularly an even more dangerous entity, hidden among their ranks...” the voice said.

  “What?!” Reinz, Falcoy, and Gui Shenin each exclaimed together, they looked towards the shadow to ask more questions, but before they could do anything, it had already vanished, leaving behind a few strange words.

  “My influence in this space can only remain at the minimum, so I can only aid you one time, take these you may need it. If the battle against these beings do not go as planned and you’ve found yourself back into a corner use it, for it shall prove to be quite of good use. However, know that by using these charms, your path to salvation will forever vanish...”

  Chapter 146

  The Center of All Zones, The Allied Human Army!

  The earth here was filled with a different kind of air as the land was moist due to the fog-like surroundings, a vast lake that spanned an endless reach enshrouded a few humongous floating rocks that seemed to be no different from landmasses.

  An array of bridges made of stone-like materials each with special engravings on their railings expanded from each of these different floating landmasses, as they connected to each other they formed an interconnected network much like that of a spider’s web.

  If one looked carefully, they would notice that above these large floating surfaces were a variety of fields, trees, along with old broken constructs that have been resting on these lands for an unknown amount of time.

  At the summits of one of these huge floating landmasses, within a broad field of verdant grasses was a large group of individuals. These individuals were bustling about collecting woods and other materials as they pitched camped in these wild lands while a few more prominent practitioners amongst them stood at the center of the field around a broad wooden table.

  Looking from left to right, three individuals stood out among these practitioners. A middle-aged man whose body was entirely wrapped in a cloth leaving only his bright gleaming eyes visible to the world, another whose body gave off a deep royal aura dressed in a decorated robe with an imperial insignia on its surface, and finally one who wore a wide bamboo hat with a strand of grass in his mouth.

bsp; Seated nearby these three individuals was an individual who gave off a dark energy with a sharp look in his eyes, followed by a beautiful black-haired woman who wore a red dress with the patterns of roses.

  Not far from her, was another beauty with bluish-hair who wore a sky-blue dress with a long sword on her back, and a skinny looking man with sharp eyebrows who hoisted seven different types of knives on his back.

  Lastly, there was an elderly man and a middle-aged man who seemed to be constantly bickering at each other.

  “It's your fault that my Qing’er disappeared!” Old Zhu complained as he looked at Tang Lie with an angry expression on his face, his fists clasped together with their veins visible.

  Tang Lie hearing Old Zhu’s words had a look of displeasure on his face, he slammed the table and yelled, “You senile old fool! Why do you keep blaming me for something that was beyond my control?!!”

  “What do you mean by it’s not your fault? If you had kept a better watch on those kids, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place!!” Old Zhu continued to argue.

  Tang Lie was now at a loss for words as he heard Old Zhu’s logic, after remaining silent for a short while he was about to reply but was soon cut off by another of the individuals around the table.

  “Xin Zhu, Tang Lie, this isn’t the time for you both to argue over such matters. The matter of the missing Chosen is an issue we are each facing, and there is nothing we can do about it other pray for their safety as well as hope that they can make it here in one piece.” Xun Yanshan said in a deep tone, the others hearing his statement were also carrying a solemn look on their faces as they pondered their disciples and several juniors’ safety.

  “Um, I think that his statement is valid. There is nothing we can do when we don’t know how to find the Chosen. Instead, I think we should spend more time planning how to overcome the fiends within the Center of All Zones.” Nei Sinian said calmly as his two eyes underneath the layers of cloth gleamed with wisdom.


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