Sweet Surrender

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Sweet Surrender Page 7

by Rebel Wild

  Maybe Chloe’s right. Maybe I am being too harsh about this. I’m lucky Reed even gave me the time of day. It’s not like I have hordes of guys waiting in line to date me. I’ve only had one boyfriend my entire life and he was nothing to write home about. As soon as I lost my hearing and our friends started acting all weird around me, he dumped me. It was too hard to talk to me, he said.

  If by some miracle Reed asks me out again, I’ll definitely say yes. Even though he hasn’t given me the time of day for the past two weeks. Maybe I’ll take him up on his offer and invite myself on up to his office. I doubt he’d want me there. All of his mail’s been redirected to Sharon. If Don’t-Bother-Me was a sign, that would definitely be it.

  I’m just going to give up on this whole getting a Dom thing tonight. Mr. Wet Noodle over here’s making it so much easier for me to call it a night. I must be insane passing up on Reed for this crap.

  This guy’s grossing me out. This time I truly roll my eyes when he slides another drink over to me like I’m going to fall for the get-a-girl-drunk ploy. He might have a chance if it was another Brandy Old Fashioned and not some watered-down, syrupy cocktail.

  He’s talking to me. Did he not catch the fact that I was signing to Chloe right before he sat down? He probably thought it was some new way of communicating, like emojis coming to life or something. I just nod my head. I don’t even bother to look at him long enough to read his lips. I could be agreeing to a gangbang for all I care. There’s no way I’m leaving with him anyway. I refuse to even get out of this chair. I try to get Chloe’s attention for a rescue but she’s too busy drowning in tequila and flirting with the bartender to notice. Nothing short of a smoke signal will get her attention at this point.

  I can’t believe this shit. That idiot is trying to ply her with drinks but my girl is having none of it. Her bored expressions would be laughable if I wasn’t so half ecstatic and half pissed at her being in here. I still can’t believe this shit.

  “Desdemona,” I say approaching where she sits perched in the corner on her barstool. She’s in a Vampira-type getup with her cigarette in a long, dramatic holder. She certainly knows how to play the part. “What can you tell me about her?” I point to Reagan and she looks over at her.

  “Oh, she’s a hot one,” she starts and I’m dumbfounded that she knows her so well. “She has a high pain tolerance. Her limits are strict. You can only get her off with toys. No penetration of any kind. She’s good with both punishment and pleasure. Guys like her because whips and canes are on the table. She has yet to safe word and you know as well as I do that most of these idiots don’t know what they’re doing with those.” My blood boils at the thought of some amateur asshole marring her perfect body with whips and canes. “I was trying to get her to scene with you. She would have been perfect. Still might be. Try introducing yourself to her. She’s obviously not into the one she’s with.”

  Goddamn right, she’ll agree to scene, but it sure as hell won’t be in here. Reagan looks in Chloe’s direction and spots me talking to Desdemona. Her mouth falls open. Her gorgeous eyes bulge to where they almost fall out of her head.

  “Well, it looks like you just caught another one, Mr. Dixon,” Desdemona says. “You need to thank your lucky stars you look the way you do. Have fun and go hard on her. She likes it.”

  “I’ll be sure to do just that,” I say as I walk over to her.

  Reagan shifts her body between trying to submit to me and trying to watch what I’m doing. She glances up and then lowers her eyes several times upon my approach. I come to stand in front of her, making my intentions known that I plan on her being mine. Her Dom wannabe of course sees this as a challenge.

  “She belongs to me,” he tells me.

  I pay him no mind as I hold out my hand to her. She quickly takes it and gets up to stand before me with her head bowed. Her submission to me is clear and the little insignificant fucker she was with has no choice but to concede the victory and leave her with me. I place the index finger of my hand under her chin to lift her head so she can read my lips.

  “Let’s go,” I tell her.

  She grabs her bag and I lead her over to the bar. I get a semi-inebriated Chloe from the stool where I parked her and escort both of them to a waiting Sampson and his car. I sit them in the back and ride shotgun next to Sampson.

  We watch as they sign to each other. I can pick up some of what they’re saying from my nightly YouTube tutorials and it seems they’ve pretty much concluded I’m a Dom, that I’m pissed, and that Reagan is up Shit Creek tonight. Judging by the grin Sampson’s having a hard time hiding as he glances in the back seat, the rest of what they are signing must be pretty damn amusing. I can only guess by the confused looks they both keep shooting my way what they must be saying about me. Both are in black leather mini dresses but Reagan’s is the one that’s enticing me. I wonder how hard I’m going to have to work to get her out of that dress and into my bed tonight.

  Sampson escorts Chloe safely to the dorm room while I take the seat she just vacated next to Reagan.

  “Are you a submissive?”

  She nods. Of course, she’s a fucking submissive. That explains her behavior when I Dommed up and kissed her in my office. How she was so easy to subdue and the way she followed my instructions so readily made me rock hard. I was too busy convincing myself that she wasn’t a sub, I completely missed the opportunity. Fuck, I could have had her back then. That date sure would have gone differently. What the hell am I saying? I don’t date submissives.

  “For how long?” I ask.

  She looks around for her phone and her face falls when she can’t find it. Unfuckingbelievable. You’d think she’d keep track of the damn thing since it’s vital to her communication. I shoot off a text to Desdemona just in case someone turns it in but I know it’s a lost cause. I switch my phone to the documents feature so she can use it to at least type to me. I watch as she does, noticing the black heart drawn on her thumb. Sexy.

  I started when I was 17. My piano teacher was a Dom. He was still willing to teach me piano after I lost my hearing. Called me the next Beethoven. Lol.

  “Did he fuck with you at 17?”

  She shakes her head and I almost laugh at her grossed-out expression.

  I walked in on his wife kneeling at his feet one day and they told me they were in an alternative lifestyle.

  “And they taught you?”

  She shakes her head as she types.

  Once he told my parents what I’d seen, my dad wouldn’t let me go back. I was curious so I researched it on my own. I didn’t actively participate until late last year when I joined the Barfly with Chloe.

  Sampson hops back in his seat and I take my phone from her, ending our conversation. She sits with her head down and her hands folded in her lap as we drive to my beach house. I wonder if she’s even at all concerned about where I’m taking her. The fact that she’s trusting me this much is boosting my ego. The Dom I had to suppress the last time I was with her is slowly coming to the surface.

  I just have to sit and stare at her. I can’t fucking believe it. She’s a submissive, for Chrissake! All this time I’ve been thinking she wants an average guy, but in reality, she wants a fucking Dom. I just hit the goddamn jackpot.

  No wonder she seemed so flat when I dropped her off at her dorm that night. She hated the bullshit I was giving her. I should kick my own ass for missing the clues to this shit.

  Wait a goddamn minute. She was out looking for a Dom tonight. Which means she was done with me. Oh, my naughty girl, you will definitely be punished for that.

  Sampson lets us out before pulling around to his parking space. I take her hand and lead her to the front door, unbuttoning the top three buttons of my shirt as we walk up. Before I can even get the door closed, I have her against the wall, sticking my tongue down her throat.

  She gives into me willingly the same
as before. Her body pressed into mine greedily accepting what I have to give her and at the same time asking for more. The cool rush of air from the crack in the widened door brings me to a halt and she is given a momentary reprieve. Not that she needs it.

  I take her by the hand once again and lead her through my living room. Her head swings from side to side as she looks around. I smirk to myself when I see her eyes linger on the grand piano in the corner just before I sit her down on the couch. If she only knew what I dreamed of doing to her on that piano.

  “Have you eaten?” She nods. “How much have you had to drink?” She holds up two fingers. I go and get her a glass of water. She sips it and tries to set it down. “All of it.” She does what she’s told and drinks it down. “Was that idiot you were with your Dom?” She frowns and shakes her head. “You weren’t going to submit to him?” She shakes her head again. “And to me?” I ask her. She nods.

  She points to me in question. I’m sure she wants to know about me being a Dom.

  “Later,” I tell her. “Right now, I want you upstairs, naked and on your knees waiting for me.” Her lips part and she sucks in a breath at reading what I just said to her. “I’m aware of your limits, Reagan. No penetration of any kind, just toys.”

  She frowns shaking her head. What the hell? Is this not what she wanted when she went to that damn club?

  “I won’t go beyond what you’re not willing to agree to,” I assure her, taking her hand.

  The minute she’s on her feet, she pulls away, making me turn to look at her.

  “What? You don’t want to scene with me?”

  She nods as she holds both hands out in front of her, palms up, and flutters her fingers. “Why?” I ask.

  I’m well aware of what the sign she’s giving me means and I can see that her inability to communicate is frustrating her. I hand her my phone, but what she goes and does next shocks the hell right out of me.

  I can’t believe I left my phone in Chloe’s bag. Well, it’s not like I knew any of this was going to happen. I was perfectly content with sitting in the bar using my submissive behavior as a reason not to communicate with the losers who were trying to get me to go to the basement. How was I to know Mr. Haunting Dark Eyes was going to materialize in all his huge megawatt Dom glory? I just about fell out of my chair when I saw him. He was the definition of what I was looking for: tall, stern, masculine, and cocky. Oh, boy, was he cocky. I’m going to have some really crusty panties in the morning.

  When he walked up and offered me his hand I melted in a heap on the floor. He didn’t just walk, he strutted. He had complete confidence in himself and what he was doing. He knew I was his before I did. It was like the dreams I have of him possessing me came to life, bold and in living color. When I put my hand in his and gave him my submission, I knew he was my Dom just as much as I was his sub and there was no way I was letting him go. I thought he was taking me to the basement. I didn’t want my first time to be down in some overused sex cave, but I was more than agreeable. As long as I was with him, I knew it would be special. I was surprised when he pulled us out of the club to take us home.

  Chloe was so excited on the way back. All she kept signing was I told you so about him being a megalomaniac undercover. She has no clue as to how “megalo” he really is. When it was made clear that I was to stay put while Sampson walked Chloe to our dorm, I signed asking him for the reason. He quickly signed back that Mr. Dixon wanted me with him. I don’t think Reed saw him do it before Sampson left the car, but I was sure happy to know it.

  I knew he lived on the beach. Just about everyone that works at Deuces knows, but I had no idea the house was this big and this close to the water. I can practically jump into the ocean off his back porch.

  Why would one man need this much space? My heart shatters when it occurs to me that maybe he needs space because he has a lot of submissives in and out. Maybe he has a harem of girls that live with him like Hugh Hefner and we all have to take turns. Oh, God, what if we have to fuck him altogether in one big cum swap smorgasbord. I’m sure they’re all more experienced than I am. There’s no way I can compete with that, not that I would try anyway. I’m not into harems. No matter how much I want him, it’s a hard limit for me. But that kiss he laid on me in his foyer could make me change my mind. It was the second-best kiss of my life and both were given by him.

  Oh, please don’t have a harem of girls.

  I’m happy that the house looks empty. It actually looks deserted. I really wish I had my phone so I could ask him why, but the beautifully pristine piano sitting near the large patio window is distracting me. I wonder if he plays.

  He sits me down on the couch and starts to drill me. I want to ask him about his experience as a Dom, but I can’t. It’s so frustrating not being able to communicate with him the way I want to. I hate it.

  “Right now, I want you upstairs, naked and on your knees waiting for me,” he tells me.

  Yes, please, I want to say. I need to relieve tension. He goes on to say he understands that my hard limits do not include sex and I want to tell him that I want to lift that for him, but I can’t. He confuses what I want to say with me not being sure of him, but that’s not the reason. It is the exact opposite and I need for him to know. I sign for him to wait, but of course, he doesn’t understand it.

  He’s trying, but I’m getting more and more aggravated at myself by the minute for not figuring out a better way to communicate. He tries handing me his phone. It’ll take me forever to type out what I want to say to him. I would have to leave a whole lot out and I don’t want to.

  Damnit, this isn’t working!

  “Wait,” I blurt out before I can catch myself.

  Judging by the absolute stunned look on his face, I know he heard me and that’s the very last thing I want.


  Chapter Eight

  Did I hear what I think I just heard?

  “You can speak?” She breathes deeply and nods. “No, don’t do that.” She can’t un-talk her way out of it now. “Talk to me.”

  “I don’t know what to say now, sir?”

  Fuck, fuck, fuck, she called me the submissive sir. She said it. I want to fuck her right now it sounds so good.

  “Why did it take you so long to talk to me?”

  “Not just you. I don’t talk to anyone.”

  “Why not?”

  “I can’t hear myself. I haven’t heard my voice since I was 15. I know I’m talking to you now and you seem to understand me, but I feel very uncomfortable.”

  “What does it feel like?”

  “It’s like when you have on headphones and the music’s so loud you can’t hear yourself. You start to talk too loud without realizing it and everyone around stares at you. Right now, I don’t know if I’m talking too low or too high. I have no clue as to what my voice even sounds like anymore. I don’t know if it’s changed, but I can’t even remember how it used to be. I do know what deaf people sound like. I don’t want to call attention to myself by speaking strangely to people.”

  “Baby, you don’t sound the least bit strange.”

  What the fuck did I just call her? Damn, she’s got me going soft. I don’t know where it’s coming from but I want to take her in my arms and hold her.

  The girl just gave you the rare gift of her voice. Get your head out of your ass and show her how much it means to you.

  I pull her close to me and cup her face.

  “You just said all that and every word was perfect. You have a beautiful voice. Better than anything I ever dreamed up.”

  “You dreamed of the way I’d sound?”

  “I had you screaming out all kinds of things in my dreams, baby.” She flashes a smile and I grin at the way she shifts her hips. “Do you at least talk to Chloe?”

  I hate the thought of her exiling herself when there’s no need. If she didn’
t tell people, they’d never know by the way she talks that she’s deaf. She has the voice of an Angel. My Angel.

  “No, no one,” she says. “I used to talk to my mom, but it started to feel weird. I practice a lot when I’m alone, though.”

  “Does it feel weird with me?”

  “Not with you looking at me like you want to kiss me right now, it doesn’t.” I take that as an invitation and kiss her until I have to pull away to breathe. “Mmmm, you’re good at that,” she says with her eyes still closed. They open when she feels my thumb slide across her lips.

  “I like being the only one that you don’t mind talking to. I’m a selfish, selfish bastard who wants you all to himself.”

  “How selfish? You don’t have a harem of girls living here, do you?”

  “Is that what you’ve been looking for?”

  “It’s a big place for just you.”

  “I like space. No one else lives here and the only people who have access are my housekeeper and Sampson. I don’t have a contracted submissive at the moment. I don’t have a girlfriend nor am I dating. Is that why you didn’t want to go to my bedroom?”

  “No, I want to go.”

  “Then why were you signing for me to wait?”

  “You know the sign?”

  “I’ve been teaching myself sign language.”

  “For work?”

  “For you. I wanted you to feel comfortable around me.”

  “I do. I wanted you to wait because I want to lift my hard limit for you, sir.”

  Fuck the hell out of me. Yes. I need to be inside her tonight.

  “How many Doms have you fucked?”

  I don’t get the feeling that she’s had many, but I also never would have guessed that she was an actual trained submissive either.


  “How many men have you made love to?”


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