Embracing Forever

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Embracing Forever Page 11

by K. Aten

  The short blonde smiled and answered for Sarah, knowing the events from the previous year were still hard for the singer to talk about. “Annie knows. I’m afraid we’ve all been through a lot over the past six months. I was forced to infect Sarah when she was nearly killed last year. She didn’t deal well with it. Then there was a scuffle with some local werewolves that were helping us keep Sarah contained and Jesse was accidentally infected as well. Annie has done an amazing job handling everything.”

  The other two couples walked over as Keller finished speaking and Annie overheard the very end. “What have I been handling?”

  Sarah laughed and tugged her earlobe. “The fact that your girlfriend is a scruffy bitch sometimes!”

  “Hey, I resemble that comment!” Jesse protested good-naturedly and the rest of the group joined in the laughter.

  Remembering her conversation with the married couple, Annie excitedly turned to her sister and Keller. “Do you know who Mozzie really is?” They both shook their heads. “He is the bastard son of a very famous eighteenth century composer.”

  They both turned their heads to take in the tall thin werewolf. Keller said the first thing that came to her mind. “Mozart was short.” Sarah shot her a startled look. The certainty with which Keller spoke of things centuries old amazed her sometimes. It was easy to forget that her lover started her days in a more primitive time. The amount of history Keller must have seen was mind boggling to the extreme.

  “Ja, meine dame. But my mother Magdalena was tall and thin. I can play like mein vater but sadly I did not inherit his level of genius for composition. But I do well enough with meine Frau und Freunden.” Mozzie had a pleasant tenor when he spoke. And while he spoke with the accent of his home country, his English was very easy to understand. He had short brown hair that curled slightly around his face, and he was sporting the beginnings of a scruffy chin-strap. His wife had her arm curled loosely around his waist. She wasn’t as tall, but nearly so. Her long black hair and straight bangs provided a dramatic contrast to her ethereal skin.

  She had a slight accent when she spoke but none of them could tell what her original language was. “My husband is so modest. He writes beautiful songs. They’re just not as well known.” She focused on Sarah. “I too would love to hear your music, Sarah.”

  Sarah was immensely flattered that such a talented group of musicians would be interested in her work. She was trying to think of a way to get her CD’s to them when Keller spoke up. “I know you have another show tomorrow night, why don’t I give you an official invitation to my condo for brunch mid-morning. Good food, great view, and both new and old friends. I couldn’t think of a better way I’d like to spend my time. Let’s say eleven?”

  Colton immediately clapped her on the arm. “Blimey, Bob’s yer uncle! We’ll be there!”

  Annie looked at Sarah. Sarah looked at Keller, and Jesse vocalized what the Colby sisters were thinking. “What?”

  Grace laughed and translated for the Americans. “She thinks it’s a great idea, and I do too.”

  Keller clapped her hands together. “Good, it’s settled then.” She glanced at Mozzie and Corentine then focused back on her old friends. “Now, it hasn’t been so long that I don’t remember what it’s like right after a show. So we’re just going to say our goodnights and look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.” Sarah looked at her curiously but didn’t speak. Instead the eight people all exchanged hugs and handshakes and went their separate ways.

  Once in the car, Annie began chattering to Jesse in the back seat. Sarah started her SUV and drove toward Annie’s house. Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, Sarah said what was on her mind. “I have so many questions.”

  Keller laughed. “I’m sure you do.”

  “First, what did you mean by remembering what it was like after a show?”

  Keller looked at her from the passenger’s seat. “You actually got a taste of it when you were on stage tonight. You know how there is a lot of energy when we go to a dance club? You haven’t played in public since your transformation, but imagine standing on stage and having the energy of tonight’s crowd directed at you for a few hours, instead of just the one song. It’s not all sexual, which is what makes it bearable. But some of the songs…”

  Sarah’s eye’s widened. “Oh. Yeah. That would be—hell. I’m surprised they didn’t kick us out sooner.”

  The younger couple had stopped to listen from the back seat. Annie was the first to speak up between them. “So how is it for werewolves? You say vampires can take in energy, and that wolves emote it, but how does that much energy affect Colton and Mozzie?”

  Keller tried to think of a good analogy to explain to everyone, including the one person who couldn’t feel or sense the energy all around them. “So for a vampire, it’s like being really thirsty and you’re swimming in a pool of the most delicious liquid. The temptation is immense. It’s a bit different for the wolves. They emote a high amount of energy all the time. That is why they have to stay so physically active, why they run the woods, have sex, etcetera. When they’re in a place that is so full of energy, it’s like two rivers meeting. The greater river, the crowd, will cause the lesser one to “back up.” So it’s a lot like when wolves change back to their human form. The skin feels too tight, all the emotions and senses are crammed into a little human space.”

  Annie looked at her girlfriend. “Is that how you felt tonight?”

  “Not quite. While I could feel the pressure all around me, it was more like being in a ball pit at the kid’s pizza place. Maybe it’s because I was part of the big river?”

  Keller nodded, though the two in the back couldn’t see it. “Yes, that’s a good way to put it. All the energy was being directed toward the stage. Energy that people give off is more like a hair dryer than perfume. Yes, if it is not dissipated it will eventually fill the room, much like a scent. However, it is often directed, whereas a scent simply fills the room slowly.” She shook her head at the poor analogy, but supernatural metaphysics were difficult to explain on a good day.

  Everyone rode quietly after that, taking the time to absorb the amazing night. Sarah’s problems were temporarily forgotten in the wake of such soul-soothing music. Her stomach fluttered at the thought of the members of Resurrection actually wanting to hear her stuff and of Grace’s mention of them looking for new bands to sign to their label. Enjoying the pipe dream of making it big, she smiled to herself in the dark.

  THE NEXT DAY, Keller made a quick run to the grocery store for enough food and drinks for everyone. By the time people started arriving, they had all the ingredients for Bloody Marys and mimosas. They also had pans of waffles, bacon, sausage, hash browns, and all the fixings for breakfast burritos. Annie and Jesse arrived first, full of energy and excitement. Annie had the code to the front entrance, so there was no need to meet them downstairs. Keller had texted Grace the address and parking instructions the night before and the band arrived a little after eleven. Sarah noticed right away that Corentine was carrying her violin case, and she felt a flutter of anticipation that they might have time for an impromptu jam session after brunch.

  There was a sideboard on each wall of the dining room where they arranged the food and drinks. There was plenty of room for the eight of them once Keller put a few leaves in the dining room table. The conversation flowed easily while the group enjoyed their brunch. Sarah watched the amount of food the wolves in the room ate with some amusement. They were the biggest and fastest eaters, even the mellow-seeming Mozzie.

  Colton was the first to sit back in her chair and rub her stomach. “Aye, mates, that was absolutely scrummy!” She raised her Bloody Mary glass in front of her. “Cheers to the good food and great new friends!” Everyone raised their glasses with her, with a chorus of “cheers” going around the table. Jessie and Annie volunteered to help Keller clean up while Sarah showed the rest of the group around.

  The condo was a very open concept floor plan. On the adjacent corner o
f the living room, with wraparound floor-to-ceiling windows, the grand piano sat. Sarah went to the touch screen built into the wall and lightened the window tint, as well as turned on the track lights above the beautiful instrument. There was a spot where the windows turned to brick wall, before the living room area. Sarah kept a variety of instruments there that she didn’t need at the studio where she gave lessons. The collection consisted of a few different types of hand drums, an acoustic guitar, a banjo, a trumpet, and a wood flute that she had picked up a music festival a few years back. She continued the tour and they eventually ended up back near the piano.

  Mozzie looked up from the keys he was caressing. “May I?”

  Sarah nodded then remembered her CDs. Since Mozzie was now busy tinkering with a fancy tune she addressed Grace, Colton, and Corentine. “I’ll be right back. I’ve got a couple copies of my first two albums in the closet.” When she was digging around in the closet of the spare room, she thought she heard a familiar tune being played on the piano. “Oh shit, my notes!” She quickly found what she was looking for and returned to the living room in time to catch Grace’s question.

  “What are you playing Mozzie? I love it!”

  Sarah answered. “It’s called Blood of My Blood, and it’s one of the songs that’s going to be on my new album.”

  Mozzie flushed in embarrassment, realizing he had been peeking at another musician’s notes. “Forgive me, I did not realize this was one of your original works. I merely saw the music sitting up here and began playing.”

  Sarah smiled at his uncharacteristic nervousness. The man always seemed cool and collected, even when the band played on stage. “It’s fine, Mozzie.” She took her old acoustic off the pegs set into the brick wall. “I can play the whole thing if you want?” Colton grinned and settled onto the floor with a Djembe drum between her knees. Sarah laughed. “Help yourself to the instruments. And if you want to play along, there are actually two copies of the song on the piano.”

  Mozzie gave her his own reserved smile, but she could see his eyes were twinkling at the thought of playing something new. Corentine sat on the bench with Mozzie without crowding him, and Grace took a seat on the chaise lounge. Without further ado, Sarah started playing. Colton waited a few measures to get a feel for the song then started a rhythm on the drums, her hands providing a good counterpoint to the melody. It had a bit of a funky upbeat blues sound that had even Corentine nodding along. By the time the piano part came in, Keller, Annie, and Jesse had finished cleaning up and settled in to listen. Grace had her eyes shut, listening intently.

  When the song ended, all those not playing an instrument clapped their approval. Annie was not shy with her praise. It was something her older sister always appreciated. “That was great, Sarah; I hadn’t heard that one yet. You said this is going on the new album, right?”

  Sarah nodded. “Yeah, but it’s not quite right. That’s why I have the music here at home. I’m still trying to work out the center section, the hook.”

  Grabbing another acoustic from the stand next to the chaise, Grace spoke up. “What if you tried adjusting the fingering in that part, like this?” She perfectly played the refrain leading to the hook that Sarah was trying to clean up. But when she played the troubled spot it was slightly different.

  The fingering was different but Sarah couldn’t immediately figure out how. “That’s it! What did you do there?”

  “Watch.” Grace repeated the fingering a little slower, then observed Sarah while she duplicated it. “Perfect, you’ve got it!”

  Annie, who was cuddling with her girlfriend, also had some input. “You know, the hand drum in there sounds great with this song. But I think you need more. This would be a perfect foot stomper if you have a little drum solo before the third chorus. Like the drums are holding back the water, before letting it crash into the chorus one last time. I’m not saying for the album, but maybe in the live versions…” She trailed off, realizing she was giving musical opinion to a room full of musicians. “Heh, never mind.”

  Sarah already had her eyes shut, going over the song in her head. When she opened her eyes, she turned a slow smile onto her younger sister. “I think it’s a great idea, A!” Turning to Colton, she added, “Do you think you can improvise something?”

  The drummer grinned. “Sure thing, luv, let’s give it another go, yeah?” The group gave a little laugh while Sarah counted it off to start again. Even Grace kept the guitar and joined in. The second time through went much better and they perfectly nailed the sound that Sarah was looking for. Colton gave a little drum flourish when they finished. “Yes, that was aces!”

  “Wow, that was fun. And it was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for helping me finish my song everyone. I owe you one!”

  Jesse turned to her girlfriend. “That was hot! You should definitely start playing the guitar again! Now I really want to hear you.”

  Grace looked at the younger Colby sister. “You play too?”

  Annie shrugged. “Not for many years. I’m afraid I’d flub more chords than not.”

  The bandleader winked at her. “Well why don’t you come over here and show me. Perhaps Colton can give a quick drum lesson to Jesse.”

  The werewolf that was more nerd than musician immediately jumped up and bounded over to sit next to the drummer. “Sweet!”

  After about five minutes of working with the younger women, Corentine took out her violin and suggested they play a song from their first album, one that Annie and Sarah would both know. Everyone turned to Annie and she thought for a second. “Stake My Claim?”


  The next song was even more fun since everyone was involved. There were a few missed notes but much more laughter. They joked around, mixed more mimosas, and continued to play for a few hours. Any time a song was played that someone didn’t know, they’d either sit out or just join in the best they could. It was a true jam session and a real bonding experience for the eight people in Keller’s condo. Even Keller picked up the flute and joined in with the merriment. And when the flute didn’t fit with the song, she simply picked up a drum and added to the rhythm section. It was fun and lighthearted, and something the four Columbus residents desperately needed.

  Eventually the band had to leave to get ready for their show that evening. They took copies of Sarah’s two albums and made her promise to send them her newest one once it was finished. In return, they all signed copies of their newest album for Sarah, Jessie, and Annie. And Grace promised that they’d all catch up again when their North American tour was finished in June. The condo seemed strangely empty when the four members from Resurrection took their leave. Keller and Sarah were next to each other on the low-slung leather couch while Annie and Jessie shared the chaise lounge. One of the newly-signed Resurrection CDs was playing softly while they sat in the aftermath of their day of fun. Finally Jesse sighed and broke the silence. “That was awesome.”

  Annie, who was seated between her girlfriend’s legs, laid her head back against the werewolf’s shoulder and sighed too. “I need to start practicing again.” Keller smiled and thought about their future and what the next life for all of them would hold. Sarah merely closed her eyes, head full of music as usual, though sadly it still wasn’t anything new. What she didn’t admit was that she was having a hard time finishing the song because she couldn’t seem to write anything lately. It was as if the more worried she got about her sister, the more she just bricked everything off. But the emotions she was blocking were the same ones responsible for her writing. She had locked herself into an emotional prison and had no idea how to get out.

  Chapter Six

  “SOMETHING HAS TO be done, Keller!” Her food forgotten, Sarah’s frustration was evident as she scanned a write-up on the second page of the paper. It had been nearly four weeks since their fun-filled day with the members of Resurrection. Sadly, real life had come back with a vengeance as Sarah immersed herself into the music once again and Keller upped her dedicat
ion to looking for a suitable replacement manager for The Merge. They were having a rare few hours together with a late breakfast before Sarah was to head off to give Saturday lessons at her studio.

  Keller had just taken a bite of her toast when she looked up in concern. “What’s up, love? Is the mayor closing another homeless shelter?”

  Sarah turned the paper around so her girlfriend could see the article she was looking at. She started reading aloud because she was too fired up to wait for Keller to scan the entire thing. “After a rash of pet attacks and mutilations around the Alum Creek State Park area, officials are now convinced that the hikers found dead a few weeks ago were the result of a wild dog attack. They caution that a potential pack of wild dogs are loose in the area and are asking people to keep their pets indoors or well-monitored until park officials, animal control, and trained volunteers can track down the dangerous animals.”

  Keller snorted. “Are they idiots? Don’t they know the difference between wolf and dog tracks?”

  “I don’t know the difference.” Sarah turned the page of the paper and shoveled another forkful of eggs into her mouth.

  “Well if the dogs are large enough, they do look similar, but wolf tracks are typically bigger than most of the largest breeds of domestic dogs. And this is definitely the work of more than one, but I don’t know how many. We could do some snooping in the area where they found the bodies, maybe see what we could find out from the tracks…” Keller trailed off, not entirely confident in her own suggestion.

  Sarah shook her head. “I don’t know the first thing about woods, tracking, or wildlife. So I’d be no help there. Plus, I’m not a detective, Keller, I’m a musician. As much as I hate to say it, we should leave this to the police.”


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