How the French Won Waterloo - or Think They Did

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How the French Won Waterloo - or Think They Did Page 23

by Stephen Clarke

cemetries, 208

  Cent Jours, Les, 43

  ‘c’est la Bérézina’, 16

  Chaboulon, Pierre Alexandre Fleury de, 167

  Chambre des Députés, 41

  Chambre des Pairs, 41

  Champaubert, Battle of, 28

  Champs-Elysées, xii

  Chapelle de Saint-Jérôme, 198

  Chapelle Expiatoire, 199

  Chaptal, Jean-Antoine, 238

  Chapuis, Colonel, 67

  Charleroi, 164

  Charles X, 151

  Charras, Jean-Baptiste-Adolphe, 60, 61–2, 103, 162

  Charte constitutionelle, 234–5

  Château de Fontainebleau, 31

  Château de Vincennes, 104

  Chateaubriand, Céleste de, 114, 146

  Chateaubriand, Viscount François-René, 177

  Château-Thierry, 28

  Chatrian, Alexandre, 112

  Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, 183

  citizen king (Louis-Philippe), 152

  Civirieux, Larreguy de, 75, 105

  Code Civil, 211

  Code Napoléon, 211–14

  Coignet, Captain, 91, 93

  colonies, 7

  Comédie Française, 14, 239

  Comédie Humaine, 169

  Communards, 207

  Conscript of 1813, The, 112

  conscripts, 99

  Constant, Louis Rilliet de, 106, 147

  co-propriété, 212

  Corrèze, 104

  Corsica, 140

  Cossacks, 18, 19, 34

  coup d’etat 1799, 5, 145

  Craonne, 29

  ‘Creation’ (Haydn), 6

  Czech Republic, 193–4

  Damamme, Jean-Claude, xii, 5, 6, 27, 49–50, 89, 90, 164, 165

  animal abuse, 80

  on British officers, 100

  his distaste for England, 135

  on Wellington, 94

  Daublé, Julie-Victoire, 216

  deaths, in battle, 232

  defeat, 92, 114

  de Gaulle, see Gaulle

  déjeuner à la fourchette, 48

  Delort, General, 78

  Denon, Dominique Vivant, 210

  d’Erlon, Jean-Baptiste, 81

  Desaix, Louis Charles, 68

  d’Escola, Edouard, xii

  Dessales, General Victor-Albert, 58

  Dictionnaire Napoléon, Le, 231

  Dino, Duchesse de, 156

  doctors 31 see also surgeons

  Don Juan, 185

  droits réunis, 230

  Drouot, General Antoine, 70, 90

  drummer boys, 40

  Dumoulin, Louis, xiii, 196

  Dupuy, Victor, 98

  ‘Duroc, Baron’, 141

  Duroc, Marshal Michel, 68

  Durutte, General Pierre François Joseph, 91

  Dutch, paid by British, 6

  Duthilt, Captain Pierre-Charles, 57, 90

  eagles, 97, 195, 204, 205, 264

  Ecole Militaire, 23, 41

  Ecole Normale Supérieure, 217

  Ecole Polytechnique, 217

  economic model, 235–8

  economic tranquillity, 243

  education, discipline in, 217–18

  Edward VII, 198

  Elba, 32–6

  elections, 41

  elite, French, 235

  embargo against Britain, 12

  England, Napoleon’s invasion plans, 165

  English, see also British

  army supplies, 57

  cannons, 77

  centre, 85

  charge, 89

  ‘Entrevue d’Erfurt’, 14

  Erckmann, Emile, 112

  Exelmans, Rémy, 125

  factories of Wolverhampton, 236

  Fauveau, Carabinier Antoine, 203

  Fayette, Marquis de La, 122

  film of Waterloo, 82

  films, French, 115

  Finland, 14

  Fitzgerald, Lady Charlotte, 135

  folk tales, 11

  Fondation Napoléon, 161

  Fontainebleau, 222, 245

  adieux at, 32, 178

  food supplies, 20

  foreign occupation, 112

  Fouché Joseph, 119–21, 125

  Fox, James, 7, 8

  fox-hunting, 100

  Foy, General Maximilien, 48, 55, 93, 97

  France, exhausted by war, 232

  François, Prince, 155

  Franco-Russian treaty, 14

  Franz I, 23, 32


  individuals, 212–13

  press, 39, 41, 235, 241

  religion, 235

  speech, 8


  actors, 239–40

  army, 19, 34, 48, 103–4

  casualties, 29, 106–7

  cavalry, xiii, 78, 79

  crafts, 237

  education system, xv, 215–18

  Empire in June 1812, 17

  films, 115

  fleet, 13

  government, xv

  and the Industrial Revolution, 114

  language, 245

  law, 211–12

  luxury industry, 237

  national theatre, 239

  navy, 231

  Parliament, 40

  ports, 6

  Presidents, xv, 214

  Prime Minister, 214–15

  Resistance, 113

  revisionism, xiv, 96

  Revolution, 5, 7, 186

  royalists, 106, 231

  Socialist Party, 117–18

  soldiers, 56, 57, 93, 103, 105, 106

  spirit, xv, 175, 245

  Friedland, 49

  Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia, 4, 220

  Fröhliche Wissenschaft, 188

  full-frontal assault, 77

  Gallo, Max, 18, 59, 61

  Garde Impériale, 87–92, 99, 107, 109, 173

  Gaulle, Charles de, 96, 117, 229

  Genappe, 93

  George III, 7, 13

  Gérard, Etienne-Maurice, 83, 84

  German princedoms, 11

  Gironde, MP for, 230

  gloire, 102

  Gneisenau, General August Neidhardt von, 123

  God and Napoleon, 54

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 189

  gold, Napoleon’s, 23

  Gourgaud, General Gaspard, 180

  Grace, Princess, 223

  Grande Armée, 11, 34, 69, 71, 170, 223

  march to Paris 36–8

  monument, 207

  and Moscow, 18–22

  veterans, 55, 169

  grapeshot, 76, 81

  Grimm brothers, 11

  Grouchy, Emmanuel de, 69, 98, 99, 119, 125, 206

  beat Prussians, 118

  inactivity, 88

  marching away from battle, 83–5

  strawberry breakfast, 66–7

  Halles, Les, 208

  Hamilton, Monsieur, 86

  Harrow, 181

  Haxo, General François-Nicolas, 74

  Haydn, 6

  Haye Sainte, La 85

  Hegel, Georg, 186–7

  Heymès, Colonel, 65, 87

  Histoire de France, 4

  Histoire de la Campagne de 1815 - Waterloo, 60, 103

  Histoire des derniers jours de la Grand Armée, 53

  Hitler, Adolf, 113, 205

  HMS, see under name

  Holland, 5, 17

  Hollert, Maître, 67

  Home, Midshipman George, 128–34

  Hotham, Admiral William, 130

  Hougoumont, 73, 75, 89

  Houssaye, Henry, 110–11, 163

  Howard, Major Frederick, 183

  Hudson Lowe face au jugement des Anglais, 142–3

  Hugo, Victor, 89, 136, 149, 187, 238, 241

  anti-war writing, 176

  comparing Napoleon and Wellington, 175

  described the carnage, 80

  describing Ney, 91

  exile, 172

  father, 171

  glorious victory, 174<
br />
  greatness of Napoleon, 174

  and Hougoumont, 75

  Les Misérables, 60, 71, 75, 80, 91, 112, 174, 238

  ‘L’Expiation’, 172–4

  ‘merde’, 110–11

  ‘morne plaine’, 52, 172

  and Napoleon’s funeral, 156–7

  Napoleon’s fate, 53–4

  Napoleon’s legacy, 211

  Napoleon’s ‘local pains’, 60

  ‘ravine of death’, 82–3

  tragic heroes, 71

  ‘Waterloo’, 109

  Hundred Years War, 4

  image of military power, 203

  Impressionism, 242, 244

  Inconstant, 37

  India, 13, 14, 15

  infantrymen, 85

  Ingres, 204

  Invalides, 156, 158, 172, 174, 198, 201, 205, 214, 217, 221

  ‘iron cage’, 38

  Isabey, Jean-Baptiste, 204

  Italy, 5, 17

  Jaurès, Jean, 117–18

  Jena, Battle of, 186

  Jobit, Captain, 33

  Journal Général de France, 92

  juge d’instruction, 212

  Lago Maggiore, laurel tree, 184

  L’Aiglon, 223

  Lainé, Joseph, 230

  Lamartine, Alphonse de, 153, 155

  Lannes, Marshal Jean, 68

  Laon, 29

  Larousse’s encyclopaedia, 233–4

  Larrey, Barron, 60

  Las Cases, Emmanuel de, 21, 84, 143, 144, 148, 163, 211

  Laudy, Lucien, 59

  laws, 4

  Lefebvre, Marshal François-Joseph, 30, 32

  Lefol, General Etienne, 71

  legal systems

  basis of, 213–14

  combined, 212

  Legros, Sous-lieutenant, 75

  Leipzig, 25, 26, 181

  l’Elysée, 215

  Lemonnier-Delafosse, Captain Marie Jean Baptiste, 55, 86, 87, 93, 98

  ‘L’Expiation’, 172–4

  Lignereux, Aurélien, 40

  Ligny, 50, 53, 55

  Battle of, 106, 166

  Lion d’Or, 118, 147

  Lobkowitz, Prince Franz Joseph von, 190

  Lodi, 145

  Longwood House, 141, 149, 248–9

  Louis XIV, body of, 199

  Louis XVIII, 34, 35, 146, 151, 171, 229, 234

  administration, 211

  army, 147

  brother, 38

  royalists, 82

  Louis-Philippe, 151–3, 157

  flees to England, 158

  Louvre, The, 208–10

  Lowe, Sir Hudson, 140, 142, 144, 148, 178

  Lucchesini, Marquis Girolamo, 4

  ‘Lui’, 171

  luxury industry, 244

  lycées, 216

  Lyon, 38

  uprising in, 120

  Maitland, Captain Frederick Lewis, 128, 129, 144

  ‘march to the cannon’, 83

  Marengo, Battle of, 49, 68, 184, 221

  Marggraf, Andreas Sigismund, 220

  market, 208

  Marmont, Marshal Auguste, 30, 206

  Marseillaise, La 38

  Martin, Lieutenant Jacques-François, 56, 63, 71

  Mauduit, Hippolyte de, 53, 56, 69, 105

  Médaille de Sainte-Hélène, 158

  Mémoires d’Outre-Tombe, 177

  memorabilia, Napoleonic 184–5, 221–8, 222, 245–6

  Mémorial de Saint-Hélène, Le, 144–6

  Mercer, Captain Alexander Cavalié, 78, 79

  ‘Merde’, 92, 111

  merde, 110–15

  Metternich, Clemens, 24, 42, 77

  Meuse, River, 165

  Michelet, Jules, 4

  military music, 104

  military units, 10

  ministerial red boxes, 204

  Misérables, Les, 60, 71, 75, 80, 91, 112, 174, 238

  anti-war writing, 176

  French patriotism, 175

  fun of British, 111

  merde, 110

  Napoleon and God, 53–4

  Ney, Michel, 91

  Monge, Gaspard, 126–7

  Mont Saint-Jean, 52

  Montereau, 29

  Montholon, General Charles de, 126

  Montmarte, 242

  Mormant, 29

  Moscow, 20, 21–2

  mud, 56, 57, 63

  Muiron, Jean-Baptiste, 68

  Murat, Joachim, 68

  museum, new, at Waterloo, xiii

  music in France, 241

  muskets, 77

  Napoléon homme de guerre, 163

  Napoleon see Bonaparte, Napoleon

  Napoléon III, Emperor 113, 159, 172, 198 see also Bonaparte, Louis-Napoléon

  Napoleon on Board the Bellerophon, 131

  Napoleonic Wars, 3, 5

  and allies, 26

  bloodiest day of, 19

  last battle of, 96, 125

  Napoléon: l’Immortel de Sainte-Hélène, 18

  ‘Napoleon’s Farewell’, 182

  ‘Napoleon’s shadow’, 68

  Nassau regiment, 74

  nature and Waterloo, 52

  Nelson, Admiral, 13

  New Army, The, 118

  newspapers, 39

  Ney, Marshal Michel, 38, 50, 91, 101, 206

  and artillery attack, 85–7

  and cavalry charge, 78–82

  charged with treason, 81

  death-wish, 89

  description of, 65–6

  Nietzsche, Frederich, 188, 189

  Northumberland, HMS, 133

  Norway, monument, 196

  Nouveau Larousse Illustré, 96

  ‘Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte’, 181

  Old Guard, 31, 43, 47, 64, 66, 69, 104, 106, 108, 120, 124, 125

  Orchardson, William Quiller, 131

  Orgon, riot in, 231

  Palmerston, Lord Henry John Temple, 155

  Panorama, xii, 196–7

  Parc Napoléon, 247

  Paris, 30

  auction house, 222

  funeral procession, 156

  Napoleon flees to, 120

  Napoleon’s march north to, 37

  shops, 237

  speech in, 42

  tomb, 160

  Parisian taxis, 113

  Parisians, rich, 29

  parliament, 41, 151, 235

  pavements, 208

  peace in Europe, 232

  Père Lachaise, 208

  Petit, General, 109

  Philippeville, 118

  Pitt the Younger, William, 7–8

  Place Vendôme, 207

  Plymouth, 132

  poison, 31

  Poland, 17

  Polish Legion, 195

  Polish National anthem, 195

  Ponsonby, Sir William, 78

  Pope, 209

  post-Napoleonic France, 234


  British, 124, 132

  censorship, 151

  freedom, 39, 41, 235, 241

  pro-royalist revolt 1793, 39

  Prussia, 24, 27, 42

  defection of, 23

  France falls to, 123

  Prussian, 28, 29

  Ambassador, 4, 5

  army, xii, 24, 106, 118

  atrocities, 93

  cannons, 86

  lines, 50

  War, 112

  Prussians, 69, 83, 85, 93, 100, 166, 180

  paid by British, 6

  Valmy, at, 151

  Quatre-Bras, 50, 94

  Racine, 31

  ‘ravine of death’, 82, 83

  re-enactments, xiv, 64, 194, 225, 227, 228

  Réfutation des calomnies de la vie de Napoléon par Walter Scott, 180

  Reille, Marshal Honoré, 70

  retour des cendres, 159

  rifle manufacture, 104

  River Berezina, 169

  River Meuse, 165

  roads, 55

  Rochefort, 123, 126, 128

  Rocquencourt, 125

Edmond, 223

  Rouge et le Noir, Le, 168, 169

  Rougemont, Michel-Nicolas Balison de, 110

  royalist revolt, 6, 9

  Russia, 12, 14, 19, 24, 27, 42

  buying British goods, 17

  war with, 15

  Russian, 5, 28, 47

  retreat, 20

  troops, xii, 30

  Saint Helena, 84, 132, 229, 248

  memorial ceremony, 249

  Saint-Denis, 199

  Saint-Nicaise, rue, attack on Napoleon, 5

  St Petersburg, 21

  Sarkozy, Nicolas, 214

  satire, 238

  Scandinavia, 12

  Scott, Sir Walter, 106, 142, 142–3, 177–80

  Scottish, 100, 106, 116, 122, 147, 196

  Shelley, Lady Frances, 135

  shoes, 141 see also boots

  slaughter, senseless, 75

  social mobility, 215


  die on march, 19

  last moments, 176

  from many countries, 18

  ordinary, 69, 99

  song, invasion, 239

  Sorel, Julien, 169

  Sorrows of Young Werther, The, 189

  Soult, Marshal Jean-de-Dieu, 66, 69–70, 80, 85

  Souvenirs d’un cadet, 105

  Souvenirs Militaires, 86, 98

  Spain, 14, 17, 66

  Stendhal, Marie-Henri Beyle, 168, 169, 176, 187

  strawberry breakfast, 67

  streets, 205–6, 208

  sugar, 4, 220

  surgeons, 60, 80–81, 106, 163

  Sweden, 14

  Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles-Maurice de, 15, 23, 30, 35, 36, 119, 156, 231

  quips of, 26

  in Vienna, 42

  tax, 230

  ‘Taxis de la Marne’, 113

  teacher-training, 217

  Thiebault, General Baron, 237–8

  Thiry, Jean, 109–10

  Times, The, 124

  toilets, 196

  Torbay, 132

  Toulon, 9, 39, 43, 140, 153

  Toulouse, 24, 70

  Tours, 121

  Trafalgar, 13, 128

  tricolour, 48, 152, 168, 212

  Tuileries Palace, 23

  Tulard, Jean, 17, 231

  Undaunted, HMS, 33

  uniform, 203–5

  Uxbridge, Lord, 78

  Valls, Manuel, 246

  Vandamme, General Dominique, 53

  Vauchamps, 29

  Vaulabelle, Achille Tenaille de, 84

  vermine verte, 101

  Victoria, Queen, 198

  Vieille Garde, 88, 108, 179

  Vienna, 42

  Villepin, Dominique de, xii, 12, 53, 54, 67, 89, 127

  French taste for defeat, 114

  on governing, 43

  Napoleonic memorabilia, 221

  Napoleon’s three weapons, 47

  Vitoria, and Wellington, 190–1

  Voltaire, 131

  Wallonie, xiii

  Warsaw, statue of Napoleon, 195


  accounts of the battle, 46, 57

  aftermath, 93

  French victory, 97

  glorifying, 112, 174

  regrouping at, 51

  Waterloo (film), 82

  Waterloo (play), 112

  ‘Waterloo’ (poem), 109

  Wavre, 84, 86

  weather, atrocious, 55

  Wellington, Duke of, xiii, 3, 42, 52, 69–70, 74, 83, 118, 136, 175, 243

  admired the French navy, 99

  anti-French jibes, 35


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