Light as a Feather

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Light as a Feather Page 8

by Cameron James

  “Don’t buy him Malibu.” He said, I laughed as he turned to look at me, he seemed to examine me. “Bottle of vodka.” He said nodding, I nodded back. “And some beers.”

  “Beers aren’t a spirit Kian love.” Margo said, it made me smile.

  “It’s my birthday. My word is law.” He replied, I gasped at him whilst pointing at him. “I like that rule, can we enforce that every birthday?” I asked, he laughed as Margo shook her head a smile on her face as she left our room.

  “Connor’s outside.” Kian said, I looked towards him. “Do you want to meet him?” he asked, I reached for my phone swiping away the lock screen to see a message from Connor also telling me he was outside, so I nodded to him.

  “I’ll go meet him. You can make yourself look pretty.” I said blowing him a kiss as I stood from the bed, he laughed holding his finger up to me as I left our room.

  Connor was stood on the other side of the student entrance into the dormitories. He seemed surprised when I opened the door to him.

  “Aw you shouldn’t have.” I said once I clocked the bunch of flowers in his hand, he laughed his cheeks going a little red as he held the flowers behind his back.

  “Shut up.” He replied as he laughed. “I also brought.” He said reaching into his bag, he pulled out a bottle of gin.

  “You brought gin.”

  “Yes, yes I did.” he replied as he read the bottle. “There’s been many of fun nights created by this bottle.” He said, I sighed as I laughed then nodded my head down the corridor, so he began to follow me. “This is like a proper school isn’t it.” he said, I frowned at him. “Like I expected it to be all ballet like, but it looks like a proper school.” He said, I raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Oh shut up.” He added I laughed then knocked him in the direction of our corridor with my hip. “Do you know if…” he began, then he sighed and looked at me, “at risk of sounding like a needy other half, has Kian mentioned me?” he said, I laughed then nodded.

  “Yes, he has mentioned you.” I said, he smiled to himself before looking back at me. “You’re so going to get laid tonight.” I said, he laughed as he looked at me.

  “Really?” he asked, I nodded to him then stopped outside of our door. “Awesome.” He muttered I laughed as I opened the door, Kian turned and smiled at us, so I turned my head to look at Connor who was smiling back at him.

  I figured it was awkward standing between them so I went to sit on my bed. I watched as Connor awkwardly held the flowers out to Kian, then I smiled as Kian’s whole expression lit up then he smelt the flowers. They both looked at me, I looked away as they stepped towards each other and kissed.

  “This is beautifully awkward.” I said, they both laughed as Kian went into the en-suite. He came back with our empty soap dispenser, although now it was filled with water and the flowers sat in it almost perfectly.

  “I got Black Swan.” Kian said, then looked at Connor, “because you know, ballet film is mandatory.” He said, Connor laughed.

  “I have a liking of ballet films. They were the only thing on when Jacob was in charge of the television.” He said, turning to look at me I winked at him.

  “I’ve also got the password to my brothers Netflixs. So…” Kian said shrugging dramatically at us then he opened his laptop.

  We had figured out a few weeks back that his laptop had a suitable sized screen to be placed on the chest of drawers for us both to watch from our beds. It was also loud enough not to be a problem. It had been a great discovery and we’d gone through many series since we’d discovered it.

  Margo returned with two bags that clinked together as they moved then began to pour drinks for us. She sat herself on the opposite end of my bed, as I sat at the head. Kian and Connor sat in the middle of Kian’s bed, leaning back against the wall with the six pack of beers on Connor’s side and the bottle of vodka lying next to Kian, then I started the film, Kian turned out the lights from his bed.

  “Please remain quiet during the feature presentation.” Kian said, I began to laughed as Margo held her drink up to me, I clinked my glass against hers as the opening titles began.

  Margo kept our drinks filled to the top as we watched the film, she didn’t let my drink drop below halfway, so I began to feel giddier and giddier as the night went on, which, I swear is the only reason I began to giggle like a child when I turned to look at Kian’s bed to see they’d given up watching the movie and were more interested in each other’s mouths.

  “You know, I’m all for this relationship.” I said to Margo, she frowned then looked towards his bed and began to laugh as well. “Just with less tongues. You know.”

  “I know.” she agreed, I laughed then covered my mouth.

  “You’re trying to get me drunk.”

  “Honey, I don’t need to try.” She replied, grinning at me as I held my glass out to her again.

  “I’m thinking of ordering a pizza.” Margo said as the credits ran up the laptop screen, I nodded to her slowly then glanced at Kian as he hummed then got off his bed.

  “I think we’re going to bow out.” Kian said, Connor grinned he seemed quite pleased with himself, then he looked at me, so I blew him a kiss, he winked back then blew me one back.

  “Fine, fine you two go and have sex. We’ll order pizza then. Right Jacob.”

  “Right!” I stated as Connor stood from the bed, he came to me kissing the side of my head.

  “Don’t get too drunk Ballerina.” He whispered in my ear, I smiled at him as he began to laugh then he took Kian’s hand.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” Kian said as they left our room.

  “I wouldn’t count on it.” Margo said, they both laughed then she turned to me. She ordered pizza on her phone then she grinned. “I have a game we should play.”

  “A game?” I repeated, she nodded.

  “Truth, Dare or Shot.” She said happily as she produced multiple coloured shot glasses.

  “I’ve never played this.” I said, she laughed.

  “No, really. I’m shocked Jacob.” She said, I smiled. “So it’s simple. Every round, is truth, dare or shot.”

  “Can I back out?” I asked, she hummed.

  “You can back out of a dare, but only by taking a shot. The same with truth.”

  “Deal.” I said holding my hand out to her, she took it and shook it. Then placed the shots in lines of five, she filled the first row with vodka, the second with gin, the third with tequila then she started again.

  “Youngest goes first.” she said, I laughed.

  “April, twenty-third.” I said, she grinned at me.

  “February, twelfth.” She replied, I tutted then I hummed.

  “Shot.” I said,

  “Fair game.” She replied lifting her hands up as I reached for the first vodka shot, I threw it back then threw the little shot glass off the bed. “Shot.” She agreed, grinning at me then took her own. There were almost ten glasses on the floor when I gave.

  “Truth. Truth. I choose truth.” I said, she grinned at me.

  “Have you…” she said, then she hummed, “have you ever kissed a girl?” she asked, I looked down at the shots before us. “I know you’ve kissed a boy.” She said grinning, so I shook my head.

  “I haven’t kissed a girl.” I said,

  “Ooh.” She cooed at me, “truth.” She added, I smirked.

  “Have you ever kissed a girl?” I asked, she laughed shaking her head at me.

  “No, no I haven’t. You’re right it seems like something I’d have done.” She said, I smirked as she laughed.

  “Dare.” I said, she smiled at me as I grinned back at her.

  “I dare you,” she said, then leant a little closer to me. “To kiss me.” she said, I laughed as I leant towards her.

  “Surely, I’m meant to dare you to kiss me?”

  “Double dare.” She said, I laughed.

  “Double dare.” I agreed amused,

  “You can take a shot first. If you’re n
ervous.” She said, I shook my head, moving closer to her whilst trying to ensure I didn’t knock over any of the shots. She leant her nose against mine, so they were touching then she tilted her head, so I followed suit, following her lead and kissing her.

  “Good morning.” Kian said, I groaned at him then moved, feeling as a sharp pain travelled from my shoulders down my back, I opened my eyes then shut them again because it was too bright.

  “You must’ve had a good night.” he said amused, I opened one eye and looked up at him. I touched my face feeling the frame of my glasses. I opened both of my eyes, finding I was sat on the floor of our en-suite between the toilet and the shower. “Margo’s asleep in your bed, and here you are.” He said amused then held his hands out to me, he helped me stand.

  I groaned once I did touching my head because it hurt then I walked to the sink, leaning my elbows on it, and putting my head into my hands.

  “If I were a detective and had to figure out what had happened, I’d say you and Margo had a bit to drink after I’d left and you came in here to throw up, and feel asleep.”

  “I might’ve come in here to pee.” I replied turning to look at him, he laughed.

  “You didn’t. Hate to break that too you.” He said, I groaned, “I on the other hand did come in here to pee.” He said, I laughed as I turned back to the sink, taking my glasses off and putting them alongside the sink as I washed my face. “Mind if I pee?” he asked, I waved my hand in his general direction.

  “Please, feel free.” I said, then ran my fingers through my hair. “We played a game truth, dare or shot.” I said then put my glasses back on, Kian laughed.

  “You let Margo peer pressure you into a drinking game.”

  “I did.” I agreed, then I turned to actually look at him, “I kissed her.”

  “You what?” he said, then looked up at me.

  “She dared me too.” I said, he laughed as he flushed the toilet then came to stand beside me at the sink, he knocked me to side so he could wash his hands. I groaned and leant my forehead against his shoulder.

  “You’re hungover.”

  “I agree.” I replied, he smirked. “How did sex go?” I asked, Kian laughed then leant his head on mine.

  “The sex went really well.” He said, I smiled into his shoulder. “And was a lot of fun.” He added. “I’m back so early because Connor had to go to work, but we totally agreed we’d have spent most of this Sunday in bed if we could.”

  “It’s Sunday.” I groaned; Kian laughed into my ear. “I need to text Cameron.” I said shaking my head at him, “I am not going home today.” I said then I sighed as I went back into the bedroom, Margo was still asleep on my bed, and multiple shot glasses were scattered around the floor of it.

  “It looks like you guys had a fun night.” Kian said amused, “I’d say I wish I was here, but I really don’t.”

  “How do I kick her out of my bed without being a dick? I want to sleep.” I said, Kian laughed as he stood and walked to Margo, he shook her shoulder a few times until she woke up.

  She groaned at him, as he moved away just about dodging the hit she aimed at him. “Come on my love. I’ll take you back to your room so you can sleep it off.” He said, she sighed but nodded to him getting out of my bed, and wrapping her arm around Kian’s hips. “I’ll come back and clean up. Go to sleep Jacob.” He said, I nodded to him as he laughed and left our room.

  I took my t-shirt off when the door closed, then let my jeans fall to the floor. I stepped into my bed, picking up my phone as I did, and laying back as I searched through my texts until I found Cameron, I sent him a text, telling him I wasn’t leaving my bed today then leant my phone on my chest as I closed my eyes. it vibrated against me as I was drifting off into sleep. I opened the message then I laughed.


  Cameron: I remember it well. Get some rest, we’ll see you next week. C x

  I turned over when I woke up, frowning at Kian’s silhouette before I put my glasses on, he smiled at me once he saw me, I frowned back at him, then sat myself up. He was sat in the darkness just his bedside lamp on beside him, a pair of headphones over his ears, a note pad on his legs, he appeared to be writing something.

  “Evening.” He said, I groaned.

  “Evening.” I repeated, he nodded as I rubbed my eyes under my glasses.

  “Okay, so maybe it’s not fully evening, it’s just turned five.” He said, I looked at the window, our curtains were drawn. “It’s dark.” He added amused, I groaned at him. “Too much to process?” he asked, I nodded. “Well wake up. I’d like to gossip about your best friend.” He said, I laughed as I swung my legs out of my bed.

  “I need the toilet.” I mumbled, “then, yes talk about Connor to your hearts content.” I said, he grinned as I stood and went into the en-suite.

  I felt unbalanced as I stepped into the en-suite, so decided leaning my hand on the wall behind the toilet was the best option to keep myself from falling over. I leant my head against my arm, closing my eyes as I peed. I squeezed my eyes shut against the pain in my head then I gasped as I remembered the rest of the game with Margo. I washed my hands then went back into the bedroom, Kian raised an eyebrow at me as I reappeared, so I went to sit on his bed.

  “What? What have you remembered from last night?” he said, I looked at him. “You had that look on your face, the sober slash hung over realisation of a drunken night.” he said, “so what did you do?”

  “I fooled around with Margo.” I said, his eyes widened but he did a very good job of keeping his voice level.

  “Fooled around like?”

  “Like…” I said, then tried to resist making hand gestures. “She dared me to strip, so I double dared her, stating as long as she did too.” I said, Kian laughed. “Then, she took a shot, so I also did, and then she dared me to touch her. Fuck, I went from being a girl virgin to touching a girl last night.” I said, he laughed.

  “It tends to happen like that.” He replied, I rolled my eyes. “You…” he said, then he sort of stuttered.

  “She touched my dick.” I said, “I didn’t dare her to do that. She gave me a handjob. I, returned the favour.”

  “Jacob.” He said, it almost sounded like a laugh so I groaned again, into my hands. “Did she want you too?”

  “Yeah.” I said nodding, “I asked her over and over, and over. I wanted her too. God, I had fun.” I said, he began to laugh, nodding to me.

  “As did I.” he said,

  “As did you?” I replied, he nodded.

  “We officiated it.”

  “I know you had sex.”

  “No, I mean we officiated the whole boyfriend thing, before we slept together, we were talking about us that cliché conversation, and he said he’d very much like me to be his boyfriend, and I very much agreed, so now. I have a boyfriend.” He said, I smiled at him then I stood picking up my phone and taking it back to my bed.

  “And he didn’t inform me.” I said as I flipped through all of my messaging apps. “Well, I guess I’ve moved down the pecking order.” I said, Kian laughed as he moved off his bed, he picked off his own phone.

  “Come on, let’s get something to eat.” He said, I looked at him rubbing my hand over my stomach, I shook my head.

  “I think I’m still hungover. I don’t think I could stomach anything.” I said, he began to nod.

  “Come with me for the company then?” he asked, I nodded to him. “And to see Margo.” He added, I laughed biting my lip as I shook my head at him. I followed him into the canteen, choosing a table as Kian went through the queue. Margo came to sit next to me as Kian reached the drinks.

  “Still hungover?” she asked, I nodded to her, she laughed.

  “Yep, me too. However, my memory is crystal clear.” She said, I looked at her.

  “Mine too.” I said, she laughed, I instantly relaxed although I wasn’t aware I had been so tense.

  “Regrets?” she asked, I shook my head. “Good.” She replied then she sm
iled at me. “None from me too.” She added, then kissed my cheek and stood to go to the food counter.


  Chapter 6

  I sat on the floor of the studio I’d rented for the hour.

  I sat for a few minutes just looking back at myself as I tied my pointes. I ensured I tied them properly, pulling up my sock and wrapping the black ribbons around tightly, until I tied the knot behind my ankle. I folded the top of my sock back over the knot until it sat right, then I moved onto my other foot.

  Max had frequently told me to wear my socks under my pointes, he’d sat opposite me on the floor, pulling my foot against his calf as he tied my ribbons around my ankles. He told me it’d stop my pointes rubbing, it’d help with the pain.

  He had obviously lied, but had placebo-ed me long enough for me to get through the most painful period of breaking in my pointes. I still wore thick socks whenever I was breaking in pointes, even though I was well aware they did very little to actually aid the process.

  I stood myself at the nearest barre, alternating my feet onto and off pointe. I rose onto pointe as I let go of the barre. I was still warmed up from my lessons this morning so I walked back into the centre of the room. I still alternated my feet onto and off pointe until I rose on both feet, lifting my arms into fifth.

  I closed my eyes as I counted the beats in my head then I began to dance the Edward solo, smiling to myself as I rose into my arabesque, I looked at myself in the mirror holding my arabesque then I sighed happily as I let it drop, and I moved across the floor into the following extension, then I stopped listening through the music as it continued. Arlo had taught us the next section, but had said we would only need it if we progressed and had to do a Pas De Deux audition. It had involved multiple lifts and, it finished with a kiss.

  I smiled to myself as I created a circle with my pointe then stood back up on them, holding my arms back in fifth as the music looped and started again. I danced through to the arabesque, raising myself up.

  “You dance en pointe?” I heard, and I fell out of the arabesque, catching myself before I actually fell to the floor. I turned quickly, looking at Abi who was stood in the doorway, a duffle bag over her shoulder, her pointes tied together over the strap of her bag. She wore what looked like a leotard, but looked far softer and had shorts, she wore it with legwarmers, which reached her thighs, I was obviously spending far too long look at that area of her body. “Jacob.” She snapped at me, I looked back up to her face.


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