Beta: Her Alpha

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Beta: Her Alpha Page 3

by C. M. Steele

  The look he gives me is odd, but then in the gruff tone I’m used to getting from him, he grumbles, “No problem. Anything for my favorite wolf.”

  “Yeah, until we find our mates. Then we probably won’t speak to each other again.” My words upset him. It’s only fair considering I’m upset at the idea as well. It gets to me when he says sweet things or acts charming.

  “Don’t talk about mates, Chloe. I’m not ready to lose you when you find yours,” he confirms the inevitability that our friendship will come to an end. My heart hurts at his tone, but there’s nothing either of us can do about it.

  “Then help me get to the resort, Erik,” I demand with the authority of a queen. He gives me a low growl, but he still follows my command after opening up a pretty pink and black umbrella to protect me from the rain.

  “Love your umbrella,” I say.

  “I thought you would,” he replies, giving me a bright smile, the one that hits my gut with an inexplicable urge to kiss him. It’s like he got it for me.

  “So you got a pink umbrella for me?” I tease.

  “Most men wouldn’t care if they got wet. It’s the damsels in distress that don’t want to ruin their fancy hair.”

  Jealousy hits me all over again as I think about him finding his mate. What if he meets his damsel in distress while like this? They’d kiss in the rain, dropping the umbrella because they’re so consumed with their kiss that they don’t care about getting wet. It was displayed in all those movies Cat and I watch and in all those Harlequin romances she lends me to read. My feelings are irrational along with my hatred for that future Mrs. Erik Smith. That’s it. I’m nuts about someone who isn’t even my mate. Shaking it off, I evaluate his appearance, hoping to find a flaw but I can’t.

  He’s such a good looking man—built and all masculine. I think if he was a normal human, he would have women gracing his bed every night. All the women that pass through town always flirt with him. If he could fuck anyone, he probably would. Unfortunately for his personality, he’s shifter and can only fuck his fated mate. I try to shake it off again before he notices I’m upset.

  “Hey, kitten, do you have enough shoes? I’m glad you’re not my mate. I don’t think I could afford your fancy heel collection,” he jokes, but I don’t find it funny as he points to my pile of extra shoes in my back seat. It hurt my feelings, but I can’t cry. I’m the sister of the Alpha and a grown woman. He looks at me after pulling my briefcase out of the back, and he understands I’m not happy.

  “Damn it, kitten. Did I say something wrong?” I can see that he’s pained to know I’m hurt, but I can’t comprehend his pain when I hurt, too.

  “No, you’re just being your usual arrogant self. I don’t want to mate with you either.” It’s not a nice thing to say and a complete lie, but my words are a challenge to him.

  “Kitten, you’re lucky we’re not mates because I would be punishing you daily for that mouth of yours,” he snarls before he takes my things and dumps them angrily into the trunk. “Let’s go, Miss Grey. I don’t want you to miss your chance to meet your mate.”

  “Don’t be a dick. You started it first,” I swore. I hate when he’s mean to me.

  “Come on, Chloe. I’m sure you’re not the only one going to be stranded today.” I got into the squad car with him without another word.

  When he drops me off in the front of the main building under the large protective valet area, I just wave him off. He waves back and leaves me standing in front of my big brother who meets me outside.

  “What happened? Did you get stranded?” Hunter says, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

  “Just about. He thought it was safer for me just to get a lift from him than try to make it in my car.”

  “That’s good. We’ll get your car tomorrow,” he says before he walks me into the hotel like he’s got to protect me. My big brother’s a strong and powerful Alpha but still treats me like a delicate princess.

  Chapter 4

  The weather is making a marked improvement just as I leave the hotel. I guess she could have drove herself. I pull over to the side of the road to check on her vehicle. I notice she didn’t lock her car door, so I look inside to make sure everything is there. I think I just need an excuse to touch something that belongs to her. She has a light sweater resting on the back of her seat, and I snatch it up and press it to my nose.

  “Fuck me,” I growl. I managed to piss her off, even though it wasn’t my intention. It’s never my intention, but I get so carried away with jealousy that I can’t contain the bile. Telling her I thought she was too skinny was an asshole thing to say, and a complete fucking lie. I love her body. If I was lucky enough to be her mate, I’d be in carnal bliss—pure heaven. The problem is we’re not fated to mate.

  We’ve been fighting like cats and dogs for the past month or so. I know it’s my fault—again. We’ve called a truce at least ten times since we met because in truth we have a hard time staying away from each other.

  I wanted to bite my own tongue off for telling Chloe that I don’t want her because of her shoe collection. What an idiot! She’s my obsession, the reason I smile. I know she hates me now…but maybe it’s for the best; she belongs to someone else. I’m irrationally jealous of this mysterious shifter who’s going to make love to her in every filthy and loving way. I used to watch porn because I wanted to learn for when I finally met my mate, but now I can’t even consider it. Visions of Chloe with a man that isn’t me get into my head. The more I think about her future life, the more irrational and angry I get. I’m getting to the point that my behavior is erratic and cruel. One second, I’m cool, fun, and playful with her. The next second, I’m rude, hot-headed, and cold.

  I hate ever being rude to Chloe, but constantly being this close to her is destroying my sanity. I’m in love with her, but I don’t understand how it’s possible. If she was my mate, we would’ve gone at it once we scented each other, but we’ve known each other for over a year. Every single day, I battle with the choice of holding her close or pushing her away. I want to kiss her soft pink, glossy lips, but I know it would be wrong. She doesn’t belong to me. Her beautiful emerald eyes will brighten with hunger for someone else one day.

  I growl at the thought of her finding her mate. Every time the subject comes up, I turn into a complete asshole. I know she will get mad at me for it, but it sucks to look at her long blonde hair and not be able to run my fingers through it. Whenever I see her I’m looking for a way to please her, but it’s been the opposite. I swear today she was on the verge of tears.

  How much longer am I going to keep dealing with this is a mystery to me. I want to run from her, yet I want to chase after her. This fate thing is fucked up. She should be mine. I’m already twenty-eight and she’s twenty-four, making both of us past the start of mating age. In fact, we’re past our prime. We should have found our mates by now. That’s why I need to leave her, but every time I see her it gets harder and harder to do.

  Today has been the hardest day yet. She looked so perfect in the coffee shop and I teased her for no real reason other than I couldn’t be with her like I wanted to be. Then seeing her on the side of the road—stranded—it angered me that I wasn’t the one for her. I should be her protector and hero.

  Her shoes were just an excuse to push her away, but I didn’t expect her to toss out that she didn’t even want me as her mate. It burns just to even think about it.

  “This place is sweet! Did you see all the hot men living in this town?” I hear some regular human whores talking about the men here.

  “Hell, yeah! The sheriff…yum. I want to be arrested. I think I should steal something so he could pin me to his patrol car and frisk me.” I’m ready to howl in jealous rage. She’s talking about my Erik.

  “Me, first. I’d like him to cuff me and take me wherever he’d like. Um…against his squad car.” I glare at them. I’m getting angrier and angrier by the moment.

  “Did you see the owner? He’s hot, too. Th
ey’re tall, like really tall, but they don’t look bad. Sexy men that are itching to have their hands on some hot California pussy.” Oh, hell, no. Those broads are talking about my brother.

  “We should try to talk to them, but the owner’s married.” At least one of them isn’t a complete whore.

  “Who cares? I’ve seen her; she’s nothing special. I’m sure he’d enjoy a change in scenery.” They both start laughing. Fucking human sluts.

  Hoping not to shift and rip their heads off, I step away from the hostess with whom I was discussing a dinner party for some special guests. It’s one thing to hit on a single man, but my brother is taken, and that’s something that I’m going to have to deal with. Just as I’m about to confront those bitches and escort them out of my family hotel, my sister-in-law walks right past me and up to the whores. I’m on her tail because shit’s about to go down.

  “Excuse me, ladies. I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation, and I wanted to give you some advice. When you’re thinking about going after someone’s husband, make sure his wife can’t hear you. If either of your ugly, fake-ass heifers even approach my husband, I will make sure you never walk again.”

  One of the whores stands up and gives Cat an arched brow. “Is that a threat?”

  “No, you tramp. That’s a fucking promise.” I grab her arm before she loses it and jumps across the table.

  The other one takes a drink, then warns, “Can’t keep your husband from all temptation, you know.”

  Cat speaks through gritted teeth. “I know there are women who claim they’re temptation, but I know my husband, and he’d have no interest. So if I were you, I’d make your stay short. And if the sheriff wanted you, you’d know. Now get out of my face, and my hotel.”

  We both walk out of the restaurant laughing. Damn, I’m proud of her for standing her ground even though we both know no one will ever attract Hunter. Now, Erik isn’t taken yet, but if he wanted to mate with one of them, they’d know. Thankfully he didn’t.

  Just as we head to my office, Hunter walks quickly up to us and tosses Cat over his shoulder and carries her to their suite they christened where I’m sure he’ll deal with her the same way he does every day.

  Two weeks after the rainstorm and our little argument, the resort opened up for business. I’ve missed Chloe, but because of our schedules and the mounting tension, we’ve been avoiding each other.

  I’m on my way to get something to eat when I run into her and one of the inspectors having lunch at the local diner. After placing my order, I let out a low growl and walk up to them. The jackass sitting with her doesn’t hear me, but Chloe does. She gives me a look that throws me for a loop. It’s a mix of anger and longing.

  “Sheriff Smith, this is Mr. Radcliff, the health inspector for the resort.” She turns back to the nerd in a suit and sweetly says, “Ben, this is Erik Smith, our local sheriff.” Ben? So they’re very well acquainted, and this isn’t a business lunch. My inner wolf is rearing to make a special appearance and gnaw his face off.

  “Hello, Sheriff. I thought the way you were coming over here that Chloe was your woman. It’s good to know she’s available tonight for a date.”

  “A date?” I ask as civilly as possible because I can’t comprehend what the hell’s happening. She’s dating? When the fuck did this start happening?

  “Yes, a date with you, Ben, sounds fabulous.” She looks at me like I need to get the fuck gone, but I’m not going to let her date someone. If he kisses her, I’ll have to rip his throat out. We can’t mate with anyone but our mate, so I’m not sure what she’s about.

  With a growl, I warn, “Really, are you sure that’s okay with Hunter? You know your brother might not go for it.”

  “Hunter isn’t going to care,” she snips at me. “And it’s not his business anyway. I’m a grown woman.”

  “Well, be safe,” I say with a snarl. I can’t take any more, so I make my exit. My wolf is pressing against my skin with rage.

  After leaving the diner without any food because suddenly I don’t have an appetite, I send her a text.

  If he touches you, I’m going to rip out his heart. I hit the send button without giving a shit about the consequences.

  What does it matter to you? she sends back. I look at her text, more pissed off than I was when I saw them together.

  Chloe don’t piss me off. I can’t have you and neither can that fuck.


  Chloe…I toss my head back against the headrest in relief. She doesn’t try to defy me, which is good because if she does go out with him, I’m going to lose it. It’s going to be a full moon as it is, and I’m not feeling right. Something is wrong with me. I wonder if I’m getting sick, but that’s not very likely. Part of me wants to let my wolf out, but another part tells me to wait.

  This man is going to drive me insane. He thinks because he’s the sheriff and my supposed friend that I can’t have a life. I may not be able to mate with anyone that’s not my mate, but I can have fun with other men. I need this. I need to pull away from him. He doesn’t understand the hold he has on me.

  We’re not even mates, yet all I think about is what it would be like to be his, to let him own my body. I feel a tingling sort of pleasure course through my womb at the thought of what he could do to me if he was my mate. It’s not a new feeling, but it’s been growing. The sexual desire started the day Rocky tried to kill my family. It’s like something changed. My love for him has grown and so has my jealousy. Cat and I almost bit those bitches heads off at the resort restaurant yesterday, so when Ben asked me out, I said yes. I want to get him out of my system before I can’t live without him. Although I think it’s too late for that.

  After we return to the resort, I inform Ben I can’t go out with him.

  “I’m sorry, Ben, but I can’t go out with you tonight.” Really do feel bad, but I won’t have him hurt because of Erik warped sense of protectiveness.

  “Tonight, or not at all?” He gives me a look that says he already knows the answer.

  “I think it’s best if we don’t go out at all.” I feel like such a bitch. He’s a nice guy. Handsome in a nerdy way, but I don’t want Erik to go crazy for no reason. It’s not like he really wants me. He’s just being a dick after our last fight.

  He gives a little chuckle. “Why? Did the cop tell your brother, and he doesn’t want you to go?”

  “No, he didn’t, but I don’t think it’s a good idea,” I remark sheepishly.

  “Why…because of the cop? He’s got it bad for you. I don’t want to get locked up for taking a beautiful woman out, so I’m going to back off.” He walks away from me like I’m a dime a dozen, but after the women yesterday I guess human pussy is.

  I keep looking at Erik’s text message, and it’s messing with my head. It’s like he cares for me, too. I want to pull my hair out in frustration. Sometimes fate can be so cruel. If he finds someone before I do, I might have to move away. I’m pacing in the lobby, going out of my mind with confusion.

  I need to talk with Cat. She’ll know how to make me feel better. I go into her office and wait. She’s getting dirty with my brother as usual in their bedroom.

  I only wait about five minutes before she comes in the door, completely disheveled and with a grin on her face.

  She takes one look at me and asks, “What’s wrong, Chloe?” I guess my feelings are written on my face.

  I stand up and pace, stopping in front of her desk. Playing with my jacket buttons, I say, “I have a question. I’m kind of afraid to ask anyone else.”

  “We’re sisters, Chloe. You can ask me anything.” She grabs my hand, stopping me from mangling my jacket.

  “Will Hunter hear our conversation?” I know about the connection between Hunter and her. They can hear each other’s thoughts, so I’m worried he’s going to listen in. Gosh. I can’t imagine someone invading my thoughts all the time. It must get annoying really quick.

  “Not if we are quiet. I’ll block him from my tho
ughts when I need to,” she reassures me. Which makes me feel much better. “So what is it?”

  “Umm. I was wondering…when one mates, does it go smoothly or will it end badly?”

  She’s trying not to laugh at me, but it’s hard to do. I worded it wrong. “Chloe, there is nothing to worry about. Mating happens when it’s meant to happen. Your mate will want you without even thinking twice about it, and you’ll be the same for him. I was a virgin, too, but the way we acted it was like we’d been doing it for years.”

  “Did you feel anything before you two mated?”

  “I think it was different for me, but I felt excitement and desire which lasted six long months. From what Hunter told me, the mating process is over almost as fast as it begins for normal mates.” That’s the news I don’t want to hear. That just proves Erik and I aren’t fated for each other.

  “Have you scented your mate?” she asks me.

  “No, but it’s just I have feelings for someone, and well, if we were meant to be mated, why haven’t we? If we weren’t, why do I have these feelings?” I bawl, tears streaming from my eyes. The overwhelming feeling of despair cracks my heart.

  Two seconds later, Hunter and Gage were at the door and in the office in a panic. They look at me with confusion, then Hunter turns to Cat for answers.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Hunter asks. They must have heard me cry.

  “It’s a girl thing. You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Oh…” they say in unison, both full of embarrassment. I think they thought we were talking about my period or something. She nods at them, and they leave the room.

  The moment they’re gone, she’s at my side with wide eyes full of curiosity. “Chloe. Who is he?” I can’t blame her from wanting to know.

  Taking a deep breath, I whisper, “Sheriff Erik Smith.” Then I cry some more.

  There’s a change in Cat. She’s gotten quiet, but her expressions are running the gamut. “Are you and my brother arguing?”


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