Breaking Bad

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Breaking Bad Page 23

by Karin Tabke

  “Here,” he softly exasperated, taking her elbow and guiding her to a standing position. “You stand, and let me pick them up so we’ll both be out of harm’s way.”

  She watched him, covertly from beneath her lashes, trying not to feel guilty about how much she admired his moves. He looked like a man’s man. A big, rough and tumble kind of guy who’d like the outdoors. He even smelled like it. Fresh and woodsy. The total opposite of her quiet, intellectual lover, who despite lacking this man’s animal magnetism, had his own brand of charm.

  As the handsome stranger stacked the binders in her arms, her eyes dropped to his capable hands and instantly conjured the vision of them on her breasts. When she raised her gaze to his face, he was smiling. A wolfish knowing smile. Heat rose in her cheeks, spreading to her nipples and lower. Katy was no shrinking violet, but this man made her extremely aware of her female parts being in close proximity to his very male parts. When the binders were all stacked, he cocked a brow and asked, “Are you staying at the hotel?”

  “Yes,” she’d admitted too quickly.

  “Me too.”

  She swallowed. “That’s nice.”

  “Not really. But what would make it nice is if you would let me buy you a drink later tonight.”

  She’d swallowed hard again. “I can’t, I’m with someone.”

  His full lips tightened and he nodded. “Lucky man, your someone.” He tipped the brim of an imaginary hat and walked away.

  Since that meeting, she’d seemed to bump into him at every turn, including when she and Evan had gone down to grab a drink before dinner. Green Eyes sat across the bar with a bunch of drinking, carousing guys. Who, according to the cocktail waitress, were cops in for some kind of task-force meetings. Although he wasn’t partying with the others, he was drinking, and with each drink, he’d raised it to her in silent salute.

  “It’s my turn, Katy,” Evan had said pulling her attention back to him. “And I pick dare.”

  Excitement shivered down her spine. “Okay,” she said, slowly exhaling. “I’m feeling rather daring at the moment.”

  He grinned and nodded toward the group of cops. “I dare you to pick one of those cops and take him upstairs.” She went from feeling excited to feeling a little sick to her stomach. Not that sex with one of the hunky cops was sickening, but because Evan had suggested she have sex with another man.

  Her face must have reflected her dismay because Evan said, “C’mon, Katy, don’t tell me you’re not turned on by the one that keeps staring at you. I should go punch his lights out for his audacity.”

  “Then why don’t you?”

  He chuckled. “I’m a lover, baby, not a fighter. Besides, if I did, it would be kind of hard to invite him upstairs, wouldn’t it?”

  Not a fighter for her anyway. How could he dare her to take another man to bed? Weren’t they a couple? A secret one because of the no-fraternizing rule at work, but if he cared about her at all, how could he be okay with her having sex with another man?

  Her pride kicked in. Fine, if she didn’t mean enough to him to remain monogamous, then this little dare would be on her terms.

  She glanced over at the group of cops. Yeah, she admitted, and only to herself, that despite her hurt, she was intrigued. They were all good-looking men. Cocky as all hell, and most women would be happy to indulge in one or all of them—but there was only one she would consider. But, was Evan bluffing? Playing a game; a test to find out how much he meant to her by putting her in this position?

  “Are you serious?” she asked, sure he was kidding.

  “As a heart attack,” he said with conviction. He wasn’t bluffing.

  Her belly did a slow roll as she stared at him, waiting for him to take it back—but he didn’t. Raising her chin she made her decision. Pride was the devil’s child, so to hide her hurt, she nonchalantly threw back at him, “Only one? Why not two?” Go big or go home, right? Please God don’t let him say two! She couldn’t do that. Wouldn’t. The verdict was still out on picking just one. She knew she was uptight. Inhibited, Evan had said. She needed to loosen up.

  Evan’s lips twitched into an arrogant little smirk that she loved. It was playful and loaded with promise. He leaned forward and kissed her neck just behind her ear. The touch elicited a small tremor that instantly infused her already sensitive nipples, then shot straight to her groin. He knew that was her weak spot and used it to his advantage. “Count me in as the second one,” he whispered.

  Chapter One

  God help her, but despite her hurt feelings and her self-induced inhibitions, the image of Evan and Green Eyes fucking her into oblivion excited her.

  And that damn pride of hers took Evan’s dare to the next step. She chugged her glass of wine and gave herself a mental pep talk. You are sexy, you are sexy, you are sexy. Go have the fuck of your life. You are sexy. You are fucking crazy!

  “You’ve been reading my mind.” She stood, focused on the green-eyed fiend, and made her way over to cut her next fuck out of the very fuckable herd.

  Green Eyes watched her approach with an appreciative smile. It took every bit of guts she had to saunter with confidence across that bar, knowing Evan’s eyes were on her ass, and every other man’s on her tits. Well, almost all of them. Those green eyes were locked on her mouth. She stumbled at the edge of the bar where the carpet ended and the hardwood floor began. She caught the back of a barstool before she took a header into the bar top.

  His strong warm hands righted her. “Are you falling for me already?” he teased.

  Barely able to breathe, Katy rubbed her nervous hands down the front of her black skirt. “Y-es, as a matter of fact I am.”

  He looked past her to Evan, his eyes narrowing to slits. “Is that the ‘I’m-with-someone,’ someone?”

  “Yes, and he and I, well—” Her nipples tightened as his gaze returned to her lips. He smelled really good. And he was hot, not hot as in good-looking hot, even though he was; he was hot body temperature. Heat radiated from him. “We’re going upstairs to party, and wanted to know if you’d like to join us.” She rushed the words so quickly even she didn’t understand what she’d just said.

  His full lips tightened. But he understood perfectly. “Ditch that dude and we’ll have our own party.”

  She glanced over her shoulder to Evan, who was watching with interest, and turned back to Green Eyes. “He’s my boyfriend. That would be cheating on him.”

  “He’d deserve it for putting you up to this.”

  “He—he didn’t,” she stammered. “It was my idea.” Straightening, she was almost eye to eye with him and she was wearing five-inch Christian Louboutins. “Now, are you in or out?” Dear Lord where did that demanding woman come from? She didn’t go there with herself because if she did, she’d talk herself right out of this. So she blamed the wine that she’d thank in the morning.

  He leaned toward her and whispered against her ear, “I’m in and out, fast and furious, down and deep.”

  “Oh my,” she breathed, pressing her hand to her thumping heart.

  When she didn’t move, he took her by the hand and strode with her stumbling behind him toward Evan.

  Shocked he’d accepted, now here they were, in her hotel room, the two men on either side of her. Evan and the green-eyed stranger.

  She still couldn’t believe the stranger was here. That he’d accepted her invitation to join her and Evan. Well, initially Evan’s invitation. But seriously, for an introverted girl like her, loaded with hang-ups, to land a hunk like this? Well, it was a-once-in-a-lifetime deal and she was going to do everything in her power not to scare him away.

  Fortified with wine-induced courage, Katy cocked a smile and sauntered across the room to him. She’d drunk four glasses, two right before they’d come up to the room, and the alcohol had given her the courage to follow through with Evan’s teasing sug
gestion that had become a dare. She’d never turned down a dare when they played Truth or Dare, she wasn’t about to begin tonight.

  “There are a few boundaries,” Evan started, a discernible edge to his voice. Was he rethinking his dare? Katy refused to give him an out. Not now. She’d come this far, she was going all the way. He directed his next words to Green Eyes. “No kissing. No fluid exchange and you wear a condom.”

  The stranger’s bright eyes glittered in the dim light of the room. Anger brewed at being given rules by a man he obviously didn’t respect, but he turned those lethal eyes on Katy. Her skin flushed warm at their intensity. Yeah, he was irritated that Evan was calling the shots, but that irritation was overrun by the prospect of fucking her.

  “If you touch my dick,” Green Eyes said to Evan in a threatening tone, “even by accident, I’m going to kick your ass.”

  Katy giggled and looked over her shoulder at Evan, the man she had spent more time with on her back than upright. He winked at her and the anxiety she’d been holding on to slid from her. She turned back to Green Eyes and softly, but firmly said, “Please don’t hurt me.”

  He looked indignant at even the thought, which immediately set her fears aside.

  Before he could respond, Evan moved up behind her possessively. “Hurt her, and you won’t walk out of this room.” Ah, there was Evan acting as a boyfriend should. But she doubted he could kick this cowboy’s ass.

  Despite Evan’s warning, Katy swallowed hard, glancing quickly up at the hunk who smirked at Evan and replied, “The only hurting I’ll give her will be for more.”

  Katy gasped. She didn’t dare turn to look at Evan. His silence screamed his unhappiness. But—she swallowed hard and looked up into the stranger’s gleaming eyes now completely focused on her—damn if she wasn’t excited to see this through. “Take off your pants; I want to see if you’re going to be worth the storm that’s brewing behind me.” Evan was going to regret this, because she knew she was not. And that was going to be a problem.

  Without breaking gazes, Green Eyes unbuttoned his tailored trousers and shoved them down his hewn thighs. Katy’s curious gaze dropped, the impressive sight giving her cause for pause. He was big and beautiful and growing by the minute. Her breasts tingled with excitement. “You’re beautiful,” she breathed. “Now please take off your shirt.”

  “Take yours off first,” he commanded.

  Green Eyes’ demand pushed her arousal into high gear. “Aren’t you the cocky one?” she boldly said, caressing his tall muscular length with a long slow gaze.

  Evan pulled her back against his chest, sliding his hands down her waist then up and beneath her bra and form-fitting sweater. As his hands cupped her sensitive breasts, she moaned, never once drawing her hooded-gaze from the stranger’s blazing stare. “I’ll do the honors,” Evan breathed against her ear. Before his hands drew the sweater up, his fingers tugged and rolled her sensitive nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. His lips brushed against the nape of her neck, eliciting a rash of goose bumps. “She has great tits,” he quietly said to the other man. He squeezed them and Katy’s knees wavered. “Big, firm, succulent. The kind of tits a man dreams about.” He lowered his hands, much to Katy’s disappointment. Then slowly he drew the sweater up and over her shoulders. He dropped the fabric to the floor and Katy’s eyes widened as Green Eyes’ cock thickened.

  Slipping his fingers beneath her bra straps, Evan lowered one, then the other just to the tip of her breasts, barely covering her nipples. He slid his hands across the high swells and squeezed as his lips grazed her neck again. “Don’t forget who you belong to, Katy,” he whispered for her ears alone.

  His possessive words were more of an aphrodisiac than any pill. She arched, digging her bottom into his burgeoning cock. His hands tightened on her at the contact. He slid the bra lower, unclasping it. Then, cupping her breasts, he held them up in offering to the stranger, who stepped forward.

  The intensity of Green Eyes’ gaze electrified her. He smiled a half smile, reached up to her face, gently slid her glasses from her, and tossed them to a nearby chair. Then he reached behind her head, nudging Evan away and unclasped the hair clip holding her mass of dark chestnut curls in place. The heavy wave of hair cascaded down her back and over her shoulders. He dug his long fingers through it, smoothing it up and off her shoulders so that her bare breasts were not hidden from his white-hot gaze. A shiver ran along her spine scattering a new rash of goose bumps along her skin. His lips broke into a fully satisfied smile at her reaction to his touch.

  “That’s better,” he huskily said, then dropped to his knees, sliding his fingertips across her sensitive nipples.

  She hissed in a breath, afraid to let the moan building in her throat to slip out. When his hungry mouth latched on to a hard nipple, it escaped.

  “Oh—” Katy gasped.

  His big hands slid down her waist to her hips then around her back to her ass where he squeezed her cheeks. She wanted to dig her fingers into his thick dark hair in the worst way, but felt that as crazy as it seemed, considering what he was doing to her, it was presumptuous on her part to think he would enjoy her touch as much as she was enjoying his.

  Finding the skirt button at the top of the zipper, he deftly separated it from the button hole, then pressing one hand against the waistband, he slowly drug the zipper tab down the crack of her ass, the low buzz sound surreally erotic. Bunching the fabric in his fists, he pulled the fabric from her hips, and down her thighs. Katy’s knees shook as he traced his lips down her flat belly to her belly button. His strong, rough hands were a sharp contrast to the softness of his lips.

  When those lips came to rest above her thong panties, he nipped at her hot mound, blowing on her. Katy made a little squeaking sound of surprise and pleasure.

  Chapter Two

  Evan’s short shallow breaths against her neck signaled his excitement. He stood a good head taller than her and she knew he watched the hunk on his knees before her. When Green Eyes pulled down her panties and the small soft thatch of hair that shielded her pussy glistened from her juices, she felt Evan’s cock jerk against her back.

  “Your pussy is so sweet and succulent, Katy,” he whispered against her ear. “How does it feel to have another man’s tongue buried inside you while I watch?’

  Opening her mouth to answer, the words hitched in her breath as Green Eyes parted her swollen lips with the tip of his tongue. “Oh—” she gasped unable to articulate into words how she felt. Swallowing hard, she looked down, and as if she were a voyeur she watched this stranger’s tongue slip between her swollen folds, only to come up and wrap around her sensitive clit. This time she didn’t hesitate to dig her fingers into his thick hair. It was soft, silky even, not what she expected from such a he-man.

  Feeling like the ultimate bad girl, naked save for her five-inch heels, as one of the hottest guys on the planet licked her pussy like he was savoring a melting ice cream cone, Katy was closer to an orgasm than she had ever been in her life.

  “I knew a secret wanton lurked beneath those librarian clothes you wear,” Evan crooned. “Why do you hide that fuck-me body?”

  Evan’s words combined with the abandonment the wine lent her topped off with the stranger’s talented tongue, aroused her to uncharted territory. The urge to spread herself on the bed and let them suck her and fuck her was so powerful, she nearly demanded it. But she couldn’t. There was a part of her that had never allowed herself to let completely go and give up control of her body.

  When she arched against Green Eyes, Evan cupped her straining breasts, tugging on her nipples just the way she liked it.

  “Oh—” she moaned, undulating against the stranger’s wanton mouth. “That feels so good.”

  Behind her, Evan’s cock swelled rock hard. He hurriedly shucked his clothes and dropped to his knees behind her. Grasping her hips he slid a finger down the crease
of her ass, her juices so copious that her anus was wet. Evan used it to his advantage.

  Katy was a self-admitted prude in many ways, but when it came to sex, though she tried to suppress it, the sensualist in her came out. It had taken Evan months of relentless pursuit to get her into bed. And now, even after six months, she was still reluctant to let herself go.

  It was only when she had a buzz going that she was able to relax enough to allow him to try something new. Gently he worked his finger along the tight bud of her ass.

  “Oh,” she moaned when the stranger slid a finger deeply into her. “Please,” she begged. “Go slow.”

  As her ass moved back, Evan slid his finger into her, the slickness of her juices adding needed lubrication. “Easy, girl,” he whispered against her ass and nipped at it.

  Katy cried out in pleasure at the sting of his bite. Quickly he licked the hot spot and soothed it. Her body quivered around him, but opened up like a flower greeting the sunrise. It was surreal, standing between two men bent on pleasuring her. Yet the sensations they elicited was indescribably real. And shocking her to her conservative core. She didn’t want to think about how she would feel in the morning; she was only going to think about how they made her feel tonight.

  “Ah, there we go, you bad girl, all of the way in,” Evan, breathed as his finger slid completely into her anus. It was an odd but not uncomfortable sensation.

  “Easy,” she breathed gulping for air unsure of what to expect.

  Evan stood, allowing her the use of his chest for leverage, and then parted her knees from behind with his knee, giving the stranger greater access to her pussy.

  “Oh—God,” she breathlessly exhaled, as Green Eyes suckled her clit a little harder, and pressed his finger in a little deeper. She arched against Evan’s chest, lifting her arms and lacing her fingers behind his neck and at the same time pressing her pussy harder against the lips and finger that ravaged it. Never had she felt so alive, so free, so uninhibited. She was drawn bow-tight. With his free hand, Evan cupped her breast and in tandem, he and the green-eyed stranger finger-fucked her into oblivion.


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