Aromatherapy & Arsenic (A Cozy Spa Mystery Book 7)

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Aromatherapy & Arsenic (A Cozy Spa Mystery Book 7) Page 1

by Jenn Cowan

  Aromatherapy & Arsenic

  A Cozy Spa Mystery (Book 7)

  Jenn Cowan

  Copyright © 2019 Jenn Cowan

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual person’s, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of author.

  The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction. The publication/use of these trademarks in not associated with or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  A Note from the Author

  About the Author

  Other Books by the Author:


  “I can’t believe you talked me into this.” I elbow Nikki in the ribs and she yelps.

  “Hey, you said you needed to get out more.” She pins me with a knowing glare. “You and Josh have either been working your tails off at the spa or holed up at home trying to make me an auntie so quit your whining and fix your hat, it’s crooked,” Nikki orders, popping me on the head with her fan before snapping it out again to fan her face. Her long dark locks move from the breeze over her bare shoulders. The floor length red and black lace saloon dress with a slit up to her thigh fits her slender figure like a glove.

  I scowl at her and adjust my hat. Unlike Nikki, who got a gorgeous character in this western themed fall party, I got the deputy sheriff. At least I didn’t have to buy a whole costume since I had the hat, jeans, boots and a white shirt in my closet. The only thing I had to get was a toy gun, belt and star for my shirt.

  “Looking mighty fine there, Deputy,” Josh whispers in my ear before handing me a glass of sarsaparilla.

  “Thank you, Sheriff,” I smirk and flick my eyes up and down his muscular frame. “I could say the same for you, hot stuff.” He’s dressed in similar to me, but his white shirt clings to his biceps while mine looks like I’m wearing a tent over my torso. “Ow,” I cry out, spinning around to see why someone whacked me with something on the shoulder.

  Nikki flicks her fan back out and chides, “Autumn, quit ogling the sheriff. This isn’t a soap opera themed party and no one said, ‘hot stuff’ in the olden days. This is supposed to be authentic. You should have some idea how to act like a deputy with all the sleuthing you’ve done this past year.”

  I roll my eyes and take a sip of my drink. It’s bitter and tastes nothing like root beer. I spit it back in my cup and set it down on the nearest tray then take in the room. The side door to the hall opens, blowing in some leaves and the crisp cold air. I shiver and Josh pulls me into his side where I snuggle into his warmth. I should have brought a jacket, but Nikki talked me out of it insisting a deputy wouldn’t wear a jacket inside. Ugh. What is with this girl and being all ‘authentic’?

  “Can you believe her?” Nikki scoffs, leaning in and covering her mouth with her fan as if she’s afraid someone can read her lips.



  My eyes follow her stare to find Lindy, the town’s event planner, in a busty barmaid’s outfit with two blond braids on either side of her head. She’s holding two pitchers of beer and laughing at whatever Bobby, who is dressed in a three-piece suit dark suit with a gray vest and old-time watch with a chain on it hanging from his pocket, just said to her. His dark hair is slicked back and he looks every bit the part of a banker. “What is Bobby even doing over there?”

  Nikki scoffs. “Lindy insisted he help her get everything started. I mean what does she even need to do, but welcome everyone and get the dance started? She’s been trying to get her claws into him even before April died.”

  “She has?” This was news to me.

  “Bobby told me she would always stop by his construction sites with cookies or donuts then follow him around until he’d tell her he had to get to work.”

  “Why didn’t Bobby just tell her he wasn’t interested?”

  “Oh, he has, but she’s relentless. It’s like she doesn’t know or understand the word, ‘no’.”

  I frown and look over toward Lindy and Bobby again. Bobby’s trying to untangle himself from her while she’s practically pushing her boobs into his face. “You might want to go save your man.”

  “Oh, for the love of Pete. She’s making a spectacle of herself.” Nikki snaps her fan shut and stomps over to rescue Bobby and I’m sure give Lindy a piece of her mind.

  “Well this party just got interesting.” Josh chuckles beside me.

  I bump his shoulder and stifle a laugh. “Stop. We’re supposed to be supporting our friends, not being entertained by their drama.”

  He kisses the top of my head and mumbles in my ear, “I could think of a lot better ways we could be entertaining ourselves tonight.”

  His words have my whole body tingling and my heart rate ramping up.

  “Someone need a little air?” Josh puts a hand on my low back and gently nudges me toward the door. “Or a little distraction?” He kisses my neck.

  I giggle and yank him out the side door.

  We stumble out into the cool November night, laughing as we hurry to find a private corner to snuggle up in, but someone calling our names has us spinning around.

  “Autumn! Josh! You made it,” Regina exclaims then asks, “What do you think of my dress?” She shimmies her shoulders to show off her dark blue and black lace saloon dress.

  “You look gorgeous.” I smile at her then turn to Pastor John, who looks completely uncomfortable in his starched jeans and dark flannel shirt with a black cowboy hat and boots. “How are you tonight, Pastor John?”

  “Just fine, Mrs. Parker.” He nods to Josh. “Mr. Parker. How are the newlyweds this evening?”

  I blush and tuck a loose strand of auburn hair that’s fallen out of my French braid behind my ear. “We’re well, thank you.”

  Josh rests his arm on my shoulder. “It’s a nice evening out. We thought we’d take a stroll before the party starts.”

  “Oh, here we thought we were late. The invitation said seven and it’s almost quarter after. We’d all better get in there before it starts.”

  I glance behind her. “Travis isn’t coming? I thought he was supposed to be the ‘bank robber’.”

  Regina chews on her lower lips before answering, “He is.”

  I cock my head to the side to study her. She seems nervous, like she’s hiding something, but before I can ask, Travis strolls up in all black jeans and a black shirt with black boots. He even has a red bandana tied around his mouth. I’m not sure that’s how a bank robber would dress back in the day, but he does look the part. His limp is gone, which the doctor was concerned would be permanent, a remnant from his blow to the head a couple of months ago. It see
ms some of those nerves weren’t firing the way they were supposed to when it came to his gross motor skills. Travis didn’t accept that was his fate so he spent a ton of time in physical therapy and even more time at the gym and yoga studio getting his leg back to where it was before the accident. He’s even stronger now than he was before the accident. There was also a certain someone helping him work through all of that and that person is on his arm right now.

  Travis tips his hat to me and Josh before shaking Pastor John’s hand and giving his aunt a hug. “Autumn, Josh, you remember Taylor, the EMT from my accident,” he murmurs through his bandana.

  I fight back a smile as I take in the petite blond with braids wearing a barmaid’s dress. “Hi, Taylor. Nice to see you, again. Glad you could join us.”

  Travis shifts uncomfortably next to her before declaring we should all probably get inside before the party starts without us.

  Warm air greets us along with the smell of hay from the bales positioned around the hall. They’re more for seating purposes than really going with the theme of the party. The rest of the hall looks almost like a bar scene from an old western movie. An actual bar is along one wall with a bunch of stools in front of it. Several round wooden tables and chairs are scattered in the middle of the room. The floor’s already wooden so it only adds to the authenticity of it all. A piano sits in one corner with Chase in an off-white button-down shirt and brown pants playing some country tunes on it. While Allison, wearing a black lace saloon girl dress sits next to him singing softly. They look like they’re in their own little world. I nudge Josh’s arm and gesture in their direction.

  He smirks and mutters, “Finally.”

  I laugh because we’ve both been listening to Allison for the past few months whine about Chase. She’s told us all his faults and their entire history, but lately she’s been talking more about the good times instead of the bad.

  Chase has been relentless in his pursuit of her. Sending flowers to the salon and even to the spa since Allison’s agreed to be an independent consultant for us so we didn’t have to hire someone new to do the facials, manicures and pedicures. He was bringing her breakfast, lunch and even an afternoon snack. Every. Single. Day. Then all the sudden he stopped. I think he gave up or was switching his tactics, but it must have worked because they look awful cozy by the piano.

  “Excuse me.” Lindy taps the microphone causing it to make a squealing sound. “Sorry.” She clears her throat. “We’re about to begin so if everyone would please take their seats.”

  Josh and I find our names at a table on the outskirts of the circle. Travis and Taylor are already seated across from us. Allison and Chase hurry over and sit down next to me and Nikki and Bobby sit down next to Josh.

  “Now, if I can have all the barmaids and saloon girls come up to the front. You ladies will be our servers tonight.”

  Nikki scoffs. “What?! That’s ridiculous.” She throws her cloth napkin on the table and stomps over to Lindy.

  Bobby groans. “This is going to be a long night.”

  “I’ll go make sure they don’t kill each other,” Allison offers then cringes. “Sorry, poor choice of words.” She gives Chase a quick smile before dashing over to keep the peace.

  Taylor flips a blond braid over her shoulder before scooting her chair back to stand up.

  Travis jumps to his feet to help her. “Watch your step on these wooden floors. They can get really slick.”

  “Thank you,” Taylor whispers, before hurrying over to where the rest of the barmaids and saloon girls are gathering to help serve the food.

  When Travis sits back down, all eyes are on him. “What?” he asks then takes a sip of water.

  I open my mouth to tease him, but Bobby beats me to it.

  “So, the EMT, huh?”

  Travis bristles and rolls his eyes.

  “Is she tending to all your ‘boo-boos’?” Bobby jokes.

  “Quiet, Biggs,” Travis growls.

  “Ah, come on, Mills. I’m just having a little fun. Taylor seems really nice. Is this serious?”

  Travis scoffs. “Shut it, Biggs.” He eyes me then looks down at his glass.

  “Alright. Well I’m happy for you. You deserve to find a nice girl to settle down with and maybe have a few little ones running around. I’m sure Cat would like to have a sibling.”

  Travis grips his glass tightly, but doesn’t respond.

  Josh clears his throat and breaks the tension at the table. “So, Bobby when are you going to propose to Nikki?”

  It’s Bobby’s turn to quit talking. His face grows somber and he gulps before grabbing his drink and taking a swig.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “What aren’t you saying? Nikki’s been waiting for you to pop the question for months. What’s the hold up?”

  Bobby tugs at his collar and sweat rolls down his temple. He looks around the room like he’s ready to make a run for it. “I-I…” he clears his throat. “Soon,” he chokes out then changes the subject. “Chase, how is the hardware store?”

  Chase smirks, knowing Bobby’s trying to take the attention off himself. He obliges and says, “It’s really good. Between all the construction going on in town and online sales, I can barely keep things in stock.”

  I smile at him. “How are things with Allison?”

  He blushes. “Really good. We’re in a really great place right now.”

  I pat his hand. “I’m happy to hear th-,” I’m cut off by a scream from the bar area and someone yelling, “Fight!”


  “What’s going on?” I stand to try and get a better look over all the people crowding around the bar.

  Travis stands too then quickly heads over to the ladies.

  I’m right on his heels with Josh on mine.

  We push our way to the front of the group to find Nikki and Lindy rolling around on the floor. They’re yanking each other’s hair, pinching and clawing and even ripping each other’s dresses. It would be comical if this were a television show and not real life. These ladies are respected business owners and here they are acting like a couple of high school girls fighting over a boy… and I’m sure that’s what they’re doing.

  Travis yanks Lindy up by the arm while Bobby grabs Nikki around the waist.

  “I want her arrested. She attacked me.” Lindy points an accusatory finger at Nikki.

  “Only after you threw wine on my dress and told me Bobby’s never going to marry me,” Nikki fumes, blowing hair out of her face.

  “Alright ladies. Let’s settle down,” Travis booms, loudly, getting everyone’s attention then he lowers his voice and inquires, “Do you ladies really want to press charges or can we go back to enjoying our evening?”

  Nikki fiddles with her ripped sleeve while Lindy crosses her arms and juts out her lower lip in a pout.

  I roll my eyes and step in. “Nikki, why don’t you go clean up in the bathroom. Lindy, what needs to be done so we can get everyone dinner and move this event along?”

  Nikki shoots Lindy a glare before storming off to the bathroom.

  Lindy smirks then snaps into hostess mode and starts giving orders.

  Josh, Bobby, Travis and I pitch in and help serve dinner. When we finally get a chance to sit down and eat, Lindy’s already up at the front telling everyone about the dinner theater, which is next on the agenda.

  “Hey, where’s Nikki? I haven’t seen her since she went to the bathroom.” I glance around the hall, but still don’t see her.

  “She went home,” Bobby mutters.

  “Home? Why?”

  “Her dress was ruined and she was embarrassed by her actions.”

  I quirk an eyebrow at him. “And you didn’t go with her?”

  Bobby rubs the back of his neck. “She wanted some space.”

  “Does this have anything to do with what Lindy said about you not proposing?”

  He sighs. “Maybe.”

  “What gives? I thought you loved Nikki. You asked me her ring size earlier this s
ummer. What’s changed?”

  “I’ve just been thinking.”


  “It hasn’t been that long since April died. I don’t want to rush into something.”

  I frown. “Rush into something? I’m not following. April roped you into marrying her by telling you Cat was your child. Then blackmailed you into staying married to her. You have a chance at real happiness and you’re sitting here wasting it,” I cry, then glance around when I realize no one else is talking.

  The whole hall is completely silent and all eyes are on me.

  I guess I was talking a little too loudly. I wave at everyone and smile. “Sorry,” I call up to Lindy, who’s glaring at me. “Don’t mind me. Continue on.”

  She huffs into the microphone then begins to speak again.

  Josh wraps an arm around my shoulder and nuzzles my neck. “You’re really hot when you’re all fired up,” he whispers in my ear.

  As if my face wasn’t red enough from embarrassment, now I’m red for a whole different reason.

  Bobby clears his throat. “You’re right, Autumn. It’s just not that simple. I’m the Mayor. I have an image to uphold. Nikki doesn’t like all the political aspects of my job. Things have been tense and I’m not sure getting married right now is the best idea.”

  My eyes have to bugging out of my head because Nikki’s never said a word about her and Bobby having issues. “Have you talked to her about all of this?”

  “I’ve tried, but it always ends up in an argument.” He sighs in frustration. “I can’t marry her if we can’t even get along for a week.”

  I nod in understanding. “I still think you need to talk to her. She deserves to know where your heart and head are at and if you plan to ever marry her.” I give him a pointed look. “She’s not getting any younger and the last time we talked, she wants kids so that train better start moving quickly, if you know what I mean.”


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