Embracing Forever

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Embracing Forever Page 6

by K. Aten

  Sarah took a deep breath and imagined she could smell Keller’s arousal, or maybe just her own. While the strap-on under her jeans seemed like a good idea at first, she didn’t realize how much it would affect her. It rubbed against her clit deliciously with every step, not to mention the way it fit inside. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but it wasn’t completely comfortable either. She sighed and pulled back from Keller. Seeing her flushed face, Keller laughed delightedly. “What’s the matter, love? Has the toy got you all hot and bothered?”

  Sarah took another step back and ran a tremulous hand through her dark hair. “You could say that. Definitely no dancing tonight, or we’re going to give everyone a show!”

  Keller held out a hand. “Let’s go get a few drinks and calm you down, then we’ll see about a show.”

  Sarah moaned. What had she gotten herself into? Despite having no circus performance on Fridays, the club was surprisingly busy. They had to fight their way to the stairs that led to the next level. While the bar on the second floor didn’t have much of a wait, there was still a crowd watching the people on the dance floor below. So after each downing a shot and grabbing a couple of beers, Sarah suggested they check out the third floor. The top level wasn’t anything more than a small area across the back of the church, with mere walkways along the sides. They knew from experience that there was an elevator door that would be at the end of the walkway on the left. They decided to take a seat on one of the low couches while they sipped their beer. Between the alcohol and the fact that Sarah was no longer moving around, the singer’s arousal had cooled a bit. At least until Keller set her beer down and quickly moved to straddle her lap. Heat shot straight to her core. “Oh God, what are you doing?

  Keller smiled and rolled her hips, enjoying the way Sarah’s eyes fluttered closed. She leaned down and captured her lover’s lips in a hot kiss. When she pulled back, she winked at the woman below her. Rubbing herself on the toy that was hidden below denim was serving to turn herself on as well. Keller enjoyed the slightly parted lips and whimpers that Sarah couldn’t seem to control. “Relax. I want to dance with you so I’m trying to take the edge off now. This way you won’t be so sensitive later. I don’t want another night with speed racer.”

  Sarah made a face. “You were just as bad that night yet you won’t let me forget it!” The woman straddling her lap merely laughed and increased her grinding pace. Sarah’s breath hitched. “Keller, we can’t do this here! We are completely out in the open.”

  Keller leaned down and traced Sarah’s bottom lip with her tongue. Then she moved near Sarah’s ear and breathed the softest of whispers. “Can’t we?” Keller knew exactly what toy Sarah was using. Not only did it put pressure on her clit, but it also had an extra portion that rested inside. She knew in that exact moment Sarah’s muscles would be clenching around the hard length. She was both jealous of the toy, and jealous of Sarah. Later. She would get her own later. Knowing that they could indeed be found out any second, she opened herself wide to Sarah. Barriers down, the lust flowed freely between them. At the last second before they both fell over the edge, she leaned in again and took Sarah’s mouth hard. Sharp teeth accidentally cut a lip, and the blood boiled in their veins. It was always like that, so hot and wet between them. And it was something that Keller would never take for granted after centuries without it.

  As the orgasm swept through them, Sarah held the smaller woman’s hips so she could thrust even harder against her. When it was over, they lay on the couch panting. Keller had fallen forward into her, resting her head on Sarah’s shoulder. While sweat cooled, Sarah marveled at their connection. Sometimes it was overwhelming, but it was never less than amazing. One of the things Sarah noticed after her change was that instead of getting languid and sleepy after a really powerful orgasm, she now felt energized. The sex and connection they had was like fuel to their fire. Keller told her it was completely normal, and it was a good thing vampires had such amazing stamina.

  Tonight, as with most nights, Sarah was in complete agreement. Not wanting to wait any longer, she stood with Keller in her arms. Both women shuddered again as Keller slid down her body and stood on her own two feet. Sarah watched her lover run a hand through messy blonde hair. Knowing her reprieve from the intense arousal of earlier was going to be short-lived, she wanted to get in that promised dance. “Come on, let’s grab a few more drinks and do some dancing.”

  Keller growled at the singer’s teasing look. “Oh yes, lets.” After a few more shots on the second floor, they took their fresh beers downstairs to the main level. The dance floor was still packed when they forced their way on. They were lucky enough to find a place to set their sweating bottles before grinding together with the beat of the music. As Keller held her from behind, Sarah took the opportunity to tie the ends of her shirt under her ribs, leaving her belly bare and the fact that she was packing very obvious if one chose to look. Her low-slung jeans just barely covered the length of the toy beneath. As they danced, Sarah could feel eyes on them. Turning her head, she was surprised to see her friend Jill dancing nearby. What didn’t surprise her was the heat Jill’s gaze held. She smiled and crooked her finger to call the tall redhead over to them.

  Jill looked at her ex curiously when she saw Keller step into view. The blonde seemed familiar, but she couldn’t place the face. Sarah and Jill both considered the other their best friend, no matter how much time or distance was between them. But now that Sarah was back in town for good, Jill was starting to miss not seeing her friend. The veterinarian hadn’t seen Sarah in months and wondered if this woman was the reason. However, the look of lust that Sarah was sending her way left her unsure. She shrugged and made her way through the crowd anyway. Maybe they were in an open relationship.

  When Jill finally made it to their corner of the dance floor, Sarah gave her a fond smile. She leaned in close so Jill could hear her. “I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Keller.” Holding Keller’s hand, she pulled the shorter woman near. “Keller, this is my closest friend, Jill.”

  Keller grinned. “The ex?”

  Jill blushed slightly, wondering how serious Sarah was, and curious about how much the small blonde knew about their past. “It was many years ago, but yes. You seem familiar, do I know you from somewhere?”

  The bar manager gave her a seductive look as she caressed the taller woman’s hand in greeting. “Perhaps.” Seeing the startled look on Jill’s face, as well as the uncomfortable look that the redhead cast toward Sarah made Keller burst out in laughter and leaned close to her so she could be heard over the music. “Relax Jill, I’m just playing with you. I’m the manager of The Merge, so perhaps you’ve seen me there.”

  Jill blew out a relieve breath but was taken by surprise again when Sarah grabbed her by the hand. “Let’s dance, we can catch up later!” Even more surprising was that the singer maneuvered Keller between them into a sandwich and winked at her. Curious. It almost felt like old times.

  While Jill was busy grinding against Keller’s ass, Sarah leaned down and spoke into her lover’s ear just loud enough for Keller to hear and no one else. “What do you think?” Keller grinned and pulled her into a kiss. Understanding the bar manager’s approval, she spoke again. “I think I could get us an invitation to her place.” After she spoke, she worked her way around until Jill was in the middle of the sandwich.

  Jill was only taller than Sarah by an inch, and she was well aware of what the singer was grinding into her. As soon as the realization hit, she forgot about the blonde in front of her and whipped her head around to look at Sarah. “You are not!”

  Sarah smirked and pressed her full length into Jill. “Is there a problem?”

  A dark red eyebrow raised toward her hairline as Jill abruptly stopped dancing. “Are you two serious?”

  Keller came around to stand next to Sarah when she realized the two taller women had stopped dancing. Sarah took her hand and grabbed Jill’s as well. She pulled them to the edge of the dance floor, near where th
ey left their beer bottles. Sarah grabbed hers and took a swig, then offered the rest to Jill. They could hear slightly better since they were off to the side in the transept. That was the area that formed the cross-shape of the first floor of the church. Sarah gave her friend a smile. “We are very serious, but we also like a little adventure once in a while.” She cocked her head. “What about you, do still enjoy a little adventure?”

  Jill threw her head back and laughed loud enough to turn a few heads their way. “You never change, do you?”

  Sarah gave her a look that was full of simmering heat. “Oh, I’ve changed plenty but that’s a story for another day.”

  Jill looked from Sarah, to Keller, and back to Sarah. “Why not today? You two can come over to my place and fill me in.” She licked her lips, suggesting more than just an interest in gossip. She waited, already anticipating a night of fun of which she hadn’t seen in many years. Sarah’s new girlfriend was hot, and Jill was definitely open to their type of adventure. “Well?”

  Sarah looked at Keller with an unspoken question. Keller smiled and Sarah gave Jill their answer. “I think that sounds great. We’ll follow, I’m assuming Sarah knows the way.”

  Sarah’s old friend nodded and led the way toward the exit. The crowd was still heavy so they had to stay close to one another to thread through. When they popped out of the crowd near the back of the church, Jill abruptly stopped and turned toward Keller and Sarah. “One of you is good to drive right? You can ride with me if not.”

  The singer laughed, knowing that with her vampirism the alcohol wouldn’t be an issue. Her body metabolized much too fast, so any buzz she had earlier was already burned off and she was left without any impairment. “No worries, we’re good. We’ll be right behind you.” They went in separate directions when they got outside the club.

  As they were walking to Sarah’s SUV, Keller noticed her lover was having trouble. Sarah’s lips were parted and she was breathing a little heavier than normal. Knowing that the toy was most likely the cause of her discomfort, Keller smirked. “Would you like me to drive?”

  “God yes!”

  When they were buckled into the Blazer, Keller looked at her lover. “Are you okay with this? Is this a good idea to do this with someone you know, that you are close to?”

  Sarah cocked her head. “The more I think about it, the better I think it will be. I know she’s open to it, I know she isn’t expecting more than a good time. And I think between the two of us, we can both feed and cloud her memory of it without having to make her forget we were there.” She frowned with her next thought. “Besides, with the way I’ve been feeling lately, we have to do something.” She looked at Keller. Her lover’s face was dimly lit by the streetlights. “This isn’t too weird for you is it, because Jill is an ex-girlfriend?”

  Keller raised her right hand to cup Sarah’s face. She opened her shield and connection to Sarah, and smiled. “Does it feel like I’m worried about anyone else? Our connection is everything. It is all there ever was, or ever will be; we are bound together for life.” She moved her hand away and laughed. “I feel pretty secure in that.”

  Sarah smiled and rested a hand on Keller’s leg while the shorter woman pulled away from the curb. “Okay then. Now, Jill lives out by Franklin Park so keep heading east on Broad Street. She lives on Auburn, which is right across from the high school.”

  The bar manager chuckled from the driver’s seat. “A redhead lives on Auburn Street? Seriously? You know what they say about gingers…”

  Sarah shook her head. “I wouldn’t call her a ginger to her face or you’ll be a bottom for the rest of the night.” Keller raised a pale brow in disbelief and Sarah smirked. “Or call her a ginger, because having you bottom for both of us sounds kind of fun too.” It wasn’t long before they found themselves in a quiet residential neighborhood. It was well after midnight, so most lights were out in the surrounding houses when they pulled up to Jill’s two story home. Sarah could see that Jill had beat them by more than a few minutes since multiple lights were on in her house. Sarah teased Keller. “Come on my bonny lass, the tall girls are going to make a proper lady out of you.”

  Feeling the slight heat of challenge, Keller let a little of her control slip as they walked up to Jill’s front door. The wash of prickling power covered Sarah’s skin with goose bumps. But the piercing bolt of lust from Keller nearly buckled Sarah’s knees. “If I’m a bottom, it’s simply because I want to be. We’ll see who will be dominant by the time the night is through.” In that moment when Keller’s blue eyes met Sarah’s green, the world around them seemed to disappear.

  Sarah ran a tongue over suddenly dry lips. “I can’t wait.” The spell was broken when Jill opened the door.

  Noticing the heated gaze between to the two women on her doorstep she chuckled. “Are you coming in, or are you going to give the neighbors a show?”

  The tall brunette laughed in response and brushed past Jill on her way in. She made sure to rub against Jill’s not-insubstantial breasts. “Shut up, Red, your neighbors are asleep.”

  Noticing the way Jill’s nipples hardened with Sarah’s touch, Keller paused when going by her. Taking the taller woman’s hand, she brought it to her lips for a chaste kiss. Looking into the blue eyes of Sarah’s friend, Keller let a little of her lust rush through the woman. It wasn’t a clouding of the mind, just a light wash. With her voice purposely lower to prolong the sexual haze, she spoke, “Thank you for inviting us over, I hope our visit can bring you the pleasure you seek.”

  Jill gave a little gasp before shutting the front door again. Keller released her hand and stepped toward the waiting Sarah. Jill finally shook herself from the aroused haze and attempted to offer a little hospitality. “Would either of you like a drink? I have beer, wine, or water.”

  Keller and Sarah answered at the same time. “Water’s fine.”

  After retrieving three bottles of water from her fridge, Jill handed over two of them to her guests. “Let’s go into the living room where we can talk.” She led the way through the open floor plan first floor to a spacious and well-decorated living room. After turning on the gas fireplace, she took a seat on an over-stuffed chair near the sofa. Sarah and Keller sat on the couch. Despite the arousal that was still coursing through her from Keller’s words and Sarah’s touch, Jill tried to make small talk. She genuinely wanted to know about Sarah and Keller’s relationship. “So how did you two meet? Was it at The Merge?”

  Sarah smiled. “Actually, Keller is Annie’s boss, and we just kept running into each other everywhere.” She shrugged. “We hooked up a few times and then we kept hooking up.”

  Keller laughed. “What can I say, I’m irresistible.”

  Sarah shoved her. “Oh please, you were the one who was conspiring with my sister to get me to move in with you!”

  Keller protested. “We did no such thing!”

  Jill’s jaw dropped in shock. “Wait a minute!” She pointed at Sarah, then at Keller while she spoke. “You moved in with her?” When Sarah nodded Jill just stared. “Oh my God, you mean someone has finally tamed the untamable Sarah Colby? All your fans will be so disappointed!”

  Keller cleared her throat and held up a single finger. “Actually, I can attest that she has not been tamed at all.” She gave Jill a simmering look. “Would you like to find out?”

  Just like that, the small talk was forgotten. All three of them stood then Sarah and Keller approached Jill. Walking right up to the taller woman, Sarah pulled her into a deep kiss. Sarah’s arousal was already running hot from the toy, so she had to make a real effort to keep her teeth retracted. Meanwhile, Keller was plastered against Jill’s side, with one hand running up the front of her shirt, and the other running down the back of her pants to squeeze the firm ass inside. Keller caressed Jill’s soft belly skin and work her way up to lightly skim over the tops of her breasts, and then move back down again. When her fingers finally ran across achingly hard nipples, Jill gasped and pulled away from Sa
rah’s mouth.

  She turned her head and pulled Keller into a kiss. Sarah moved behind her ex and started grinding into her ass. It took less than a minute before she had to stop and back away because the toy nearly sent her over the edge. Sensing how close her lover was to orgasm, Keller pulled back as well. When Jill gave her a questioning look, Keller nodded toward Sarah. They both took in the parted lips and glassy eyes and knew she was right there, so close.

  Jill smiled fondly, remembering the many times she had seen that look in Sarah’s eyes. Grabbing Keller’s hand, she addressed Sarah. “Let’s move this to the bedroom, I want to see you fuck your girlfriend with that thing before you blow your top. Will alcohol help take the edge off?”

  Sarah gave a shaky laugh and was joined by Keller. “If it’s strong enough, and only for a little while, why?”

  Jill grinned and led them into the kitchen. She let go of Keller’s hand and grabbed three shot glasses from the cupboard before lining them up on the long breakfast bar. Then she opened her freezer and removed a bottle of Rumple Minze. After pouring generous shots, Jill grabbed the small thick glass and raised it into the air, waiting for her guests to follow. “A toast, to the freshest breath you can get after drinking alcohol!” With that, they each tossed back the one hundred proof peppermint liqueur. Jill shuddered. “Brr, that’s good stuff!”

  She froze suddenly when she noticed two pairs of eyes gone very dark with arousal. Sarah began to unbutton Jill’s shirt while Keller poured another shot and moved the other two glasses out of the way. Once the shirt was open, Sarah released the bra’s front clasp and Jill licked her lips in anticipation. She didn’t have to wait long. Sarah grabbed hold of Jill’s ass and lifted her onto the counter with ease. “Jesus, Sarah!”


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